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Satellite Orbit Design & Analysis with STK

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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Satellite Orbit Design and Analysis Based on STK
To cite this article: Shilin Zhang 2022 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2228 012037
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IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2228 (2022) 012037
Satellite Orbit Design and Analysis Based on STK
Shilin Zhang
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan, 410100, China
Abstract. The design and analysis of satellite orbits has always been a hot topic in the
aerospace field. Through the selection and optimization of orbital parameters, the satellite can
meet the corresponding performance indicators and work requirements. However, there are
often various constraints in actual scenes, so the orbital parameters cannot be set arbitrarily.
Therefore, how to design the orbit under the constraints to make the satellite in optimum
condition is very important. Based on STK, this paper proposes a satellite orbit design method,
and realizes the optimization of the orbit through the simulated annealing algorithm. The
simulation results show that this method can achieve satisfactory results and has certain
practical value.
1. Introduction
Sun-synchronous quasi-regression orbit is a type of orbit widely used by earth observation satellites. It
has the dual properties of sun-synchronous orbit and regression orbit, such as wide coverage, stable
lighting conditions, large orbital height range and easy revisit. Therefore, many earth observation
satellites often choose sun-synchronous quasi-return to orbit. However, as there are fewer and fewer
ideal orbits available for positioning satellites, researchers have begun to consider how to design orbits
under constraints to achieve the best performance of satellites. In response to this, this article proposes
a satellite orbit design method based on STK[1] and combined with the simulated annealing algorithm.
Taking a certain observation mission as an example, the orbit designed by the method proposed in this
paper has satisfactory results, which can provide new ideas for the design of sun-synchronous
quasi-return orbit.
2. Constraints
Taking the Guam base and its aircraft carrier movement as the monitoring mission, design a new
generation of sun-synchronous quasi-return orbit. The orbit should ensure repeated observations of the
base and its aircraft carrier with a resolution of 20 meters within 3 days.
2.1. Flight duration
Three consecutive days from 0:00 on July 15, 2021 to 0:00 on July 18, 2021.
2.2. Satellite orbit
The orbit is the sun-synchronous quasi-return orbit; the return period is 3 days; the flight is 13-16 laps
in one day, and the initial descending node is within 7-11 o'clock.
2.3. Sensor
The focal length is within 10,000 to 50,000 pixels, and the resolution to the ground is not less than
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IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2228 (2022) 012037
20m; the satellite-borne sensor uses a simple cone field of view, with a half field of view angle of 10°
2.4. Ground station
Qingdao Station [36.0°,120.3°,12.0m], Kashgar Station [39.5°,75.9°,1255.0m], Wenchang Station
2.5. Mission requirements
It is assumed that the aircraft carrier departed from the Guam base at 0:00 on the 15th at a constant
velocity of 35 knots. Cover at least one domestic ground station every day as long as possible to
ensure that reconnaissance data is transmitted back to the control center in time; at the same time,
cover all targets as long as possible every day to obtain the latest intelligence in time.
3. Principles of Orbit Design
3.1. Orbital design
The mission orbit is the sun-synchronous quasi-return orbit. Orbital semi-major axis a, orbital
inclination angle i, ascending node red radius Ω, can be calculated from the number of flight laps N,
flight date D, and DNT at the initial descending node. According to the following formula[2]:
Corresponding orbital data can be obtained.
In addition, resolution:
rg  h / ( L f  rf )
As shown in Figure 1, measures to improve resolution rg are reducing the track height h,
increasing the focal length L f , and reducing the particle size
of the photosensitive material.
Figure 1. Resolution schematic.
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2228 (2022) 012037
3.2. Orbital analysis
Calculate the ground coverage performance from the previously obtained orbital parameters and load
performance. Adopting a cone orthoscopic field of view to realize satellite earth observation as shown
in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Satellite earth observation.
Let the field of view angle of satellite observation be FOV, the half center angle of the coverage
width be  , and the coverage width be AB, then the formula is satisfied:
h  Re
  arcsin(
 AO  2  Re 
It can be seen that the higher the orbit altitude, the larger the coverage area, and the relationship is
approximately linear.
