Rochester Institute of Technology RIT Scholar Works Theses 8-1-1994 Comparing the ability of subjective quality factor and information theory to predict image quality Shyi-Shyang Li Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Li, Shyi-Shyang, "Comparing the ability of subjective quality factor and information theory to predict image quality" (1994). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by RIT Scholar Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses by an authorized administrator of RIT Scholar Works. For more information, please contact Comparing the ability of Subj ective Quality Factor and Information Theory to predict Image quality. By Shyi - Shyang Li B.S. Chinese Culture University ( 1982) A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Center for Imaging Science in the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences of the Rochester Institute of Technology August, 1994 Signature of Author: _S~h_y_i-S_h_y_a_n_g_L_i Accepted by: Dana G. Marsh _ > ~ Coordinator, M.S. Degree P gram / ~ Ifff . COLLEGE OF IMAGING ARTS AND SCIENCES ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROCHESTER, NEW YORK CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL M.S. DEGREE TIIESIS The M.S. Degree Thesis of Shyi-Shyang Li has been examined and approved by the thesis committee as satisfactory for the thesis requirement for the Master of Science Degree Dr. E. M. Granger Thesis Advisor Dr. Dana G. Marsh Mr. Joseph Altman r ~/97'jI Date THESIS RELEASE PERMISSION FORM ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF IMAGING ARTS and SCIENCES Comparing the ability of Subjective Quality Factor and Information Theory to predict Image quality. I, Shyi - Shyang (Robert) Li., hereby grant permission to the Wallace Memorial Library of the Rochester Institute of Technology to reproduce my thesis in whole to in part. Any reproduction will not be for commercial use or profit. Signature: Date: _=-- _----l.... _ _ ill " Comparing the ability of Subjective Quality Factor and to predict Image Information Quality." By Shyi-Shyang Li Submitted to the Center for in partial fulfillment for the Master of Imaging Science of the requirements Science Degree Rochester Institute of at the Technology Theory ABSTRACT The Information methods of the is to purpose of this project Theory This study to predict image quality exposing film. One other allows compare the the flux to exposure ability as a of the function holds the total Subjective of film Quality speed Factor and for two different number of photons constant and vary. will: 1 Determine the relationship between . when the resulting images are reproduced at the 2. Compare the resulting granularity with film grain size and the normal exposure method and image quality for of the constant flux condition the shutter speed as a function of speed. 3. Compare the ability accurately predict of Subject Quality Factor and resulting image quality. flux same size. image quality of varying constant Information Theory to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper would not have been possible without the support of a number of people. First, to insight periods. Dr. Edward M. Granger and guidance Dr. Granger Special thanks served as A are Thanks for special word Thoughout the on principal advisor. my thesis I must also thank committee member as well as Dana G. Marsh for the continuing through the highs and lows that went with this extended being of long the ongoing technical through the difficult support. support and encouragement project. the provided that allowed me to proceed Mr. Joseph Altman for serving providing technical who to Dr. understanding. thanks is owed to my loving period of this project she stood wife, steadfastly Liang-Jen. by me. The many hours and days she willingly gave for me to complete this project. Her unwavering patience made this struggle an enjoyable journey and I will forever be indebted. Finally, I like to present this work to my parent, they provided and emotional support made the completion of this work possible. VI financial TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ii COPYRIGHT RELEASE iii ABSTRACT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES x I. Introduction 1 1 - . 1 Granularity and Image Quality l-2.Subjective 1 Quality Factor (SQF) 1-3. Information 4 Theory (I. T.) 7 1-3-1 General Information 1-3-2 Photographic Applications 1-3-3 Photographic Applications 7 : Discrete Signals 8 Continuous Signals 11 15 n. Methods 2-1 Photograph 2-2 15 preparation determining exposure condition 2-1-1 Setting up 2-1-2 Developing film Evaluating image and and photographic paper quality 2-2-1 Instructions to 33 2-2-2 Results from evaluating image quality Calculating MTF 2-4 Determining granularity 29 32 of photographs observers 2-3 15 of photograph 34 36 of photographs 38 Vll TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) 2-5 Calculating of photographs 39 2-6 Calculating Information Capacity of photographs 40 SQF III. Results 3-1 MTF 3-2 41 Granularity analysis 3-3 SQF V 46 47 of photographs 3-4 Information IV 41 of photographs Capacity of Photographs 49 Discussion 51 4-1 Comparing the 4-2 Comparing the results results base on on SQF and T-MAX-400 References Information and Theory 51 TRI-X 400 films 54 56 VI. Appendices 58 Vlll LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 Subjective FIGURE 2 A typical FIGURE 3 MTF of T-MAX 1 00 film w/ 25 mm lens 38 FIGURE 4 MTF of T-MAX 1 00 film w/ 25 mm lens 42 FIGURE 5 MTF of T-MAX 400 film w/ 25 mm lens 42 FIGURE 6 MTF of T-MAX 3200 film FIGURE 7 MTF of TRI-X 400 film w/ 25 mm lens 43 FIGURE 8 MTF of TRI-X 400 film w/ 55 mm lens 44 FIGURE 9 MTF of T-MAX 400 film FIGURE 10 MTF of T-MAX 3200 film FIGURE 11 SQF FIGURE 12 Information Theory and FIGURE 13 Comparison of 2 Quality Loss Vs Granularity visual system 5 MTF w/ w/ 25 50 w/ mm mm 135 lens 43 lens mm 44 lens 45 48 results SQF ranking Granularity by using I. IX prediction T. and SQF 51 53 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 List TABLE 2 Information TABLE 3 Conditions TABLE 4 Statistic data for "Grey TABLE 5 Statistic data for "Egg" 35 TABLE 6 Statistic data for "Flower" 36 TABLE 7 Granularity results 46 TABLE 8 Calculated 47 TABLE 9 SQF TABLE 10 Results TABLE 1 1 Information TABLE 12 Results TABLE 13 Summary of data 10 capacities of four used for this films project Card" 14 30 35 Granularity results 47 results of prediction by using SQF Theory results of prediction by using Information Theory of the results 48 49 50 52 I. 1 . INTRODUCTION Granularity and Image Quality When an emulsion is uniformly illuminated fluctuations due to the This is known unpredictable negative. as random distribution photographic of great defined and determines the density and statistical characteristic of distribution distribution scanning, of with a the aperture It is that in blackening each a of in the microdensitometer, the emulsion, and the type image quality will be degraded in image quality study \Lisson,\ 983], the loss variance