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Biology Textbook Excerpt: Organisms, Cells, Digestion

Characteristics of living organisms
Movement - change in place of an organism or part of it
Respiration - chemical reactions that break down nutrients to release energy for metabolism
Sensitivity - ability to detect and respond to stimuli in the external or internal environment
Growth - permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell number, cell size, or both
Reproduction - process that makes more of the same kind of organism
Excretion - removal of waste products, toxic materials and substances in excess of requirement
from the body *Egestion: expulsion of food waste that can not be digested
Nutrition - intake of materials for energy, growth and development. (Plants: light, CO2, H2O, ions/
Animals: organic compounds, ions ,H2O)
Features of organisms
- sh: scales, ns, eggs in water, eyes
-amphibians: moist skin, four limbs, eggs in water, eyes & ears
-reptiles: dry skin & scales, four legs(except snakes), shelled eggs on land, eyes &
-birds: feathers, wings & 2 legs, eggs with hard shell, eyes & ears
-mammals: fur, four limbs, live young, eyes & ears
-insects: 3 pair of legs, head + thorax + abdomen, pair of compound eyes, one pair
of antennae
-arachnids蛛形纲: 4 pairs of legs, cephalothorax + abdomen, several pairs of
simple eyes
-crustaceans甲壳纲: 5+ pairs of legs, cephalothorax + abdomen, 2 pairs of
antennae, compound eyes
-myriapods多⾜纲: 10+ pairs of legs, no obvious body division, 1 pair of antennae,
simple eyes
-ferns: water required for fertilisation, pollen/ owers/fruits/seeds absent
- owering plants: pollen & owers/fruits present, seeds in fruit, no water required for
Prokaryote: no nucleus - bacteria
Eukaryote: protoctist, fungi, plant & animal
-Viruses: very small, only characteristic of life is reproduction
-unusual cell structure: DNA/RNA strand, capsid, spikes
Cell structure & organization
-Nucleus: control centre (cell activity & cell growth),
contains DNA (in form of chromosome)
-Cytoplasm: jelly like substance containing organelles
and particles
-Cell membrane: partially permeable membrane,
controls what enter and leave the cell
-Ribosome: site of protein synthesis
-Cell wall: tough layer made of cellular, prevents cell from bursting
-Chloroplast: contains chlorophyll - trap light for photosynthesis
-Vacuole: uid- lled space surrounded by a membrane
-Mitochondria: respiration takes place
Diffusion, osmosis & active transport
Di usion: net movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a lower
concentration down a concentration gradient
Osmosis: net movement of particles from a region of higher water potential to a lower water
potential down a potential gradient, across a partially permeable membrane
Active transport: the use of energy to transport particle from a region of low conc to a high conc
against the conc gradient *carrier protein change shape, active site
Biological molecules
-C H O
-source of energy
-simplest from: monosaccharides eg. Glucose -> disaccharide -> polysaccharide eg.
Starch, glycogen, cellulose (all made from glucose)
-C H O
-source of energy (twice as much as carbs), insulation, cell membrane
-1 unit glycerol + 3 chains of fatty acids
-C H O N
-growth & repair, enzymes, hormones, cell membranes, also for energy
-made by long chains of amino acids
Food testing (-positive result)
Starch: iodine test - blue/black colour
Reducing sugar: Benedict’s test(equal volume, water bath) - blue to green/yellow/orange/red,
depend on amount of reducing sugar
Protein: Biuret test(equal volume o NaOH, few drops of CuSO4, do not shake) - blue to purple
Fat: emulsion test(dissolve food in ethanol, pour the solution into a clean test tube of water) white emulsion
Vitamin C: DCPIP test(add drops of testing solution into a test tube of 1% DCPIP, mix gently after
every drop) - blue to colourless
-Double stranded helix
-strands connected by pairs of bases
-four types of bases: A-T C-G Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine
-proteins that act as biological catalysts.
