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Barangay Tondod Development Issues Case Report

Case Report of Developmental Issues in Barangay
Community development is an arduous process, given the fact that the presence of the ongoing
global pandemic is perceived in dealing with the issues for the development, in pursuit for the
general development, or the community in particular. It is driven by the needs of the people
living in an area wherein they are the subject and the prerequisite of the developmental process.
Thus, it is a holistic approach grounded in principles of empowerment, human rights, inclusion,
social justice, self-determination, and collective action (Kenny, 2007). Hence, societal issues
hinder development in the different communities, which includes poverty, overpopulation, food
and nutrition, equality, education, and employment.
Moreover, understanding and identification of issues emerging in society are important for
sustainable development. According to the United Nations Research Institute for Social
Development (UNRISD), a positive development in the areas that have deteriorated or become
challenging since the turn of the century will radically enhance the prospects for achievements of
the entire agenda for sustainable development. Which they plan to achieve by eradicating
poverty, improving the living standards and well-being of all people, promoting peace, and more
societies that are inclusive and reverse the trend of environmental degradation (UNDP and
UNRISD, 2017).
Furthermore, according to Katie Willis (2011) measuring development is not only through
defining that makes it contested, regardless of definition is measured the way development is
problematic that assumes development is something which needs to measure or assess. On the
other hand, Development was defined in different measures for improvement and became the
desired goal for developing countries since the 1940s. Many viewed it as it only revolves around
economical factors wherein it was seen in the economical status of people. However, defining
development eventually changes into focusing on the improvement of individual quality of life.
In which the measurement of development was seen in the food or essential supply, employment,
equality, and education. Hence, implementing the agenda in Sustainable Development Goals
means dealing with the different societal concerns.
A cycle of problems is perceived by looking at the roots of why developmental issues are
continuously reoccurring and why there is a never-ending battle for development. Thus,
Identifying poverty and overpopulation along with hunger and malnutrition is common and can
be easy to spot in developing communities. These are the most global concerns as the majority of
developing countries are dealing with these matters. These issues are needed to be addressed
because it tends to expand which will lead to underdeveloped communities.
Hence, it is precisely in this context that this report aims to distinguish the developmental issues
in the community and investigate the concerns about the identified issues- malnutrition, poverty,
and overpopulation, in the community particularly to the development of the Barangay Tondod.
By conducting the interview, it is evident that there are developmental issues in Barangay
Tondod that hindering its progress for development as it has been experienced by the community
member. These issues include malnutrition, poverty, and overpopulation. In regards to the
identified issues, this paper determines how the issues affect the community member and the
development of the community, discuss how the community became prone to these
developmental issues and how it rooted in the community and will access different programs in
resolving the problem and in achieving the SDGs.
The problem to report aims to establish a cause and effect relationship of societal issuesincluding poverty, malnutrition, and overpopulation, to the developmental process. In which
qualitative methodology is used with the primary data collected through online interview via call
and chat with the help of messenger for face to face interview is not advisable. The interview
was conducted by sending invitations to the participants through online applications and then the
meeting was scheduled through a phone call. There are selected participants namely the
community captain, a community elderly, and a community member wherein they are asked
questions revolving around the topic-developmental issues in the community in regards to three
identified concerns, which focuses on their personal opinions to gather the data needed.
Thematic analysis was used with the transcribed record of the conducted interviews. The process
involves writing an invitation and scheduling. This also evolves coding all the data before
making any conclusions, identifying, and reviewing or examining to understand the perceptions,
opinions, and motivations of the participants.
The qualitative study “is an inquiry to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences and used to
gather in-depth insights into a problem” (Scribbr, 2020). Hence, this methodology is suitable for
this case report, for it tries to examine or understand the personal opinions or experiences of the
participants. Thus, this approach contributes to understanding how the issues affect the people
and the development of Barangay Tondod. The approach also gave the necessary details, ideas,
and understanding on resolving the topic. The researcher acted as the facilitator interviewing the
participants with the use of extensive notes as part of conducting the research.
When the participants asked about the developmental issues in the community, they tend to say
the common problems like poverty, malnutrition, and overpopulation along with other concerns.