of the noise of emulsion depends and (rms granularity), It is expressed measured in the of sets a ) is limit are a well negative, is on [fT/.se/-,1986] found to be linear by measured a have been function of of the . increases. In density units and the size distribution density as the grain noise was small, a measure of the random image, The granularity a exposed the photosensitive material that density. emulsion. area fluctuation uniformly is density density fluctuations density Granularity in the small science, because it imaging distribution in photographic grain a uniform used photographic obvious grain in the is to introduce effect root mean square microdensitometer, areas developed to developed by silver particles the grains in the developed photosensitive material. exposed and circular the ( the negative shows Although the individual photographic noise-level. created The importance in mean magnitude developed, developed photographic to the quality of photographic images. unpredictable, their of granularity. uncertainty into the This uncertainty is and then a recent with respect shown to the in Figure(l). Figure 1 Subjective Quality Loss vs. Granularity ^r o z -> m O _i 2- 3 a m > 3 tn o RMS In this project, optical system. constant for means samples will be be pupil from printed a given area on the original object. speed, the lens focal length Since the final and prints made the to obtain equal print size. will pass As image through a a result of this size increase in from different films to the same size, the system MTF and magnification required flux in the exposed under constant photon that in a given amount of time, N photons to the film speed. speeds will by the film a constant shutter proportion different scaled This diameter lens restriction direct some of the Granularity granularity with will be The following diagram provides information about the relationship of the object lens to the different size images that result due to film speed. 25 mm lens F#:4 Slow speed film 50 mm lens F*:8 135 mm lens F#:22 Fast speed film As shown in the the image generated. diagram, the same size print as with The the constant flux condition, the faster the negative must Quality Factor ( A difference in image quality SQF phenomenon of just noticeable change in the judging weight and Granger to make the slower film generate ) loudness [Granger, 1972] can difference has been stimulus to a logarithmic spatial be (JND) being for many observed follow of sounds by changing obtained what is known by 7-10%. This to a constant percentage related neural SQF processes. as Tasks Weber's Law. such as This led to hypothesize that image quality might in some way be related frequency (OTF). If so, image quality spatial magnified the bigger the fast film. 2. Subjective perceptible be film, weighting of the system Optical Transfer Function might correlate with the area under the system OTF on a log frequency scale. The Subjective Quality result of a search directly measured for in Factor ( SQF an objective ) was figure developed by Granger of merit which could and be easily Cupery, as the calculated and practice and which would correlate with subjective rank regardless of Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) form. A number of experiments were performed to test the quality factor for a wide variety of MTF shapes. The results of the experimental program were was 0.988 that SQF was able correlated with the to predict measured data image quality within normal reader error and [Z,/55o,1983] . The quality of a visual visual system typical has an visual system image is MTF related to the scale of the which peaks MTF is in the shown plotted Figure 2. Atypical Spatial postulating stimulate Based on system this effect which MTF( including scaled includes the the retina. A 2. MTF 100.0 Cycles/Degree nature for the eye, the limits of integration to have been defined. these observations, a MTF has been - the retina. The human cycles/mm at 10.0 Frequency arbitrary bandpass an 10-20 on log frequency in Figure visual system 1.0 0.1 By Vs region of image eye. lenses to the one-dimensional and films) retina of SQF was between the limits the observer by defined of as the 10-40 integral of the cycles/mm when the the magnification of the system, 40 SQF = k\\T(f)\d(\ogf) (1) 10 r(f) is the Optical Transfer Function. / is the \/k is spatial a normalizing integration to There is no Because real by equating the above =1. images involve system. weighting information by describing constant obtained to limit the considerations to reason factored into the MTF frequency. a That over all the two-dimensional system is, MTF, the impression directions. The SQF MTF in one-dimensional a two dimensional MTF must be quality is of MTF descriptions. value can polar coordinates and obtained by for a general performing the following be obtained integration: 402* SQF = kj\\r(f, ep{loS f)W (2) 10 0 Where: / is the spatial frequency in cycles / mm along of line structure. it is the appropriate normalizing constant. 402* A = JJ<5(log/)<a? 10 0 (3) equally a given azimuth 9 The above the limits It is formula of the is not magnification. when Image Sharpness Scale characteristic assessment allows a simple calculation of the the of (ISS) [Granger, 1972] system and of subjective intrinsic to the image itself but only Therefore, it is important calculating the SQF 3 Information SQF quality of a print which within a quality range. quality evaluation, that image to the lies as viewed at a specified that the proper system magnification be specified of a system. Theory 3-1 General Information The theorems the within general Shannon in 1948. These theorems communication communication channels system, field were of information theory developed largely but they may be readily such are within based by the context of electrical to adapted on research any other as the optical transmission or photographic type of recording of information. It is estimated per year and that the total that this amount of printed figure doubles information about each decade. In future large-scale information-handling problems, the approach as provided by information theory is alone need self-evident. is in 1016 excess of view of for a bits these present and fundamental analytical In is photographic applications the photographic process it is important to and achieve the incoming structure of the how to best present the signal to be desirable to in the photographic system noise. is When a specified photographically the known, well are This determined rate. question element. type the of and signal (for example, highest information M = N close result, it may frequencies spatial and spectrum of relationship between binary form) storage per unit may log2 KG2 M + Altman in the image using [Z,ev7,1958] . (4) 1 is to be (5) stored area, simplified models prove adequate. : -^r 2 in on a unit storage cell in the form = a Discrete Signal according to Levi C As one of [Da int y&Shaw,l 974]. DQE for the influence written statistical becomes