Uploaded by Claire Daniel

CPI - GROUP 1 - Soda Ash & Sodium Bicarbonate

Monterde, Jea Krizelle
Repunte, Gleysie
Villareal, Claire Daniel
Ysulan, Angelyn
a. What is soda ash?
Soda ash (Na2CO3) is the common name for sodium carbonate. This is
the disodium salt of carbonic acid with an alkalinizing property. Soda ash, when
mixed with water, reacts to form carbonic acid and sodium hydroxide. This is also
a strong base which acts as an antacid that neutralizes gastric acid. Soda ash is
commonly occurring in nature as constituents of mineral waters and as solid
minerals natron, trona, and thermonatrite. It is one of the largest volume mineral
products in the inorganic chemicals industry.
b. What are the chemical and physical properties of soda ash?
Soda ash is a strong base that neutralizes gastric acid and
acts as an antacid. It is an inorganic compound that occurs as
dry powder at room temperature. This can also come as
colorless crystals or white, granular powder.
Soda ash occurs as grayish-white powder or lumps which
contain at most 99% of sodium carbonate.
Soda ash is odorless.
Soda ash is tasteless, although it may have an alkaline taste.
Boiling Point
Soda ash decomposes on heating by CO2 loss.
Melting Point
Soda ash has a melting point of 856 degrees Celsius.
Soda ash is freely soluble in water and insoluble in ethanol.
Soda ash has a density of 2.54 g/cm^3
Stability/Shelf Life
Soda ash is hygroscopic and is stable under recommended
storage conditions.
Soda ash decomposes at 400 degrees Celsius and evolves as
carbon dioxide gas. This emits toxic Na2O fumes upon
Soda ash is a hygroscopic compound. Its weight increases by
approximately 6% within 30 minutes when it is in air at 96%
relative humidity. It is also an alkaline compound and its
alkalinity decreases as it absorbs carbon dioxide and moisture
from the atmosphere if stored under moist conditions. This
compound forms sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide as it
reacts with water.
c. What are the three methods of producing soda ash?
The three methods of producing soda ash are:
a. Leblanc Process:
This process, also called the black ash process, was named after its
discoverer or inventor, the French physician Nicolas Leblanc. Through this
process, soda ash is produced from common salt, where it is reacted with
sulfuric acid to produce sodium sulfate and hydrochloric acid. Afterwards,
the sodium sulfate produced is roasted with limestone and coal, which
then results in sodium carbonate and calcium sulfide mixture. The mixture
of these two compounds is what is known as the black ash, that when
leached with water will produce an extract of sodium carbonate. This
process can also be done with raw materials like sulfuric acid, coal, and
b. Solvay Process:
This process, which is also referred to as the ammonia soda process,
was established by its Belgian inventor, Ernest Solvay. The Solvay process
is the most accepted technology for the manufacturing of soda ash due to
its cost-efficient operation and positive environmental impact, compared to
other manufacturing processes. It has the same raw materials as the
Leblanc Process but with the addition of ammonia as a cyclic reagent.
The Solvay process makes use of ammonia reacted with carbon
dioxide and water in order to produce ammonium bicarbonate. This is then
mixed with salt to form sodium bicarbonate which undergoes calcination to
form sodium carbonate. This reaction produces chloride as a byproduct,
and this is neutralized with lime to produce calcium chloride. The ammonia
used in this process are recovered and recycled for the next operation.
c. DUAL (Modified Solvay Process):
This process is a modified Solvay process as several modifications
have been added in this process by its producers. This was established
and operated in Japan and was used commercially in 1980. This process
is a combination of the production of soda ash and the production of
ammonium chloride. The product ammonium chloride undergoes
crystallization by cooling and through the addition of solid sodium chloride.
This process mainly uses salt, carbon dioxide, and ammonia as raw
materials, but does not require limestone unlike the previous process.
From obsolete to the most accepted method. Describe each terms of the
I. Process and flow chart
a. Leblanc Process
b. Solvay Process
c. DUAL (Modified Solvay Process)
II. Chemical conversion and unit operations involved
Soda ash is a chemical compound produced through various
processes, including the Solvay process. This process involves several
chemical conversions and unit operations. It starts with the reaction of
calcium carbonate with water and carbon dioxide to form calcium
bicarbonate, which is then reacted with ammonia to produce ammonium
bicarbonate. The ammonium bicarbonate is then reacted with sodium
chloride to form sodium bicarbonate and ammonium chloride. The sodium
bicarbonate is heated to produce sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide.
The Solvay process involves the following unit operations:
1. Brine Purification: Brine (sodium chloride solution) is purified by
removing impurities such as calcium and magnesium ions using a
series of purification steps. This process is typically done using a
series of tanks or vessels and involves adding lime (Ca(OH)2) and
soda ash (Na2CO3) to the brine.
2. Carbonation: The purified brine is then saturated with carbon
dioxide (CO2) to produce sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and
water. This process is typically done in a carbonation tower.
3. Calcination: The sodium bicarbonate is then heated to produce
sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide gas. This process is
typically done in a calciner or oven.
4. Filtration: The sodium carbonate is then filtered to remove any
impurities or solid particles. This process is typically done using a
filter press or a vacuum filter.
5. Crystallization: The filtered solution is then cooled and allowed to
crystallize. The crystals are then dried and packaged for sale. The
crystallization process can be done in a crystallization tank or
The Leblanc process involves several chemical conversions. The
process begins with the reaction of salt (NaCl) with sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
to produce sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and hydrochloric acid (HCl). The
sodium sulfate is then heated with limestone (CaCO3) and coal to
produce sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and calcium sulfide (CaS). The
calcium sulfide is further oxidized to produce calcium sulfate (CaSO4) and
sulfur dioxide (SO2), which is released into the atmosphere as a
byproduct. The Leblanc process involves the following unit operations:
1. Salt Roasting: Salt (NaCl) is heated with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to
produce sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and hydrogen chloride (HCl)
gas. The salt roaster is a furnace or kiln that is used to heat the
2. Black Ash Production: Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) is mixed with
crushed limestone (CaCO3) and coal or coke and then heated in a
furnace to produce a mixture of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and
calcium sulfide (CaS). The furnace is called a black ash furnace.
3. Conversion: The mixture of sodium carbonate and calcium
sulfide is mixed with water to dissolve the sodium carbonate. The
solution is then treated with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) to
convert the remaining calcium sulfide to calcium carbonate
(CaCO3), which can be used in the next batch of black ash
production. The conversion process is typically done in a separate
tank or vessel.
4. Filtration: The solution of sodium carbonate is filtered to remove
any impurities or solid particles. This process is typically done
using a filter press or a vacuum filter.
5. Crystallization: The filtered solution is then cooled and allowed to
crystallize. The crystals are then dried and packaged for sale. The
crystallization process can be done in a crystallization tank or
The modified Solvay process, also known as the ammonia-soda
process, involves several chemical conversions. The process begins with
the reaction of salt (NaCl) with ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
to produce ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and sodium bicarbonate
(NaHCO3). The sodium bicarbonate is then heated to produce sodium
carbonate (Na2CO3) and water (H2O), with carbon dioxide as a
byproduct. The ammonium chloride is recycled back into the process.The
Dual process involves the following unit operations:
1. Brine Purification: Brine (sodium chloride solution) is purified by
removing impurities such as calcium and magnesium ions using a
series of purification steps. This process is typically done using a
series of tanks or vessels and involves adding lime (Ca(OH)2) and
soda ash (Na2CO3) to the brine.
2. Carbonation: The purified brine is then saturated with carbon
dioxide (CO2) to produce sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and
water. This process is typically done in a carbonation tower.
3. Calcination: The sodium bicarbonate is then heated to produce
sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide gas. This process is
typically done in a calciner or oven.