And agreed that such issues are hindering the development of the community. The main reasons
the respondents identified are corruption, lack of proper education, and lack of programs or
services. One respondent (Barangay captain) noted the impact of such concerns on the emerging
problems in the community and emphasis how the issues challenge the development of the
community. “Regarding the issues, I think the main problem causing it is lack of proper
education, in which there are lots of out-of-school youths causing problems like in peace and
order. Also, out of school youth sometimes tends to enter a marriage even without a source of
income that can cause the increase of poverty and overpopulation” clearly that the community is
prone to developmental issues. It is also clear that the issues are affecting the community
member in the way of their everyday living and it affects how they deal with the essential things
for survival. For example, the supply of food, opportunities for employment, and services are
affected by overpopulation.
The results indicated that there are indeed developmental issues experienced by the community
member of Barangay Tondod. With regards to the identified issues, this analysis supports the
theory on how these issues are the roots that pull the progress of development in the community,
and the theory on implementing the SDGs means dealing with the concerns. In line with the
hypothetical statement of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
(UNRISD), about having a positive development on areas that became challenging in entering
the century, the findings state that people believed in having positive changes will lead us to the
development. Moreover, based on the respondents' answers the common issues that
underdeveloped communities are food supply and nutrition, overpopulation, and poverty that are
aligned with the hypothetical identified issues as the majority of developing countries are dealing
with these matters.
However, due to a lack of data on how the issues started in the community, the results cannot
confirm the reason why the issues occur and keep on reoccurring in the community. The data
only state how such issues are already revolving in the past decades and show the never-ending
battle or arguments about the plans for development in the community. Moreover, without the
proper and efficient conversation with the respondents, there are blocks or hindrances for the
information that can only be achieved by a face-to-face interaction which affected the results of
the interview. But it does not mean that the data is not valid or reliable because the report used
qualitative methodology in which the opinion of the participants is examined and the
investigation revolves around how the developmental issues and the programs in the Barangay
affect them.
Further research is needed to establish the developmental issues in the community particularly in
the Barangay Tondod to create more effective programs in resolving the problem in achieving
the development of the community. The results show that there is a scarcity of services that
people could run to in times of emergency and that the established programs do not reach the
community member. But the community leaders give their best in resolving the problems in the
community to achieve Sustainable developmental Goals (SDGs). One of the services that they
offer is family planning, medicines, and vitamins in the health care center. They were also
conducting a feeding program in aiding the malnutrition and a yearly check on the population of
the community. To generalize the finding on the responses of the Barangay concerning the
identified issues, the data shows that there are implemented solutions but not enough to sustain
the development in the community. In addition, the data also shows that the programs are in line
to resolve the community development problems because the idea comes from the government
and is made to solve and deal with such issues.
The case report aims, as stated above, are to distinguish and investigate the developmental issues
namely malnutrition, poverty, and overpopulation in the Barangay Tondod with regards to its
development. Based on a qualitative analysis of data in response to the concerns in the
development of the community, it can be concluded that the development of the community is
slowing because of such issues, as was experienced by the member of the community. The
results indicated that the issues are affecting the member of the community and that the
Barangay Tondod is experiencing developmental issues. Furthermore, with those findings, this
case report clearly illustrates how societal issues are affecting the development of the community
but raises the question of how to deal with the developmental issues to implement the SDGs. In
addition, to have a better understanding of the findings, future studies could address how to
escape and take off the roots of these issues to move forward towards sustainable development in
the communities.
On the other hand, this case report contributes to the awareness of the developmental issues in
Barangay Tondod, particularly on how it affects the member and progress of development. It
also helps the community member to know the implemented programs conducted by the
community. Given the strong aims and plans of the United Nations Research Institute for Social
Development (UNRISD) align with the Sustainable Developmental Goals, it promises a better
future and radiates hope on the developing communities. One of the communities that will
experience the benefits of the agenda is the Barangay Tondod.
Kenny, S. (2007). Developing Communities for the future (3rd edition). South Melbourne:
Dugarova, E. & Gulasan, N. (2017). Global trends: challenges and opportunities in the
implementation of the sustainable development goals. United Nations Development Programme
and United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
Willis, K. (2011). Theories and practices of development (2nd edition). Routledge: Taylor &
Francis Group.
Bhandari, P. (2020, June 19). What is qualitative research? Methods and examples. Scribbr.
The participants answer the following questions:
1) What do you think would be the main concerns in the community?
2) What can you say regarding poverty, overpopulation, and lack of food
supply and malnutrition in our community?
3) Why would this issues or problems occur in our community? Or how it
4) How these problems affect you as a member of the community?
5) What is the measures made by the community to resolve it?
Pictures of online interviews:
1) Community captain
2) Community elde
3) Community members