TEST BANK READING UNDERSTANDING & APPLYING NURSING RESEARCH 6TH FAIN ISBN: 9781719641821 written by Examsonline www.stuvia.com Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material Full Test Bank TEST BANK READING UNDERSTANDING & APPLYING NURSING RESEARCH 6TH FAIN Test Bank Directly From The publisher, 100% Verified Answers. COVERS ALL CHAPTERS. Download Immediately After the Order. Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 1 1-1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Nursing Research G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Quantitative research uses the following methods of data collection except: 1. Surveys 2. Questionnaires 3. Participant observation 4. Psychosocial instruments ____ 2. Knowledge is information acquired in a variety of different ways. Methods used to acquire this knowledge are referred to as: 1. Scientific integrity 2. Scientific rigor 3. Triangulation 4. Ways of knowing GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 3. When a researcher uses a qualitative and quantitative approach to collecting data, this is referred to as: 1. Scientific integrity 2. Scientific rigor 3. Triangulation 4. Ways of knowing ____ 4. A type of research method emphasizing the meaning of an experience is termed: 1. Qualitative 2. Quantitative 3. Scientific integrity 4. Scientific method ____ 5. A group of individuals who collaborate on a research project from beginning to dissemination of findings are referred to as a: 1. Research consumer 2. Research team 3. Principal investigator 4. Consultant Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 1 1-2 ____ 6. An example of a specialty journal is: 1. Nursing Research 2. Research in Nursing and Health 3. Oncology Nursing Forum 4. Western Journal of Nursing Research ____ 7. Research that is done to examine findings of another researcher using the same variables but different subjects is referred to as: 1. Exploration 2. Replication 3. Empiricism 4. Rigor ____ 8. Who is the current director of the National Institutes of Nursing Research (NINR)? 1. Dr. Rebecca Patton 2. Dr. Julie Gerberding 3. Dr. Shannon Zenk 4. Dr. Elias Zerhouni ____ 9. Nursing practice that relies on evidence from research and integrates those findings into clinical thinking and decision making is called: 1. Nursing science 2. Evidence-based practice 3. Scientific inquiry 4. Scientific method GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 10. Which guideline for authoring a paper for publication is incorrect? 1. Colleagues should be consulted when parties disagree on authorship matters. 2. Avoid duplicate and fragmented publications. 3. Authors should provide additional information as requested by editors. 4. The principle investigator takes sole responsibility for the final manuscript. ____ 11. Which nursing degree program has a focus on planning and launching independent programs of research? 1. Baccalaureate degree in nursing 2. Master’s degree in nursing 3. Practice-focused doctoral program 4. Research-focused doctoral program Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 1 1-3 ____ 12. At a minimum, the nurse as research consumer is expected to: 1. Gather data through direct observation 2. Read and evaluate research projects 3. Author research papers for publication 4. Participate in the design and production of a study G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. Striving for excellence in research with discipline, adherence to detail, and strict accuracy is called: 1. Rigor 2. Triangulation 3. Replication 4. Scientific inquiry ____ 14. A systematic inquiry designed to develop knowledge about issues important to nursing is called: 1. Scientific method 2. Evidence-based practice 3. Nursing research 4. Nursing science ____ 15. Which characteristic is unique to the scientific method and not associated with other ways of learning information? GRADESBOOST.COM 1. Objectivity 2. Personal bias 3. Subjectivity 4. Logical reasoning Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 1 1-4 Chapter 1: Introduction to Nursing Research Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 3 Page: 7 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Quantitative nursing research uses traditional quantitative approaches, including surveys. This is incorrect. Quantitative nursing research uses traditional quantitative approaches, including questionnaires. This is correct. Quantitative nursing research uses approaches that can be quantified. Participant observation is used in qualitative research. This is incorrect. The use of psychosocial instruments is a quantitative method that can be used in combination with interviews and observations to study a particularly complex phenomenon. 2. ANS: 4 Page: 6 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. Scientific integrity refers to the ethical principles used in scientific research. This is incorrect. Rigor refers to the discipline, scrupulous adherence to detail, and strict accuracy in scientific research. This is incorrect. Triangulation is the use of qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data about a particular phenomenon. This is correct. Methods used to acquire new knowledge are ways of knowing. 3. ANS: 3 Page: 7 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Scientific integrity refers to the ethical principles used in scientific research. This is incorrect. Rigor refers to the discipline, scrupulous adherence to detail, and strict accuracy in scientific research. This is correct. Triangulation refers to the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data. This is incorrect. Methods used to acquire new knowledge are ways of knowing. