Hybrid Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter Based On MMC Marcus Vieira Soares Gustavo Lambert Yales Rômulo de Novaes Dept. of Electrical Engineering Santa Catarina State University Joinville, Brazil marcus.sov@gmail.com Dept. of Electrical Engineering Santa Catarina State University Joinville, Brazil gustavolambert@outlook.com Dept. of Electrical Engineering Santa Catarina State University Joinville, Brazil yales.novaes@udesc.br Abstract—Different types of dc-dc converters have been subject of research to fulfill the need of interconnecting renewable generation sources, existing or new grids, electronic loads and battery based systems. To deal with high voltage levels and high power, Modular Multilevel Converter based structures have been proposed. On the other hand, for lower power ratings, Switched Capacitor and Hybrid Switched Capacitor converters have emerged due to their simple structures and self voltage balancing characteristics. In this scenario, a non-isolated Hybrid Switched Capacitor dc-dc converter based on Modular Multilevel Converter is proposed and its unidirectional structure is examined through circuit analysis. In the proposed converter, the voltage static gain is independent of the number of submodules, allowing a good regulation range of the output voltage for high voltage applications. Moreover, the Switched Capacitor behavior provides automatic clamp of the arms voltages, avoiding the need of ac loops to perform the arms voltage balance. A converter design methodology based on current spikes limitation is also proposed. All the theoretical analysis and the design methodology are validated through comparisons with simulated waveforms. Index Terms—Switched Capacitor, Modular Multilevel Converter, MMC, Hybrid Switched Capacitor, Non-Isolated DC-DC Converters. I. I NTRODUCTION The growth of concentrated and distributed energy generation via renewable sources, the increasing use of electronic loads and batteries in general society, going from different types of industries to data-centers and domestic applications, and the continuous development of semiconductors able to operate with higher voltages and currents has led to the research of dc-dc converters capable to adapt the different voltage levels used on these scenarios. In order to deal with medium/high voltage and high power processing, Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) based dcdc topologies have been investigated in literature. Isolated converters, such as the Front-to-Front Modular Multilevel Converter [1], feature high modularity, galvanic isolation and high voltage gain provided by the medium frequency transformer (MFT). However, the MFT has to process the total output power and its design is still a challenge, mainly when high dv/dt is applied on the windings [2]. This work was developed with the suport of the Programa Nacional de Cooperação Acadêmica da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior – CAPES/Brazil. The authors would like to thank FAPESC and UDESC for their financial support. Also based on MMC, the dc auto-transformer converters proposed in [3] and [4] allows the reduction of the power processed by the transformer creating a direct dc power path between the dc input and the dc output of the converter. The lower the difference between the input and output voltages, the lower is the transformer processed power. Despite the presence of the transformer in the structure, creating the ac power path to perform the dc voltage links balancing, there is no galvanic isolation between the dc input and output voltages. A variety of transformerless high power dc-dc converters based on MMC has been presented in [5]–[11], where the ac power path needed to balance the dc voltage links is composed by capacitors, submodules (SM) or inductors. These structures tend to be less bulky than the dc-dc auto-transformer converters. However, the gain provided by the transformer turns ratio is lost which increases the losses when there is a large difference between the input and output dc voltages. Switched Capacitor (SC) and Hybrid Switched Capacitor (HSC) converters have been subject of studies to be used in different applications where the power rating is higher than the usual for these types of converters. The scalability, the capacitors voltage clamp and the self-voltage balancing are the main features of these structures. However, the output voltage control limitations and the need to attenuate the current spikes are important drawbacks of SC and HSC converters [12]–[15]. A Hybrid Switched Capacitor dc-dc converter based on MMC is presented in this paper. The unidirectional version of the converter is used to describe its topological stages and to extract the main static characteristics of the structure. A preliminary design methodology based on the limitation of the components current spikes is also presented and validated by simulation. II. P ROPOSED DC - DC