-increase rare or chemical reaction without being changed
-essential to keep chemical reactions in our bodies fast enough for survival
Active site + substrate —> enzyme-substrate complex —> products
E ect of temperature and pH
Temperature: optimum temperature(usually 40℃). *denaturation when temperature too high
at low temperatures activity is low due to the low energies particles have
pH: optimum pH (usually 7). *denaturation
at high/low pH chemical bonds inside the enzyme become broken
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
Carbon dioxide + water ➝ glucose + oxygen
Condition: chlorophyll, sunlight, carbon dioxide
Test whether photosynthesis occur:
1. Boil a leaf in water
2. Boil the leaf in ethanal
3. Rinse with water
4. Add iodine
*destarch: place plant in dark place
Human diet
Balanced diet de nition: a diet that contains all the essential nutrients in the correct proportions to
maintain good health
Nutrients are: carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins (C&D), mineral salts (Fe & Ca), bre and water
Too much food - obesity
Too little food - starvation
Too much animal fat - heart attack and coronary heart disease
Lack of bre - constipation
Imbalance of nutrients (lack of protein) - kwashiorkor
De ciencies
VC - scurvy
VD - rickets
Calcium - rickets and slow blood clotting
Iron - anaemia
Fibre - constipation
Water - dehydration
Scurvy: causes pain in joints and muscles, bleeding from gums
Rickets: bones become soft and deformed, common in young children in industrial areas
Mechanical digestion: physically breaking the food into smaller pieces
Chemical: breaking down food into simpler nutrients (simpler molecules) that can be absorbed
and used by the cells
Incisor⻔⽛ - to bite o pieces of food
Canine⽝⻮ - to bite o pieces of food
Premolar - tear and grind food
Molar⾅⻮ - chewing and grinding food
Dental decay:
Bacteria present on surface of teeth, form a layer called plaque with
food deposits. Bacteria in the plaque feed on sugars which produces
acid, the acid dissolves the enamel causing a hole to form. If the hole
reached the pulp the bacteria can reach the nerves which result in a
Proper care:
Avoid sugary food, regular cleaning, oss, visit the dentist regularly
Enzymes involving in chemical digestion
Amylase: starch to maltose
in mouth & duodenum, optimum condition slightly alkaline. Maltose broken down into
glucose by maltase
Protease: protein to amino acid
in stomach(pepsin) & duodenum (trypsin), optimum condition acid in stomach & alkaline in
Lipase: fat to fatty acids + glycerol
in duodenum, optimum condition alkaline
*acid pH in stomach maintained by HCl acid, which also kills bacteria by denaturing their enzymes
Alkaline condition maintained by pancreatic juice and bile
Bile also has the function of emulsifying fats into droplets to increase the surface area for
chemical digestion
Digestive system = alimentary canal + digestive organs
Mouth - mechanical digestion
Oesophagus - carries food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach
Stomach - digestion of protein + HCl acid
Liver - produce bile
Gall bladder - stores bile
Pancreas - produces digestive uids and enzymes. Regulates blood
Smaller intestine - digests and absorbs soluble food
Large intestine - absorbs water from undigested food and produces
Adaptations for exchange
1. Good blood supply
2. Large surface area
3. Thin membranes of villi
Small intestine:
-Absorption of digested nutrients
-Absorption of water
Large intestine/colon:
Absorption of water
-increases the surface area of absorption
Blood capillary: absorbs glucose and amino acids via di usion
Lacteal: absorbs fatty acids and glycerol
Epithelial lining: one cell thick to increase di usion rate, with microvilli to
increase surface area even further
Transport in plants
Xylem: transports water and solutes from roots to leaves
Phloem: transports nutrients from the leaves to the rest of the plant
Water uptake: root hair cells increase the surface area for absorption
*root structure:
epidermis/cortex/endodermis/phloem & xylem
Zone of cell di erentiation/elongation/division + root cap
Transpiration: loss of water vapour from the plant leaves, by evaporation of water at the surfaces
of the mesophyll cells + di usion of water vapour through the stomata
Movement of water through a plant
-water molecules attracted to each other (cohesion)
-water molecules attracted to the walls of the stem (adhesion)
-adhesion > cohesion
-this causes water to “crawl” up narrow tubes. Narrower the tube higher
the water can go
—capillary action
Translocation: movement of sucrose and amino acids, source to sink
*source and sink not always xed
Transport in animals
Single circulation: sh
Heart was only passed once in a full circulation of blood
Double circulation:Blood travels through the heart twice
-helps to maintain the blood pressure, making the circulation
e cient
Structure of the heart
-arteries take blood away from the heart and veins take blood
towards the heart
-valves prevent blood owing back into the previous chamber
(only allows one way blood ow)
-muscles of left side thicker than right: blood must be pumped
to the entire body via the left side (higher pressure required)
Pulmonary - to the lungs
Renal - kidneys
Atriumventricular valves - between atrium and ventricle
Aortic & pulmonary valves - ventricles to arteries
Vena cava - “main” veins
Aorta - “main” artery
E ect of physical activities on heart rate / pulse rate
-when exercising more nutrients required by the body and more waste products required to be get
rid of
-heart rate will increase since blood needs to circulate faster
Coronary heart disease
-heart must contract in order to pump blood so the heart itself needs blood supply
-the artery that supplies it with blood: the coronary artery
-if the coronary artery gets blocked the heart will no longer have a blood supply therefore fail to
pump blood around the body
—“coronary hear disease” which can results in heart attack
Coronary heart disease risk factors:
1. Diet with too much saturated fat - cholesterol胆固醇 build up in arteries and eventually block it
2. Smoking - nicotine damages the heart and blood vessels
3. Stress
4. Obesity
5. Lack of exercise
6. Inherited factors
Blood vessels
Structures of blood vessels
-Artery: thick elastic wall, narrow lumen, valves absent
-Veins: thin walls with little muscle or elastic bres, large lumen, valves present
-Capillary: one cell thick, lumen is the size of an RBC
-Artery: carries blood at high pressure & maintenance of high pressure
-Veins: low pressure
-Capillary: allows for di usion and nutrient/waste exchange, blood pass through slowly slowing
e cient di usion
Sequence of blood vessels:
Veins - heart - arteries - arterioles - capillaries - venules - veins - …
*shunt vessels: connect an artery directly to a vein, can control blood ow via constriction/dilation
(so do arterioles)
-plasma: liquid that transports substances(amino acids, carbon dioxide etc. + blood cells and
-RBC: contains haemoglobin which binds to oxygen, involved in the transport of oxygen around
the boy
-lymphocytes: involved in production of antibodies *on diagram: large nucleus
-phagocytes: involved in phagocytosis *lobes of nucleus
-platelets: involved in formation of blood cots
How do blood clots form?
