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Data Science Sem I 2022-23

Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
131U30C101: Probability Theory
Course Objective:
Students will learn how to:
• Providing students with a formal treatment of probability theory.
• Equipping students with essential tools for statistical analyses.
• Fostering understanding through real-world statistical applications.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to:
Calculate probabilities by applying probability laws and theoretical results.
Identify an appropriate probability distribution for a given discrete or continuous random
variable and use its properties to calculate probabilities.
Derive probability distributions of functions of random variables.
Unit I
Basic Probability Theory: Probability spaces, Conditional probability, Independence.
Random Variables: Definition, Discrete random variables, Continuous random variables, Conditioning on
an event, Functions of random variables, Generating random variables.
Unit II
Multivariate Random Variables: Discrete random variables, Continuous random variables, Joint
distributions of discrete and continuous variables, Independence, Functions of several random variables,
Generating multivariate random variables, Rejection sampling.
Unit III
Expectation: Definition, raw and central moments (definition and relationships), moment generation
function and properties, characteristic function (definition and use only), Skewness and kurtosis using
Unit IV
Hypothesis testing: The hypothesis-testing framework, Parametric testing, Nonparametric testing: The
permutation test, Multiple testing.
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Linear Regression: Linear models, Least-squares estimation, Overfitting.
1. Carlos Fernandez-Granda, Probability and Statistics for Data Science
2. Robert B. Ash, Basic Probability Theory, Dover Publication.
Sr. No.
Demonstrate the concept of Conditional probability.
Apply Rejection sampling on sample dataset.
Find the Mean and variance of sample dataset.
Demonstrate the Random Processes.
Apply the Convergence of Random Processes.
Solve the problem using Markov Chains.
Demonstrate the Frequentist Statistics on dataset.
Demonstrate the Bayesian Statistics.
Explain the Hypothesis testing.
Solve the problem using Linear Regression.
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
131U30C102: Combinatorics
Course Objective:
Students will learn how to:
• To fill the gaps in modern problems of Discrete mathematics.
• To learn practical problem-solving skills, which can be later applied in algorithmic theory.
• To develop fundamental knowledge of combinatorics and complexity.
• To develop practical skills needed in modern logic.
• To give practical knowledge, which is needed in many courses’ theoretical informatics.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to:
Understand the combinatorial features in real world situations and Computer Science
Compute a generating function and apply them to combinatorial problems
Unit I
Combinatorics Introduction.
Enumeration: Basic Counting Techniques-product rule, sum rule.
Permutations, Combinations, and the Binomial Theorem -Permutations, Combinations, The Binomial
Theorem. Bijections and Combinatorial Proofs-Counting via bijections, Combinatorial. Counting with
Repetitions- Unlimited repetition, sorting a set that contains repetition.
Unit II
Induction and Recursion: Recursively defined sequences, Basic induction, more advanced induction. The
Generalized Binomial Theorem, using generating functions to count things. Generating Functions and
Recursion- Partial fractions, factoring polynomials, using generating functions to solve recursively defined
Unit III
Graph Theory: Basics of Graph Theory, Basic definitions, terminology, and notation, Deletion, complete
graphs, and the Handshaking Lemma, Graph isomorphisms.
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Moving through graphs-Directed graphs, Walks and connectedness, Paths and cycles, Trees.
Euler and Hamilton- Euler tours and trails, Hamilton paths and cycles.
Graph Coloring- Edge coloring, Ramsey Theory, Vertex coloring.
Planar graphs- Planar graphs, Euler's Formula, Map coloring.
Unit IV
Designs and Codes: Introduction, Error-correcting codes, Using the generator matrix for encoding, Using
the parity-check matrix for decoding, Codes from designs.
1. William T Trotter, Applied Combinatorics.
2. Joy Morris, Combinatorics, University of Lethbridge.
Sr. No.
Solve the problem using Permutations and Combinations.
Demonstrate Generating Functions and Recursion.
Explain Binomial Theorem.
Visualization using Directed graphs.
Demonstrate the Planer Graph.
Construct graph by Graph Coloring approach.
Demonstrate the Balanced Incomplete Block Designs.
Implement the Steiner and Kirkman triple systems.
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Apply the generator matrix for encoding
Apply parity-check matrix for decoding.
131U30C103: Linear Algebra
Course Objective:
Linear Algebra plays a fundamental role in the theory of Data Science.
