A o A focus on anger management and containment of acting out o Addressed current life stressors and both adaptive and maladaptive responses to these that client displays. o Addressed interfering behaviors in session o An emphasis on addressing problematic core beliefs o An emphasis on coping with current life difficulties o Analyze fears, in logical manner o Assessed: o behaviors and thoughts o client progress o history… o reasons for symptoms of… o suicidal behaviors o suicide potential and risk o for increased symptoms of… o Assign positive affirmations o Assisted client in… o building support system o evaluating consequences of… o examining the benefits of… o labeling feelings related to… o management of symptoms and improvement in overall life/relationships/view of self o determining client’s triggers C o Challenged client o Challenged client’s negative thoughts about o Checked in with client on o Collaborated with client to o Connect anger/guilt with depression o Continued to address areas of need, goals, and progress o Continued to explore aspects of client's history that influence them in the present D o o o o Deescalated client by Define roles in the family Demonstrated Develop insight into worry/avoidance o Directed client to o Discussed: o benefits of taking medication o benefits/ effectiveness of medication o how medication is helping o problem solving techniques o self-regulation skills E o Educate on benefits of assertiveness skills o Educate on co-dependency o Educate on dissociation as a coping response o Educate on skills training o Emotion-focused techniques and strategies to address difficulties within the couple o Encouraged: o healthy expression of feelings o journaling feelings as coping skill o outside reading on… o practicing boundaries o practice use of coping skills o trust in own responses o use of skills o using “no” o use of journaling o o o o o o use of self-talk exercises o use of positive self-talk Engaged in empathetic listening Evaluating and addressing dysfunctional thoughts Exploration and implementation of techniques for securing appropriate boundaries Exploration of strategies to promote trust and commitment to the couple relationship Explored: o effects of childhood experiences o effects of sensitivity to criticism o familial communication patterns o family of origin o fears of independence o feelings throughout session o history of dependency on others o history of dissociative experiences o how _____ may be helpful o how trauma impacts parenting patterns o interpersonal skills o issues around codependency o issues around trust o issues of unresolved grief/loss o patterns of conflict within the family/the relationship o potential reasons for sadness/pain o risky behaviors o roles of victim and survivor and how they are playing out o suicidal thoughts/selfinjurious behaviors o trauma/abuse o triggers and coping skills to assist in management of symptoms and improvement in overall life/relationships/view of self o various dynamics and patterns within their life that cause some discomfort and/or emotional instability F o Facilitated family/ relationship communication o Facilitate healthy expression of feelings/concerns H o Helped client… o develop a plan of action o externalize anger o problem solve solutions o recognize/reflect on their triggers o reframe cognitive distortions/distorted thinking patterns I o Identified: o alternative behaviors to _____ o triggers related to _____ o and work through therapy interfering behaviors o areas of strength used to parent o behaviors associated with _____ o coping skills that have helped in the past o feelings of fear/guilt/ disappointment o how distorted thoughts affect understanding o o o o o L o o o o o how family patterns of conflict and communication are played out o how fear of disappointing others affects functioning o patterns of dependency on family members o situations that are anxiety provoking o source of distorted thoughts o strengths o support system o symptoms of _____ o unresolved conflicts and how they arise o ways of giving without receiving o ways to increase independence Implementing strategies to promote a greater acceptance of ongoing emotional experience Improve insight into selfinjurious behaviors Interpersonal problems Introduced strategy of Introduced the skill of Labeled feelings of Led client in List positive aspects of self List ways family may participate in healthy activities in community M o Modeled for client the practice of o Monitor and encourage hygiene/grooming N o Normalize feelings of sadness and responses o Normalized feelings of o Normalized throughs of P o Paraphrased for client regarding o Practice/reinforce/model use of healthy boundaries o Practiced tools with client in session o Practiced with client o Praised client for progress in o Praised client for progress toward treatment goals o Problem solved with client regarding o Processed fears of o Processed feelings related to o Prompted client to o Prompted client to discuss o Provided education about ADHD o Provided psycho-education on _____ o anger management o on CBT o related to client symptom presentation o related to processing emotions o related to the grief process o Provided safe space for client to process R o Reassured client regarding o Redirected client regarding o Refer for medication evaluation to address o Reflected back to client o Reframed client report of negative thoughts o Reframed for client o Reinforced: o completion of homework o use of CBT/DBT skills o use of healthy expression of feelings o use of positive self-talk o o o o o o use of assertiveness/ healthy communication Research family dynamics and how they play out Restated what client said in order to Review homework Reviewed client negative statements Role-played with client o o o o o S o Set boundaries regarding o Set goals related to o Sought clarification regarding o Summarized for client o Support confronting of perpetrator o Supportive psychotherapeutic techniques, including active listening, supportive reflection, and validation T o Taught client o about communication skills o about healthy boundaries o conflict resolution skills o relaxation skills o thought stopping techniques o assertiveness skills o problem-solving strategies o Teach/practice/model parenting techniques o Today we explored negative thinking patterns and behaviors that have remained present over a significant period of time and continue to be present o Trained client in U o Used: o o o o behavior management for _____ o open ended questions to _____ o paraphrasing to Used play therapy to Used reflection to Used relaxation training for Used rephrasing techniques to Used supportive questioning to assist with Utilize empty-chair exercise to work through trauma Utilize relaxation homework to reinforced skills Utilized active listening throughout session V o Validate distress and difficulties o Validate/reinforce use of coping skills o Validated client expressions of emotions W o Work together on: o building trust o identification of unhealthy patterns in client's life and interventions to improve on these o improvement of responses and management of triggers and negative emotions on this day. o Worked with client on: o communications skills o specific skills related to assertiveness o understanding how their experiences with trauma/or in childhood have influenced their ability to cope well in situations where similar emotions are triggered o Worked with client to develop coping strategies o Worked with client to improve self sufficiency o Worked with client to process ____