Uploaded by juanmascorro2008

CNN 10 5-3-23

Main Ideas/Vocab/Questions
Name: Juan Mascorro
Class: World History_
Date: 05/ 03/ 2023
Period 05
When we want something different or to change how things are going in our
lives we have to be prepared to do something different
Formula one race in Miami Louis Hamilton running about 200 mph Spain Is
seeing a major drought it only received. 36% it has been caused by soaring
temperatures it has had impacts against farms Spain said to not fill up their
pools take quick showers the sow reservoir is already low all of its sweet is
probably lost the grain should be milky but if it doesn’t rain the crops will be
A record breaking amount of seaweed is 13.1 millions of it is coming to
shores in Miami the beach takers are already here to get the seaweed it smells
real bad because it decays.
There are rarely 70.000 kiwis and scientists say that we need to save the
kiwis they health checked the kiwis there's hopefully room to save them
The 12 year old dog named betty
SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.