4. Hydrochloric Acid Recovery: The HCl gas produced during the
salt roasting process is absorbed in water to produce hydrochloric
acid (HCl)
III. Advantages and disadvantages of each process
The Solvay process offers several advantages over other methods
of soda ash production, including its low-cost raw materials, high
efficiency, and low energy consumption. However, the process also
produces large amounts of waste, including calcium chloride and carbon
dioxide, which can lead to environmental problems if not properly treated.
The Leblanc process was the dominant method for producing
soda ash until the mid-19th century, but it has several drawbacks,
including the release of large amounts of sulfur dioxide, which contributes
to air pollution and acid rain. The process also generates a significant
amount of waste, including calcium sulfide, which is difficult to dispose of.
The modified Solvay process, on the other hand, has several
advantages over the Leblanc process. It is more energy-efficient,
produces fewer byproducts, and does not generate significant air
pollution. However, it requires a steady supply of ammonia, which can be
expensive and difficult to obtain in some regions. The process also
generates wastewater that contains ammonia, which can be toxic to
aquatic life if not properly treated.
IV. Environmental impacts
The Leblanc process, Solvay process, and the Dual process
(modified Solvay process) are methods of producing sodium carbonate
(Na2CO3) that were developed in the 19th century. These processes
have a significant environmental impact due to the release of various
pollutants during their production.
The Leblanc process, which was the first method of producing
sodium carbonate on an industrial scale, involved the reaction of sodium
chloride (NaCl) with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and limestone (CaCO3) to
produce sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), calcium sulfate (CaSO4), and
hydrochloric acid (HCl). The hydrochloric acid was released into the
atmosphere, causing air pollution, and the waste products, including
calcium sulfide (CaS) and calcium sulfate, were dumped into rivers and
lakes, causing water pollution.
The Solvay process, which was developed as a more
environmentally-friendly alternative to the Leblanc process, also has
some environmental impacts. The process involves the reaction of
sodium chloride with ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) to
produce sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), which is then heated to produce
sodium carbonate. The process generates ammonia gas, which can
contribute to air pollution if not properly contained. Additionally, the carbon
dioxide used in the process is often sourced from fossil fuel combustion,
contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.
The Dual process, which is a modified version of the Solvay
process, also generates ammonia and uses fossil fuel-derived carbon
dioxide. However, it has some advantages over the Solvay process,
including the ability to recover by-products such as calcium chloride
(CaCl2) and hydrogen gas (H2), reducing waste.
Overall, the production of sodium carbonate using these
processes has significant environmental impacts, including air and water
pollution, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce these impacts,
alternative methods of producing sodium carbonate are being developed,
including using renewable energy sources to generate the carbon dioxide
required for the process and developing more efficient processes that
generate less waste.
d. Top 5 producers in the world
These companies are considered the top five producers of soda ash in
the world based on their production capacity, market share and global reach.
Solvay SA is the largest producer of soda ash globally, followed by Tata
Chemicals Ltd. and Ciech SA. FMC Corporation and Genesis Energy LP are also
significant producers of soda ash.
1. Solvay SA is the largest producer of soda ash due to its extensive
operations in various regions of the world, including Europe, North
America, and Asia. The company has a significant market share in the
soda ash industry and has been in the business for over 150 years.
2. Tata Chemicals Ltd. is the second-largest producer of soda ash and has
a strong presence in India and Europe.
3. Ciech SA is another major producer of soda ash based in Poland and
has a significant market share in Europe.
4. FMC Corporation is a US-based company that produces soda ash
through the Solvay process and has operations in North and South
5. Genesis Energy LP is another US-based company that produces soda
ash through the Hou's process and has a significant market share in the
e. Uses and applications of sodium carbonate
Sodium carbonate, also known as soda ash or washing soda, has
numerous uses in industry. Here are some of the most common uses:
1. Glass manufacturing: Sodium carbonate is a key ingredient in the
production of glass. It is used as a fluxing agent to lower the melting point
of silica and improve the flow of glass during manufacturing.
2. Detergents and cleaning products: Sodium carbonate is a common
ingredient in many household and industrial cleaning products, such as
laundry detergents, dishwashing detergents, and all-purpose cleaners..It
acts as a water softener, allowing the soap or detergent to form suds and
clean more effectively. Additionally, soda ash helps to neutralize acidic
substances in the cleaning solution, making it more effective in removing
stains and dirt.