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 1 1-5 4. ANS: 1 Page: 7 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is correct. A research method that emphasizes the meaning of experience is termed qualitative research. This is incorrect. Quantitative research is an approach for generating knowledge based on determining how much of a given behavior, characteristic, or phenomenon is present. This is incorrect. Scientific integrity refers to the ethical principles used in scientific research. This is incorrect. Scientific method is a systematic research process. 5. ANS: 2 Page: 3 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A research consumer is a reader of nursing research whose objective is applying findings to nursing practice or using the findings to conduct further research. GRisAaDgroup ESBO ST.Cwho OMcollaborate on a research This is correct. A research team ofOpeople project from beginning to dissemination of findings. This is incorrect. A group of people who collaborate on a research project from the beginning until the dissemination of findings is a research team. This is incorrect. A research team collaborates on a research project from the beginning to the dissemination of findings. 6. ANS: 3 Page: 11 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Research journals are devoted to the publication of nursing research studies. Specialty journals narrow the focus to research on a particular type of nursing. This is incorrect. Specialty research journals are devoted to a specific type of nursing. This is correct. Specialty journals are devoted to a specific type of nursing. Oncology Nursing Forum is an example of a specialty journal. This is incorrect. A specialty journal is devoted to a specific type of nursing research. 7. ANS: 2 Page: 6 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 1 1 2 3 4 1-6 Feedback This is incorrect. Examining the findings of another researcher using the same variables but different subjects is referred to as replication. This is correct. Research that is done to examine findings of another researcher using the same variables but different subjects is referred to as replication. This is incorrect. Replication is the ability of researchers to repeat a study using the same variables with different subjects. This is incorrect. The ability of researchers to examine the findings of other researchers using the same variables but with different subjects is called replication, while rigor is striving for excellence by involving discipline, adherence to detail, and strict accuracy. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 8. ANS: 3 Page: 13 Feedback 1 2 3 4 This is incorrect. Dr. Patricia Grady is the current director of the National Institutes of Nursing Research (NINR). This is incorrect. The current director of the National Institutes of Nursing Research (NINR) is Dr. Shannon Zenk. This is correct. Dr. Patricia Grady is the current director of the National Institutes of Nursing Research (NINR). This is incorrect. Currently, the director of the National Institutes of Nursing Research GRADESBOOST.COM (NINR) is Dr. Patricia Grady. 9. ANS: 2 Page: 5 Feedback 1 2 3 4 This is incorrect. Nursing science is the body of knowledge unique to the discipline of nursing. This is correct. Nursing practice that relies on evidence from research and integrates those findings into clinical thinking and decision making is evidenced-based practice. This is incorrect. Scientific inquiry is the process of critically analyzing data that have been gathered systematically about a particular phenomenon. This is incorrect. Scientific method is a systematic research process. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 1 1-7 10. ANS: 4 Page: 11 Feedback 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 This is incorrect. Colleagues should be consulted when parties disagree on authorship matters. This is incorrect. Duplicate and fragmented publications should be avoided. This is incorrect. Authors should provide additional information as requested by editors. This is correct. All authors review the final manuscript and take responsibility for the work. 11. ANS: 4 Page: 8 Feedback 1 2 3 4 This is incorrect. Baccalaureate programs focus on the ability to read, understand, interpret, and apply research findings to clinical practice. This is incorrect. Master’s degree programs have a focus on evaluating research findings. This is incorrect. Practice-focused doctoral programs focus on translating scientific GRADESBOOST.COM knowledge into complex clinical interventions tailored to meet individual, family, and community health and illness needs. This is correct. An element of research-focused doctoral programs is planning and launching independent research programs. 12. ANS: 2 Page: 9 Feedback 1 2 3 4 This is incorrect. Nurses with advanced degrees may be expected to gather data through observation; however, at a minimum, nurses are expected to have the ability to read and evaluate research reports. This is correct. The role of the research consumer includes the ability to read and evaluate research reports. Nurses are increasingly expected to maintain this level of involvement with research. This is incorrect. Nurses with advanced degrees may author research papers for publication; however, at a minimum, nurses are expected to read and evaluate research reports. This is incorrect. Nurses with advanced degrees may participate in the design and production of a study; however, at a minimum, nurses should be able to read and evaluate research reports. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 1 1-8 13. ANS: 1 Page: 7 Feedback 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 This is correct. Rigor is the striving for excellence in research that involves discipline, scrupulous adherence to detail, and strict accuracy. This is incorrect. Triangulation is the use of quantitative and qualitative data methods to collect data about a particular phenomenon. This is incorrect. Replication is the ability of researchers to repeat a study using the same variables and methods or slight variations of them. This is incorrect. Scientific inquiry is the process of critically analyzing data that have been gathered systematically about a particular phenomenon. 