the system MTF and the Wiener based of noise The medium highest information capacity demonstrates the very approach application : by gave a method of analysis be the the photographic recording photographic process as a storage medium unit area can and element which yield the recording with highest information recording fairly information capacity, recording rate, 3-2 Photographic the recording the Wiener spectrum of incoming signals to the These frequencies rate. the match signal used as and of Zweig a simple model The information capacity per where: c is a constant. C is the information capacity M is the The for parameter number of cells R is the density range (D^ A is the cell size. R may be a specified separation written as equation A~' be assumed to criterion, constant only A K, for levels are of equation for capacity. a series of Kodak (5) can be be as (6): (6) films A I cA2 (6) +1 that C increases as A information we conclude This [^]log2 = reveals maximum necessary, so information a given photographic process and so remains as a variable and equation ( small as possible D^J - = C Investigation levels number of recording N is the N of the channel conclusion is confirmed which are summarized However, capacity. that, in principle, decreases, binary by the in Table I. at so A should least two recording recording will give optimum results of Altman and Zweig for TABLE I Spread Available function levels Bit capacity for an image of 0 x 10 area diameter fjm logf M Kodak Fine Grain M-level Binary Experimei 8 3 0.33 0.11 12.5 6 2.6 1.6 0.64 1.1 15 4 2 0.88 0.44 1.1 3 1.6 0.33 0.21 15 3 1.6 0.7 0.44 0.5 27 2 1 0.14 0.14 0.05 1 2 1 160 160 160 Altaian and Cine Positive Recordak Fine Grain Type 5454 Recordak Fine Grain Type 7456 Kodak plus-X Kodak Pan-X lodak Royal-X Pan Kodak High Resolution Type 649 An analysis of binary and [Altman& Zweig,\ 963] concludes rather in M than gives binary recording is not only a multilevel that the gain in substantial. cell size or spread function 10 information capacity It follows from logarithmic increase in capacity, important factor. The by recording and equation therefore having a by using Zweig multilevel (4) that an increase small cell size storage area is the most of\fjmx\/jm, as opposed to 100/imx 100/xw, messages and codes are coding be For advantage over increase in capacity 104 Where of binary commonplace, recording levels higher than two may involve difficulties, complications and well separated. would give an especially in view of the fact that the levels have to these reasons multilevel recording may all offer little practical binary. 3-3 Photographic Application: Continuous Signal It is important to know that the continuous approach will not they may allows or the information capacity to apparent. For photographic an same as types of information turn the close relationship for be the using applications of the signal, this be input. The expressed as a in scientific spatial must photography frequency approach continuous channel with average mean-square photographic process fog density is more and photographic process and great nearly Dmax. A function the wide a peak-limited variation of operating limits. 11 and practice concern frequency, systems, is that and including highest information as the result Gaussian channel, with noise. in its operating over the rate for the In fact the due to the non-linearity imaging properties a DQE then become and is usually taken arises its rate they using of this approach of spatial achieve the limitation difficulty benefit where overall be designed to when discrete approach, but in between information transfer recording element, incoming between for information capacity turn out to be quite close. The results are different because different questions, it results obtained region of the range the of its According to Dainty [Da int y& Shaw, 197 4] continuous channel with an average C If the B, = P Af log2 + C If we use noise WN(f) the 1/2 = limitation is : N (7) N signal and noise power are each of width "power" the result for the information capacity of a f, then the approximately constant over two adjacent regions capacity for the total band |A/(log2(l+ power spectrum of P/N) +log,(l + the signal, width approximates %J) WN (/) for P and A and to : (8) the power spectrum of the for N, then f flog2 Since de signal and noise are two dimensional functions of space, for photographic 77 Since the assumed ( statistical properties of to be isotropic, (9) wN{f\ V Ws(u,v) the and since dudv photographic for optimum 12 process, coding the images (10) including image noise, may be signal will also have the nature isotropic of an spatial pattern, it is noise frequency, w2 w, where convenient to work u2 v2 + = , in terms (H) wdw If we assume that a natural scene C r x = since Equation (11) Ws(w) constant over a as an attempt to constrained theorem for 2/,..\A ( 1+ MTF2(w) \> d>v limited calculate between the (12) w evaluating the information capacity of input/output, restrict it to maximum fog density ratio in terms exposure/density Dmax, Jones of the of power spectra will range. To keep equation is peak-limited. 13 the photographic process [./owes, 1961] then made various ad photographic process of small signals condition. information capacity and a power-limited channel and for the fact that the to 1/w then MTF2(w) Due to non-linearity the S/N (1 1) "exact", it is necessary to In a power spectrum proportional illustrates the dilemma photographic process. only be \og2 has the one-dimensional leading to WN{w\ V o of By hoc usi used Shannon's corrections to account for the of information respective interest, are summarized Table II. Information estimated Film capacities. His results, along with other comparative values in Table II. capacities of four films, and various comparative values, as by Jones. Information Area for 1 Information capacity bit rate Comparative Exposure for one bit Film time for Hi-Fi area equiv. system one to TV frame bits 2 fjm2 cm bits erg (xia-) ' photons K") (x,0-) sec cm 2 em2/ /frame R.oyal-X 0.449 200 26.5 8.18 3.01 2.98 Tri-X 0.845 118.4 7.35 29.4 5.1 1.76 Plus-X 1.86 53.8 6.45 33.6 11.2 0.8 Pan-X 2.85 35.0 7.45 29.2 17.2 0.52 Although manufacturers of image quality is given. film provide a speed While the speed insufficient ordinary photographer, it is the We have defined Information capacity of a film to Theory receive and store each rating is usually when greatest possible amount of information rating for choosing has to be a 14 usually satisfactory film for recorded and we will use information. a film, no rating guide of for the scientific purposes where by the film. this powerful tool to obtain the n The experimental 2. 