This course aims at introducing the basic notions of vector spaces, Linear Algebra, and the
use of Linear Algebra in applications to Data Science.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to:
Understand the properties of Vector spaces.
Use the properties of Linear Maps in solving problems on Linear Algebra.
Demonstrate proficiency on the topics Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Inner Product Spaces.
Apply mathematics for some applications in Data Science.
Unit I
Introduction to Vector Spaces:
Vector Spaces: Rn and Cn, lists, Fn and digression on Fields, Definition of Vector spaces, Subspaces, sums of
Subspaces, Direct Sums, Span and Linear Independence, bases, dimension.
Unit II
Linear Maps:
Definition of Linear Maps-Algebraic Operations on L (V, W), Null spaces and Injectivity, Range and
Subjectivity, Fundamental Theorems of Linear Maps, Representing a Linear Map by a Matrix, Invertible
Linear Maps, Isomorphic Vector spaces, Linear Map as Matrix Multiplication, Operators, Products of
Vector Spaces, Product of Direct Sum, Quotients of Vector spaces.
Unit III
Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and inner product Spaces:
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Eigenvectors and Upper Triangular matrices, Eigenspaces and Diagonal
Matrices, Inner Products and Norms, Linear functionals on Inner Product spaces.
Unit IV
Mathematics Applied to Data Science:
Singular value decomposition, Handwritten digits and simple algorithm, Classification of handwritten digits
using SVD bases, Tangent distance, Text Mining.
1. Sheldon Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, Second Edition, Springer,2017.
2. EldeĢn Lars, Matrix methods in data mining and pattern recognition, Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, 2007.
3. E. Davis, Linear algebra and probability for computer science applications, CRC Press, 2012.
Sr. No.
Apply sums of Subspaces, Direct Sums.
Demonstrate Span and Linear Independence.
Perform Algebraic Operations on L(V,W).
Demonstrate Invertible Linear Maps.
Perform Invertible Linear Maps operations.
Apply Quotients of Vector spaces.
Demonstrate the use of Eigenvalues.
Demonstrate the use of Eigenvectors.
Perform Singular value decomposition.
Classification of handwritten digits using SVD bases
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
131U30C104: Programming through Python
Course Objective:
• To learn and understand Python programming basics and paradigm.
• To learn and understand python looping, control statements and string manipulations.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to:
• To understand why Python is a useful scripting language for developers.
• To learn how to design and program Python applications.
• To learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
• To learn how to identify Python object types. To learn how to use indexing and slicing to access
data in Python programs.
Unit I
Python Fundamentals:
History of Python, Need of Python Programming, Applications Basics of Python, Working with Interactive
mode, Working with Script mode, Python Character Set, Python Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, Literals,
Operators, Variables and Assignments, Input and Output in Python.
String and List Manipulation:
Introduction to Python String, Accessing Individual Elements, String Operators, String Slices, String
Functions and Methods, Introduction to Python List, Creating List, Accessing List, Joining List, Replicating
List, List Slicing.
Unit II
Introduction to Tuple, Creating Tuples, Accessing Tuples, Joining Tuples, Replicating Tuples, Tuple Slicing.
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Introduction to Dictionary, accessing values in dictionaries, Working with dictionaries, Properties.
Introduction to Frozenset, Creating Set and Frozenset, Accessing and Joining, Replicating and Slicing.
Unit III
Classes and Object-Oriented Programming:
Abstract Data Types and Classes, Inheritance, Encapsulation and Information Hiding.
Program Control Flow:
Conditional Statements, the if Statement, the if-else Statement, the if-elif Statement, Nested if Statements,
Python Indentation, Looping and Iteration, The For Loop, The While Loop, Loop else Statement, Nested
Loops, Break and Continue, The Range Function.
Introduction to Functions, Using a Functions, Python Function Types, Structure of Python Functions, User
Defined Functions - Lambda function.
Unit IV
NumPy Basics: Arrays and Vectorized Computation- The NumPy ndarray- Creating ndarrays- Data Types
for ndarrays- Arithmetic with NumPy Arrays- Basic Indexing and Slicing - Boolean Indexing-Transposing
Arrays and Swapping Axes
Introduction to pandas Data Structures: Series, DataFrame, Essential Functionality: Dropping
EntriesIndexing, Selection, and Filtering- Function Application and Mapping- Sorting and Ranking.
File Handling:
Opening and Closing Files, Reading and Writing Files.
