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Realistic Skin Movement for Character Animation

Realistic Skin Movement for Character Animation
Xiaosong Yang ,Jian J Zhang
National Centre for Computer Animation
The Media School, Bournemouth University
Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
E-mail:xyang; jzhang @bournemouth.ac.uk
Abstract— Skin movement modeling is a crucial element for
realistic animation of both human and creature characters. In
this paper, we are primarily concerned with a special skin
movement effect, skin sliding. Although physical properties,
such as skin elasticity, are usually regarded important in
physical simulation, it often leads to an increasing
computational load. A complete physical solution will also limit
the animator’s ability to fine-tune the visual effects. In this
paper we present a physically based skin sliding modeling
method borrowing an idea from structural mechanics called
bar networks. The advantage of using a bar network system in
simulating the physical properties of skin surfaces is that only
a set of sparse linear equations need to be solved, making the
method much faster than a simulation based technique. As
only one additional step is added to the animation pipeline to
restore the skin elastic property, this algorithm is compatible
with all existing skin deformation method such as smooth
skinning, muscle base skin deformation, cluster and Free Form
Deformations, and it therefore does not disturb the existing
production pipeline.(Abstract)
Keywords-Character animation, skin deformation
Realistic skin movement has been paid a great deal of
research efforts over the recent years. It is crucial for
convincing character animation. In this paper, we
concentrate mainly on the modeling of the skin sliding
phenomenon, which, comparing with other skinning related
deformation effects, has received relatively little attention in
computer animation.
Human and animal skin exhibits complex physical
characteristics, making it more dynamic than kinematic. Skin
becomes an extremity to the multiple layers of underlying
anatomical structures (bones, muscles, fat). The movement
of skin during body motion is highly dependent on the above
said underlying anatomical structures thereby making it
essential to delve into the physical aspects of the skin-sliding
phenomenon. This is where physics based simulation
approaches come into play. Incorporating physical properties
of anatomic structures can potentially improve realism.
Physics can be used at the muscle level, bones, fat or elastic
skin layer. Some work on skin sliding has been carried out in
this category using spring-mass systems to link the skin
surface with the underlying anatomical structure. Spring
networks usually do not consider the elasticity of the skin
itself. One possible way to simulate that would be to replace
the edges of the skin mesh also with springs. Though this
would general a good effect of skin slide, the large number
978-1-4244-6349-7/10/$26.00 2010
of springs on the skin model would increase the computation
significantly. And more importantly, as with all physical
simulations, user control becomes an issue. It takes a great
effort to tune the simulation to what the animator desires and
if the simulation engine requires tweaking, that adds an
additional overhead.
Skin sliding can be essentially thought of as a threedimensional problem with two-dimensional attributes. The
skin slides over a surface (muscle, bone). With relation to the
surface, the movement of the skin is parallel to the surface,
with little or no perpendicular motion to the surface. In this
paper we present a novel method to model skin slide. This
method is largely motivated by the work presented in [1].
Bar-nets are useful in form finding as shown in [2] which
uses a bar net driven system to perform skinning. By
considering the skin as a sheet and reducing it to a 2D
problem, it becomes very easy to take into consideration the
physical properties of skin elasticity. In addition, our method
can be easily integrated into the animation pipeline without
any change to the traditional methods of skinning, giving the
animator the freedom to control and design actively during
the skinning phase. Attacking skin sliding as a 2D problem
makes our method very efficient and fast.
Please note we use the word ‘simulation’ throughout the
paper, by which we really mean ‘physically-inspired
modeling’. Our method does not rely on the use of accurate
physical properties of the skin. The parameters of the barnets, can be adjusted to achieve the effect of different skin
elasticity. This is left primarily to the user.
This paper is structured as follows: After a brief
introduction of the related work and our contribution, we
present our five-step skin-sliding algorithm in detail. Then
we provide experimental examples and analysis of the
computation complexity. In the end, we discuss the
limitations of our method and the possible improvements in
Skin deformation, or skinning, has time and again proven
to be an indefatigable part of character animation. In the
current scenario of computer animation, where realism is
paramount, efficient and visually believable techniques of
skin deformation are essential.
An intuitive attempt to deform a character was involving
a skeleton into skin deformation. This approach treats the
skin as a shell that moves by an explicit function of the
skeleton. Vertices of the skin are deformed by a weighted
combination of the joint transformations of the character’s
skeleton[3-6]. Collectively, such methods are known as the
Smooth Skinning. The joint-based system is popular owing
to its interactivity and use of minimal animation data.