1 Photograph 2.1.1 setup and Four films were used T-MAX 3200 all and four films. It following steps: in the study, they Kodak T-MAX "older" an are: medium be would grain, and interesting to T-MAX 3200 has the largest know how they we professional films product of Eastman actually take combination and also illustrate the variables IM grain of perform under normal flux. are newer Kodak a picture of the the shutter speed. needing to be 15 so and it is TRI-X 400 is interesting to find if products. object, The we must select the lens and film following equations controlled (13) LS products, Company, is any difference between these two Before 100, T-MAX 400, T-MAX TRI-X 400. T-MAX 100 has the finest grain, T-MAX 400 exposure and constant (F-y the determining exposure time. TRI-X 400 have there on preparation: Setting up and is based process METHODS in the experiment. are used to t : shutter speed L luminance in S film : cm2 cdls/ speed F# : numerical aperture F#=f where I D (14) f : lens focal length D When the : lens diameter shutter speed and relationship can be the total flux are constant, the following established: 4ASA If we let and a order same, > when ASA=100, ASA=3200. a proper range of focal 25 mm, f, =4 when F#=22; have In F* focal length Also, > According to D of 48 mm when to have constant it follows that F#=8; must be constant length. When F#=4 flux, the while new shutter speeds h then t3 F#=8, and t2 we use a and a shutter speed are set (i. e. lens (f,) ASA=400 D=6 mm) in focal length setting for when of focal of 132 needs to order length whenF#=22. be the normal exposure and tr the above discussion, the following determined: 16 to exposure conditions can be (1) For T-MAX100 film: (a) A lens of 25 mm focal length F# and of 4 was used to take a picture of each object. (2) For T-MAX 400 (a) A lens of 50 film: F# focal length mm of and 8 was used to take a picture of each object. (b) A lens of 25 mm object. This step F# focal length and produced the same of 4 was used image size, in to take picture order of each to study the effect of different magnification on each print. (3) For TRI-X 400 film: F# mm focal length and (b) A lens of 25 mm focal length and object. This step (a) A lens of 50 of 8 was used to take a picture of each object. produced F* the same of 4 was used image size, in to take order a picture of each to study the effect of different magnification on each print. (4) For T-MAX 3200 film: (a) A lens of 135 mm focal length F# and of 22 was used to take a picture of each object. (b) A lens object. of 25 mm focal length This step produced F* and of 4 was used the same image size, in to take a picture of each order to study the effect of different magnification on each print. To summarize the above statement the following combinations our project: 17 have been used for (1). Conditions to produce constant flux (fixed F# Focal Length amount of photons): Shutter speed T-MAX 100 25 mm 4 1/30 sec T-MAX 400 50 mm 8 1/30 sec TRI-X 400 50 mm 8 1/30 sec 135 mm 22 1/30 sec T-MAX 3200 (2). Conditions to give normal exposure: F# Focal Length T-MAX 400 25 TRI-X 400 25 T-MAX 3200 (3). The 25 mm mm "busy" Photographs Shutter speed 4 1/250 4 1/250 sec 1/1000 se 4 mm orders of the pictures gray card, (r,) (/,) sec taken for the scenes are : gray card, scene. attached: 18 "simple" scene, V Ima<?e from T-MAX 100 film / 25 Image from T-MAX 400 film / 25 19 mm mm lens lens 20 Image from TRI-X 400 film / 25 mm lens Image from T-MAX 3200 film / 25 mm lens Image from T-MAX 400 film / 50 Image from TRI-X 400 film / 50 21 mm mm lens lens 22 Image from T-MAX 3200 film / 135 mm lens Image from T-MAX 100 film / 25 mm lens Image from T-MAX 400 film / 25 Image from TRI-X 400 film / 25 23 mm mm lens lens Image from T-MAX 3200 film / 25 Image from T-MAX 400 film / 50 24 mm mm lens lens 25 Image from TRI-X 400 film / 50 mm lens Image from T-MAX 3200 film / 135 mm lens Image from T-MAX 100 film / 25 Image from T-MAX 400 film / 25 26 mm mm lens lens 27 Image from TRI-X 400 film / 25 mm lens Image from T-MAX 3200 film / 25 mm lens Image from T-MAX 400 film / 50 Image from TRI-X 400 film / 50 28 mm mm lens lens Image from T-MAX 3200 film / 135 2.1.2 Developing film and (1) All films were photographic paper. developed Film Processor V-5N for (2) at the RI.T. campus, using the Kodak Versamat developing the films. (a) Process speed for T-MAX 100 was 2.2 ft / (b) Process speed for T-MAX 400 was 2.75 ft / (c) Process speed for TRI-X 400 (d) Process speed for T-MAX 3200 The was 1.5 ft/ was min. min. min. 2.2 ft / min. following conditions were used to project images from negative to photographic paper: 29 mm lens Table ILL Conditions (1) When 25 mm #,& H2: Films lens 371/2" used for this project was used: & Objects 53/4" Filter Exposure Time X Magnification T-MAX 100 Gray T-MAX 100 Card 3.5 27 sec 631.9 Egg 4.0 44 sec 760.8 T-MAX 100 Flower 4.0 48 sec 860.4 T-MAX 400 Gray Card 4.0 38 sec 608.8 T-MAX 400 Egg 4.5 27 sec 597.3 T-MAX 400 Flower 4.5 27 sec 632.2 TRI-X 400 Gray Card 3.5 28 sec 601.4 TRI-X 400 Egg 4.0 46 sec 784.0 TRI-X 400 Flower 4.0 46 sec 632.2 T-MAX 3200 Gray T-MAX 3200 Egg 4.0 31 sec 784.0 T-MAX 3200 Flower 4.0 33 sec 632.2 Card 37 4.0 30 sec 711.5 (2) When 50 mm lens was used: //,& H2: Films 371/2" & Objects 53/4" Filter Exposure Time X Magnification T-MAX 400 Gray Card T-MAX 400 Egg T-MAX 400 4.0 11.5 sec 190.4 4.0 10.0 sec 196.0 Flower 4.0 10.0 sec 215.1 TRI-X 400 Gray Card 3.5 9.0 TRI-X 400 Egg 3.5 7.5 TRI-X 400 Flower 3.5 (3) When 135 mm H,& H2: lens 196.0 sec 7.0 215.1 sec was used: 371/2" 53/4" & Exposure Time Filter Objects Films 190.4 sec x Magnification T-MAX 3200 Gray Card T-MAX 3200 Egg T-MAX 3200 Flower (3). All photographic paper was 7.7 sec 21.1 4.0 6.3 sec 21.5 4.5 7.1 sec 21.4 4.5 developed at the R.I.T. Kreonite B/W Process (4). All negatives were printed to the same image 31 size. campus by using a 2-2 Evaluating image quality of photographs The successive categories method was used The underlying stated (1) The assumptions of the by Togerson (1958) law in this project for statistical analysis. of successive categorical [Togerson,\95S] judgments have been : psychological continuum of the subject can be divided into a specified number of order categories or steps. (2) Owing to various necessarily and always sundry located also projects a normal factors, a given category boundary is not at a particular point on the continuum. distribution of positions on different category boundaries may have different the continuum. mean locations Rather, it Again, and different dispersions. (3) The subject whenever judges a given stimulus to be below a given category boundary the value of the stimulus on the continuum is less than that of the category boundary. There are many forms techniques and data of category scaling reduction algorithms and a wide about the participated image quality in this photograph on a project. 7-point scaling was used of twenty-one photographs. They were asked to scale. The instructions 32 of experimental that have been used in category scaling. A common experimental method of category data variety in this project to gather Thirty-three rate the overall observers image quality and results were as follows: of each 2-2-1 Instrustions to observers INSTRUCTIONS TO OBSERVERS You will be the image quality Please do Do of the not photograph, dirt, and 1 intervals any physical rating for the defects in the should not exceed express your opinion unusable and using you to make a judgment on print. represents excellent of image quality. The image quality. categories used (2) Very Good Good (4) Acceptable (5) Unsatisfactory (6) Poor (7) Unusable 33 photograph. 12 inches. a scale of number (1) Excellent (3) like not consider composition. The viewing distance equal and give a would directly touch the photographs. Ignore scratches, Please We shown a number of photographs. from 1 to 7 where Numbers between 1 in these 7 and experiment are: 7 represents represent You may not use from 1 to 7; fractions no other or decimals; integers may be you must use An image quality three months. professional were assessment The presented of the photograph is randomly chosen, among them and ordinary observers. The were: photographs to each observer for evaluation. The randomness is important. This performed process allowed control of accuracy of to generate mean value (2) Thirty three viewers were asked to make (m) viewers a statistic and standard a judgment on deviation photograph and a means (3) Data: The gray card: rating and excellent, "7" was given (S) the image quality of " the be of photographs the rating data. After collecting all the data from the analysis should by the observers was performed in a period of observer were people, students, randomly The integers used. 2-2-2 Results from evaluating the image quality (1) integers. to the photograph. A rating of 1 " means unusable. Appendix 1 abbreviations are as Egg: G, T-MAX100 / 25 TRI-X 400 / 25 follow: mm: mm: T-MAX 3200 / 135 T-MAX 400 / 25 1, TRI-X 400 / 50 4, mm: Flower: F E, 7 34 mm: mm: 5, 2, T-MAX 3200 / 25 T-MAX 400 / 50 mm: mm: 3, 6, (4) A (5) The statistical analysis was performed original results were represented identified as by 1 to evaluate the data. transferred to a and original 7 is new scale where represented by 0. These the original 1 is new numbers are "Ranking" Ranking (R) = 116.666-16.666 x mean (m) (15) Table TV Statistic data for "Grey Card" Gl G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 3.55 4.15 5.30 4.52 3.0 2.30 1.79 Ranking (R) 0.575 0.475 0.283 0.413 0.666 0.783 0.868 Standard Deviation 0.99 1.08 1.34 1.13 0.85 0.90 0.73 Mean (m) w Table V Statistic data for Mean (m) Standard Deviation (S) " Egg " El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 3.97 4.73 5.36 4.97 3.36 2.42 1.88 1.03 1.11 1.20 1.11 1.07 0.99 1.01 35 Table VI Statistic data for Mean(m) Standard Deviation 2-3 (S) Calculating MTF Many F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 3.52 4.52 5.39 4.97 3.18 3.21 1.91 0.93 1.13 1.13 1.19 1.03 1.01 0.71 The quality The human response at of eye MTF is cycles per used one-dimensional in the includes the of logarithmic log spatial obtained image is by changing the quality In rank. proven quite successful function rank can fact, that a perceptible scale of related to the scale of the a modulation transfer These noticed (MTF) be Quality frequency frequency weighting (SQF) of correlates with the tells computed computations scale. 36 that the retina. broad if the use rank peak "true" only the for two- that the one-dimensional treatment us under visual properties that image quality system optical the area on with in predicting quality successes suggest Factor the point spread image two-dimensional weighting function to describe the Specifically, image quality on a be calculation of Subjective spatial has structure. proper the image. can degree (cpd). Image quality MTF have dimensional image image quality definition have of a visual visual system 6 F7 of photographs difference in image quality function. " Flower Fl in the field studies " the transfer system is related to function (OTF). OTF when displayed A Crosfield Magnascan 636 All card photographs. The data MTFs' 4*) = drum photographs were were then read calculation. reflection in Photoshop scanner was used carefully 4-5 to scan seven of aligned and scanned at generate raw of each print were calculated to pixels data for granularity according to the ^ 18 following the gray / and mm. MTF equations: d6) (17) md07F(f)=]i(x)ea'*'& oo MTF{f) A routine was written calculations are shown The MTF curve combination is as = \OTF(f\ in Mathcad 4.0 (18) and used to do the calculation. The program and in Appendix-3. for the print generated from T-MAX 100 film following: 37 and 25 mm lens Figure 3 MTF of final print by using T-Max 1.5 100 film w/25 mm lens 2.5 2 Frequency (lines/mm) 2-4 Determining granularity Photoshop 4-5 obtained with a The digital data used in the low obtain filter pass and were scaled as an equation granularity data to ^New to was used below. The "New" log one set of data was the granularity data, the data was second set integers between 0 and 255. A mean of 128 filter. was following equation was used to transform original granularity data: Noise(p) White obtained without a + log2 , 38 (19) No^y-hlfpl V where white A linear relationship pixels = was 255 developed between Information Theory predict the subjects averaged response was relationship response 2-5 for Calculating objective for developed between SQF A each set of prints. and oD to predict and aD to second linear the subjects averaged each set of prints. SQF A Subjective (20) vofpixels of photographs. Quality Factor (SQF) was developed figure of merit which could be easily as the result of a search calculated and the eye merit function image appearance averaged response granularity. was for developed between SQF each set of prints. form. linearly when the actions of including the magnification of the image are taken into A linear relationship and aD to Image quality is consideration. predict the subjects related to both MTF and They act independently as when increase in granularity then we expect loss in image quality quality predicts an directly measured in practice and which would correlate with subjective rank regardless of MTF The SQF for and also when a loss as well. 39 of MTF we can expect a loss of image a / A Q. = SQF routine was written 2-6 aaD (21) in Mathcad 4.0 calculations are shown on by using - and used to calculated SQF. Programs and Appendix-4. An image quality assessment was performed SQF. Calculating Information Capacity. Information capacity of an emulation depends (MTF) and the granularity of the emulsion. obtained and first, <jd to I.Q.= A the modulation transfer function In this study MTF of each system was then a linear relationship was developed between Information predict the subjects averaged response for Theory each set of prints. a0+b0(lC) routine was written Capacity. Programs was also used granularity on in Mathcad 4.0 to calculate Information and calculations are shown on to predict image quality into and used Appendix-5. Information Theory by calculating information capacity and taking consideration. 