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How to Make Hibiscus Syrup Recipe

How to Make Your Own Hibiscus Syrup
Brew up this ruby syrup in minutes and then use it to instantly create many different summer herbal drinks and
treats. Both beautiful and delicious, this hibiscus syrup is great for summer barbecues and parties.
What you’ll need...
Add the hibiscus and water to a
small saucepan.
Bring the water to a boil. Then cover and turn
off the heat. Let sit for 10 minutes.
Stir in the fresh mint and let sit for an
additional 5 minutes.
While the mixture is still warm, add honey to
taste.* Stir until the honey is dissolved.
Cover with a tight-fitting lid and store in
the fridge.
• 1/2 cup cut and sifted hibiscus (50 grams)
• 2 cups water
• 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
• Roughly 1/2 cup honey
Ideas for Using Hibiscus Syrup
Simple drink: Mix with fizzy water or still water to
create an instant refreshing drink. I add about 1
tablespoon per 10 ounces of water. Add more or less
depending on your taste.
Mocktail: Add the syrup, fizzy water, and a squirt of
lime to a glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well and add
a sprig of mint. Optional: begin by muddling fresh
berries in the glass.
Cocktail: Add the syrup, fizzy water, one shot of spirits
(vodka or gin), and a squirt of lime to a glass filled with
ice cubes. Stir well and add a sprig of mint. Optional:
begin by muddling fresh berries in the glass.
Popsicles: Mix 1/3 cup of the syrup with 16 ounces of
full-fat coconut milk and then freeze into popsicles.
This makes a delicious pink popsicle that adults and
kids will enjoy. Optional: add fresh berries.
Article and photos by Rosalee de la Forêt.
Copyright © 2019 LearningHerbs.com, LLC. All rights reserved.
*A note on preservation: The more honey you
add, the longer the storage life. If you add an equal
amount of honey, say approximately 2 cups, you
will end up with a very stable syrup that will last
for many months in the fridge. I personally find this
way too sweet. I add about 1/2 cup of honey and use
the mixture within the week. Discard the syrup if it
grows mold.
Yield: 2 cups