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Highway Drainage Design & Construction

Highway Drainage – prime objective to maintain all parts of the highway in
an excellent drainage condition. To prevent slip and congestion accidents
Hydrologic and Hydraulic requirements – among the facets must be
considered during the early phase pf the design process.
Highway Alignment- and its relationship with the drainage system is the
foremost concern of the hydraulic engineer
Horizontal Alignment – where stream crossings will occur and where
the traverse and longitudinal encroachments
Vertical Alignment – commonly the profile on highway drainage
facilities; must be asses in comparing alternate locations;
determines the level of upstream flooding
1. Depressed roadways – acts as drainage interceptors;
most likely to cut through existing storm drainage
2. Sag Vertical Curves – critical profile areas, serve to trap
highway drainage
3. Steepness of the Highway – determines the spacing of
inlets in areas of roadway with curbs
Three types of Drainage Systems:
1. Surface Drainage
2. Groundwater Drainage
3. Structural Drainage
Basic Design Data – planning and design of drainage facilities should always
be preceded by accurate field surveys
Catchment area – determine the basin boundary from a 1:50,000 mao from
Rainfall Analysis – includes the formation of design hyetographs for
hydrological analysis
Rational Formula – most widely used methods for estimating peak flows for
smaller catchments; Area limits: 5km^2 for urban and 20km^2 for rural.
Qp = cIA/3.6
Coefficient of run off “c” – percentage to which the peak run off is reduced
due to transitionary storage’ ratio of run off to rainfall
Design Storm Frequency – considers estimates of the magnitude of floods
based on frequency of occurrence
Culvert – convey surface water across or from the highway right-of-way;
carry construction and highway traffic, and earth loads.
Culvert Location – horizontal and vertical alignment of the culvert with
respect to both the stream and highway
Deposition – the sediment transport capacity of flow within the culvert is
often less than the stream.
Closed Conduits – designed for the condition of flowing full
Hydrologic Analysis – most important step prior to hydraulic design of a
highway drainage structure
Peak Discharges – occur at the peak of the stream’s flood hydrograph
Estimation of Discharge
1. Catchment delineation
2. Design rainfall analysis
3. Choice and use of hydrological analysis techniques
Cross-section mm paper
CAD/GIS software
Reinforced Concrete Pipes – most widely used conduits for carrying
water under the roadway
Box Culverts – adaptable to uses other than drainage such as
underpass for vehicles, pedestrians, or animals
Wing walls – where flow currents approach the inlet at an angle
Headwalls – stabilize the fill slopes at culvert entrance; prevents
undermining and sloughing of the bank into the stream
Velocity Limits
0.8 m/s – minimum velocity for culverts
5 m/s – max velocity for piped drainage system
Minimum Sizing
910mm – culverts under local roads
1m – under expressway
0.6m – of fill over the top of the pipe
Shape and Cross Section
Circular – most commonly used culvert shape is circular; preferred
due to available structural options for various fill heights
Pipe arch and elliptical shapes – used in lieu of circular pipe where
there is limited cover or overfill
Box or Rectangular – designed to pass large flood and to fit nearly
any site construction
Arches – less obstruction to a waterway is a desirable feature and
where foundations are adequate for structural support.
Multiple Barrels – useful in wide channels where concentration of
flow is to be kept to a minimum
Outlet Scour Control – to reduce flow velocities prior to discharging to
watercourses in order to avoid erosion
Rock pad outlets – commonly adopted for culvert outlets.
Material for Culverts:
Stainless Steel
Culvert End Structures – are attached to reduce erosion etc
Projecting – when the culvert barrel extends beyond the face of the
roadway embankment
Mitered- is cut to conform with the plane of the embankment slope
Pipe End Sections – prefabricated metal or precast concrete sections
Headwater – the total flow depth in the stream measured from the culvert
inlet invert
Tailwater – is the flow depth in the downstream channel measured from the
invert at the culvert outlet
Two major conditions of Culvert Flow:
Flow with inlet control
Flow with outlet control
Highway Storm Drain system – collect, convey, and release storm water
Inlets – enable storm water to be removed from the roadway area
Grate inlets – commonly used inlet structures which are available in
a wide variety of shapes and sizes
Weir or Curb-opening Inlets – primary opening in the face of the
Slotted Drainage inlets – intercept sheet flow, gutter flow with or
without curbs, modify existing drainage systems
Combination Inlets -combination of all
Head loss – energy change in momentum or turbulence in inlets
Hydraulic Gradeline – last important feature; aids the designer in
determining the acceptability of the proposed system.