40 m. Results 3- 1 MTF All (1) of the final prints was calculated: of the seven gray card photographs were scanned and Crosfield Magnascan 636 and a scanning (2). MTF's 4x) = of 18 reflection pixels / drum scanner. An digitized edge trace by using was performed, mm was used. of each print were calculated according to the following equations: *x) dx. otfw)= J(xy2^ac n=l MTF{f) A = \OTF{fl routine was written are as in Mathcad 4.0 and used follows: 41 to do the calculation. The MTF's Figure 4 MTF of final print by using T-MAX 2 1.5 100 film w/ 25mm lens 2.5 Frequency (lines/mm) Figure 5 MTF of final print by using T-MAX 400 film w/25 2 1.5 Frequency (lines/mm) 42 " mm lens Figure 6 MTF of final print by using T-MAX 3200 film w/25 2 1.5 mm lens 2.5 Frequency (lines/mm) Figure 7 MTF of final print by using TRI-X 400 film 2 1.5 Frequency (lines/mm) 43 2-5 w/25 mm lens Figure 8 MTF of final print by using TRI-X 400 film w/ 50 mm lens mm lens Frequency (lines/mm) Figure 9 MTF of final print by using T-MAX 400 film 2 1.5 Frequency (lines/mm) 44 2.5 w/ 50 Figure 10 T-MAX 3200 film w/ 135 mm lens 0.98 0.96 0.94 - 0.92 - 0.9 0.88 - 15 2 2.5 Frequency (lines/mm) 3-2 Granularity analysis Photoshop 4-5 was used to obtain the granularity data from the final prints. this measurement contain a systems level and scanner used measurement. second set of data integers between 0 and and an for the readings from One of MTF, including MTF set of data was obtained was obtained without a 255 Photoshop 4-5 and mean of 128 with and without 45 of film, with a filter. The digital data was used the low for pass calculation. filter are: Therefore paper, lens low pass filter were scaled as Granularity Table VII Granularity results T-MAX 100 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 TRI-X 400 TRI-X 400 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 25 25 25 25 50 50 mm 135 mm mm mm mm mm mm Print Granularity W/ filter 5 1 9.3 10.3 8.0 4.6 5.4 5.1 Print Granularity w/o 9 4 9.7 19.1 15.3 8.7 9.6 14.6 By using . . equation: New 'log^M)+,g2 White V we have new granularity data as: Table VHI Calculated Granularity results T-MAX 100 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 TRI-X 400 TRI-X 400 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 25 25 25 25 50 mm 50 mm 135 mm mm mm mm Print Granularity W/ filter 0.0183 0.0322 0.0353 0.028 0.017 0.0196 Granularity w/o 0.0325 0.0334 0.0486 0.0507 0.0303 0.0331 print 46 mm 0.0187 0.0621 3-3 SQF of photographs Image quality was determined by using the correlation of SQF & aDF subject data for each photograph. (1). A routine was written in Mathcad 4.0 to calculate Table TX SQF The results T-MAX 100 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 TRI-X 400 TRI-X 400 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 25 25 25 25 50 mm 50 135 mm 0.57 SQF (2) the SQF. mm 0.51 mm mm 0.54 0.48 following equation was used to take granularity into 2 {l\Pr^on){N)-aSQF{N)-ba0{N)) =i a=l andb=-3.6 then R(prediction) = SQF-3.6G 47 =0 0.77 mm 0.79 consideration: mm 0.97 Table X Results (prediction) R, '(measured) of prediction by using SQF T-MAX 100 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 TRI-X 400 TRI-X 400 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 25 25 25 25 50 50 mm 135 mm mm mm mm mm 0.51 0.40 0.36 0.44 0.71 0.72 0.91 0.57 0.51 0.48 0.54 0.77 0.79 0.97 Fig 11 SQF results 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 O 0.5 0.4 - 0.3 0.2 -- 0.1 -- 0 4 Films 3-4 Information Capacity of photographs Image quality mm was obtain by using Information Theory for each print: 48 A (1) in Mathcad 4.0 to routine was written granularity taken into calculate The consideration. results are as Table XI Information I.C. (2) with the follows: Theory results T-MAX 100 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 TRI-X 400 TRI-X 400 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 25 25 25 25 50 50 1 135 63.2 63.5 mm 30.9 The information capacity mm 30.0 following mm 24.8 equation was used mm 31.1 mm 47.1 r to take granularity into consideration: %^M=00884+00119*IC Table XII Results R{prediction) of prediction by using Information Theory T-MAX 100 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 TRI-X 400 TRI-X 400 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 25 25 25 25 50 mm 50 mm 135 mm mm mm mm 0.46 0.44 0.38 0.46 0.65 0.84 0.84 0.57 0.51 0.48 0.54 0.77 0.79 0.97 D (measured) mm 49 TV DISCUSSION 4-1 Comparison Judging the of results results can produce very predicting image using SQF from Figure and (12) reasonable results. Information Theory. we can But say both SQF overall the SQF and Information does a Theory better job of quality. Figure 12 I.T. and SQF ranking prediction . . / I.T. s SQF _ il. / 0.3 0.5 0.4 Ranking - 06 Measured 50 The prediction of the Is Image Quality image quality Vs a granularity (crD) : ? , -J measured ASA (a) When constant flux is used for exposure, the fast film has better image It is because the fast films are gain usually (b) Under normal in MTF more grain effects; also, because the better. sensitized exposure than offsets the quality. the slower film Table XIII has better image Summary of the quality. results: T-MAX 100 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 TRI-X 400 TRI-X 400 T-MAX 400 T-MAX 3200 25 25 25 25 50 50 mm 135 mm mm mm mm mm r SQF 0.57 0.51 0.48 0.54 0.77 0.79 0.97 Information Cap. 10.16 9.98 10.55 9.8 15.21 21.73 27.72 Granularity w/ fil. 5.1 9.3 10.3 8.0 4.6 5.4 5.1 Granularity w/o 9.4 9.7 19.1 15.3 8.7 9.6 14.6 0.51 0.40 0.36 0.44 0.71 0.72 0.91 0.46 0.44 0.38 0.46 0.65 0.84 0.84 ^(prediction/ SQF) ^(prediction/ 1. T.) Note: (1) Constant flux condition: G5: TRI-X 400 film / 50 mm G6: T-MAX 400 film / 50 lens mm lens 51 (2) Normal exposure condition: G2: T-MAX 400 film / 25 G4: TRI-X 400 film / 25 mm mm Figure 13 Comparison lens lens of granularity by using I. T. and SQF 0.05 .& 0.04 C O 0.03 4 Films Photoshop 4-5 was used to obtain the granularity data from the final prints. level measurement contain a systems scanner used for the second set measurement. of integers between 0 compare reach the data and One MTF, including MTF set of data was obtained was obtained without a 255 and a mean of the granularity on each following of by using SQF 52 with a for the was used conclusions : film, and paper, lens and low filter. The digital data 128 photograph of Therefore this pass were and scaled as When we Theory, we calculation. Information filter (a) When SQF is Under for used prediction: flux the granularity in the constant normal exposure aD varies in print shows no to the proportion big changes, but under granularity. (b) When Information Theory is used for prediction: From Figure (13), it is obvious that it is very difficult to predict granularity by using Information Theory. (c) The reason that low pass SQF filter to film granularity is because SQF can predict simulate the human visual system and (d) From this project we learn that when a fixed size are used it is better to conditions, a slower 4-2 Results Compared on be a better and a fixed print under normal words, TRI-X 400 films and TRI-X 400, T-MAX 400 film is we used other flux Theory does not. choice. 