3. Water treatment: Sodium carbonate is also used in water treatment
processes to adjust the pH of water and neutralize acidic water. This
helps to reduce corrosion in pipes and equipment and improve the
effectiveness of water treatment chemicals such as chlorine.
4. Chemical manufacturing: Sodium carbonate is used in the production of
various chemicals, including sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium
silicate, and sodium chromate. Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as
baking soda, is used in various food and pharmaceutical applications,
while sodium silicate is used in the production of detergents, adhesives,
and cements. Sodium chromate is used in the production of pigments and
5. Paper manufacturing: Sodium carbonate is used in the paper
manufacturing process to improve the strength and durability of paper.
Where it is used to break down the lignin in wood pulp and separate the
fibers. This process is essential for producing high-quality paper and
reduces the amount of energy and chemicals required in the process.
6. Food industry: Sodium carbonate is used as a food additive in some
products such as chocolates, wine, and other beverages.
7. Textile industry: Sodium carbonate is used in the textile industry as a
dyeing auxiliary to improve the absorption and retention of dyes in fabrics.
[1] National Center for Biotechnology Information (2023). PubChem Compound Summary
for CID 10340, Sodium Carbonate. Retrieved April 28, 2023 from
[2] Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2023, April 6). sodium. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Madima, T. (2009). Manufacturing of
synthetic soda ash. CORE Reader.
[4] Soda Ash. (n.d.). Chemical Safety Facts. https://www.chemicalsafetyfacts.org/soda-ash/
Soda Ash Production and Environmental Impact. (n.d.). WorldAtlas.
[7] Top 5 Vendors in the Global Soda Ash Market from 2017 to 2021. (n.d.). Business Wire.
[8] Kazan Soda Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. (2023). Soda ash used. Retrieved April 30, 2023, from
a. What is sodium bicarbonate?
Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is a chemical compound
with the formula NaHCO3. It is a white, crystalline powder that is commonly used
in cooking, baking, and as a cleaning agent. It is also used as an antacid to
relieve heartburn, acid indigestion, and stomach upset. When heated, it
decomposes into sodium carbonate, water, and carbon dioxide gas. Sodium
bicarbonate is an important industrial chemical used in a variety of applications,
including in the production of glass, soaps, detergents, and paper.
b. What are the chemical and physical properties of sodium bicarbonate?
Physical Description
Color/ Form
Sodium bicarbonate is a
odorless, crystalline powder.
Sodium bicarbonate is white powder
that can appear in various crystalline
forms, including fine powder or small
Sodium bicarbonate is odorless.
Sodium bicarbonate has a slightly
salty and alkaline taste.
Boiling point
Sodium bicarbonate decomposes at
temperatures above 50°C(122°F) and
does not have a boiling point.
Melting Point
Sodium bicarbonate is soluble in
water and insoluble in ethanol. With a
solubility in water of 69g/100ml at
room temperature.
Sodium bicarbonate has a density of
2.20 g/cm^3.
Stability/Shelf Life
Sodium bicarbonate is stable in dry
air, but slowly decomposes in moist
When heated to temperatures above
50°C (122°F), sodium bicarbonate
decomposes into sodium carbonate,
water, and carbon dioxide gas.
Chemical Properties
Sodium bicarbonate is a weak base
that reacts with acids to form salt,
water, and carbon dioxide gas. It can
also react with certain metals and
acids to produce hydrogen gas. In
addition, it can be used as a buffering
agent to maintain a stable pH in
various chemical reactions.
c. What are the three methods of producing sodium bicarbonate?