14. ANS: 3 Page: 5 Feedback 1 2 3 4 This is incorrect. Scientific method is a systematic research process. This is incorrect. Evidence-based practice is using research findings to direct clinical GRADESBOOST.COM care. This is correct. Nursing research is a systematic inquiry designed to develop knowledge about issues important to nursing. This is incorrect. Nursing science is the body of knowledge that is unique to the discipline of nursing. 15. ANS: 1 Page: 6 Feedback 1 2 3 4 This is correct. Objectivity and the use of empirical data are unique to the scientific method and not associated with other ways of knowing. This is incorrect. Personal bias is associated with other ways of learning. This is incorrect. Subjectivity is associated with other ways of learning information. This is incorrect. Logical reasoning is associated with other ways of learning. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 2 1-1 Chapter 2: Differentiating Types of Scholarship: Quality Improvement, Evidence-Based Practice, and Research G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Graduates of practice-focused doctorates in nursing (DNP) come out of school having a stronger emphasis on: 1. Using research methodologies 2. Identifying appropriate statistical analyses 3. Evaluating health-care outcomes 4. Identifying types of research designs ____ 2. The type of scholarship that generates or expands existing knowledge within a discipline is termed: 1. Scholarship of discovery 2. Scholarship of integration 3. Scholarship of application GRADESBOOST.COM 4. Scholarship of teaching ____ 3. The type of scholarship that advances clinical knowledge and involves translation of research into practice is termed: 1. Scholarship of discovery 2. Scholarship of integration 3. Scholarship of application 4. Scholarship of teaching ____ 4. Developing new teaching methods/strategies and applying use of technology to learning are examples of what type of scholarship? 1. Scholarship of discovery 2. Scholarship of integration 3. Scholarship of application 4. Scholarship of teaching ____ 5. Publishing research reports/papers in peer-reviewed publications is an example of what type of scholarship? 1. Scholarship of discovery 2. Scholarship of integration 3. Scholarship of application Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 2 1-2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4. Scholarship of teaching ____ 6. The major focus of quality improvement (QI) is on: 1. Analysis of data 2. Performance measures 3. Systems and processes 4. Leadership and commitment ____ 7. Concepts that are essential for identifying opportunities for performance improvements are: 1. Frequency counts and modes 2. Variation and distributions 3. Mean data values and standard deviations 4. People and competency ____ 8. Why is evidence-based practice (EBP) important? 1. It improves patient care by considering patients’ preferences. 2. It improves patient care by conducting qualitative research. GRinAD ESBOOST.COM 3. It provides significant limitations treatment. 4. It provides opportunities to incorporate knowledge based on trial and error. ____ 9. Evidence-based practice (EBP) includes which of the following? 1. Best external evidence 2. Individual patient experiences 3. Patient values 4. All of the above ____ 10. Researchers seek to acquire knowledge through the development, testing, and evaluation of: 1. Technology 2. Scientific method 3. Deductive reasoning 4. Theories Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 2 1-3 Chapter 2: Differentiating Types of Scholarship: Quality Improvement, Evidence-Based Practice, and Research Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1. ANS: 3 Page: 20 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Graduates of research-focused doctoral programs in nursing (PhD) have a stronger emphasis on use of research methodologies. This is incorrect. Graduates of research-focused doctoral programs in nursing (PhD) have a stronger emphasis on identifying appropriate statistical analyses. This is correct. Graduates of practice-focused doctoral programs in nursing (DNP) have a stronger emphasis on evaluating health outcomes. This is incorrect. Graduates of research-focused doctoral programs in nursing (PhD) have a stronger emphasis on identifying types of research designs. GRADESBOOST.COM 2. ANS: 1 Page: 21 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Scholarship of discovery generates or expands existing knowledge within a discipline. This is incorrect. Scholarship of integration is the synthesis of information across disciplines that makes connections and shapes a more coherent and integrated use of knowledge. This is incorrect. Scholarship of application advances clinical knowledge and involves translation of research into practice. This is incorrect. Scholarship of teaching is the systematic study of teaching and learning processes. 3. ANS: 3 Page: 22 1 Feedback This is incorrect. Scholarship of discovery generates or expands existing knowledge within a discipline. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 2 2 3 4 1-4 This is incorrect. Scholarship of integration is the synthesis of information across disciplines that makes connections and shapes a more coherent and integrated use of knowledge. This is correct. Scholarship of application advances clinical knowledge and involves translation of research into practice. This is incorrect. The scholarship of teaching refers to the systematic study of teaching and learning processes. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4. ANS: 4 Page: 23 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Scholarship of discovery generates or expands existing knowledge within a discipline. This is incorrect. Scholarship of integration is the synthesis of information across disciplines that makes connections and shapes a more coherent and integrated use of knowledge. This is incorrect. Scholarship of application advances clinical knowledge and involves translation of research into practice. This is correct. Scholarship of teaching develops new teaching methods/strategies along with applying use of technology to learning. GR ADESBOOST.COM 5. ANS: 1 Page: 21 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Publishing research reports/papers in peer-reviewed publications is an example of scholarship of discovery. This is incorrect. Scholarship of integration is the synthesis of information across disciplines that makes connections and shapes a more coherent and integrated use of knowledge. This is incorrect. Scholarship of application advances clinical knowledge and involves translation of research into practice. This is incorrect. Scholarship of teaching develops new teaching methods/strategies along with applying use of technology to learning. 6. ANS: 3 Page: 26 1 Feedback This is incorrect. Analysis of data is a second phase of QI and is used to improve Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 2 2 3 4 1-5 systems and processes. This is incorrect. Performance measures are used to identify potential sources of variation in order to improve systems and processes. This is correct. The major focus of QI is on systems and processes. This is incorrect. While leadership and commitment may improve with a QI analysis, they are not the major focus of QI. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 7. ANS: 2 Page: 27 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. While the number of occurrences and the modes of occurrences are important, they are not essential for identifying opportunities for performance improvements. This is correct. Concepts that are essential for identifying opportunities for performance improvements are variation and distributions. This is incorrect. Mean data values and standard deviations are used to analyze data but are not essential for identifying opportunities for performance improvements. This is incorrect. Identifying and analyzing people and competencies are important but are not essential for identifying opportunities for performance improvements. GRADESBOOST.COM 8. ANS: 1 Page: 27 Feedback 1 2 3 4 This is correct. EBP is important because it improves patient care by considering patients’ preferences. This is incorrect. High-quality qualitative research does not always ensure that study findings will improve patient outcomes. This is incorrect. EBP does not provide limitations in treatment but rather improves treatment. This is incorrect. EBP is not based on trial and error. 9. ANS: 4 Page: 27 Feedback 1 2 This is incorrect. Best external evidence is a criterion for EBP. This is incorrect. Individual patient experiences is a criterion for EBP. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 2 3 4 1-6 This is incorrect. Patient values is a criterion for EBP. This is correct. EBP includes using best external evidence, individual patient experiences, and patient values. 10. ANS: 2 Page: 25 Feedback G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 This is incorrect. Technology is used as a tool to acquire knowledge but not to formulate, test, and evaluate knowledge. This is correct. Researchers seek to acquire knowledge through the development, testing, and evaluation of the scientific method. This is incorrect. Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion based on premises that are generally assumed to be true. This is incorrect. Theories are formal statements of ideas that are suggested to explain facts. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 3 1-1 Chapter 3: Understanding the Research Process and Ethical Issues in Nursing Research G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. A research design that examines relationships between and among variables is referred to as: 1. Longitudinal 2. Correlational 3. Prospective 4. Retrospective ____ 2. Nonexperimental research is often said to be weaker than experimental research in terms of: 1. Establishing whether a problem exists 2. Establishing for whom a problem exists 3. Documenting a causal relationship 4. All of the above ____ 3. A situation in which the identity of subjects remains unknown to protect subjects participating in a study is referred to as: 1. Confidentiality GRADESBOOST.COM 2. Human rights 3. Risk-benefit ratio 4. Anonymity ____ 4. All of the following groups deserve special protection as subjects in research except: 1. People over 65 years of age 2. Children 3. Prisoners 4. Mentally ill ____ 5. A researcher wants to determine if nurses’ levels of empathy for patients change after graduation from nursing school. Empathy toward patients is measured and scores are compared for the following groups: new graduates, nurses who have worked for 2 years, and nurses who have worked for 5 years. This study is: 1. Prospective 2. Retrospective 3. Cross-sectional 4. Experimental Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 3 1-2 ____ 6. A researcher designs an experiment to test how variables interact to influence how well children learn. The main purpose of this study is: 1. Description 2. Explanation 3. Influence 4. Prediction ____ 7. A study that follows a cohort of subjects and collects data over time is referred to as: 1. Observational 2. Retrospective 3. Longitudinal 4. Experimental ____ 8. Individuals who provide data in a research study are often referred to as the: 1. Population 2. Data points 3. Coding plan 4. Sample ____ 9. Which of the following statements G isRnot ADtrue ESof BOanOinstitutional ST.COM review board (IRB)? 1. An IRB assures that researchers do not engage in unethical behavior. 2. All IRB members must have an affiliation with the institution. 3. An IRB can use an expedited review process where there are minimal risks. 