There are basically two main approaches to modeling
skin deformations, namely, physics-based approaches (also
known as anatomy-based approach [7-8]) and example-based
skinning [9-11]. Physics-based methods are based on the
anatomy, elastic mechanics, or biomechanics of skin
deformation originating from the movements of muscles and
tendons. They are physically meaningful and have a capacity
to generate more realistic simulation. In addition, physicsbased approaches usually use numerical calculations, which
often incur heavy computation expenses. Skin sliding can be
achieved by anchoring the skin using anchor springs and
modeling restoring forces through energy functions when
displacement of the skin occurs. Due to the heavy
computation expense involved, this method is mainly used in
high-quality film visual effects where anatomical accuracy is
a must for believable computer generated characters. The
example-based approach forms a suitable alternative where
computational expenses are to be minimized. An artist
models certain key poses of the characters. New poses are
interpolated from these key poses. However because each
example skin shape was modeling separately, it is impossible
to realize a smooth sliding effect using example based
Because of the heavy computation involved in the
simulation of skin sliding effect, no commercial animation
software provides this function until 2009. Maya 2009 in its
muscle package gives the animator an option to paint the
sliding weight in the muscle simulation. However what it
does is only to push out the skin surface wherever there is
collision between muscle and skin surface mesh. Some
unpleasant effects such as distortion in the local areas may be
generated with no consideration of the skin’s elastic
property. Our method can work together with this “push-out”
function to fix the problem and generate natural looking skin
sliding effects above the muscles and bones. Some examples
are given in the Experiment section.
A. Our Contribution
Our fast skin-sliding method is developed by adapting an
idea from structural mechanics.
Structural mechanics
employs bar-net, which is basically a network of nodes
whose connections consist of rigid bars. The shape of the
network depends on the structural and material properties
and also on the forces acting on it.
In order for the skinning problem to be converted to the
2D realm from the 3D realm, we develop an unwrapping
technique, which can flatten the skin using the network shape
finding technique [1]. With this enhanced unwrapping
method, we map a skin patch to a 2D plane. The process is
made faster due to the fact that only a set of sparse linear
equations need to be solved, once.
To speed up sliding simulation, we present a 2D image
based look-up table to do the point-in-triangle test. For each
vertex in the sliding area, a small set of triangles is selected
to perform the test and compute the barycentric coordinate.
This reduces the computation complexity to O(n).
Our skin sliding simulation is compatible with any
kinds of skin deformation method, irrespective of the type of
skinning methods (smooth skinning, muscle base skin
deformation or physical based skinning method). Only an
extra step is added to the deformed shape to restore the
elasticity of the skin surface. And since the overall shape
remains the same even after the skin sliding, the animator’s
creative work is well protected.
In this section, we give a brief overview of the structural
mechanics based skin sliding simulation.
The entire skin surface of the character needs not be
considered for skin sliding computation – only the area with
muscle deformation is required. So, initially, the animator
needs to mark the area of the skin surface (Figure 1) to be
used in the skin sliding operation. At the binding pose, that
is, during the pre-animation phase we implement a bar-net
based unwrapping method to map the 3D mesh to 2D square.
This method is applied to each skin patch undergoing sliding.
The 2D bar net is created as a pre-processing step to encode
the physical properties of the original skin surface. The
animator can then use various skin deformation methods
including smooth skinning, wire deformer, cluster of freeform deformation to animate the character. Using the same
unwrap method, the deformed skin surface in each key frame
is mapped to the same 2D square. By comparing these two
2D Bar-nets (before and after skin deformation), the skin
sliding can be generated on the deformed skin surfaces. The
workflow of this skin-sliding method is shown in Figure 2.
Our sliding methodology works on the key frames of the skin
deformation rather than the deformation method itself. This
helps in keeping the sliding technique to be independent of
the skin deformation thereby making it compatible with all
existing skinning methods.
Figure 1. Select face patches on the skin surface to simulate skin sliding.
Figure 2. Work flow of the skin sliding algorithm.
2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology
[Volume 4]
x = D −1 ( p x − D f x f ),
y = D −1 ( p y − D f y f ),
z = D −1 ( p z − D f z f ),
D = C tQC and Df = C tQCf
, Q is the diagonal
matrix (qii), where qii is the force density of the bar i.
r r r
px , py , pz
Figure 3. Unwrapping of skin patch. (a) Original skin mesh of the front
part of the face with only one boundary loop. (b) Unwrapping of the mesh.
