Exam 1 Review – Chapters 1 through 5 of Gaddis Fourth Edition Definitions Types Syntax If statements For loops While loops Functions Study labs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 – requirements document and your code Study project 1 – requirements documents and your code Definitions Computer A machine that executes algorithms Hardware components: keyboard, CPU, RAM, monitor. Algorithm A series of step-by-step instructions Similar to a recipe IPO Input-process-output The basic pattern of the programs we have seen so far Identifier A name for a variable Definitions Keyword An identifier reserved for use by Python Know examples Syntax The form of a language The rules for what parts go where Semantics The meaning of a construct Study Appendix C – ASCII codes Types Know the basic types and what sorts of values make them up int float Boolean string Be able to create and use variables of these types Types Know the operators, and how they affect the different types Arithmetic +, -, *, / Integer //, % When integers and floats are mixed together, the result will be a float Syntax Be able to write code using the constructs we have seen Assignment statements Including incrementing Getting input Use float(input(…) ) or int(input(…)) or input(…) Printing print(…) format within print If-statements Be able to read and write if statements Simple if if <cond>: <body> If-else if <cond>: <body> else: <body> If-statements If-elif if <cond1>: <body1> elif <cond2>: <body2> If-elif-else (aka multi-way) if <cond1>: <body1> elif <cond2>: <body2> else: <body3> For Loops Be able to write a for loop The loop variable The range construct Know the for loop forms Counting Summing Be able to turn a for loop into a while loop, and vice-versa While Loops Know the forms of while loops Counting loops Summing loops Interactive loops Sentinel loops Use of a break statement to end a loop While Loops In general, for any loop, know the four parts Initialization 1. Variables get values Test 2. Should the loop body execute one more time? Body 3. Where the work gets done Update 4. Change the control variable for the next time through the loop Functions Be able to Define a function Call a function Return a value from a function Declare and use parameters Turn a block of code into a function Parameters Formal Actual Know the relationship between them Functions Know what happens during a function call The program stops (suspends execution) 2. The parameters are passed 1. The formal parameters of the function get assigned the values supplied by the actual parameters in the call are copied into the actual parameters This is pass by value The body of the function is executed 4. The return statement allows the program to pick back up where it left off 3.