CONVERTER The proposed structure presented in this work is a nonisolated and bidirectional dc-dc converter based on hybrid switched-capacitor converter. It can be seen as a three-level Flying Capacitor dc-dc converter with the switches replaced by power SMs. The SMs of the upper arms (A1 and A2) can assume different configurations, such as Half-Bridge and Full-Bridge, where each configuration has its particularities Authorized licensed use limited to: Information Technology University. Downloaded on April 29,2023 at 09:50:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Vin + − Csm A1 Csm A2 Lo Csm A3 Cf c Co Csm Ro A4 Fig. 1. DC-DC converter regarding losses and short-circuit protection. Fig. 1 presents a representative diagram of the proposed converter. Each arm of the converter is composed of N series connected SM and behaves as a switch. It means that, out of the topological stage transitions, all the arm SMs must have their capacitors either inserted or bypassed, emulating an open switch and a closed switch, respectively. Therefore, the arms can be seen as switches and they must respect the following logic to avoid short-circuits and voltage inconsistencies: A1 = A4 and A2 = A3. Similar to the three-level Flying Capacitor dc converter, the proposed structure is composed of a flying capacitor (Cf c ) and an LC output filter (Lo and Co ). In order to keep the capacitor with an average voltage equal to half the input voltage (Vin /2), the flying capacitor must be charged and discharged equally. This proper operation allows the generation of a voltage with twice the switching frequency (2fs ) on the LC filter input, providing size reduction of Lo and Co . However, a control loop must be used to regulate the Cf c average voltage on the correct level, which increases the system complexity. Assuming that the Cf c average voltage is regulated on Vin /2 and the arms to behave as complementary switches (A1 = A4 and A2 = A3), it can be shown that the total voltage of each arm is clamped either by the set of input voltage source Vin and Cf c or just by Cf c . This clamping has a switched-capacitor characteristic, since the input voltage source, the flying capacitor and a set of SM capacitors are periodically connected in parallel. This operation technique keeps each arm total voltage automatically balanced, including the external arms A1 and A4 voltages, since the Cf c voltage is controlled. It avoids the need of an ac power path to achieve this balancing. However, the capacitors, the on-resistances of the semiconductors and the switching frequency must be carefully chosen to ensure operation with low losses and low current spikes. As other dc based Modular Multilevel converters, the proposed structure is able to operate with a high input voltage by the series connection of several low voltage SMs. However, natural differences on the capacitance values and on the switching times of the same arm SM’s can cause the SMs capacitor voltage to deviate from each other. Therefore, a SM voltage balance method must be applied to ensure the proper operation of the converter. The SM voltage balance method chosen for this structure is the Quasi-Two-Level modulation [16], where a stepped transition between the topological stages is made by using the SMs individually. The steps must respect an order so that the capacitors of the upper arms SMs with the lowest voltage can stay in the output current-source path for a longer time, charging more than the other capacitors of the same arm. On the other hand, the capacitors of the lower arms SMs with the highest voltage must stay in the output current-source path for a longer time, discharging more than the other capacitors of the same arm. With this procedure, the capacitors which compose an arm achieve the voltage balance among them. Moreover, the stepped transitions also reduce the dv/dt over the inductor Lo when compared to the standard Two-Level modulation, since the voltage applied on the input of the LC filter inherits the stepped transition waveform. This characteristic is important to ensure a good lifetime for the inductor insulation material and to avoid parasitic currents on the converter, mainly when high dc voltage levels are applied on the converter input. A. Topological stages Some considerations are made in order to simplify the analysis of the converter topological stages: • • • • • • • • • A unidirectional type of the converter is used; All the SMs are equal and configured as a Half-Bridge circuit (bidirectional on the upper arms and unidirectional on the lower arms); The MOSFET switches have an on-resistance RDSon = R; All the diodes operate with a forward conduction resistance Rf on = R and zero forward voltage drop; Each arm is composed by N series-connected SMs, which are represented by an equivalent SM per arm; The capacitance of the flying capacitor Cf c is at least ten times higher than the total arm capacitance Ceqx = Csm /N , where Csm