Please see last page of this document for AN EXAMPLE
of a 2-COLUMN Figure.
A. Bar Network
First, A bar-net or force density mechanical network [1]
is a structure commonly used in structural engineering. Its
shape depends on the structural and material properties and
the forces acting upon it. A bar-network connects ns points,
in three-dimensional space with straight-line segments,
called bars. These points on the net are known as nodes. The
nodes can be either fixed or free. Fixed nodes will not have
their positions changed regardless of whether they are
subject to external forces or not. Free nodes can be moved to
balance the acting forces on the net. Each bar connects two
nodes. These bars can be stretched and squashed resulting in
the repositioning of the end nodes, but they remain
topologically static that is they retain their bar shape. Upon
external forces acting on free nodes, the bar network may
achieve different shapes. The final shape represents the rest
shape of the network and is the result of the balance of all
external and internal forces.
The network described above is in fact a graph with
links connecting pairs of nodes. Assuming there are ns nodes
(n free nodes and nf fixed nodes) and m bars in the network.
A matrix Cs(m*ns) called the branch-node matrix can be
formed, which represents in a tabular form the graph of the
network. For each row which represents a bar, the elements
on the column i and j which are the two linked nodes indices,
will be set 1 and -1, all others will be set to 0. This branchnode matrix can be further subdivided into two sub-matrices,
C and Cf, by grouping the free-node columns and fixed-node
columns of the original matrix respectively. These matrices
are used in computing the rest shape of a bar-net.
In our case, the effect of stiffness of a network can be
approximated by the quantity of force-length ratios of all the
bars. Some researchers call this quantity the force density.
We will use this parameter to simulate the elasticity of the
skin surface. An added advantage is that it is also able to
solve the form finding problem with a set of sparse linear
Equation (1) shows how to compute the coordinates of
the free nodes at the equilibrium state:
[Volume 4]
are the external force vectors. Therefore, with the
given interconnection, the force density vector, the external
forces and the coordinates of the fixed nodes, the positioning
of the free nodes is determined by the equilibrium of the
B. Finding the Mapping between the 3D Mesh and a 2D
The crucial part of our method is to find a mapping
between a 3D mesh to the 2D square. Before we get into the
detail of our unwrapping method, we need to build up the
correspondence between these two meshes. At the binding
pose, the animation needs to mark out where on the skin
surface he/she expected to get the sliding effect by selecting
patches on the mesh. Sliding won’t across the boundary of
each patch, thus each patch’s sliding can be handled
The topology of a patch might be very complicated. But
it is always possible to construct a mapping from a 3D patch
to a simple square on the 2D plane. This means there is
always a cutting method which can unwrap the patch into a
one piece on a 2D plane (notice distortion is permitted). The
first thing needing to do is to find out the complexity of each
patch, i.e. the number of boundary loops. Normally there will
be at least one boundary from the patch. Find the longest
boundary Bi which will be mapped to the 2D square’s four
edges. All other holes or boundaries will be mapped onto the
inside area of the 2D square. The reason for choosing the
longest boundary is to minimize the distortion during the
unwrapping. On the boundary Bi we can automatically
choose four points which are evenly distributed along the
edge loops. These four points will be mapped to the four
corners of the 2D square. All vertices on the boundary loop
will be mapped to the four edges of the square.
C. Unwrapping from 3D to 2D
There are many different unwrapping methods to map a
3D mesh to a 2D plane for the purpose of texture UV
definition. Based on the target they are pursuing, they can be
categorized into area, angle and edge-length preserving
methods [12].
In our skin sliding simulation, the unwrapping is
merely used to find the correspondence between the original
mesh and the deformed mesh. Hence for that reason, the
quality of the pelting is not of high significance. And
precisely for that reason, we had to devise a fast and stable
unwrapping method as opposed to a high quality pelting
method, which maps the two skin patches (before and after
skin deformation) in the exact same manner.
If the selected skin patch has more than one boundary
loops, all the vertices on other boundaries (except Bi) will set
2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology
to free at this first unwrapping step. The vertices on Bi are
fixed during the bar-net deformation while leaving all the
vertices inside to freely settle inside the square. From the
topology linkage information of the bars and the nodes
within the network, we can define C and Cf. In order to keep
the topology information of the 3D skin patch and keep the
consistency between this mapping and mapping after
deformation, we define the force density qi of edge i
according to its original length Len(ei).