The three methods in producing sodium bicarbonate are the following:
a. Solvay Process:
Developed by a Belgian chemist named Ernest Solvay in
the 1860s, the Solvay process was the primary method of
producing baking soda until the 1920s. This process involves
reacting sodium chloride with ammonia and carbon dioxide in
large tanks under high pressure and temperature. The resulting
solution is then treated with carbon dioxide to precipitate sodium
bicarbonate, which is then filtered, washed, and dried. However,
the Solvay process was energy-intensive and generated a lot of
waste, leading to its decline in usage.
b. The Hou’s process:
Developed by a Chinese chemist named Hou Debang in
the 1930s, the Hou's process is a modified version of the Solvay
process that uses a different set of reactants. This process
involves reacting sodium chloride with limestone and ammonia in
a series of tanks, with the resulting solution being treated with
carbon dioxide to produce sodium bicarbonate. However, the
Hou's process also has drawbacks such as low yield and high
energy consumption, which limit its usage.
Nahcolite Mining:
The most accepted method of producing baking soda
nowadays is through Nahcolite mining, which involves extracting
sodium bicarbonate from naturally occurring deposits of nahcolite
mineral. Nahcolite is found in various parts of the world, including
the United States, Egypt, and Botswana, and is usually mined
using traditional mining techniques. The mined Nahcolite is then
crushed, purified, and processed to produce baking soda. This
method is more energy-efficient and produces less waste
compared to Solvay and Hou's processes, making it the preferred
method for baking soda production.
From obsolete to the most accepted method. Describe each terms of the
I. Process and flow chart
a. Solvay Process
b. Hou's Process
c. Nahcolite Mining
II. Chemical conversion and unit operations involved
The Solvay process involves several unit operations and conversions,
which are carried out in a series of steps to yield high-quality sodium bicarbonate.
The first step in the Solvay process is the purification of the brine. Brine is a
saturated solution of NaCl, which is commonly obtained from underground salt
deposits. The brine is purified by removing impurities such as calcium and
magnesium ions. This is done by treating the brine with lime (CaO), which reacts
with the impurities to form insoluble calcium carbonate (CaCO3). The purified
brine is then filtered to remove the precipitated solids. In the next step, ammonia
gas is passed through the purified brine in a tower called an absorber. The
ammonia gas dissolves in the brine to form a solution of ammonium chloride
(NH4Cl), which is the primary reaction product. The reaction is exothermic, and
the heat generated is removed by cooling the solution. The ammonium chloride
solution is then passed through a carbonation tower, where carbon dioxide gas is
bubbled through it. The carbon dioxide reacts with the ammonium chloride to
form ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3), which decomposes to form sodium
bicarbonate and water when heated. The resulting sodium bicarbonate crystals
are separated from the ammonium chloride solution by filtration and washed to
remove impurities. The bicarbonate crystals are then dried and heated to
produce pure sodium bicarbonate. The heating of sodium bicarbonate leads to its
decomposition into sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), carbon dioxide, and water.
However, the carbon dioxide produced in this step can be recycled back to the
carbonation tower to react with ammonium chloride and form more sodium
bicarbonate. Overall, the Solvay process can be represented by the following
equation: 2NaCl (aq) + 2NH3 (g) + CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l) → 2NaHCO3 (s) +
2NH4Cl (aq)
The Hou's process, also known as the Hou's soda process, is a method
for producing high-quality sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) from trona ore
(Na2CO3•NaHCO3•2H2O). The process involves a series of chemical
conversions and unit operations that transform trona ore into pure sodium
bicarbonate crystals. The first step in the Hou's process is the extraction of trona
ore from underground deposits. The trona ore is then crushed and heated in a
kiln to drive off any water and carbon dioxide, resulting in the formation of crude
sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and water. This crude sodium carbonate is then
dissolved in water to create soda ash. The next step in the Hou's process
involves the conversion of soda ash into sodium bicarbonate through
carbonation. Carbon dioxide gas is introduced to the soda ash solution to form
sodium bicarbonate. The chemical equation for this reaction is Na2CO3 + CO2 +
H2O → 2NaHCO3. Once the sodium bicarbonate is produced, it is separated
from the soda ash solution through filtration. The bicarbonate crystals are then
washed to remove impurities and dried. Finally, the dried sodium bicarbonate
crystals are sieved to produce different particle sizes, which are used in various
applications such as food and pharmaceuticals.