Modules And Packages:
Built-in Modules, Importing Modules in Python Programs, Working with Random Modules, User Defined
Functions, Structure of Python Modules.
1) Mark Lutz, Learning Python ,5th Edition, O’Reilly publication
2) John Zelle, Python Programming: An introduction to Computer Science
3) Programming in python 3 by Developers Library
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
4) Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, Pearson publication
5) Kenneth A.Lambert ,Fundamentals of Python : First Program
6) Mark Lutz, Python pocket reference ,5th edition, O’Reilly publication
Sr. No.
Write a program to demonstrate basic operators in python.
a) Write a program to compute distance between two points taking input from the user.
b) Write a program add.py that takes 2 numbers as command line arguments and perform
their sum.
Write a program to use split and join methods in the string and trace a birthday of a person
with dictionary data structure.
a) Write a program to demonstrate list and tuple in python.
b) Write a program using a for loop that loops over a sequence.
a) By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four
b) WAP to find the sum of the even numbers in sequence.
Write a program to count the numbers of characters in the string and store them in a
dictionary data structure.
Perform File manipulations- open, close, read, write, append and copy from one file to
Write a program to demonstrate functions
Demonstrate manipulation of NumPy arrays- Indexing, Slicing, Reshaping, Joining and
Write a program to create application for employee management using modules &
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)
131U30N101: Business Communication
Course Objective:
The aim of this course is to help the students to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences Communicate effectively to fulfil business requirements.
Learning Outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught
and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with
the above-mentioned competency
Avoid communication barriers for effective business communication.
Make the relevant use of body language to communicate.
Use audio – visual aids to communicate effectively and efficiently.
Develop notices, memoranda, and reports in relevant formats.
Draft different types of business letters, E-mails using correct formats.
Unit I:
Introduction to basic Communication, Describe the importance of business communication, Use
different types of verbal and nonverbal communications, Parts of speech, Prepositions, Conjunctions,
Direct-Indirect speech, Types of sentences, Assertive, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory,
Tenses, Past, Future, Present, Active and Passive voice, Collocation, Idioms and phrases, Vocabulary
Unit II:
Technical skill in communication, Improve the writing skills in various types of letters, email in
correct format, use different types of body language to improve the stage performance, Paragraph
writing, Passage writing, Mail formation / Letter writing, Report writing, Speech, Welcome,
Valedictory, Vote of Thanks
Unit III:
Ethics and Etiquettes and preparation of Resume and job application, to improve Emotional Quotient
(EQ) and improves ethics, professional behaviour and etiquettes, Emotional intelligence, Body
Language, Phone etiquettes, Dining etiquettes, Professional etiquettes, Technology etiquettes, Mail
etiquettes, Resume Application
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Unit IV:
Personality Development and Various technical skills, improve creativity and workability,
presentation skills and timely working and leadership qualities building, Creativity & Motivation
Reading Skill, Presentation skills, Time management, Stress management, Leadership qualities,
Team building, Decision Making, Preparatory steps for Job Interview, Interview techniques, Group
Discussion techniques
References Books –
1. Effective Communication Skill, M Ashraf Rizvi, Tata mc-Grill hill.
2. Communication skills, Sanjay kumar, Oxford University Press.
3. Personality Development and Soft Skills, Barun K. Mitra, Oxford University Press.
Generic Elective (GE)
131U30G101: Web Programming using HTML & CSS
Course Objective:
The students will be able to design and develop static and dynamic web pages. Student will be
familiarize with Client-Side Programming, Server-Side Programming Pages and learn Database
Connectivity to web applications.
Learning Outcomes:
The students should be able to:
Design and develop dynamic web pages with good knowledge of designing and latest
technical know-how's.
Have a good understanding of Web Application Terminologies, Internet Tools other web
Learn how to link and publish web sites.
Unit I:
Introduction, Why HTML5? Formatting text by using tags, using lists and backgrounds, Creating hyperlinks
and anchors. Style sheets, CSS formatting text using style sheets, formatting paragraphs using style sheets.
Creating navigational aids: planning site organization, creating text-based navigation bar, creating graphicsbased navigation bar, creating graphical navigation bar, creating image map
Unit II:
HTML5 Tables, Forms and Media:
Creating tables: creating simple table, specifying the size of the table, specifying the width of the column,
merging table cells, using tables for page layout, formatting tables: applying table borders, applying
background and foreground fills, changing cell padding, spacing and alignment, creating user forms: creating
basic form, using check boxes and option buttons, creating lists, additional input types in HTML5,
Incorporating sound and video: audio and video in HTML5, HTML multimedia basics, embedding video clips,
incorporating audio on web page.
