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Psychological Assessment Report: Language & Learning

Conclusions and recommendations
Strengthening the linguistic field
Daily reading and listening to stories.
Enrichment of vocabulary (verbs, adjectives, concepts, contrasts, synonyms).
Improved understanding of complex questions and tasks.
Age-appropriate syntactic structures (simple sentences and more complex sentences later
The acquisition of descriptive abilities (from the level of an image to the level of a story).
Achieving skills related to extracting meaning from texts, such as understanding instructions,
and dealing with different types of instructions, is an essential part of computer education
A combination of learning and computer studies can provide a variety of learning experiences.
Linguistic field
1. Strengthening syntactic control
To strengthen syntactic control, it is recommended that you describe who/what is meant by
the mentions in assignments.
2. Organizing words into a sentence - it is essential to start with 5-6 sentences and then
complex sentences. For example,
Dan- to classes - goes - every day - to school - goes - and in the afternoon - Dan goes to school
every day and another afternoon goes to classes.
3. Use of cloze - completing words in the text - requires reference to reading comprehension
and syntactic elements and linguistics (you can use booklets for cultivating reading
comprehension) or from texts in textbooks for his age Omission of words from the text (omission of every fifth-sixth word, verbs, linking words,
degree) and completion by Yanai, initially from a word warehouse and then without a word
To improve spelling skills:
✓ Detection of spelling errors and their marking by Yanai in the text he wrote.
✓ The reference to a spelling error in a certain line and Yanai's self-location.
✓ Writing a word in which he made a mistake once correctly and once incorrectly and
choosing the word
The inscription is correct and then correcting the errors in the text he wrote.
✓ Decomposing the word into its parts and repeating it aloud while relying on the
phonological processor.
✓ Writing the word several times and then writing it.
✓ Learning through word families (head, first, first...)
✓ Learning rules and contexts (for example, words related to water are written with the letter
T: tal, meter,
A sprinkler, a paddle... (You can use the book "Painless Spelling".
✓ Use of computer programs - following the missing words, foreign exchange, writing with
ease, Mirage,
* To improve spelling skills - using word groups and learning spelling rules. The book "Succeed
in Spelling" may be useful.
Improving written expression skills
Content - presentation of the topic, presentation of knowledge.
Structure - proper sequence, proper structure of sentences, simple and complex syntactic
structures, writing introduction, conclusion,
Writing a paragraph, writing a passage.
Correctness - the proper structure of sentences, punctuation, writing, and spelling.
Using information organization techniques such as:
▪ Writing ideas and sorting them.
▪ Writing paragraphs.
▪ Planning the text according to a structure.
▪ Writing an opening and closing paragraph.
Different models for writing: writing an answer, summary.
Using the technique of feedback on the writing and joint correction of the expressions and
Writing using a computer
To increase Yanai's motivation, you can also write using a word processor while taking
advantage of the ability to edit
and organize the text, the organization of sentences and paragraphs, evidence of creativity,
Using the technique of feedback on the writing and joint correction of the expressions and
*It is recommended to use the series "Learning to Succeed", published by the Milli Institute.
Use of computer software
▪ Following the missing words, CET.
▪ Writing with ease, Mirage, multimedia.
Improving learning skills:
▪ Planning and organizing time and study materials.
▪ Determining assignments, defin‫ ןמע‬them, and setting priorities.
▪ Use of the diary.
▪ Dealing with texts.
▪ Summary skills.
▪ Remembering skills.
▪ Creating the learning environment.
▪ Dealing with different types of questions (open questions, multiple choice questionnaires).
Ruthie Kravczyk
Educational psychologist and instructor
Certified therapist in CBT and biofeedback
21/14 Keren Hayesod St. Ra'anana
Dew. Mobile: 054-5575658
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------20.10.2022
Psychological opinion
Name: Goli Yanai
Identity card: 336666953
Date of birth: 22.05.2012
Age: 10.4
Educational institution: 5th grade, "Ramat Aviv Gimel" Elementary School, Tel Aviv.