is the capacitance of each SM and x = {1, 2, 3, 4} is the arm number. This simplification is assumed to be suitable because the converter is directed to applications with high input voltage, which requests a relevant number of series SMs per arm. Therefore, the total arm capacitance tends to be much lower than Cf c ; The topological stages transition time (ttr ) is much lower than half the switching period (Ts /2), making the transition effects negligible; The converter is operated only with positive inductor current; Only the converter operation for Vo /Vin ≤ 0.5 is approached. The topological stages are described in Table I, where D = 2ton /Ts is the duty cycle (0 ≤ D ≤ 1), ton is the du- Authorized licensed use limited to: Information Technology University. Downloaded on April 29,2023 at 09:50:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Ceq1 Ceq1 Ceq2 Vin + − Ceq2 Lo Cf c Vin + − Ceq3 Ro Co Ceq4 Fig. 4. Topological state 3 Ceq1 Ceq2 Lo Cf c Ceq3 Co Ro component that compose the converter. This analysis results in important average equations used to understand and to design the converter. The state space representation of each topological stage is created from the Kirchoff’s Voltage and Current Law (KVL and KCL, respectively). The input is Vin and the state variables are vCf c , vCeq1 , vCeq2 , vCeq3 , vCeq4 , iLo and vCo , resulting in the following state space equation, where i = {1, 2, 3, 4} represents the topological stage Ceq4 ẋ = Ai · x + Bi · u Fig. 3. Topological state 2 ration time of the topological stages 1 and 3 and the time intervals are defined by ⎧ Δt1 = 0 ≤ t ≤ DTs /2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨Δt = DT /2 ≤ t ≤ T /2 2 s s (1) ⎪ Δt = T /2 ≤ t ≤ (1 + D)Ts /2 s ⎪ 3 ⎪ ⎩ Δt4 = (1 + D)Ts /2 ≤ t ≤ Ts Interval Ceq1 Ceq2 Ceq3 Ceq4 Cf c Lo Stage 2 Δt2 Inserted Inserted Bypassed Bypassed Discharge Stage 3 Δt3 Inserted Bypassed Inserted Bypassed Discharge Charge Stage 4 Δt4 Inserted Inserted Bypassed Bypassed Discharge B. Average Value Static Analysis In this section, a static analysis via average value is demonstrated in order to describe the voltages and currents of each (2) In steady state, the average value of each state variable is constant. Therefore, it is possible to define ẋ = 0. Moreover, the matrices that represent the state space for average values are written by multiplying the topological stages matrices by their respective duration time and dividing by the switching period, which results in A = A1 · D (1 − D) D (1 − D) + A2 · + A3 · + A4 · (3) 2 2 2 2 B = B1 · D (1 − D) D (1 − D) + B2 · + B3 · + B 4 · (4) 2 2 2 2 TABLE I T OPOLOGICAL S TAGES Stage 1 Δt1 Bypassed Inserted Bypassed Inserted Charge Charge Ro Ceq4 Fig. 2. Topological state 1 Vin Lo Ceq3 Co + − Cf c Using (3) and (4) in (2), the state space representation of the converter for average values becomes 0 = A · X + B · Vin (5) Isolating X in (5), the average values of the state variables are obtained by X = −A−1 · B · Vin Authorized licensed use limited to: Information Technology University. Downloaded on April 29,2023 at 09:50:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. (6) ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ V ⎢ Cf c ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Vin ⎢ ⎢VCeq1 ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Vin ⎢VCeq2 ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ Vin ⎥ = X=⎢ ⎢VCeq3 ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Vin ⎢ V ⎢ Ceq4 ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ILo ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ ⎦ ⎢ ⎣ VCo Vin 2 1+ DN R 2N R+Ro 1+ DN R 2N R+Ro 1− DN R 2N R+Ro 1− DN R 2N R+Ro Vin D 2(2N R+Ro ) Vin DRo 2(2N R+Ro ) ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ Ts /2. Therefore, the Cf c voltage ripple and the Lo current ripple are defined by ΔvCf c = (7) where Ro is the load equivalent resistance. Since VCo is the converter output voltage, the converter static gain (MV DC ) is defined by MV DC = VCo DRo = Vin 2(2N R + Ro ) (8) Manipulating the equation for ILo obtained in (7), the following of equation is achieved DVin = ILo (2N R + Ro ) 2 (9) which represents the output characteristic of the converter. It can be seen that it is similar to the output characteristic of Buck-type converters, with the difference that the number of SMs per arm influences on the equivalent output impedance (2N R). It is also noticeable that the equivalent output impedance is independent of the duty cycle, unlike the hybrid switched capacitor converter described in [15]. The static average state model described is valid for the cases where the current peaks caused by the switched capacitor characteristic of the converter are low. It is important to operate the converter in this condition because the switching losses, the EMI and the RMS current of the semiconductors and capacitors tend to be reduced. ILo DTs 2Cf c (11) Vo (1 − D)Ts (12) 2Lo Considering the vCf c