Uploaded by Irish Valentino

Fluid Mechanics Problem Set: Properties of Fluids

Overall Instructions:
Solve the following problems provided with complete and comprehensive solution.
Write your solution on yellow pad paper. For questions with decoded capital letters, the basis
will be your student number following the format 2020-0ABCD-MN-0.
1. A reservoir of ethanol has a mass of 1,400 kg, and a volume of 0.9BC cubic meter. Find it’s a)
weight b) specific volume in English Unit and SI Unit c) density d) specific gravity
2. What is the specific weight in KN/m3 and lbf/ft3 of an air at 480 KPag and 23ā„ƒ?
3. Find the specific volume, specific weight and density in both English and SI unit of helium at 1Dā„ƒ
and operating at 1AD Kpag, assuming the atmospheric pressure is at 101.92 KPa.
4. At 32ā„ƒ and 3AB Kpag, the specific weight of the gas is 12.7 N/m3. Find the gas constant of the gas
in English and SI units, respectively.
5. A liquid is compressed in a container has a volume of 1.5 liters at a pressure of 3.B MPa and a
volume of 0.8BD liter at 2.AC MPa. Find the bulk modulus and compressibility of the liquid.
6.What pressure is required to reduce the volume of water by 0.8ABC percent? Bulk modulus of
elasticity of water is 2.2 GPa?
7. Water in a hydraulic press, initially at 137 KPa absolute is subjected to a pressure at 116,ADB
KPaa. Using bulk modulus at E=3.C GPa, determine the percentage decrease in the volume of water.
8. A rigid steel container is partially filled with a liquid at 15 atm. The amount of liquid is 1.232 liters.
At a pressure of 30 atm, the volume of the liquid is 1.231 liters. Find the average bulk pressure of the
liquid over the given range of pressure if the temperature after compression is allowed to return to its
initial state. Also, find the coefficient of compressibility.
9. A square block weighing 1.1 KN and 250 mm on an edge slides down from an incline on a film of
oil 6 šœ‡š‘š thick. Assuming a linear velocity profile in the oil and neglecting air resistance, what is terminal
velocity of the block? The viscosity of oil is 7 mPa-s and its angle of inclination is 20°.
10. A cylinder of 125 mm radius rotates concentrically inside a fixed cylinder of 130 mm radius. Both
cylinders are 300 mm long. Determine the viscosity of the liquid which fills the space between the
cylinders if a torque of 0.91 N-m is required to maintain an angular velocity of 3šœ‹ radians/sec. Assume
that the velocity gradient to be a straight line.
11.Two large plane surfaces are 25 mm apart and the space between them is filled with a liquid of
viscosity šœ‡ = 0.958 š‘ƒš‘Ž − š‘ . Assuming the velocity gradient to be a straight line, what force is required
to pull a very thin plate of 0.6B m2 area at a constant speed of 0.BD m/s if the plate is 8.4 mm from
one of the surfaces?
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