400, with and would T-MAX Company. In this study quality, film Information amount of photon fast film. In the use a uses a both SQF and a newer product Information from Eastman Kodak Theory to predict image films. to study the differences between these two (a) Under constant flux condition: The scanning was done from the final measurement contain and scanner used for a systems measurement. by using the data in table XIII, or without a level filter for prints of in this project. MTF, including MTF According to the when under constant measurement Therefore this results flux it is of film, paper, lens from this clear project and that the granularity of T-MAX 400 film 53 either with is smaller than TRI-X 400 compared to film. In the other words, the T-MAX 400 film is a finer film when TRI-X 400 film. (b) Under normal exposure condition: By using the without using compared to granularity in the used same a Table XIII, filter it is of result of granularity T-MAX 400 film has finer grain, 8.0 Vs 9.3 for T-MAX 400. It is system or can make a fixed obvious that the exposure, the TRI-X 400 film. When the filter is used, TRI-X 400 film has the truncation of data photographic paper used (c) We under normal is possible that this during the scanning is caused process. when a by the filter Possibly the a cause. brief conclusion for this amount of photons were used in a project as: When the system, it is better to 54 print size use a is fixed fast film. and a V REFERENCES James A. Master Wisner, Film Thesis, R.I.T., Granularity and the Effect on Subjective Image Quality, 1986 Lisson, G, Digital Image Modeling of Film Granularity Pictorial Quality, Granger, E. M. with J.C. Master Thesis, R.I.T., and Merit Function Subjective Image Judgments, Photogr. Sci. Eng. 16 Jones, R. C. Information capacity Levi, L. On the photographic recordings. Altman, J. H. and dynamic J. Opt. Soc. Amer. Zweig, H. J. Effect content of photographic recordings. (SQF), ,221 Subjective , of spread , 9 California, information ,(1958 function on Photogr. Sci. Eng. 7 55 ) 1974. films. J. OPSoc.Amer.,51.1159. range and 48 which correlates (1972 10 Academic Press Inc. of photographic effect of granularity on on 1983 &, Cupery, K. N. An Optical Dainty, & R. Shaw. Image Science Effect , (1961) content of ) the storage of information 173, (1963 ). W.S. Togerson, "Theory and Method of Scaling" John Wily and Sons, New York, 1958. G. P M. J. Clayton, Photogr. Sci. Eng. (1982) M. C. Corey, Davidson, and K. N. Cupery. Scene Dependence J. Opt. Soc. Am. 58, 1300 (1968). 56 of Image Quality VI APPENDICES APPENDIX The followings 1 - are subjective ratings of 21 photographs from 33 different viewers. Data: The Gray Card: abbreviations are as G follow: Egg:E Flower: F T-MAX100/25mm: 1 T-MAX 400 / 25 TRI-X 400 / 25 TRI-X 400 / 50 mm: T-MAX 3200 / 135 4 mm: mm: mm: 5 2 T-MAX 3200 / 25 T-MAX 400 / 50 mm: mm: 3 6 7 Gl G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 Viewer #1 234422234543223455331 Viewer #2 344432243342324444342 Viewer #3 23 Viewer #4 345343234543313454332 Viewer#5 34534 1143542222444332 Viewer #6 34433 1134553122344231 Viewer #7 333411155554214555231 Viewer #8 2232 Viewer #9 23 3432344443334444342 12 763 2 122332112342 146752313 57 121 677421 Viewer #10 467642 155775214775 332 Viewer #11 2 234322223 342 Viewer #12 466644356565323 776673 Viewer #13 4 677 Viewer #14 54763 1257643125 576321 Viewer #15 45 763 2 145363213 576421 Viewer #16 44 5 422235542324 656433 Viewer #17 3 4643 3 255654324456332 Viewer #18 5 6 4 256665545 Viewer #19 44653 Viewer #20 5 Viewer #21 437422145762212363243 Viewer #22 6 Viewer #23 455432246754214567221 Viewer #24 345521124552124454342 Viewer #25 3 Viewer #26 345533234543223454342 Viewer #27 456642 144654223565421 Viewer #28 456443 145655114565432 Viewer #29 445 Viewer #30 555432353443224455332 Viewer #31 3 Viewer #32 336532225662222344223 Viewer #33 446533245654323455332 2 4 2 7 5 2 6 4 4 3 4 2 3 366775324 7 5 44 44423 4 6 53 5 2 666 533 443 1146764314565241 66644256665535 6 334 3 2 366674435 244554333 135553223 344654225 58 565442 577443 354322 344232 566 542 APPENDIX The following Line Spread Function data was 2 obtained by using Photoshop 2-5. (a)T-MAX100/25mm: Pixel # Edge Reflectance Line Spread Function 1 231 2 230 1 3 228 2 4 226 2 5 221 5 6 213 8 7 200 13 8 184 16 9 162 22 10 144 18 11 130 14 12 124 6 13 119 5 14 117 2 15 114 3 16 111 3 17 109 2 59 (b) T-MAX 400 /25 Pixel # 1 2 mm: Edge Reflectance Line Sp 227 226 1 3 226 0 4 223 3 5 220 3 6 215 5 7 209 6 8 200 9 9 187 13 10 172 15 11 154 18 12 137 17 13 128 9 14 121 7 15 116 5 16 113 3 17 111 2 18 108 3 19 107 1 20 104 3 60 (c) T-MAX 3200 /25 Pixel # mm: Edge Reflectance Line Sp 1 225 2 224 1 3 223 1 4 221 2 5 218 3 6 213 5 7 206 6 8 196 10 9 180 16 10 159 21 11 137 22 12 121 16 13 110 11 14 103 7 15 98 5 16 96 2 17 92 4 18 88 4 19 85 3 20 82 3 21 81 1 61 (d) TRI-X 400 /25 Pixel # mm: Edge Reflectance Line Spi 1 225 2 221 4 3 218 3 4 215 3 5 207 8 6 194 13 7 178 16 8 158 20 9 139 19 10 129 10 11 119 10 12 116 3 13 109 7 14 104 5 15 100 4 16 99 1 62 (e) TRI-X 400 / 50 Pixel # mm Edge Reflectance Line Spi 1 223 2 222 1 3 220 2 4 218 2 5 212 6 6 194 18 7 162 32 8 129 33 9 109 20 10 101 8 11 97 4 12 95 2 13 93 2 14 91 2 63 (f) T-MAX 400 /50 Pixel # mm: Edge Reflectance 1 229 2 227 3 Line Sp 2 225 2 4 215 10 5 186 29 6 141 45 7 119 22 8 112 7 9 104 8 10 97 7 11 97 0 12 96 1 13 94 2 64 (g) T-MAX 3200 /135 ixel # 1 mm Edge Reflectance Line Spi 232 2 233 -1 3 222 11 4 150 72 5 89 61 6 88 1 65 APPENDIX Written Mathcad 4.0 program and results o.. 11 = x .= 0 x,4 = 2.3S x,5 = 2.3S = 1.59 x, = x, = 1.59 x. = 1.59 x,_ = 1J9 x_. = 3.97 x,. - 1.59 x5 x5 x. .79 1 = 6.35 = 10.32 x:o = 12.7 *:i -- I7-6 x., = 14.29 X., 1 ^ x,y x10 0 x,? = =0 = = = = 0 0 11.11 x.. x,, =4.76 x., = 3 for Information MTFs (a)T-MAX100/25mm: 1 - =0 3.97 66 = c N j CFFT(x) = last(c) N = 71 :=0..N 1.389 1.3S9 1.334 0.017 0.96 0.79 0.033 0.852 1.59 0.051 1.184 0.984 0.70J 1.59 0.566 3.97 0.457 6.35 0.385 10.32 0.787 0.635 0.534 0.462 0.333 12.7 0.2S5 17.46 0.396 0.327 0.235 14.29 0.184 11.11 0.137 4.76 0.098 3.97 0.071 1.59 0.055 2.38 0.045 2.38 0.04 1.59 0.037 1.59 0.03: 1.59 0.256 0.19 0.13: ----- " 0.012 0 0.024 0 0.037 0 0.098 0.076 0.063 0.055 0.052 0.044 0.031 0.032 0.043 0.057 0.051 0.033 0.017 0.022 0.02S 0.028 0.029 0.036 0.045 0.056 0.072 0.09 0.105 0.11 0.105 0.09 0.072 0.056 0.045 0.036 0.029 Q.Q28 0.028 0.022 1 0.023 0.023 \ 0.035 0.041 hh 0.037 1 1 1 / \ 1 \ / 0.024 V o.oi: J 0.02 0.02 0.021 0.026 0.033 0.041 0.052 0.065 0.075 0.079 0.075 0.065 0.052 0.041 0.033 0.026 0.021 0.02 L^> 50 0.016 0.02 ^ 67 100 (b) T-MAX400 i &.. n = 1 2.44 X, = >S = X. = 4.07 X4 = 4.88 X5 = 7.32 X. = 10.57 x. = 12.2 1 x, x]0 x,. 