Name: Jorge Eduardo Angarita Pérez Code: 2190427 In the movie “The Unforgivable”, our protagonist, Ruth Slater, gets out of prison and then, she starts to return to everyday life, getting a job and an apartment to live in, she also tries to find her little sister Katie, thus starting quite a few problems in her life, that’s the why I think she should have waited until her situation stabilized, since the reintegration process is already difficult. Going back to the movie, we can see that Ruth luckily knows someone who can help her find Katie, a man called John Ingram, he gets Katie’s adoptive parents to meet with Ruth, however, this ends badly, because she finds out that all his letters had been hidden from Katie, so she gets furious. This is a consequence of what I said before, she wasn’t ready to talk, her situation was stressful and obviously she was not going to put up with the refusal of Katie's adoptive parents, again, I think she should have prepared herself to make the best impression. At least, when Steve kidnaps Katie’s adoptive sister, Ruth finally acts in a calm way, preventing him from killing her.