Another one method of producing sodium bicarbonate is through
nahcolite mining, a process that involves several unit operations and chemical
conversions. The first step in nahcolite mining is to extract the nahcolite ore from
underground deposits. The next step is to crush and grind the mined ore to a fine
powder. This process increases the surface area of the nahcolite, making it
easier to extract the sodium bicarbonate from the ore. After crushing and
grinding, the sodium bicarbonate is converted to sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
using either the Solvay process or the Hou's process. Once the sodium
bicarbonate is produced, it must be purified to remove impurities such as chloride
ions and water. This is typically done using a combination of washing, filtration,
and drying techniques. The purified sodium bicarbonate is then ready for use in
various applications.
III. Advantages and disadvantages of each process
One of the primary advantages of the Solvay process is its efficiency in
producing large quantities of sodium bicarbonate. The process is continuous,
allowing for consistent production rates that can be easily adjusted as needed.
The raw materials used in the process are also readily available and relatively
inexpensive, making the Solvay process a cost-effective method for producing
sodium bicarbonate on an industrial scale. Additionally, it produces sodium
bicarbonate with high purity levels, making it suitable for a wide range of
applications. However, the Solvay process also has several disadvantages. One
major disadvantage is the high energy consumption required to produce sodium
bicarbonate. And, the use of ammonia in the process can be hazardous as it is
toxic and can cause respiratory problems if inhaled which requires the production
facilities to have safety measures in place. Lastly, the Solvay process requires
large scale production facilities which may not be feasible for smaller operations.
The advantages of Hou’s Process are: It is a relatively simple process
that requires only a few steps. The process is easy to understand and requires
minimal training for the workers involved in the production. Additionally, the yield
of sodium bicarbonate in Hou's process is relatively high. The process is efficient
in converting the raw materials into the final product, and there is minimal
wastage of materials. Also, it requires less energy than the Solvay process,
wherein the lower energy consumption results in lower production costs, making
the product more affordable. And the process has a lower environmental impact
than the Solvay process. The waste products are less harmful, and the process
generates less greenhouse gas emissions. However there are also
disadvantages in Hou’s process, and that includes the availability of the raw
material used is limited and this process is not suitable for large scale production.
The advantages of Nahcolite mining is that this method does not rely on
the use of synthetic chemicals or complex industrial processes, making it a more
natural and environmentally friendly approach. It also requires less energy
compared to other methods of producing sodium bicarbonate. Additionally,
sodium bicarbonate obtained from nahcolite mining is of high purity. This is
because nahcolite deposits are often located in areas with low levels of
impurities, so the extracted sodium bicarbonate requires minimal purification. The
disadvantages of Nahcolite mining, on the other hand, are its limited availability
since Nahcolite deposits are relatively rare and only found in a few locations
around the world. This makes it difficult to scale up production to meet high
demand. Another disadvantage is the impurities, although sodium bicarbonate
obtained from nahcolite mining is of high purity, it may still contain some
impurities, depending on the location and composition of the nahcolite deposit.
IV. Environmental impacts
The production of sodium bicarbonate through various methods such as
Solvay process, Hou's process, and Nahcolite mining can have significant
environmental impacts.
The Solvay process involves several unit operations and chemical
reactions that can have various environmental impacts. One of the most
significant environmental impacts of the Solvay process is the emission of
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and ammonia. The process produces
large amounts of carbon dioxide, which is a major contributor to climate change.
The Solvay process also emits ammonia, which is a respiratory irritant and can
have negative impacts on air quality. Another environmental impact of the Solvay
process is the production of waste products such as calcium chloride and
ammonium chloride. These waste products can have negative impacts on soil
and water quality if not disposed of properly. The production of sodium
bicarbonate through the Solvay process also requires large amounts of energy,
which can contribute to air pollution and climate change.
The Hou's process is a relatively new method for the production of
sodium bicarbonate, and there is limited information available on its
environmental impacts. However, the process involves the use of large amounts
of ammonia gas, which can have negative impacts on air quality if not properly
controlled. The process also requires the use of large amounts of energy, which
can contribute to air pollution and climate change.