4. Certain types of research are exempt from the IRB process. ____ 10. Providing subjects with an estimate of the potential risks in relation to the potential benefits is called the: 1. Right to privacy and dignity 2. Right to anonymity and confidentiality 3. Risk-benefit ratio 4. Right to self-determination ____ 11. As a patient advocate, what is the nurse’s role in carrying out research activities? 1. Determine if the study has been reviewed by the institutional review board. 2. Report human rights violations to the patient’s physician. 3. Assume the subject’s rights have been adequately addressed. 4. Presume informed consent has been handled adequately. ____ 12. Which study may qualify for an expedited institutional review board review? 1. A study to determine if low-dose aspirin prevents thrombophlebitis Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 3 1-3 2. The effect of a dark room on the quality of sleep in hospitalized patients 3. The effects of niacin on coronary artery disease 4. A study on the link between birth control and depression in women of childbearing age G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. Which statement by a research study participant might indicate informed consent has not occurred? 1. “The doctor explained to me what the research study is all about.” 2. “I volunteered to participate in the research study.” 3. “I already signed the consent form.” 4. “If I change my mind, I will be billed for the research medicine I’ve already taken.” ____ 14. Pure or fundamental research is often referred to as: 1. Basic 2. Applied 3. Experimental 4. Nonexperimental ____ 15. A study performed on hospitalized patients with the intention to change nursing practice is considered what type of research? 1. Basic 2. Applied GRADESBOOST.COM 3. Nonexperimental 4. Descriptive Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 3 1-4 Chapter 3: Understanding the Research Process and Ethical Issues in Nursing Research Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 2 Page: 37 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Longitudinal research follows a cohort of subjects and collects data over time. This is correct. Correlational research is a research design that examines relationships between and among variables. This is incorrect. Prospective research examines data collected in the present. This is incorrect. Retrospective research examines data collected in the past. 2. ANS: 3 Page: 37 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Nonexperimental and experimental research may establish whether a GRADESBOOST.COM problem exists. This is incorrect. Both nonexperimental and experimental research may establish for whom a problem exists. This is correct. Nonexperimental research is descriptive or exploratory in nature. Causal relationships may not be studied. This is incorrect. Instead of causal relationships, nonexperimental research refers to studies that are descriptive or exploratory. 3. ANS: 4 Page: 49 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Confidentiality refers to protecting data by not divulging information that is gathered or learned about a patient without the patient’s or his or her legal representative’s permission to do so. This is incorrect. Human rights refers to the protection of humans in a research study. These rights include the right to freedom from injury, the right to privacy and dignity, and the right to anonymity and confidentiality. This is incorrect. Risk-benefit ratio is the relationship between potential harm to subjects and potential positive outcomes of participating in a research study. This is correct. Anonymity is a condition in which the identity of subjects remains unknown, even to the researcher, to protect subjects participating in a study and to promote objective results. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 3 1-5 4. ANS: 1 Page: 48 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Vulnerable research participants are those persons who are relatively or absolutely incapable of protecting their own interests and unable to provide meaningful informed consent. This is incorrect. Because they are incapable of protecting their own interests and they cannot provide meaningful informed consent, children deserve special protection as subjects of research. This is incorrect. Prisoners may not be able to protect their own interests and, therefore, deserve special protection as subjects of research. This is incorrect. Because they may be incapable of protecting their own interests and they may not be able to provide meaningful informed consent, the mentally ill deserve special protection as subjects of research. 5. ANS: 3 Page: 39 1 2 3 4 Feedback RADEisSB OSTthat .Cexamines OM This is incorrect. Prospective G research aO study data collected only in the present. This is incorrect. Retrospective research examines data collected only in the past. This is correct. A cross-sectional study collects data from a single point in time with no follow-up. This is incorrect. Experimental research is a study in which the researcher manipulates and controls one or more variables and observes the effect on another variable. 6. ANS: 2 Page: 36 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The purpose of an experiment designed to test how variables interact to influence how well children learn is explanation. This is correct. The researcher who designs an experiment to test how variables interact to influence how well children learn is looking for an explanation. This is incorrect. An experiment designed to test how variables interact to influence how well children learn is looking for an explanation. This is incorrect. Explanation is the purpose of an experiment designed to test how variables interact to influence how well children learn. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 3 1-6 7. ANS: 3 Page: 39 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Studies that follow research subjects over a period of time are referred to as longitudinal. This is incorrect. Retrospective research examines data collected in the past. This is correct. A study that follows a cohort of subjects and collects data over time is referred to as longitudinal. This is incorrect. Experimental research is where the researcher manipulates and controls one or more variables and observes the effect on another variable. 8. ANS: 4 Page: 37 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The sample refers to the individuals in a population who provide data in a research study. This is incorrect. Data points are the measurements documented in a study. This is incorrect. The sample is the population of individuals providing data in a research study. This is correct. Individuals who provide data in a research study are often referred to as the sample. GRADESBOOST.COM 9. ANS: 2 Page: 54 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The IRB assures that researchers do not engage in unethical behavior This is correct. IRB members may be lawyers, clergy, or laypersons unaffiliated with the institution. This is incorrect. An IRB can use an expedited review process where there are minimal risks. This is incorrect. Certain types of research are exempt from the IRB process. 10. ANS: 3 Page: 47 1 2 Feedback This is incorrect. The right to privacy and dignity is a basic human right for research participants. This is incorrect. The right to anonymity and confidentiality is a basic human right for research participants. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 3 3 4 1-7 This is correct. Providing subjects with an estimate of the potential risks in relation to the potential benefits is called the risk-benefit ratio. This is incorrect. The right to self-determination is a basic human right for research participants. 11. ANS: 1 Page: 54 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. As patient advocate, the nurse’s role is to determine that the study has been reviewed by the IRB. This is incorrect. Human rights violations are to be reported to the researcher and the IRB. This is incorrect. The nurse should never assume the subject’s rights have been adequately addressed. This is incorrect. The nurse must verify that adequate informed consent has occurred. 12. ANS: 2 Page: 54 1 2 3 4 Feedback GRADESBOOST.COM This is incorrect. Expedited review may be granted for studies that consist of routine noninvasive procedures or that can be conducted with interviews or review of existing records. A study to determine if low-dose aspirin prevents thrombophlebitis likely would not meet these requirements. This is correct. Studies that consist of routine noninvasive procedures or that can be conducted with interviews or review of existing records may be granted expedited review. The effect of a dark room on the quality of sleep in hospitalized patients likely would meet these criteria. This is incorrect. Studies that consist of routine noninvasive procedures or that can be conducted with interviews or review of existing records may be granted an expedited review. The effects of niacin on coronary artery disease would not meet these requirements. This is incorrect. Research studies consisting of routine noninvasive procedures or that can be conducted with interviews or review of existing records may be granted an expedited review. A study on the link between birth control and depression in women of childbearing age likely would not meet these requirements. 13. ANS: 4 Page: 49 1 Feedback This is incorrect. During the informed consent process, the subject is provided information about the research study. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 3 2 3 4 1-8 This is incorrect. During the informed consent process, the subject is assured that participation is voluntary. This is incorrect. During the informed consent process, the subject signs a written consent form. This is correct. During the informed consent process, the subject is assured that consent can be withdrawn at any time without negative consequences. 14. ANS: 1 Page: 35 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Basic research is often referred to as pure or fundamental research. This is incorrect. Applied research is a type of study designed to gather knowledge that has direct clinical application. This is incorrect. Experimental research is a study in which the researcher manipulates and controls one or more variables and observes the effect on other variables. This is incorrect. Nonexperimental research is a descriptive study that does not exhibit a great amount of control over variables. 15. ANS: 2 Page: 35 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. Basic research is often referred to as pure or fundamental research. This is correct. Research conducted to gain knowledge that can be used in a practical setting is referred to as applied research. This is incorrect. Nonexperimental research is a descriptive study that does not exhibit a great amount of control over variables. This is incorrect. Nonexperimental research, also called descriptive research, is a descriptive study that does not exhibit a great amount of control over variables. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 4 1-1 Chapter 4: Understanding Evidenced-Based Practice G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Reasons for a research-practice gap include all of the following except: 1. Nurses lack the skill of reading research reports. 2. Nurses don’t develop an opportunity for acceptance of change. 3. Nurses are encouraged by administration to resist change in practice. 