and iLo trapezoidal and triangular waveforms, respectively, the equations that describe the behavior of vCeq1 and vCeq3 , presented in (2), can be developed st3 st3 and VCeq30 . to achieve the equations for VCeq10 st3 st3 in (10), the Replacing the equations of VCeq10 and VCeq30 resulting equation can be parameterized by ILo , providing the information of how high the Cf c peak current is as regards the output current in function of fs , D, 2N RCf c and p, where p = ΔiLo /ILo . At the beginning of the stage 3, the voltage difference between Cf c and Ceq1 and between Cf c and Ceq3 tends to increase when D → 1 and p is high, also increasing ist3 Cf c pk . However, analyzing (12), it is noticeable that p → 0 when D = 1 and, since p stops to influence on ist3 Cf c pk , this is not the worst peak current case. Therefore, considering a worst case where D = 0.99 and p = 1, two-dimensional graphs of ist3 Cf c pk /ILo can be plotted, showing the highest Cf c peak current cases for different values of 2N RCf c and fs . The graphs are presented in Fig. 5 and it can be seen that the normalized peak current is inversely proportional to 2N RCf c and fs . ΔiL = D. Design Methodology The design methodology used to perform the simulation of the converter is presented in this section. From Fig. 5 it can be noticed that for all the switching periods, in the worst case, ist3 Cf c pk ≈ 1.25ILo when 2N RCf c ≈ 4Ts , which is an acceptable peak current value for Cf c . Therefore, Cf c can be defined by (10) 2Ts (13) NR Respecting the restriction 2N RCf c ≈ 4Ts , the proposed converter operates with low peak values for the semiconductors and capacitors currents. Moreover, these peak values decrease slowly during the topological stages intervals. Therefore, this converter operation can be seen as equivalent to the Partial Charge (PC) or No Charge (NC) modes of a conventional SC converter, defined in [17]. As explained in Section II-A, the capacitance Csm can be defined by st3 st3 where ΔVCf c , VCeq10 and VCeq30 are the Cf c voltage ripple, the Ceq1 stage 3 initial voltage and the Ceq3 stage 3 initial voltage. √ Since Cf c ≥ 10Ceqx and the time constant 2π Lo Co tends to be high regarding half the switching period, the Cf c voltage can be approached as a trapezoidal waveform with period Ts , whereas the Lo current has a triangular waveform with period N Cf c (14) 10 Knowing the specification of Vo and ΔiLo , the design of Lo and D can be done using the equations (12) and (8), respectively. Considering that all the ac component of iLo circulates through the output capacitor and that this current has a Cf c = C. Flying Capacitor Peak Current Estimation To ensure that the converter components operate with low current peaks, an analysis of the capacitor Cf c initial current during the topological stage 3 is done (the topological stage 1 can also be used), since this is the stage where the worst current peak case occurs. Using KCL and KVL, the Cf c peak current during stage 3 can be described by ist3 Cf c pk = st3 st3 − VCeq10 −ΔVCf c + VCeq30 2N R Csm = Authorized licensed use limited to: Information Technology University. Downloaded on April 29,2023 at 09:50:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz 25 kHz 50 kHz ist3 Cf c pk /ILo 102 500 Hz 101 100 50 kHz 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 2N RCf c Fig. 5. Abacus relating ist3 Cf c p=1 pk /ILo , 2N RCf c and fs for D = 0.99 and triangular waveform, the capacitance Co can be obtained by calculating the area of the positive part of iCo , which represents the total amount of charge received by Co , and dividing it by Δvo , that is the desired output voltage ripple. The resultant equation is given by Co = Vo (1 − D)Ts2 32Δvo Lo (15) III. S IMULATION R ESULTS In order to verify the theoretical analysis and the design methodology, a simulation of the converter is performed using the software PSIM® . The specification of the converter is shown in Table II as well as the values of the parameters calculated using the equations specified in Section II-D. The converter is operated in open-loop and with equal SM capacitances. TABLE II C ONVERTER S PECIFICATION Parameter Output power (Po ) Input voltage (Vin ) Output voltage (Vo ) Number of SMs per arm (N ) Semiconductors on-resistance (R) Switching frequency (fs ) Duty cycle (D) Output voltage ripple (ΔVo ) Inductor current ripple (ΔiLo ) Flying capacitor capacitance (Cf c ) SM capacitors capacitance (Csm ) Output capacitor capacitance (Co ) Inductor inductance (Lo ) Value 1666 W 1 kV 400 V 2 100 mΩ 10 kHz 0.803 1% of Vo 25% of ILo 1 mF 200 μF 1.63 μF 3.78 mH The results of the simulation are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. The average output voltage achieves 399.83 V with 4.06 V of voltage ripple, whereas the average inductor current achieves 4.16 A with 1.05 A of current ripple. Compared to the design specification, the voltage ripple differs −0.15 % and the current