1. Platelets immediately stick to the site of damage
2. Chemical signals are released from the platelets to attract nearby cells and clump them
3. A series of reactions happen (the coagulation cascade), including the conversion of brinogen
-> brin
4. This forms threads which trap red blood cells and create a clot
Disease and immunity
De nitions
Pathogens: any organisms that cause diseases
Transmissible diseases: diseases in which pathogens can move from one host to another (though
direct/indirect contact)
Defence mechanisms of the body
-mechanical barriers: skin & nose hair
-chemical barriers: mucus & stomach acid
-cells: phagocytosis & antibody production
Antibody production
Antigens on pathogens binds to speci c receptor, activating the lymphocyte to produce
antibodies. Antibodies attach onto their respective pathogen antigens
(Clump pathogens together to prepare for phagocytosis)
The process by which a cell engulfs a solid particle to from an
internal vesicle known as phagosome
Controlling the spread of disease
-personal hygiene / washing hands
-to prevent direct / indirect transmission of diseases
-can pollute drinking water
-Waste disposal
-waste that is not properly managed can attract rats, ies and other creatures which in
turn can spread disease.
Active immunity
The immunity resulting from the production of antibodies in the presence of an antigen. Antigens
can be exposed to the body via an infection or a vaccination
-Harmless pathogen given to the body with speci c antigens on its surface
-immune response triggered as lymphocytes produce antibodies
-memory cells are produced to give long-term immunity
Passive immunity
-short term immunity resulting from the introduction of antibodies from another person or
animal(for example mother to infant)
-memory cells do not get produced in passive immunity
type 1 diabetes
-pancreas cannot make insulin (which is needed to control blood sugar levels)
-the immune system attacks the cells that make insulin
-some diseases like diabetes, our immune system attacks our own cells: auto immune disease
Gas exchange in humans
Structure of lungs
Ribs: bone structure, protects internal organs (eg. Lungs)
Intercostal muscle: muscles between ribs, movement cause
in&exhalation *internal&external
Diaphragm: at the bottom of the thorax, help change the
volume of thorax (in&exhalation)
Trachea: windpipe, connects mouth and nose to lungs
Larynx/voice box: when air passes across able to make
Bronchi(pl.bronchus): tubes branching o the trachea (one
bronchi for each lung)
Bronchioles: connected to alveoli
Alveoli: tiny air sacs where gas exchange takes place
Cartilage: support the airways and keep them open during breathing (otherwise collapse inwards
when air pressure drops)
Cilia and mucus
-ciliated epithelial上⽪的 cells
-cilia: tiny hairs, beat and push mucus up the passages towards the nose and throat (where it can
be removed)
-mucus made by mucus-producing cells called goblet cells
-mucus traps particles, pathogens like bacteria or viruses, dust, prevents them getting into the
lungs (and damaging the cells there)
**function of cilia and mucus [3’]
1.mucus traps bacteria, dust, particles
2.the cilia beat
3. And push the mucus away from the lungs towards the throat
Ventilation of the lungs
Diaphragm: responsible for controlling ventilation in the lungs
External and internal intercostal muscles work as antagonistic (di erent directions to each other)
External intercostal muscles contract
rib cage moves up and out
Diaphragm contract
Volume increase, pressure decrease, air goes into the lungs
External intercostal Muscles relax
rib cage moves down and in
Diaphragm relax
Volume decrease, pressure increase, air forced out of the lungs
Inhaled & exhaled air
Atmospheric air contains 20-21% oxygen, breathing out air around 16% oxygen
Atmospheric air 0.04% carbon dioxide, breathing out air 4% carbon dioxide
Breath out more water vapour(from moist lining of the alveoli), temperature higher.