Based on the foregoing, if the position vector rT of the ground station or target and the position
vector rS of the satellite are known, the angle between the satellite and the ground station or target is
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃
When  
⃗ ⋅
| ⃗ |⋅| ⃗ |
⃗ ⋅
| ⃗ |⋅| ⃗ |
is satisfied, the ground station or target is within the satellite observation range.
3.3. Orbital optimization
The optimization indicators are determined as follows: (1) Cover Guam at least once a day; (2) Cover
the aircraft carrier at least once a day; (3) Pass at least any observation station every day; (4) Observe
as long as possible[3]. After that, the orbit is optimized by using the simulated degradation algorithm,
outputting the best solution[4].
4. Results and analysis
The result obtained after optimization is: the total number of laps running in the regression cycle N=39
laps, DNT=9.801h at the descending intersection point, and the true anomaly angle f=0.7°. The
corresponding orbital parameters are: semi-major axis a=7635.3km, eccentricity e=0, orbital
inclination i=100.323°, perigee latitude argument ω=0°, ascension of ascending node Ω=81.713°. As
shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4, set parameters in STK and get simulation results:
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2228 (2022) 012037
Figure 3. Oribit in 3D view.
Figure 4. Tracks of all sub-satellite points in 2D view.
Use STK's report data to statistically analyze the number of coverage times, the minimum coverage
time, the maximum coverage time, and the total coverage time of satellite sensors on all ground
stations and targets within 3 days in a tabular form:
Kashi Station
Min Duration
Max Duration
Mean Duration
Total Duration
Table 1. Observation effect.
Start Time (UTCG)
Stop Time (UTCG)
15 Jul 2021 17:18:13.790 15 Jul 2020 17:19:23.195
16 Jul 2021 17:16:45.998 16 Jul 2020 17:17:58.867
17 Jul 2021 17:15:20.215 17 Jul 2020 17:16:32.412
Duration (sec)
15 Jul 2021 17:18:13.790
16 Jul 2021 17:16:45.998
15 Jul 2020 17:19:23.195
16 Jul 2020 17:17:58.867
Aircraft carrier
Start Time (UTCG)
15 Jul 2021 00:03:24.038
16 Jul 2021 13:43:32.864
17 Jul 2021 01:51:38.598
Stop Time (UTCG)
15 Jul 2020 00:04:35.672
16 Jul 2020 13:44:23.567
17 Jul 2020 01:52:42.847
Duration (sec)
Min Duration
Max Duration
16 Jul 2021 13:43:32.864
15 Jul 2021 00:03:24.038
16 Jul 2020 13:44:23.567
15 Jul 2020 00:04:35.672
IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2228 (2022) 012037
Mean Duration
Total Duration
Guam Base
Min Duration
Max Duration
Mean Duration
Total Duration
Start Time (UTCG)
15 Jul 2021 00:03:23.745
16 Jul 2021 00:01:57.357
17 Jul 2021 00:00:34.467
17 Jul 2021 23:59:16.548
Stop Time (UTCG)
15 Jul 2020 00:04:35.522
16 Jul 2020 00:03:09.091
17 Jul 2020 00:01:39.219
18 Jul 2020 00:00:00.000
Duration (sec)
17 Jul 2021 23:59:16.548
15 Jul 2021 00:03:23.745
18 Jul 2020 00:00:00.000
15 Jul 2020 00:04:35.522
According to the STK simulation results, the orbit meets the design requirements. At the same time,
it can be concluded that the factors that affect the coverage performance are: orbital period, true
anomaly at the initial moment, and camera resolution[5].
5. Conclusion
With the help of STK simulation, the satellite orbit can be designed more intuitively. At the same time,
it can be concluded that the strategies for improving the coverage performance include increasing the
camera's resolution capability and increasing the satellite's half-field angle. However, the STK
simulation results and the theoretical results often have slight errors. The reason is that the average
right ascension of the sun actually changes with time, but it is regarded as a fixed value in the
calculation. With the improvement of computer performance and the refinement of algorithms, the
method proposed in this paper will achieve greater breakthroughs.
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