Grading System Qualification: ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Nominal Duration: 196 Hours NC II Rating Sheet Name of Trainee: Training Schedule: Name of Trainer: Competencies Basic Competencies 1. Participate in workplace communication 2. Work in a team environment 3. Practice career professionalism 4. Practice occupational health and safety procedures Common Competencies 1. Use Hand Tools 2. Perform Mensuration and Calculation 3. Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawing 4. Apply Quality Standards 5. Terminate and Connect Electrical Wiring and Electronic Circuits Core Competencies 1. Perform roughing-in activities, wiring and cabling works for single-phase distribution, power, lighting and auxiliary systems 2. Install electrical protective devices for distribution, power, lighting, auxiliary, lightning protection and grounding systems 3. Install wiring devices of floor and wall mounted outlets, lighting fixtures/switches, and auxiliary outlets Signature over Printed Name of Trainer Remarks (Pls. Check) Competent Not Competent Grading Basis 75% and above 74% and below - Competent Not Competent Components of Grades Observation Demonstration Oral Questioning Written Test Total - 10 50 30 10 100 % % % % % Competency Assessment No Competency Assessment, No Graduation policy must be followed. Competency Assessment for students is mandatory. Such assessment is conducted before graduation. However, passing the assessment is not a requirement for graduation. Rules on Issuance of Training Certificate Students are entitled to have Training Certificates after the end of training with the following rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. He/she must take the National Competency assessment before the end of training. Students can process their Training Certificates 1 month after the date of graduation. He/she must pay all his payables and obligations. He/she must secure clearance before the release of the Training Certificates. Submitted by: RENATO C. LORILLA EIM TRAINER