*nitrogen 78%: very stable, cannot be used by body
E ect of exercise on breathing
-increase frequency and depth of breathing
-investigate by counting breaths taken in one minute at rest and measuring average chest
expansion over 5 breaths
-result: number increase, extension increase
-Muscle working harder and aerobically respiring more so more oxygen required (and CO2
-If cannot meet energy demand: anaerobic respiration, producing lactic acid
-After exercise nishes, lactic acid needs to be removed as it lowers the pH of cells and can
denature enzymes catalysing cell reactions
-Remove by combining with oxygen (“repaying the oxygen debt”)
-longer it takes after exercise for the breathing rate and back return to normal, more lactic acid
produced during exercise and greater oxygen debt that needs to be repaid
Carbon dioxide and brain
-Acidic gas, a ect the working of enzymes in the cells
-blood ow through the brain, increase in carbon dioxide concentration stimulates receptor cells
-these send impulses to the muscle of the lungs, causing them to contract faster and more
-frequency and depth of breathing to increase until CO2 conc. has lowered su ciently.
A chemical process that involves the breakdown of nutrient molecules (speci cally glucose) in
order to release the energy stored within the bonds of these molecules.
-occurs in all living cells, most of chemical reaction in aerobic res. takes place in mitochondria
-controlled by enzymes
Gas exchange surface(adaptations for good gas exchange):
1. Large surface area
2. Thin surface
3. Good blood supply
4. Good ventilation
Use of energy
-contract muscle
-synthesis proteins
-cell division
-enable active transport
-allow nerve impulse to be generated
-maintain a constant body temperature
Aerobic respiration
-Chemical reactions in cells that use oxygen to break down nutrient molecules to release energy
-complete breakdown of glucose
-Takes part in mitochondria
Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
Anaerobic respiration
-incomplete breakdown of glucose (relatively small amount)
Respiration is an enzyme controlled reaction: unlikely to work faster beyond around 40 degree
Anaerobic res. in animals
Glucose → lactic acid + energy
C6H12O6 → C3H6O3
Lactic acid lowers the pH of the cells, which could denature the enzymes in cells
-cells excrete lactic acid into blood
-blood pass through liver
-lactic acid taken up into liver cells, and oxidised, producing carbon dioxide and water (lactic acid
reacts with oxygen: aerobic res. with lactic acid)
Anaerobic res. in yeast
-used in bread making and brewing酿酒
Glucose → alcohol C2H5OH + carbon dioxide
The removal of waste products(of metabolic reactions), toxic materials and substances in excess
of requirements
Organs involved in excretion
-Lungs: carbon dioxide, a waste product of aerobic respiration
-Kidneys: excess water, salts and urea, which are formed in liver from excess amino acid by
producing urine
Role of liver
-Assimilation of amino acids (important for making proteins)
-deamination: break down nitrogen containing parts of excess amino acids, which turns into urea
which is excreted by the kidneys
The urinary system
-urea excreted as urine (mineral salts & urea dissolved in water)
*urine conc. depend on temperature, exercise and water intake
Kidney structure
kidney: lter the blood
ureter: tube connecting the kidney to the
Bladder: stores urine (excess water, salts and
Urethra: tube that connects the bladder to the
exterior where urine is released
1. Ultra ltration
-smaller molecules being carried in the blood forced out of the capillaries into the Bowman’s
-glucose, water, urea, salts
2. Selective reabsorption
-glucose at proximal convoluted tubule, by active transport (*nephron adaptation: many
-water & salts at Loop of Henle by osmosis and di usion
-water also reabsorbed at collecting duct
Treatment to kidney failure:
1. Dialysis*usual treatment
Dialysis uid contains glucose and salt with concentration similar to a normal level in blood, no
2. Transplant
Transplant vs dialysis
Transplant are better long term solution, disadvantages are:
1. Immune response
2. Not enough donor
Dialysis disadvantages:
1. Less freedom (dialysis takes 3-4hrs each time)
2. Diets restrictive
3. Dialysis machines expensive
*Kidney transplant is a long term solution, dialysis only work for a limited time
Coordination and response
Nervous system
Central nervous system (CNS): brain+ spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system (PNS): all of the nerves in the body
-allows us to make sense of surroundings & respond
Nerve impulse: chemical signal that pass along nerve cells(neurones)
Nerve: a bundle of neurones
Types of neurones
Sensory sense organs ————— CNS
Relay(inside CNS)
Motor CNS ————— e ectors
Sense organ: group of receptor cells that respond to speci c stimuli
Re ex does not involve the brain
Actions are automatic fast and protective
Re ex arc
Presynaptic neurone release chemical messenger
Di uses across the synaptic gap and bind with receptor
This stimulates the second neurone to generate an electrical
Neurotransmitter then destroyed
*synapse ensures one-way transmission of nerve impulse
The eye
Iris - controls pupil size
Cornea - refracts light
Pupil - controls amount of light entering
Lens - focus light onto retina
Retina - contains light receptors (rods & cones), converts
Fovea - high concentration of cones
Optic nerve - carries impulse to the brain
Pupil re ex
Bright light: Circular muscles contrast radial muscles relax - pupil constricts
Dim light: Circular relax radial contrast - pupil dilates
Accommodation of lens
Distant object - ciliary muscle relax, lens thinner
Near object - ciliary muscle contract, lens fatter
Rods & cones
Rods for light cones for colour
Three types of cone cells (red blue green)
Hormones & homeostasis
Hormones: a chemical substance produced by a gland and carried by the blood which alters the
activity of one or more speci c target organs
Endocrine glands & hormones they produce
Adrenal gland - adrenaline
Pancreas - insulin
Testes - testosterone
Ovaries - oestrogen
Nervous control vs hormonal control
Nervous control: electrical impulses transferred by nerves, with high speed and short term e ect
Hormonal: transfer in form of chemicals by blood, slow speed but long term e ect
-secreted in “ ght or ight” situations
-e ect: increase breathing, push rate and secretion of glucose from the liver, cause pupil dilation
(Essentially increase supply of oxygen and glucose)
Control of internal conditions within set limits for maintenance of a constant internal environment.