Nahcolite mining involves the extraction of sodium bicarbonate from
underground deposits of nahcolite ore. The mining process can have several
environmental impacts, including habitat destruction, soil erosion, and water
pollution. The mining process can also generate large amounts of waste rock and
tailings, which can have negative impacts on soil and water quality if not properly
disposed of. Additionally, the mining process can use large amounts of water,
which can lead to water scarcity and conflicts with other water users. The
transportation of nahcolite ore and the production of sodium bicarbonate from the
ore also require large amounts of energy, which can contribute to air pollution
and climate change.
d. Top 5 producers in the world
1. Solvay: Solvay is a Belgium-based company and the largest producer of sodium
bicarbonate in the world. The company produces over 2 million tons of sodium
bicarbonate annually.
2. Tata Chemicals: Tata Chemicals is an Indian company that produces a wide
range of chemicals, including sodium bicarbonate. The company has a
production capacity of 500,000 tons of sodium bicarbonate per year.
3. Church & Dwight: Church & Dwight is a US-based company that produces a
variety of consumer and specialty chemicals, including sodium bicarbonate. The
company has a production capacity of over 200,000 tons of sodium bicarbonate
per year.
4. Novacarb: Novacarb is a French company that produces chemicals and
minerals, including sodium bicarbonate. The company has a production capacity
of over 180,000 tons of sodium bicarbonate per year.
5. Natural Soda: Natural Soda is a US-based company that mines sodium
bicarbonate from the Green River Formation in Colorado. The company has a
production capacity of over 150,000 tons of sodium bicarbonate per year.
e. Uses and applications of sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, has a wide range of uses and
applications in various fields. Some of the major uses and applications of sodium
bicarbonate are:
1. Cooking and Baking - Sodium bicarbonate is a common ingredient in baking
and cooking as it reacts with acidic components like vinegar or lemon juice to
produce carbon dioxide gas. This gas helps baked goods to rise and become
light and fluffy. Sodium bicarbonate is used in making cakes, cookies, bread, and
other baked goods.
2. Pharmaceutical Industry – It aids in body cleansing and deacidification and also
controls (or lessens) the severity of many unpleasant conditions, including
inflammations, obstructions, halitosis, fungal infections, and bacterial infections.
A well-tested treatment for hypertension and blood channel narrowing is sodium
bicarbonate in medicine.
3. Beauty Industry - It is a component of deodorants, face packs, face and body
washing foams, and toothpastes. In addition, it is a highly valued ingredient found
in cosmetic powders, effervescent bath bombs, washes, and tablets used to
clean braces or dental implants. Because sodium bicarbonate has a calming and
lightening effect on the skin, it is also used to make creams for the hands and
legs, make hair masks for dandruff, and wash the feet and hands before
receiving treatments in spas or at home.
4. Agriculture - Sodium bicarbonate is used in agriculture to adjust the pH levels of
soil and as a natural fungicide to control fungal diseases in plants.
5. Cleaning Industry - It is among the most effective and affordable cleaning and
bleaching agents. It is used to quickly clean bathroom tiles or fixtures, pottery,
burnt skewers, and kitchenware. Baking soda works well in neutralizing harmful
bacteria and absorbing offensive odors. Additionally, it is frequently used as an
active filler in detergents and cleaners to raise pH levels, which helps with
Other uses of sodium bicarbonate include fire extinguishing, water treatment,
metal cleaning, and as an ingredient in some industrial processes.
[2] Solvay Process: "Solvay Process." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica,
[3] Hou's Process: Hou, D. "The Preparation of Baking Soda by the Hou Process." Journal
of the American Chemical Society 26.9 (1904): 1147-1149. Web. 29 Apr. 2023.
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Villareal, Claire Daniel - assigned A- No. 1 - a b c, i
Monterde, Jea Krizelle- assigned B- No. 1 - ii iii iv, d e
Repunte, Gleysie- assigned C- No. 2 - a b c, i
Ysulan, Angelyn-assigned D- No. 2 - ii iii iv, d e