Manhole – provide access to a storm drain for inspection and maintenance
Junction Chambers – used to connect two or more separate storm drains
together. Ditches and Gutters
Pipe Underdrains – known as French Drains, a trench loosely backfilled with
graded stones . Stabilization Trenches – stabilize saturated foundation area.
Pavement – portion of the road, place above the subgrade and to provide a
running surface for vehicles
Rigid – layers of cement concrete. two layers only; Pavement slab & Subbase Course
Pavement Process – process of determining the thickness and strength of a
pavement laid on a soil foundation
Pavement slabs – maybe constructed without reinforcements. Designed as
continuous structural elements or jointed structural elements
Type of Pavement
Sub-base Course – provides a stable working platform of a rigid pavement
structure consists of one or more compacted layers of granular or stabilized
material placed between the subgrade and the rigid slab
Unbound, gravel surfaces, unsealed or unpaved roads
Flexible Pavements
1. Bituminous surface course
2. Base course
3. Sub-base course – surface of subgrade is the formation level
Essential to know the basic limitations:
Empirical Soil support scale
Soil support Value
Structural Number
Regional Factor
Traffic analysis
Bituminous Surface Course – surface course of a flexible pavement structure
consists of mineral aggregates and bituminous materials
Bituminous Prime Coat – a prime coat is an application of low viscosity
cutback bituminous asphalt to an absorbent surface
Bituminous Tack Coat – a tack coat is a very light application of bituminous
asphalt. Usually with water, to bond between surface being paved and
overlying course
Designing new road pavements:
Subgrade support strength
Pavement material performance
Quality of construction
Common materials used:
Portland Cement Concrete
Reinforcing Steel
Joint Sealing Materials
1. Liquid Sealants – asphalt, hot-poured rubber, polymers
2. Performed Elastomeric Seals – neoprene seals
Development of the Rigid Pavement Design Procedure
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (K) – equation valid for only one
value of modulus of subgrade reaction
Westergaard’s Modulus of Subgrade reaction (k) – loads in pounds
per square inch
Concrete properties
Modulus of Elasticity (Ec) of 29 GPa – average value for concrete
Base Course – portion of flexible pavement immediately after the surface
course; structural portion of the pavement
Expansion Joints – prevent the development of damaging compressive
stresses due to volume change
Sub-base Course – portion of flexible pavement between the subgrade and
Contraction Joints – provide for an orderly arrangement of the cracking that
Longitudinal Joints – used to prevent the formation of irregular longitudinal
Load transfer Devices
Tie Bars – designed to hold the faces of abutting slabs in the firm contact;
withstand max. tensile force
Pavement structure – layered system designed to distribute concentrated
traffic loads to the sub grade
Resilient Modulus – measures the stiffness and it is actually an estimate of
the Modulus of Elasticity (elastic stiffness)
Axle Load – portion of the total vehicle load transmitted to the road though
a single axle
Load equivalence Factor (LEF) – damaging effect per pass to a pavement by
a type of axle to the damage per pass of a standard axle
Design Reliability (R) – the probability that a pavement section using the
process will perform satisfactory over the traffic and environmental
conditions for the design period
Serviceability – defined as the ability to serve high-speed, high-volume
automobile and truck traffic.
Load Transfer Coefficient – factor used in rigid pavement design to account
for the ability of a concrete pavement structure to transfer load
Jointed Pavements (J) – recommended for a plain jointed pavement or
jointed reinforced concrete pavement with some type of load transfer
Stabilized Subgrade – improve the performance of plain and reinforced
jointed pavements