Body temperature
Vasodilation & constriction - vasodilation increase volume of blood passing through the vessels
near skin, allowing more heat to be radiated out which lowers down body tem. Vice versa.
*Skin structure
Basic insulation:
1.Fat layer
2.Hair follicles trap air which is also an insulator
Shivering: increase metabolism in the muscles to increase hear
Sweating: when water evaporates from sweat it removes heat
from the skin
Blood glucose concentration
-pancreas secretes glucagon and insulin
-these hormones act on the liver which alters glucose levels in the blood
-excessive glucose stored as glycogen
High glucose level: insulin acts on the liver to make glucose in to glycogen for storing
Low glucose level: glucagon to make glycogen into glucose for use
Negative feedback
Mechanism by which homeostasis is achieved
Eg. Abnormally high blood glucose detected by sensor
abnormally low blood glucose
insulin increase
detected by sensor
reduction in blood
insulin secretion ceased
Tropic responses
De nitions
Tropism - a plant growth response in which the direction of response is determined by the
direction of stimuli
Phototropism - plant growth response to light
Gravitropism - plant growth response to gravity
Shoots: positive phototropism, negative gravitropism
Roots: negative phototropism, positive gravitropism
A growth hormone produced by plants, controls the direction of growth of roots/stems
Mostly made in tips so can di use to other parts of the plant
*stimulates cell elongation
Plant hormones & weedkillers
Most weedkillers contain synthetic hormones known as 24D (selective, only a ect weeds but not
crop plants)
So weeds grow very fast and then dying - more space & nutrients & water for crop plants to grow
Any substance taken into the body the modi es or a ect chemical reactions in the body
Two main categories: medicinal and misused
Medicinal drugs
Drugs that treat bacterial infections by:
1. Attacking bacterial cells walls
2. Preventing bacterial protein formation
3. Inhibiting bacterial reproduction
*Do not work on viruses
Some bacteria may have resistance to antibiotics
Misused drugs
Alcohol & heroin
-both depressant drugs: lowers neurotransmission levels
-increase reaction times & slows down impulses (a ect impulses)
-addiction and withdrawal is a common long-term complication
-negative social implications including crime, nancial problems, dangerous driving, violence, etc.
Other problems:
-sharing needles can lead to infections e.g. HIV
-alcohol can cause liver damage (where alcohol is broken down)
-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
-lung cancer
-coronary heart disease
Toxic components of cigarette smoke:
-CO: takes place of oxygen in RBCs
-nicotine: addictive drug
-Tar: contains cancer-causing substances
Testosterone in sports
Main e ects on body:
1. Promotion of muscle building
2. Development of make characteristics
Anabolic steroids: synthetic variations of testosterone
Appealed to athletes for muscle growth and faster recovery time after a work-out
Reproduction in plants
Asexual reproduction: process resulting in the production of genetically identical o spring from
one parent
Advantages include:
1. Quicker
2. Only one parent required
3. Good characteristics of parent passed on
4. No dispersal so o spring will grow in the same favourable environment as parent
Disadvantages include:
1. Little variation and thus unlikely to adapt to changing environment
2. If parent not existent to certain disease, then o spring will not either
3. Lack of dispersal can lead to competition for nutrients, water, light etc.
Sexual reproduction: a process involving age fusion of two gametes to form a zygote, producing
o springs genetically di erent to each other and to parent cells
Fertilisation: fusion of two gametes
1. Variation bene cial for adapting changing environment, increase the survivability of species
2. More variation, more chance for resistance to arise
3. Seed dispersal allows less competition
1. Two parents required
2. Process slower
Structure of owers
Insect pollinated
Stamen: 雄蕊 - anther + lament
Anther: contains pollen
Carpel: ⼼⽪(可理解为雌蕊)- stigma + style + ovary
Stigma: sticky surface that catches pollen
Ovary: contains ovules(female sex cell) which develop into seeds
once fertilised
Sepal: protects ower while in bud
Wind pollinated
Insect pollinated vs wind pollinated
Insect pollinated
Wind pollinated
Inside the ower
Outside the ower
Smaller surface area
inside the ower
Large and feathery,
often hanging outside
Smaller in amount, can Larger in amount,
be sticky/spiky
smooth and light
Pollination: transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
Self-pollination vs cross-pollination
Self-pollination increases chance of fertilisation but less variation and adaptability to environment
Vice versa
After the ovule is fertilised it will become the seed. Germination is the process in which a seed
becomes a plant. Factors a ecting germination: water, oxygen and temperature
Reproduction in human
Testis: sperm production
Penis: can become rm for insertion into vagina
Scrotum: holds testes outside the body to keep
it cooler than body temp
Sperm duct: connects testis to urethra
Urethra: passes semen/urine out through penis
Prostate gland: adds nutrients& uid to sperm to
make it into semen
Female reproductive system
Ovaries: produces egg cells
Oviduct: 1.Site of fertilisation 2.prolusion of egg cell to the uterus via
cilia in the wall
Uterus: location of fatal development
Cervix: ring of muscle separating vagina from uterus
Vagina: entry point for the penis
Jelly coat of egg cells: protection + initiation of
acrosome reaction
Flagellum: mobility
Mitochondria: provide energy
Acrosome: contains enzymes helping the
sperm to penetrate through the wall of egg
Adaptive features of sperm: agellum, mitochondria and enzymes in acrosome
Egg cells: energy stores and jelly coat that changes at fertilisation
Umbilical cord: transfer nutrients and water from mother to fetus, waste
products from fetus to mother
Amniotic sac: contains amniotic uid
Amniotic uid: cushioning the foetus from bumps to mother’s abdomen
Placenta: prevents mixing between mother’s blood & fatal blood
*substances di use
*placenta can not stop toxins or pathogens
Stages of birth:
1. Amniotic sac breaks and amniotic uid released
2. Muscles of the uterus wall contract
3. Cervix dilates
4. Baby passes out through the vagina
5. Umbilical cord tied and cut
6. Afterbirth is delivered
Secondary sexual characteristics
In girls:
*Controlled by oestrogen
1. Breasts develop
2. Body hair grows
3. Menstrual cycle begins
4. Hip gets wider
In boys:
*controlled by testosterone
1. Growth of penis and testes
2. Growth of facial and body hair
3. Muscles develop
4. Voice breaks
5. Testes start to produce sperm
The menstrual cycle
*ovulation occurs about half way through the cycle (day 14)
menstruation lasts around 5-7 days
Oestrogen - cause uterine wall to start thickening, inhibits FSH&LH production after ovulation
Progesterone - uterine wall maintains and thickening, inhibits…, if fertilisation doesn’t occur levels
FSH - stimulates egg maturation in the follicles of the ovary & follicles to secrete oestrogen
LH - at peak stimulates ovulation, result in formation of a corpus luteum
Pituitary gland produces FSH→stimulates development of a follicle in the ovary→egg develops in
the ovary, follicle produces oestrogen→growth and repair of the lining and inhibits production of
FSH→stimulates release of LH→ovulation→follicle becomes corpus luteum, starts producing
progesterone→maintains the uterus lining
If the ovum is not fertilised corpus luteum breaks down and progesterone levels drop →
If pregnancy does occur corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone
STI: sexually transmitted infections
HIV: human immunode ciency virus, which usually leads to acquired immunode ciency disease
HIV can be spread via sharing needles, blood transfusions, mother to fetus through placenta, and
mother to baby via breast-feeding
Spread of STIs may be controlled naturally(abstinence), chemically(pills eg. IUV), via
barrier(condom) or surgically(vasectomy/female sterilisation)
De nitions
Chromosome: thread-like structure of DNA, carries genetic information in the form of genes
Gene: length of DNA that codes for a speci c protein
Alleles: an alternative form of a gene
Bases: Adenine - Thymine, Cytosine - Guanine ATCG
Sequences of bases determine the sequence of amino acid used to make a speci c protein
Haploid vs diploid
A normal human cell nucleus has 23 pairs of chromosomes
Diploid - contains two sets of chromosomes
Haply - single set eg. Sperm/egg cells
Nuclear division giving rise to genetically identical cells
-used for growth, repair, replacement and asexual reproduction
*chromosome doubled before cell splits to maintain chromosome number
Stem cells: unspecialised cells that divide by mitosis to produce daughter cells that can become
specialised for speci c functions
Nuclear division giving rise to genetically di erent cells
-used for production of gametes
Diploid into haploid cells (chromosome halved)
*combination of two games will use genes from two di erent individuals and introduce variation as
a result
Monohybrid inheritance
De nitions
Inheritance: transmission of genetic information from generation to generation
Genotype: genetic make-up of organism
Phenotype: characteristic visible in an organism (controlled by genotype)
Homozygous: having a pair of identical ballers controlling the same characteristics. Pure-breeding
Heterozygous: having a pari of di erent alleles for a characteristic
Dominant allele: a gene that always shows in the phenotype whether the organism is
heterozygous or homozygous
Recessive allele: only shows in phenotype when organism is homozygous
A situation where both alleles in heterozygous organisms contribute to the phenotype
Eg. Blood type: phenotypes A,B,AB and O blood groups, alleles Iᴬ,Iᴮ and Iº
Iº dominated by the other two
Sex-linked characteristic
A feature in which the gene responsible is located on a sex chromosome which makes this
characteristic more common on one sex than the other
Eg. Red-green colour blindness
Variation and selection
Variation: di erences between individuals within the same species
Continuous vs discontinuous variation
Continuous - results in range if phenotypes between two extremes (i.e. height/weight)*use
Discontinuous variation - results in limited number of phenotypes with no intermediates (i.e.
