DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LANDSTUHL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Unit 33100 APO AE 09180-3100 IMRP-PHEO 16-Feb-2022 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Isolation Notification 1. The United States Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz (USAG-RP) Trace Team has placed the following individual on isolation until the dates listed below. This individual has been identified as an "index patient," or someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This individual must meet two criteria (both) in order to be released: 1) ten (10) total days of isolation, and 2) no symptoms for 72 hours prior to release from isolation. The individual must not leave his/her place of residence or assigned location unless out of medical necessity. NAME ISOLATION END DATE Hall, Brianna Chanice 26-Feb-2022 2. The authority for isolating and releasing isolated personnel is the USAG-RP Public Health Emergency Officer (PHEO). 3. The point of contact for this memorandum is USAG-RP Trace Team, which can be reached at DSN 314-541-3014 or at 0611-143-541-3014. signed by KERN.JUSTIN.R Digitally KERN.JUSTIN.RYAN.1289672695 YAN.1289672695 Date: 2022.01.20 15:44:40 +01'00' Prepared by USAG-RP Trace Team Digitally signed by WEIEN.ROBERT.W WEIEN.ROBERT.WARREN.11496 ARREN.1149690812 90812 Date: 2022.01.20 15:54:57 +01'00' ROBERT W. WEIEN, MD, MPH PHEO, USAG-RP Chief, Occupational Medicine Department