Unit III:
Java Script: Introduction, Client-Side JavaScript, Server-Side JavaScript, JavaScript Objects, JavaScript Security,
Operators: Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, Arithmetic Operators, % (Modulus),
++(Increment), --(Decrement), -(Unary Negation), Logical Operators, String Operators, Special Operators, ?:
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
(Conditional operator), , (Comma operator), delete, new, this, void Statements: Break, comment, continue,
delete, do...while, export, for, for...in, function, if...else, import, labelled, return, switch, var, while, with Core
JavaScript (Properties and Methods of Each) : Array, Boolean, Date, Function, Math, Number, Object, String,
Events and Event Handlers using JAVA Script: JavaScript Objects such as String, RegExp, Math, Date, Window,
Navigator, History, Location, and Document. Storing and Retrieving Cookies
Unit IV:
Introduction to XML, benefits of XML, XML DTD, and Namespaces, declaring an elements and attributes.
Displaying XML documents using CSS.
Introduction to PHP: Essential PHP: Mixing HTML and PHP- comments – variables.
Operators and flow control: Assignment operators- incrementing and decrementing values- string, bitwise,
operator precedence-relational, logical operators- if, if-else, elseif statement, ternary operator, switch
statement-for loops-while loops- do-while loops, for each loop. Reading data in web pages: Setting up web
pages to communicate with PHP-handling text field, text areas, check boxes, radio buttons, list boxes,
password controls.
Working with database- basic SQL commands- creating MySQL database-table-insert- delete-update table.
Sessions, Cookies: Setting, reading, deleting cookies, simple email creation and Sending, Storing data in
sessions. JQuery: jQuery animation effects
References Books –
HTML 5 Black Book, Covers CSS 3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, AJAX, PHP and jQuery,
2ed, Dreamtech Press
Web Programming and Interactive Technologies, scriptDemics, StarEdu Solutions India.
PHP: A Beginners Guide, Vikram Vaswani, TMH
Module (Any 10)
Design web pages for your college containing a description of the courses, departments,
faculties, library etc, use href, list tag
Study of Table Tag
Study of form Tag with its elements
Create user Student feedback form (use textbox, text area, checkbox, radio button, select box
Create your resume using HTML tags also experiment with colors, text, link , size and also
other tags you studied
Design a web page of your hometown with an attractive background color, text color, an
Image, font etc. (use internal CSS)
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Study of External, Internal and Inline CSS
Use External, Internal, and Inline CSS to format college web page that you created
Write JavaScript code for
a. Performing various mathematical operations such as calculating factorial / finding
Fibonacci Series / Displaying Prime Numbers in each range / Evaluating Expressions /
Calculating reverse of a number
b. Validating the various Form Elements
Write JavaScript code for
a. Demonstrating different JavaScript Objects such as String, RegExp, Math, Date
b. Demonstrating different JavaScript Objects such as Window, Navigator, History,
Location, Document,
c. Storing and Retrieving Cookies
Design an XML document to store information about a student. The information must
include USN, Name, and Name of the College, Branch, Year of Joining, and email id. Make
up sample data for 3 students. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the document.
Create DTD for above XML File (Internal and External)
Write a php program to display today’s date in dd-mm-yyyy format.
Write PHP scripts for
a. Retrieving data from HTML forms
b. Performing certain mathematical operations such as calculating factorial / finding
Fibonacci Series / Displaying Prime Numbers in each range / Evaluating Expressions /
Calculating reverse of a number
c. Working with Arrays
d. Working with Files (Reading / Writing)
Write PHP scripts for
Working with Databases (Storing Records / Reprieving Records and Display them)
Write a PHP Script for login authentication. Design an html form which takes
username and password from user and validate against stored username and password in file.
Write PHP Script for storing and retrieving user information from MySql table.
Design a HTML page which takes Name, Address, Email and Mobile No. From user
( register.php )
Store this data in Mysql database / text file.
Next page display all user in html table using PHP (display.php )
d. Storing and Retrieving Cookies
e. Storing and Retrieving Sessions
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
Data Science Syllabus 2022-23
Design a webpage with some jQuery animation effects
Students must create a whole website which contains above topics in Website
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai