2nd NEW DEAL AND AFTERWARDS NRA UNCONSTITUTIONAL? • The Supreme Court found--Government-imposed regulations of the poultry industry, such as price- & wage-fixing, unconstitutional. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was closed. • Many of NRA policies, such as setting minimum wage and restricting work hours, were successfully reenacted under the National Labor Relations Act (aka Wagner Act) passed in July 1935. Roosevelt and Relief • 1933--Aid to unemployed • 1933--Civilian Conservation Corps provides employment to young people • 1935--Works Progress Administration (WPA) place unemployed on federal payroll • Programs never sufficiently funded Social Security • 1935--Social Security Act passed • Criticisms too few people would collect pensions • unemployment package inadequate • • Establishes pattern of government aid to poor, aged, handicapped Labor Legislation • 1935--Wagner Act allows unions to organize • outlaws unfair labor practices • • 1938--Fair Labor Standard Act maximum hour • minimum wage • Impact of the New Deal • Had a broad influence on the quality of life in the U.S. in the 1930s • Helps labor unions most Rise of Organized Labor • 1932--National Recovery Act spurs union organizers • Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO) formed by John L. Lewis • CIO unionizes steel, auto industries • 1940--CIO membership hits 5 million, 28% of labor force unionized Women at Work • Position of women deteriorates in ‘30s • • jobs lost at a faster rate than men hardly any New Deal programs help • Progress in government • • • Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, the first woman cabinet member women appointed to several other posts Eleanor Roosevelt a model for activism End of the New Deal • 1936--New Deal peaks with Roosevelt’s reelection • Congress resists programs after 1936 The Election of 1936 • FDR’s campaign • • • attacks the rich promises further reforms defeats Republicans • Democrats win majorities in both houses of Congress • FDR coalition: South, cities, labor, ethnic groups, African Americans, poor The New Deal in Decline • 1936--cutbacks for relief agencies • 1937—Court Packing • 1937--severe slump hits economy • Roosevelt blamed, resorts to huge government spending • 1938--Republican party revives The New Deal and American Life • New Deal’s limitations depression not ended • economic system not fundamentally altered • little done for those without political clout • • Achievements Social Security, the Wagner Act • political realignment of the 1930s •