1 := = := xu 2.44 14.63 13.32_ xu := 2.44 XH := 1.63 X15 := 2.44 X16 := 0.81 xn := 2.44 x;s = 0 X19 := 0 X20 := 0 X2! != 0 X22: = 0 X23'' = 0 X24- = 0 7.32 = 5.69 = 4.07 I mm: 0 X := Xg / 25 68 c := N j = CFFT(x) last(c) N-71 =0..N id 1 ji hi 1.378 1.378 1.318 1.156 0 0.078 0.957 2.44 0.063 0.839 2.44 0.678 4.07 0.515 4.88 0.381 7.32 0.288 10.57 0.935 0.709 0.524 0.396 0.314 0.261 0.226 0.195 0.157 0.115 0.083 0.071 0.062 0.051 0.053 0.066 0.07 0.062 0.053 0.052 0.055 0.063 0.078 0.09 0.087 0.061 0.022 0.027 0.051 0.049 0.03 0.044 0.077 0.09 0.077 0.044 0.03 0.049 0.051 0.027 0.022 0.061 0.087 0.09 i 1 0.22S 12.2 0.189 14.63 0.164 13.82 0.142 7.32 0.114 5.69 0.0S3 4.07 0.06 2.44 0.051 1.63 0.045 2.44 0.037 0.81 0.033 2.44 0.048 0 0.051 0 0.045 0 0.039 0 0.038 0 0.04 0 0.046 0 0.056 0 0.066 0 0.063 0 0.044 0 0.016 0 0.02 0 0.037 0 0.036 0 0.022 0 0.032 0 0.056 0 0.06<5 0 0.056 0 0.032 0 0.022 0 0.036 0 0.037 0 0.02 0 0.016 0 0.044 0 0.063 0 r\ axx A ---- 0.055 - 0.056 0 0.046 0 0.04 0 20 10 V, 50 i 69 100 (c) T-MAX3200 / 25 = i o.. n x := 4.64 xM := 3.31 x]5 := 1.32 0 = x mm: x. := 0.66 x, := 0.66 x x3 = 1.32 xn := 2.64 x4 = 1.99 xlg := 1.99 X5 = 3-31 x19 := 1.99 Xo = 3-97 X20 := 66 6.62 x2] := 0.66 := 10.6 x,2 := 13.91 Xj3 x. xg x9 x10 - := .= 16 .= 'Si = 10-6 X12 = 7'28 1.99 := 1.32 = 132 14.57 ^4 2.64 70 c = CFFT(x) N.= j := last(c) N-71 0..N 1.389 1.389 1.203 1.004 0.781 0.571 0.41 0.312 0.27 0.965 3.17 0.095 0.866 2.33 0.087 0.723 2.38 0.562 6.35 0.412 10.32 0.29:: 12.7 0.224 15.87 0.194 15.08 0.187 7.94 0.186 7.94 0.13 2.38 0.26 0.258 0.251 0.226 0.163 5.56 0.131 3.97 0.181 0.121 0.087 3.17 0.041 0.79 0.057 0.01; 0.011 0.042 0.03 : 0.056 0.041 0.053 0.038 0.047 0.034 0.054 0.039 0.071 0.051 0.087 0.062 0.095 0.098 0.093 0.082 0.063 0.063 0.077 0.1 0.118 0.122 0.113 0.097 0.08S 0.097 0.113 0.122 0.118 0.1 0.077 0.063 0.068 0.032 O 001 - 0.098 1.34 0.069 0.07 0.067 0.059 0.049 0.045 0.056 0.072 0.085 0.038 0.081 0.07 0.064 0.07 0.081 0.083 0.085 0.072 0.056 0.045 0.049 0.059 71 0.07 0 0.069 0 0.062 0 (d) TRI-X400 / 25 i 0..71 := x mm: x13 := 3.97 := 3.17 0 .= i xM xT := 3.17 x15 := 2.38 xis = 2.38 xn 6.35 X18 x, x, x. 4 x5 x,0 x_ - =0 X19 0 = = = 12.7 ^o^0 := 15.87 X21 = 15.03 X22 7.94 ** = x8 x9 10.32 = 0.79 = := xio xu x12 = 7'94 h* = 2.38 := 5.56 " = = - 72 c := CFFT(x) N.= j - last(c) N= 71 0..N hi 1.3S8 1.333 1 1.04 0.738 0.639 0.56 0.472 0.927 0.04 0.749 0.032 0.568 1.32 0.461 1.99 0.404 3 31 0.34 3.97 0.266 6.62 0.369 0.29 0.209 10.6 0.189 13.91 0.13 14.57 0.262 0.25 0.211 0.133 0.152 10.6 0.099 7.23 0.042 4.64 0.032 3.31 0.059 0.044 0.079 0.089 0.073 0.046 0.033 0.031 0.025 0.024 0.032 0.04 0.042 0.037 0.032 0.03 0.03 0.037 0.04 0.028 0.021 0.034 0.034 0.023 0.034 0.034 0.021 0.028 0.04 0.037 0.03 0.03 0.032 0.037 - 0.042 1.287 0.057 1.32 0.064 2.64 0.052 2.64 0.033 1.99 0.023 1.99 0.022 0.66 0.03 0 0.029 0 0.023 0 1 \ i 1 1 1 0.018 0.66 0.017 1.99 0.023 1.32 0.029 1.32 \ Uv j 0.023 0.022 5 0.027 0.029 0.02 0.015 0.025 0.025 0.02 0.025 0.025 0.015 0.02 0.029 0.027 0.022 0.023 n mi A w 50 0.03 0.022 J \ 0.027 0.022 ! \ 73 100 (e) TRI-X400 / 50 mm: =0.-71 i x,3 := XH = 1.52 =0 x. i 0.70 = x,s:S0 Xj i--- - xifi X- = i-32 * xn = x i0 = 0 4.55 -f xis x: TO x; - = .= 24.24 25.0 xie = ^o =0 X,. ii = X? = 15.15 Xv = <3.0<3 *to = := 0 3.03 X22 xn = I3\04 != i.52 x,, = 0 4rJ x1; = 1.52 X24 := 74 = c N j = = CFFT(x) last(c) N 71 0..N I ji 1.389 1.389 U.VZJ. I 0.033 1.369 1.311 1.222 0.986 0.76 0.944 1.52 0.88 1.52 0.8Q2 4.55 0.024 0.036 0.026 0.043 0.031 1.114 0.998 0.836 0.735 0.699 0.627 0.566 0.511 0.457 0.4 0.342 0.232 0.225 0.175 0.135 0.106 0.035 0.069 0.055 0.043 0.036 0.033 0.03 0 025 0.013 0.012 0.009 0.011 0.011 0.01 0.007 0.004 0.719 13.64 0.633 24.24 0.565 25 0.503 15.15 0.452 6.06 0.408 3.03 0.368 1.52 0.329 1.52 0.283 1.52 0.246 0.203 0.162 cjh 0.126 0.097 0.076 -kl 50 0.061 J 0.05 0.039 0.031 0.026 0.024 0.022 0.Q1S 0.013 0.008 0.007 0.003 0.008 100 0.007 0.005 0.003 -5 9.999-10 0.004 0.007 0.01 0.011 0.011 0.009 0.012 0.018 0.025 0 01 1 00 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.008 0.008 O.QQ7 0008 0.013 0.013 75 (f) T-MAX400 / 50 0.. 71 = i x X13 = 0 X14 = 0 1.48 X15 = 0 - 1.43 X, = 0 .= 7.41 X17 = 0 = 21.48 X1S = 0 = 33.33 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 0 - i x^ = x, x. x4 x. mm: 5 . X19 x,il = 16.3 *30 x. = 5.19 V. s 193 X22 = 5.19 X23 * x? '-" xio x x,, X. = = 0.74 1.43 76 = c N j CFFT(x) = last(c) N = 71 =0..N ! 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C : 2 = i mod. .189 :=.164 modg 1 42 mod10 : mod^ :=.H4 = . mod12:=.083 mod13 :=.06 mod,, 14 :=.051 mod15 :=.045 mcxi :=.037 16 modn=.038 modlg=.048 modig:=.051 mod2():=.045 mod21 :=.039 mod^ =.038 mod =0 mod,, 24 :=0 mod =0 mod26: = 0 := mod 27 0 mod2g:=0 mod^-0 mod30:=0 88 = 0 ^g C 1-0 noise =29.991 (c)T-MAX3200/25mm: mod := mod1 : 1 = mod2:=.749 :=.568 mod3 mod, :=.461 mod =0 m0d31 .927 :=.404 mOd32:=0 mod33:=0 mod,, 34 =0 0 mod35 : mcxi :=0 = JO mod, . = .34 6 mod l7 =.266 noise 36 =.0486 C 1.0- i modg:=.209 mod -9-.189 :=. mod1():=.18 modn=.152 mod12:=.099 mod13 :=.042 mod,, 14 :=.032 mod15 :=.057 mod,, :=.064 16 mod17:=.052 mod,:=.033 mod19:=.023 mod2():=.022 mod21 :=.018 mod^-,017 mod^ :=.023 mod,, 24 :=.029 mod^-,03 mod,, :=.027 mod27:=.023 mod2g := .022 mod^,:=.022 29 mod3():=0 89 C noise = 0 =24.818 (d) TRI-X400 / 1 mod := mod :=.965 mod : mod mod, mm: mod31: = = 0 mod32:=0 mod33 :=0 :=.723 mod^ 34 :=0 =.562 mod35 : 412 mod,, Jo :=.295 noise : mod, mod3 25 .866 := mod7:=.224 = 0 =0 36 = .0303 mod.1) C log = 1.0- C noise modg:=.194 i = 0 mod9:=.187 mod1():=.186 mod :=.18 mod := .163 mod:=.131 Ij mod,, 14 :=.087 mod15:=.041 mod,, 16 := .011 mod17:=.03 modlg:=0 mod19=0 mod20:=0 mod mod : = 0 =0 0 mod := mod,, 24 :=0 mod :=0 m0d26: = mod :=0 mod28:=0 mod^^O mod30:=0 90 =31.148 (e) TRI-X400 / 50 1 modQ:== :== mod = mod = mod,4 = mod = mod,0 = mod mod3I .986 mod :=0 mod32=0 .944 mod33 :=0 .88 mod,, 34 := .802 mod,, j5 =0 .719 mod,, i6 :=0 638 = mm: .565 noise 0 36 =.0303 c 1.0- [MF noise modg. = : = mod i = .503 .452 9 mod10 :=.408 modn :=.368 mod12 :=.329 modu = modM = mod15 = mod16 = .288 = modn modlg: = mod19: = mod20: = mod2i = .246 .203 .162 .126 .097 .076 m0d22: = .061 .05 .039 m0d23' = mod24 : == m0d23::= m0d26::= mod mod mod '= .031 .026 .024 .022 .018 27 := .013 28 := .008 29 mod, := .007 30 91 0 J C =47.06 (f) T-MAX400 / 50 mm: :=1 mod0 mod mod1:=.987 949 := mod :=0 mod32:=0 mod,, :=0 j3 mod3 :=.891 mod, =.82 mod5 :=.744 mod,, mod, :=.67 noise := mod,, :=0 34 mod =0 : = 0 36 .0331 ]T mod7:=603 i : = .494 mod :=.45 mod :=.411 mod :=.376 mod :=.347 mod,,: =.325 14 := mod .31 mod:=.302 16 modn:=.296 mod,, =.289 mod19:=.277 mod :=.257 mod :=.23 mod^^.197 mod mod,, 24 mod^ mod,, mod C lodl.Onoise mod, :=.544 mod (mod.)- f :=.16 =.124 :=.09 =.063 .= .044 mod:=.034 mod^^O mod30:=0 92 = 0 =63.175 (g)T-MAX3200/135mm: i: = 0..36 1 := mod mod :=.999 mod :=.994 mod3i = mod,2 = mod,, = mod, = mod35 = mod36 = .149 .119 .089 3j mod3 .= .987 .059 o4 mod,4 .= .976 mod5 :=.963 mod,6 =.947 mod7:=.928 noise = .03 .007 .0621 (mod. c i :=.907 modg mod9:=.884 mod10 :=.858 mod :=.831 mod12=.802 mod13 :=.771 mod,, 14 :=.738 mod13 :=.705 mod,, 16 :=.67 mod =.635 modTO:=.599 lo mod =.563 mod, :=.526 20 :=.49 mod mod =.453 mod :=.417 mod,, 24 :=.382 mod .= .346 mod,, 26 . = .312 mod27:=.278 mod . = 2> = .245 25 mod2g:=.212 mod30:=.181 93 = 0 1.0 C -r noise =63.545