Date of diagnosis: 11.09.2022
Parents' names: Maya and Oren.
The tests passed: Wechsler Intelligence Test (95 R-WISC), Bender, HTP drawings, completion
Sentences, Exam Anxiety Test Questionnaire, and TAT.
Developmental and educational background
Yanai, age 10.4, a 5th-grade student, was referred for psychological diagnosis by his parents,
as part of a psycho-diagnosis
Comprehensive didactic, for the purpose of evaluating learning and attention functions and
testing cognitive abilities and the emotional domain.
In the conversation before the Didactic diagnosis, the mother described Yanai as a curious,
sociable child with good social skills. Alongside this, she described complex educational
difficulties discovered in the early stages of learning (in the classroom).
1) and are reflected in language comprehension and mathematics ("It was very well done, but
from the middle of 4th grade.
The father described Yanai as an athlete (skateboarding, soccer), sociable and loves company,
having a hard time studying ("guessing when reading, has graphomotor difficulty when
writing, writes with spelling errors"). In addition, he described Short attention span and
physical restlessness) "In the private lessons, he goes while learning, in the class it is quiet and
not disturbing but having trouble listening, absorbed in class, not attentive".
According to his father, when he teaches Yanai math, he has difficulty understanding and
doesn't understand until the end. He has difficulty sitting down, needs breaks, and deals with
verbal problems due to difficulty reading and in the classroom.
Prefer working with a friend. In addition, there is difficulty holding writing instruments such
as a fork and prefers to eat with his hands. He had difficulty tying shoelaces and only learned
three months ago. The notebooks are not organized. In class, it is not enough to copy from
the board and not at the pace of the class. He is unable to copy five lines although he was
reinforced from second grade by remedial teaching teachers.
In addition to private remedial teaching at home (language, reading and writing, thinking
processes, English, and from the current school year also remedial teaching in mathematics).
According to the parents, there is a noticeable improvement in his functioning Yanai Only
started reading during the fourth grade, but cannot read a book except comics, has difficulty
writing because of motor difficulties, difficulties with writing and expression, order and
organization of writing.
Yanai is the second son of three children in the family. He has two sisters aged 7 and 12. Yanai
was born at birth
Normal, at week 40.5 following a pregnancy where the mother was observed due to a
placental abruption.
Motor development was normal and oral development was late, up to two years
Yanai's vocabulary was limited without verbal treatment. In his infancy, he often suffered from
inflammatory ears and his current health status is normal.
Yanai was in kindergarten at the kibbutz from seven months until pre-compulsory
kindergarten and four, he was in the Council Area kindergarten. In pre-compulsory
kindergarten, the kindergarten teacher reported to the parents that he avoided motor tasks
such as drawing and derivation and was referred for diagnosis in the child's development.
Reported flexibility in the knuckles and as a result, became stiff Holding writing instruments
and performing gross-motor tasks, Yanai was treated by an occupational clinic in three cycles
of care Adapting to kindergarten settings was without difficulty, throughout the kindergarten
years he was sociable, he loved compulsory kindergarten physical activities and participated
less in didactic activities and did not acquire mastery of literary names and the letters. Toward
the end of the school year, there was a consultation on the question of moving to school.
However, it was decided to go to school. In grades 1-3, adapting to school was without
difficulties in the social aspect, even though there were no previous acquaintances with
During Passover in the 1st grade, the teacher went on the substitute teacher reported that
Shinai had not mastered reading and writing and described significant gaps in the relationship
to the students of the class. Yanai started studying with a private remedial teacher who
recommended that he be referred For the integration committee and in the 2nd grade, the
integration committee was carried out. Vienna began to receive reinforcement at the school.
In the middle of the 2nd grade And during the third grade with the transition to learning from
home during the Corona period, Yanai continued to study with the teachers The privacy, in
addition to the remedial teacher at the school with whom he studied at that stage through
Zoom and Zekot
The intensive support he received during the Corona period managed to reduce some gaps.