Altfragen Colloqium 1 1. Which of the listed below contributes to hypovolemic shock development Liquidas and electrolyte loss 2. Per diapedesis hemorrhages are typically associated with Stomach ulcer 3, The most common location for hemorrhagic infarction is Intestines 4. Which of the following types of thrombi could be formed in arterial vessels? Mixed thrombi 5. Which of the following is not an option for a thrombosis resolution? Separation 6. A 4 year old girl has a broken arm. After her cast is removed 6 weeks later, her healing arm is markedly smaller than her normal arm. The mechanism is…. Di use? atrophy 7. Which of the following extracellular components is formed rst during the process of healing? Type III collagen 8. Vicarious hypertrophy is often seen in: Lungs 9. The contraction of the wound results from: Fibroblast proliferation and synthesis of collagen III 10. Hyalinosis is not associated with: Waxy spleen 11. Hemorrhagic diathesis typically results in: Thrombocytopenia 12. Spleen induration associated with congestion results from: Chronic right ventricle failure 13. Shock lung is not associated with: Calcium deposition 14. Epitheloid cells originate from: Macrophages 15. Special enzymes are released during necrosis from: Lysomsomes 16. Iron (FE +++) intracellular accumulation is associated with: Idiopathetic hemochromatosis 17. Hemochromatosis manifests as: Bronze diabetes 18. Caissons disease is associated with: Gas embolism fi ff 19. In case of atrophy fascia hepatic liver cells accumulate: Lipofuscin 20. Hypertrophy is the increase in the volume of an organ or tissue due to: Increase in the volume of parenchymal cells 21. Which of the following statements is wrong? Smooth muscle regeneration is performed by the process of hyperplasia of the preserved myocytes 22. Pseudohypertropy is the increase in the plume of an organ or tissue due to: Increase in the volume of fat or connective tissue 23. Which of the following is an example of metaplasia? Squamous epithelium in a main bronchus of a smoker 24. Right ventricle hypertrophy is typically associated with: Pulmonary hypertension 25. Which of the following is considered a thrombotic risk factor? Endothelial injury 26. At the time of obstruction, how long does it take for a myocardial infarction (necrosis) to be evident in light microscopy observation? 8 - 12 hours 27. Hemorrhagic type of in ammation is typical for: Flu 28. Which cells are observed in the histological image? Mikulich cells 29. Which of the mentioned below is not used to color lipids? Congo red 30. Metastatic calci cation is associated with: Parathyroid glands tumors 31. Glaze or sugar icing deposits represent: Hyaline deposition 32. The usual outcome of a brain infarct is: Pseudocyst 33. The most common type of cells found in a foci of acute in ammation are: Neutrophils 34. Which of the following mediators of in ammation is not a chemotaxic one? Lysosomal protein fl fl fl fi 35. Which of the mentioned below is not considered as a thesaurismosis …..? Graves’ disease 36. Which of the following diseases leads to cachexia: Tuberculosis 37. The post mortal coagulated appear: Elastic with smooth surface 38. Which of the following is the most accurate gross description of the thrombi? Thick and brittle 39. Per rhexin hemorrhage is usually due to: An acute aortic aneurism rupture 41. Generalized oedema could be observed in: Heart failure 42. Which of the following hemorrhages is associated with gastrointestinal tract? Haematemesis 43. Which of the listed below organs is considered the most common location for the ischemic (anaemic) infarctions? Kidney 44. Hemorrhages resulted from diapedesis are typically due to: Asphyxia 45. Eosinophils are most typically found in: Allergic diseases 46. Which of the following is a type of purulent in ammation: Empyema 47. Catarrhal in ammation is: A serous in ammation in mucous membranes 48. Which cells are not typically found in foreign- body granuloma: Eosinophils 49. What is indicated by the arrow? Plasma cell 50. Granulation tissue is not associated with: Healing of mucosal erosions 51. The process of tissue di erentiation to a higher level of organization is called: Prosoplasia fl ff fl fl 52. The proliferation of glandular epithelium of female breast at puberty is an example of: Hormonal hyperplasia 53. The di erentiation of cells to a lower level of organization is called Anaplasia 54. Approximately 1 cm in size renal infarction will heal via: incomplete regeneration 55. Neutrophil leukocytes are associated with: Granulation tissue 56. The process of phagocytosis is typically associated with: Kup er cells 57. Which of the following is a type of chronic in ammation? In ammation around parasites 58. Polipous in ammation is a type of: chronic productive mucosal in ammation 59. Which process is observed on the histological image? Foreign body type granuloma in gout disease 60. This image demonstrates brain tissue (left) and the presence of many macrophages at the right which are cleaning up the lipid debris from the ….. Liquefactive necrosis 61. Anthracosis is associated with: Typical mosaic appearance of the lungs fl fl fl ff ff fl 62. What type of organism causes Aspergillosis Fungus 63. The di erentiation of cells to a lower level of organization is called: Anaplasia 64. Hyaline deposition happens in: Blood verses after plasmorrhagia 65. The secondary obesity is associated with: In case of Itsenko- cushing disease 66. Which of the mentioned below substances accumulates in intracellular matrix? Amyloid 67. Tay sacks disease is associated with: GM 2 Gangliosides 68. The most common type of cells found in foci of acute in ammation are? Neutrophils 69. Plasma cells: originate from B- lymphocytes 70. Hemorrhage per diapedesis often involves: Capillaries 71. Which of the listed below is the most appropriate stain technique for the fat embolism detection? Frozen sections, stained with Oil red and Sudan II 72. Chronic right ventricle congestion leads to: Induration of the spleen 73. Metrorrhagia by de nition is: Bleeding from the uterus between menstruation 74. Give an adequate de nition to a phlebolith: Calci cation within venous thrombus 75. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of chronic abscess: Pyogenic membrane 76. Which of the following phases of leukocytes exudation is due to the speci c interaction between endothelium and leukocytes? Margination 77. Which of the following is not considered an adaptive response? Dysplasia 78. Regarding hyperplasia which statement is correct? It is limited to cells capable of mitosis division 79. Which of the following organs has the best regeneration ability? Liver 80. Stasis is associated with: Capillaries fi fl fi fi fi ff 81. Which of the following stages is not observed in circulatory shock? Functional 82. Per diabrosin hemorrhages are typicallly associated with: Stomach ulcer 83. Hemosiderosis manifests as: Bronze diabetes 84. In case of thesaurismoses, intracellular accumulations of the metabolic products? Do not undergo reversible development 85. The Ganma- Gandi bodies are usually observed in the spleen due to: Chronic right heart failure 86. When there is arterial hyperemia, the a ected organs are presenting with all of the features, except: Low temperature 87. Dry gangrene typically a ects: Extremities in case of atherosclerosis 88. In which of the following granulomas necrosis is not present: Sarcoidosis 89. Deep brinous in ammation is also known as: Diphtheritic 90. Langhans cells are typically associated with: Tuberculosis 91. The speci c Granuloma in syphilis is called: Gumma 92. Esophageal structures formed after ….. …… swallowing are caused by: Granulation structure ….. production 93. Cell mediators of in ammation are: Prostanglandins 94. Crupous pneumonia is a typical example of: Fibrinous in ammation 95. Which of the following is not associated with exudate formation: Platelets adhesion and agglutination 96. What is the possible outcome of acute in ammation: Fibrosis 97. The sarcoid granulomas typically tend to contain: Reticular bers 98. Abscess develops more frequently in the: Brain 99. Left ventricular wall thickening in arterial hypertension is due to: Cardiac workload associated hypertrophy 100. Which of the following accurately de nes cellular adaptation: Development of a new, altered steady state fl ff fi ff fl fl fl fi fi fi 101. Neutrophil leukocytes are associated with: Granulation tissue 102. Pulmonary edema usually results from hemodynamic disorder due to: Myocardial infarction 103. Chronic passive congestion of the left side heart leads to: Induratio fusca pulmonum 104. The condition when both lungs are heavy enlarged and there is abundant foamy uid leaking out of their cut surface is usually corresponding to: ????????? 105. Cor villosum represents: Fibrinous in ammation 106. Which granulomas contain di use plasma cell in ltration and an endothelial proliferation? Syphilis 107. Steatosis represent an abnormal intracellular accumulation of: Triglycerides 108. Excessive hemosiderin accumulations is not associated with: Copper metabolism disorder 109. Peripheral nerves regenerate through: Distal axonal segment/part elongation 110. Keloid mainly consists of: Collagen 111. All mentioned below are hormones associated processes apart from: Cardiac hypertrophy in case of physical work overload 112. Which of the following is NOT associated with uid imbalance? Elasto brosis of the arterial wall 113. Which of the following is an example of exogenous embolism? Air embolism 114. Which of the following is a type of chronic productive in ammation? Condyloma accuminata 115. Osteoclasts represent: Type of bone cells 116. The least common type of cells found in foci of chronic in ammation are: Neutrophils 117. Which of the following is a plasma mediator of in ammation? Bradykinin 118. Which of the following mediators can activate other plasma mediators of in ammation: C3 and C5 components of the complement system 119. All mentioned below are typically present in Actinomycosis granulomatous in ammation except: Reticular bers fl fl fl fl fl fi fl fl ff fl fi fi 120. In case of diabetes mellitus glycogen deposits are seen in: Renal epithelium cells 121. Which of the following staining techniques is used to reveal the intracellular iron: Perls prussian blue reaction 122. Which of the mentioned below conditions manifest with lipofuscin accumulation in heaptocytes? Brown atrophy of the liver 123. The transudate is: presenting with lack of proteins 124. In case of hydronephrosis, renal parenchyma undergoes: Atrophy by pressure 125. Kolloid mainly consists of: Collagen 126. The rst stage of the development if rheumatic granulomas is associated with: Mucoid degeneration 127. The in ammation os not typically asssociated with: uncontrollable cell proliferation 128. Which cells migrate rst through the blood vessels during acute in ammation? Neutrophils 