ripple differs 0.48 %. This error is attributed to the ac components with frequency 2fs present in both output voltage and inductor current which modifies the average value. The average voltage of the capacitors in the arms A1 and A2 are stabilized in 250.42 V each, whereas the average voltage of capacitors in the arms A3 and A4 are in 294.57 V. It matches with the values obtained from (7) (VCeq1 = VCeq2 = 500.83 V and VCeq3 = VCeq4 = 499.15 V), since the simulated arms average voltage are VCeq1 = VCeq2 = 500.85 V and VCeq3 = VCeq4 = 499.17 V. It can be noticed that arms voltage are automatically clamped by the flying capacitor, avoiding the need of an ac power path to balance the voltage of the upper and lower arms. Analyzing the flying capacitor voltage it is noticeable that it has a trapezoidal waveform as expected, since Cf c = Csm /10N , with an average value of Vin /2. This average value must be controlled in a real converter to ensure that it does not deviate from the correct value during the operation. As regards the Cf c current, it can be seen that its peak is low due to the chosen 2N RCf c . The peak value is 4.51 A, which is about 12.5% the output current. Since D < 0.99 and p < 1, it was expected that the peak value was lower than 25% of ILo because the graphs from Fig. 5 consider the worst peak current case. As a matter of comparison, the converter was simulated with 2N RCf c = 4Ts /5 by making Cf c = 200 μF. Consequently, Csm = 40 μF. Fig. 8 shows vo and iCf c for this case. The average output voltage is 399.79 V and Cf c current peak value is 6.37 A, which is 52.9 % higher than ILo . Since the output current flows mostly through Cf c , its capacitance reduction results in a neglegible increase of the semiconductors RMS current. Consequently, the average output voltage remains pratically unchanged. On the other hand, the higher current peak values will increase the switching losses and the EMI, jeopardizing the efficiency and the operation of the converter. IV. C ONCLUSION The Hybrid Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter based on MMC has been presented in this paper. Observing the theoretical analysis developed, validated by simulation, the proposed converter has a Buck-type output characteristic even with the switched capacitor operation at the LC filter input. This feature is interesting by the point-of-view that the equivalent output resistor is independent of the duty cycle, allowing the converter to be designed with some freedom regarding the voltage static gain. The 2fs frequency of the output current ac component also helps to decrease the output inductance, which tends to be high due to the Buck output characteristic. Moreover, the switched capacitor behavior provides self arm voltage balancing, avoiding the need of inductor at the converter input. The capacitance of the flying capacitor needs to be carefully designed to avoid high peak and RMS currents on the Authorized licensed use limited to: Information Technology University. Downloaded on April 29,2023 at 09:50:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. vo 4.0 0.0 −5.0 3.5 vcm1,3 404 402 400 398 396 5.0 4.5 iCf c vo iLo 404 402 400 398 396 250.43 Time (100 μs/div) 250.42 Fig. 8. Output voltage (vo ) and flying capacitor current (iCf c ) with 2N RCf c = 4Ts /5. 250.41 vcm5,7 249.59 249.58 249.57 Time (100 μs/div) Fig. 6. Output voltage (vo ), inductor current (iLo ), A1 and A2 SM capacitors voltages (vcm1,3 ), A3 and A4 SM capacitors voltages (vcm5,7 ) vf c 500.1 500.0 499.9 iCf c 5.0 0.0 −5.0 Time (100 μs/div) Fig. 7. Flying capacitor voltage (vCf c ) and current (iCf c ). semiconductors and capacitors. It can cause this capacitance to reach high values depending on the switching frequency, the number of SMs and the semiconductors on-resistance. Experimental results were not presented in this paper because the converter is still under investigation. The research is being conducted towards a prototype construction of the bidirectional converter version to validate experimentally the theoretical analysis. However, the simulation software used has shown to be a reliable tool to understand and design hybrid switched capacitor converters. For limited space reasons, further details regarding the topological stages, the losses analysis and the issues related to capacitors and semiconductors technologies will be addressed in future papers. R EFERENCES [1] S. Kenzelmann, A. Rufer, D. Dujic, F. Canales, and Y. R. de Novaes, “Isolated dc/dc structure based on modular multilevel converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 89–98, Jan 2015. [2] S. Milovanović and D. Dujić, “High-power dc–dc converter utilising scott transformer connection,” IET Electric Power Applications, April 2019. [Online]. Available: https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/ journals/10.1049/iet-epa.2018.5746 [3] A. Schön and M.-M. 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