tongue rolling), mainly due to genetics alone rather than environment in uence.*use bar chart
Mutation, meiosis, random mating and random fertilisation are sources of genetic variation in
A spontaneous change in gene or chromosome, can be caused by error during DNA replication
Mutations generate new alleles
*ionising radiation and some chemicals increase rate of mutation
Gene mutation is a random change in the base sequence
Sickle-cell anaemia
-Mutation in gene that codes for haemoglobin
-Sickle-shaped RBCs are less e cient at oxygen transport
*heterozygous genotype will hame some abnormal RBCs (no life threatening)
Adaptive features
Inherited feature that helps an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment
Examples - hydrophytes & xerophytes
Wide, at leaves - increase surface area to oat on water and gain as much light as possible
Reduced plant structure - less need of strong plant support
Very thin or no waxy cuticle - less need for water preservation
Small roots - water attains directly through stem and leaf tissue
Stomata mostly open on upper leaf surface - maximise gas exchange
Thick cuticle - minimise evaporation
Small leaves - less surface area for evaporation
Smaller amount of stomata - less surface area for di usion
Sunken stomata - maintains humidity around stomata
Rolled leaves - maintains humidity around stomata
Extensive roots - maximise water uptake
Natural selection
-variation within population
-many o spring produced
-competition for resources amongst individuals within population
-struggle for survival
-greater chance of reproduction by individuals that are better adapted to the environment than
-these individuals pass on their alleles to the next generation
Adaptation: by which population become more suited to their environment over many generations
Selective breeding (arti cial selection)
-individuals with desirable feature selected by humans
-crossing these individuals to produce next generation
-genetics will be carried over to the o spring thus also having desirable characteristics
Organisms and their environment
De nitions
Ecosystem: a community of interdependent organisms and their environment
Food chain: representation of feeding relationship & energy ow amongst organisms
Food web: network of interconnected food chains
Trophic level: an organisms position in a food chains, food web, or food pyramid
Consumer: an organism that obtains its food by feeding on other organisms
Producer: makes its own food via energy from sunlight (photosynthesis)
Carnivore: an animal that eats other animals
Herbivore: an animal that eats plants
Decomposer: an organism that obtains food by breaking down dead organisms
Energy ow
Principle source of energy input into biological systems (sunlight)
Food chains
Trophic levels
(Producer→primary consumer→secondary→tertiary)
Ine cient energy transfer
90% of energy is lost at each trophic level:
1. Respration
2. Movement
3. Maintenance of body temperature in mammals/birds
4. Some material in organism not eaten or digested by consumer
Higher the trophic level, lower the energy intake. So rare to have more than 5 trophic levels as
organisms above that level will not able to survive due to lack of energy
*more energy e cient for us to eat plants directly than to eat animals
Food webs
Food chains interconnected together
Food pyramids
De nitions
Population: a group of organisms of one species, living in the same area, at the same time
Community: all of the populations of di erent species in an ecosystem
Ecosystem: a unit containing the community of organisms and their environment, interacting
Factors a ecting population growth
Food supply
Nutrient cycles
Carbon cycle
Sigmoid population graph
-Lag phase: population growth begins slowly from a few
-Log phase: exponential growth occur, conditions ideal and
maximum growth rate reached
-Stationary phase: carrying capacity for the population
reached so number becomes stable. (The population size
that can be supported by a particular environment)
-Death phase: sudden change in the environment causing
population to crash, and the whole process start again (eg.