129. Which of the following cells have phagocytic activity in the foci of granulomatous in ammation: Macrophages 130. The preliminary presence of di use hemosiderosis is compulsory when there is: Pulmonary infarction 131. Noma represents: Wet gangrene of the cheeks 132. Hemorrhagic in ammation are typical for: Anthrax 133. Abscess formation is not typical for: Rheumatism 134. In which process the pyogenic membrane is formed: Abscess 135. Which of the following is the most common source of A. pulmonalis thrombosis? Thrombi in the right ventricle 136. The development of the secondary amyloidosis is usually associated with: Chronic pyelonephritis 137. In case of obesitas lipids depostion happens in: In all mentioned above 138. Fatty liver is commonly associated with: All mentioned fl fi ff fi fl fl fi fl 139. Which of the following staining method is used to reveal reticular bers? Gomori stain 140. The presence of reticular bers is a typical feature of: Granulomas in sarcoidosis 141. The chronic in ammation is typically associated with all mentioned below except: In ltration by neutrophils 142. Labile (continuously dividing) cells are associated with all mentioned organs except: Liver 143. The enlarged uterus of a pregnant woman is an example of which adaptive behavior? Hypertrophy 144. What is the process presented on the histological image? Foreign body granuloma 145. The rheumatic granulomas typically tend to contain: Fibrinoid necrosis 146. Which of the following leads to edema formation? Hypoproteinemia 147. Which of the following histological stains is used to reveal collagen? Van Giesons stain 148. Frosty spleen is associated with: Hyaline deposition 149. Mucoid degeneration is associated with: Endocardium 150. The earliest manifestations of cell injury include: Biochemical alterations 151. The exudative in ammation is not typically associated with: Transudate 152. Empyema typically develops in: Pleural cavity 153. In which of the following cells Langhans cells are present? Rheumatism 154. Which of the following cells are not typical for Rhinocleroma? Langhans cell fi fl fl fl fi 155. Plasma mediators of in ammation are: Coagulation system 156. Metachromatic granules typically accumulate in cytoplasm of: Mast cells 157. Which of the mentioned below stains is used to reveal mucoid degeneration? Tolludine blue stain 158. In tuberculosis granuloma is typically not associated with? Vascularisation 159. Which process is presented on the histological image? Sarcoidosis granuloma 160. What is indicated by the arrow? Giant cell foreign body type 161. Deep brinous in ammation is typically associated with: Mucosae, lined by strati ed squamous epithelium 162. The formation of granulomas is not associated with? Pneumococcal pneumonia 163. Histamine e ects include: Increased vascular permeability 164. Lung atrophy is associated with: Increased in size lungs with decreased elasticity 165. Coagulative Necrosis is due to: Denaturation of protein fi fl ff fi 166. Cholesterol imbalance is not associated with: Acromegaly 167. Which of the listed below is the most appropriate stain technique for the fat …. Frozen sections, stained with Oil red and Sudan III 168. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of granuloma in syphilis: Rubber - like necrosis 169. Which of the following is a plasma mediator of in ammation: Kallikrein 170. All of the mentioned below could be associated with catarrhal in ammation except: Acute endocarditis 171. All mentioned below deprive brinous in ammation except: Proliferative 172. What term is used to describe disuse suppurative (purulent) in ammation? Phlegmon 173. Which of the following extracellular component states is formed rst during the process healing? Lung emphysema 174. What is indicated by the arrow? Giant cell langhans type 175. What is the possible outcome of acute in ammation? Fibrosis 176. Pulmonary embolism is NOT associated with? Pulmonary veins 177. In case of hemosiderosis, lungs grossly: Are brownish in color fi fl fl fl fl fl fi 178. Obstructive icterus is associated with: pancreatic cancer in the head of the pancreas 179. What is seen here? Benign prostate hypertrophy 180. Cutis lata represents: ??? 181. Disfunctional atrophy is associated with: all mentioned above 182. Kup er cells represents: Liver macrophages 183. The rhinoscleroma granulomas typically tend to contain: Mikulich cells 184. Identify the type of necrosis in this image (kidney) Coagulative necrosis 185. Tiger spotted heart gross appearance is commonly associated with: Papillary muscles 186. Which cells are not present in exudate? Epitheliod cells 187. An example of deep brinious in ammation is? Dyphtherial angina fl fi ff 188. Which from the listed below is a major risk for air embolism? Cervical injury 189. The function of the epitheliod cells is: Phagocytosis 190. The earliest manifestations of cell injury could be detected using: Electron microscopy 191. From the listed below, please specify the feature that determines whether the healing of the wound would be by rst intention or by second intension: The position of the wound edges 192. Which of the following is the glycogen storage disease: Pompes Disease 193. Cholesterol crystals are present in: Xanthoma 194. In case of idiopathic hemochromatosis iron is accumulated intracellularly in: Pancreas fi 195. The typhoid granulomas are typically associated with: macrophages that phagocytosed erythrocytes and bacteria