Len(ei )
q =1−
Max ( Len(e j ), j = 1..m)
where m is the number of edges involved in this patch.
The external force vectors, px = py = pz = 0, so all the free
nodes will stay on the 2D plane and kept inside the 2D
square. The final equilibrium state of this bar-net will be the
2D mapping of the 3D skin patch. Fig. 3a shows an example
of the unwrapping of front part of a human face which has
only one boundary edge loop, Fig. 3b shows an example of
unwrapping of a mesh with five boundaries, the neck
boundary was used to be mapped to the edges of the 2D
The reasons that we choose bar network to make the
unwrapping are: (1) Bar network based unwrapping will not
create fold which must be guaranteed to find the
correspondence between the two unwrapped meshes. For
each free node, the forces acting on it should be balanced. If
a node is folded, all edges will be lying on one side, so does
the accumulated force loads. It is definitely not an
equilibrium state. (2) The spring based pelting solution
described in [13] makes use of springs, requiring numerical
solution to solve the force equations. Our bar-net based
solution needs to solve only a set of sparse linear equations
and hence is faster by a great magnitude.
D. Skin Deformation
Skin deformation is crucial for skin sliding to work. As
stated earlier, it is the outcome of the deformation that is
significant and not the technique used to achieve the same.
Regardless of the type of skin deformation used (FFD,
smooth skinning, muscle based skinning or physical
simulation), the inputs to our skin sliding method are the
original mesh and the deformed mesh.
E. Mapping the deformed skin to 2D
After skin deformation using the traditional methods, we
are left with a deformed skin patch, which corresponds, to
the original patch prior to deformation. Topologically the
skin patch remains the same, with only the positions of the
vertices modified to conform to the new deformed shape.
Using the same mapping method, the deformed 3D skin
patch can be mapped to the 2D plane. The bar-node
connection information is still the same with the first bind
pose mapping, however we need to change the force density
between the nodes based on the new lengths of the edges.
And if the sliding patch has more than one boundary, all
inside boundary vertices need to be set to fix and keep their
position in the first binding pose mapping on the 2D plane.
This is to make sure no sliding happened across boundaries
such as hole like eyes which will change the appearance of
animator’s modeling. By solving a set of sparse linear
equations, the new bar-net can be settled in no time. We
choose the Indexed Storage of Sparse Matrics to save the
memory from the big matrix. And conjugate gradient method
was used to iteratively get the solution. Since in the sliding
simulation, the displacement of vertices are normally very
small, we use the positions of the bar network at the bind
pose as the initial guess, so only a very few iterations are
needed to achieve the desired convergence tolerance.
Normally less than 15 iterations are enough for our
Figure 4. Two Bar-Nets ((a) is the unwrapping result for the original skin
patch, (b) is the deformed skin patch).
F. Generating the 3D Skin Slide Effect from the 2D Bar
Suppose the original 3D mesh is M1, the deformed 3D
mesh is M2, the Bar-net from the original mesh M1 is B1, and
the Bar-net from the deformed mesh M2 is B2. In order to
generate the 3D mesh after the skin slide process, two steps
need to be performed, namely, computing the barycentric
coordinates of the mapped vertex in the 2D plane and
interpolation of the 3D vertex in the deformed mesh M2 using
the barycentric coordinates to get the new position of the
vertex. It has to be noted that if the bar-nets are not triangle
meshes, then the polygons should be triangulated firstly. To
find the corresponding triangle Tj in B2 for each vertex ui in
B1, we have to perform a point-in-triangle test. Since it is
time consuming to process all the triangles for the test, we
present an image based look-up table to speed up the test.
To facilitate this process, the 2D bar network B2 is
rendered as a 1024*1024 color image I, where the color of
each triangle is set to the triangle id in B2. For efficiency, if
the number of triangles in the patch is very small, we can
even use indexed image or grey image. The rendering of
triangle meshes is already highly optimized in current
graphics hardware allowing the creation of the 2D image
lookup table at a quick rate. To find the triangles where ui
lies, we can use the 2D coordinate (x,y) of ui to find the
closest pixel and its neighbors which will totally cover ui.
From these selected pixels, we can get the indexes of the
triangles covering the point ui. In practice, the number of
triangles involved depends on the linkage of the original bind
pose mesh M1. The maximum number of the triangles
though, is the maximum edges linked to one vertex in the
mesh M1. In our experiment, for most vertices, only 1-2
triangles are picked to do the test.