Drought causing food shortage)
Nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen xation: lightning/bacteria
Roles of microorganisms:
Decomposition, nitrogen xation,
nitri cation&denitri cation
Human influences on ecosystem
Modern technology has increased food supply
1. Agricultural machinery to use larger areas of land and improve e ciency
2. Chemical fertilisers to improve yields
3. Insecticides to improve quality and yield
4. Herbicides to reduce competition with weeds
5. Selective breeding to improve production by corp plants and live stock
Impacts to an ecosystem
-Large-scale monocultures of crop plants
Reduced diversity of ecosystem
Increased pests
Problems associated with insecticides
-Intensive live stock production
Diseases easily spread
Welfare issues between livestock
Habitat destruction
Biodiversity: the number of di erent species that live in an area
Reasons for habitat destruction
1. Increased area of housing, food crops and livestock production
2. Extraction of natural resources
3. Marine pollution
Humans can have a negative impact on habitats through altering food webs and food chains
Undesirable e ects of deforestation
1. Reducing biodiversity
2. Reduction in food resources and breeding grounds of animals may lead to extinction
3. Removal of trees causing loss of soil
4. Flooding
5. Increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
E ects of untreated sewage and excess fertiliser on aquatic ecosystem
1. Eutrophication
2. Pathogens in untreated sewage may kill aquatic animals
3. Water borne diseases can spread rapidly - infection on people that drink polluted water
*Eutrophication of water
1. Increased availability of nitrated and other ions
2. Increased growth of producers
3. Increased decomposition after death of producers
4. Increased aerobic respiration by decomposers
5. Reduction in dissolved oxygen
6. Death of organism requiring dissolved oxygen in water
E ects of non-biodegradable plastics
Aquatic ecosystems
1. Trapping of animals
Terrestrial ecosystem
1. Toxic cases when plastic is burned
2. Plastics deteriorate in to smaller pieces, these pieces can be consumed by animals
Pollution of the air
Sources: methane and carbon dioxide
1. Enhanced greenhouse e ect
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere prevent infrared radiation pass through - important in
regulating surface temperature of the earth
2. Climate change
Sustainable resource: resources that does not run out (produced as rapidly as it is removed from
the environment)
Resources that can be conserved and managed sustainably: forests and sh stocks
Forest can be conserve using: education, protected areas, quotas and replanting
Fish stocks: edu, closed seasons, protected areas, controlled net types and mesh size, quotas
and monitoring
Organisms become endangered or extinct due to:
1. Climate change
2. Habitat destruction
3. Hunting
4. Pollution
5. Introduced species
Conservation of endangered species:
1. Monitoring and protecting species and habitats
2. Eduction
3. Captive breeding programmes
4. Seed banks
Conservation programs important as
1. Maintains/increases biodiversity
2. Reduce extinction
3. Protect vulnerable ecosystem
4. Maintain ecosystem functions (nutrient cycling & resource provision - food, drugs, fuel and
Arti cial insemination (AI) & in vitro fertilisation (IVF): 相当于体外受精
Risks to a species if its population size decreases: reduces genetic variation, a ect the ability of
the species to cope with environmental change, leads to greater risk of extinction.
Biotechnology & genetic engineering
Anaerobic respiration: glucose→ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy
Ethanol production for biofuels
-yeast respire anaerobically in the absence of oxygen
-sugar added and kept in warm conditions
-as yeasts repair the sugar ethanol I produced
-yeast activated via mixing with sugar and water, mixture added to our to make dough
-dough rises due to carbon dioxide which gets trapped
-temp important (respiration controlled via enzymes)
-when bread is cooked high temp kill the yeast and ethanol evaporated
Fruit juice production
-pectinase is an enzyme that breaks down peptin
-used to break down pectin in fruit cell walls in order to squeeze out higher volumes of juice
Biological washing powders
-enzymes used to break down organic substances
-mainly protease and lipase
-enzymes need to have a high optimum temp
-enzymes obtained from thermophilic bacteria
Lactose-free milk
- xed immobile enzymes on static surface to improve e ciency of reaction
-enzyme conc. conserved as enzyme not dissolved
Penicillin production
-antibiotic made by a fungus called penicillium
-sugars, ammonium salt + penicillium added to fermenter
-temp maintained at approx. 24 deg
-stirrer keeps the bacteria suspended
-air provided oxygen for respiration
Genetic engineering
Changing the genetic material of an organism by removing, changing or inserting individual genes
-the insertion of human genes into bacteria to produce human proteins
-the insertion of genes into crop plants to confer resistance to herbicides
-the insertion of genes into crop plants to confer resistance to insect pests
-the insertion of genes into crop plants to improve nutritional qualities
-human cells with healthy insulin genes selected
-chromosomes from those cells removed
-insulin gene from the chromosome removed via restriction endonuclease enzyme
-suitable bacterial cell selected, some bacteria DNA present in form of plasmids
-plasmids removed from bacterial cell
-plasmids cut open via the same restriction endonuclease enzyme
-human insulin gene inserted into plasmids using ligase enzymes
-plasmids returned to the bacterial cell
-bacterial cell reproduce
Advantages and disadvantages of genetically modifying crops - soya, maize and rice
Advantages: more nutritious, taster, disease- and drought resistant
Disadvantges: disrupt natural process, increase cost of cultivation, endangers farmers and trade
along with the environment