Though there are many ways to do the point-in-triangle
test, we opted for the area based test, since we require the
barycentric coordinates that can be easily calculated from the
2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology
[Volume 4]
area of the triangles formed by the point and the vertices of
the triangle.
Area(ΔABC) < Area(ΔPBC) + Area(ΔAPC) + Area(ΔABP)
If the above condition is satisfied, the point is definitely
outside the triangle. If it is equal to the area of triangle ABC,
then P is inside and the triangle is the correct one. Following
through, the computation of the barycentric coordinate of P
in the triangle ΔABC is
( a, b, c ) = (
Area (ΔPBC ) Area ( ΔAPC ) Area ( ΔABP )
Area (ΔABC ) Area ( ΔABC ) Area (ΔABC )
For each vertex P in the deformed mesh M2, its new
position P’ is calculated by the following interpolation:
P' = a × VA + b × VB + c × VC
VA, VB and VC are the coordinates in the mesh M2 for the
vertex A, B and C. Using the 3D coordinates from M2, and
the mesh configuration from M1, we successfully combine
the deformed skin patch and original patch together. Thus we
have developed an intuitive mechanism by which fast skin
sliding is achieved by understanding the phenomena of
sliding in relation to computer animated characters, rather
than purely simulating it.
In Appendix A, we demonstrate three applications of the
proposed skin sliding method, the finger and elbow skin
deformation and the facial animation.
On a computer with an AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core
Processor 4200+, 2.19GHz, 2G RAM, and NVidia GeForce
8500 GT, the absolute computation time required for the
mapping and the creation of the lookup table is given below.
It shows that our method gives a real-time performance for
interactive control.
needed. Following this only a simple linear interpolation was
required to essentially compute the new slid mesh. In short
we reduce the complexity of the whole algorithm to O(n),
where n is the number of vertices involved in the skin sliding
An efficient skin sliding technique has been developed
for realistic animation of virtual human and animal
characters. By considering the bind pose skin surface as the
elastic target, we are able to simulate skin elasticity with
good results. With our method, the animator can still use
their familiar deformation method to achieve the result they
expected. Our method basically adds an additional step after
the deformation to restore the skin elasticity in order to
achieve the skin sliding effect.
In summary, our skin-slide method delivers the
following advantages when compared to other methods:
• With the bar-net form finding method, only sparse
linear equations need to be solved, leading to fast
• It offers near real-time performance for artist
• Natural integration into standard industry animation
pipeline is straightforward, as the sliding process is
independent of skin deformation techniques.
• It preserves the modeled skin shape during animation.
The properties of the bar-net naturally prevent
unwanted creases, wrinkles and folding from
We have implemented this technique into a prototype
program in the form of a plug-in to the Autodesk Maya
Binding Pose
during animation
Index table
This research is in part supported by the GreatWestern
Research Fellowship grant and EPSRC grant EP/F030355/1.
We would also like to acknowledge FaceGen Modeller
(http://www.facegen.com/modeller.htm), which was used to
create the original facial models and animations.
(* indicates the computation time of three of the most important
steps in the skin sliding method)
The algorithm is fast as it involves only some simple
computations in the skin sliding simulation. The animator
only needs to mark out some areas to define the skin patches
involved in sliding simulation before animation. A pelting
computation is then carried out on each patch. This requires
the solution of a set of sparse linear equations, the dimension
of which is the same as the number of free nodes (the
vertices in this patch). During the animation, the bar network
based unwrap computation is required again for the
deformed patches, and also a rendering of the deformed twodimensional bar-net. However since the initial guess of the
solution is very close to the answer, the unwrap of the
deformed mesh is much faster than the pre-processing
unwrapping of the bind pose mesh. Only very few iterations
are needed to obtain the rest shape of the new bar network.
For each vertex, normally one point-inside-triangle test was
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Figure 5. (i) Shows the selection of area (faces) where skin sliding is to be performed. (ii) Skin sliding activated. The green mesh represents the slid skin.
(iii) Shows the close-up of the skin sliding in action.
Figure 6.
(a) The bind pose mesh shown in green. (b) The area selected for the skin sliding to affect. (c) Face animated to the final pose. (d) Green mesh
showing the effect of skin slide between the eyes. The effect is evident when compared with the original blue mesh underneath..
2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology
[Volume 4]