4. Nurse researchers and clinicians use different language. ____ 2. Ranking of evidence in a hierarchy from strongest (clinical trials) to weakest (opinion) is also referred to as: 1. Evidence-based practice 2. Appraising evidence 3. Research utilization 4. Evidence databases ____ 3. One of the largest biomedical research literature databases is: 1. MEDLINE 2. MD Consult GRADESBOOST.COM 3. CANCERLIT 4. InfoPOEMS ____ 4. All of the following are examples of evidence electronic databases except: 1. HealthSTAR 2. AIDSLINE 3. MD Consult 4. NursingPlus ____ 5. A conscientious, explicit use of best evidence in making decisions about care is often termed: 1. Evidence databases 2. Evidence-based medicine 3. Evidence guidelines 4. Best evidence guidelines ____ 6. What resource provides the latest information on evidence-based clinical practice guidelines? 1. National Guideline Clearinghouse 2. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 3. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 4 1-2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4. Cochrane Review of Methodology Database ____ 7. A statistical method that synthesizes findings from several studies is often referred to as: 1. Descriptive analysis 2. Inferential analysis 3. Meta-analysis 4. Multivariate analysis ____ 8. Which of the following is often defined as a delay in using research findings in practice? 1. Systematic review 2. Research-practice gap 3. Evidence-based practice 4. Evidence database ____ 9. One of the strongest pieces of evidence a researcher can identify when addressing and answering clinical questions is the use of: 1. Individual case-control studies 2. Case studies 3. Expert opinion 4. Randomized clinical trials GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 10. One of the weakest pieces of evidence a researcher can identify when addressing and answering clinical questions is the use of: 1. Individual case-control studies 2. Case studies 3. Expert opinion 4. Randomized clinical trials ____ 11. Using theory-derived, research-based information to make decisions about care delivery to patients in consideration of individual needs and preferences is: 1. Evidence database 2. Evidence-based medicine 3. Evidence guideline 4. Evidence-based nursing ____ 12. The process by which knowledge generated from research becomes incorporated into clinical practice is termed: 1. Research utilization 2. Evidence-based medicine Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 4 1-3 3. Evidence-based practice 4. Evidence-based nursing G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. Limitations associated with the science and practice of evidence-based medicine include all of the following except: 1. Lack of skills in appraising research 2. Difficulties in convincing patients to accept the evidence 3. Limited amount of time to master research skills 4. Scarce resources to access evidence ____ 14. A rigorous process of collecting and reviewing literature to answer a specific clinical question is called: 1. Traditional literature review 2. Evidence-based practice 3. Systematic review 4. Foreground questioning ____ 15. What is gray literature? 1. Criteria that has been excluded 2. Unpublished evidence 3. Words used to connect or exclude keywords GRA DESBOinOaSsearch T.COM 4. Large registry of clinical trials Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 4 1-4 Chapter 4: Understanding Evidenced-Based Practice Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 3 Page: 66 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Many nurses in practice lack the skill of reading research reports. This is incorrect. Nurses and nurse managers do not develop opportunities for acceptance and introduction of innovation. This is correct. Nurses are encouraged by administration to embrace change in practice. This is incorrect. Nurse researchers and nurse clinicians use different languages. 2. ANS: 2 Page: 78 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Evidence-based practice is applying what is learned from research studies to clinical practice. GRADEinSaBhierarchy OOST.Cfrom OM strongest (clinical trials) to This is correct. Ranking the evidence weakest (opinion) is also referred to as appraising evidence. This is incorrect. Research utilization is the process by which knowledge generated from research becomes incorporated into clinical practice. This is incorrect. Arranging evidence from strongest (clinical trials) to weakest (opinion) is referred to as appraising evidence. 3. ANS: 1 Page: 72 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. MEDLINE is one of the largest biomedical research literature databases. This is incorrect. MD Consult provides access to textbook, journal articles, practice guidelines, and patient education. MEDLINE is one of the largest biomedical research literature databases. This is incorrect. CANCERLIT indexes cancer literature, but MEDLINE is one of the largest biomedical research literature databases. This is incorrect. InfoPOEMS is a database that reviews and provides commentary on one recent article. MEDLINE is one of the largest biomedical research literature databases. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 4 1-5 4. ANS: 4 Page: 72 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. HealthSTAR is an example of an electronic database. This is incorrect. AIDSLINE is an example of an electronic database. This is incorrect. MD Consult is an example of an electronic database. This is correct. NursingPlus is not an electronic database. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 5. ANS: 2 Page: 63 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A conscientious, explicit use of best evidence in making decisions about care is termed evidence-based medicine. This is correct. Evidence-based medicine is a conscientious, explicit use of best evidence in making decisions about care. This is incorrect. The conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about care is termed evidence-based medicine. This is incorrect. Evidence-based medicine is a conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence to make decisions about care. GRADESBOOST.COM 6. ANS: 1 Page: 74 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. National Guideline Clearinghouse provides the latest information on evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. This is incorrect. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) promotes EBP through the establishment of evidence-based practice centers. This is incorrect. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness is a database maintained by the Cochrane Library. This is incorrect. Cochrane Review of Methodology Database is a database maintained by the Cochrane Library. 7. ANS: 3 Page: 73 1 2 Feedback This is incorrect. A statistical method that synthesizes findings from several studies is meta-analysis. This is incorrect. Meta-analysis is a statistical method that synthesizes findings from several studies is meta-analysis. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 4 3 4 1-6 This is correct. Meta-analysis is a method that takes the results of many studies in a specific area and synthesizes their findings to draw conclusions regarding the state of the science in the area of focus. This is incorrect. A method that takes the results of many studies in a specific area and synthesizes their findings is called meta-analysis. 8. ANS: 2 Page: 66 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A systematic review is a rigorous and orderly process of collecting and reviewing literature to answer a specific clinical question. This is correct. The research-practice gap is often defined as a delay in using research findings in practice. This is incorrect. Evidence-based practice is the utilization of research findings to guide clinical practice. This is incorrect. The period from the point at which knowledge is produced to the point at which it is practiced by health-care professionals is often referred to as the research-practice gap. 9. ANS: 4 Page: 78 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. While individual case-control studies can be used in research studies, randomized clinical trials have been ranked as the strongest level of evidence. This is incorrect. Case studies may be used for evidence; however, randomized clinical trials provide the strongest level of evidence. This is incorrect. Expert opinion is considered the weakest level of evidence. Randomized clinical trials are considered the strongest. This is correct. Randomized clinical trials provide the strongest level of evidence. 10. ANS: 3 Page: 81 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Individual case-control studies are stronger than expert opinion, which is the weakest level of evidence. This is incorrect. Case studies are one type of evidence; however, the weakest type of evidence is expert opinion. This is correct. Expert opinion is the weakest type of evidence. This is incorrect. Randomized clinical trials are the strongest type of evidence, while expert opinion is the weakest. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 4 1-7 11. ANS: 4 Page: 63 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Evidence-based practice is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of theory-derived, research-based information in making decisions about care delivery to individuals or groups of patients and in consideration of individual needs and preferences. This is incorrect. Evidence-based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about care; evidence-based nursing additionally takes into consideration individual needs and preferences. This is incorrect. Evidence-based nursing is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of theory-derived, research-based information in making decisions about care delivery to individuals or groups of patients and in consideration of individual needs and preferences. Both evidence-based nursing and evidence-based medicine stress the use of research findings. This is correct. The conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of theory-derived, research-based information in making decisions about care delivery to individuals or groups of patients and in consideration of individual needs and preferences is termed evidence-based nursing. GRADESBOOST.COM 12. ANS: 1 Page: 64 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Research utilization is the process by which knowledge generated from research becomes incorporated into clinical practice. Research utilization focuses on the application of research findings. This is incorrect. Evidence-based medicine is the use of research-based information in making decisions about the care of individual patients. This is incorrect. Evidence-based practice is the use of research in making decisions about care delivery to patients. This is incorrect. Evidence-based nursing is the use of theory-derived, research-based information in making decisions about care delivery to patients. 13. ANS: 2 Page: 66 1 2 3 Feedback This is incorrect. There is a lack of skills in researching and appraising the research. This is correct. There is difficulty in getting practitioners to accept evidence and change practice. This is incorrect. There is a limited amount of time to master research skills. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 4 4 1-8 This is incorrect. Resources to access evidence are scarce. 14. ANS: 3 Page: 70 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. In traditional literature searches, published papers are assembled to support an author’s opinion, whereas in a systematic review, published papers are collected and reviewed to answer a specific question. This is incorrect. Evidence-based practice is the use of research in making decisions about care delivery to patients. This is correct. A systematic review is a rigorous process of collecting and reviewing the literature to answer a specific clinical question. This is incorrect. Foreground questions focus on specific knowledge to inform clinical decisions or actions. 15. ANS: 2 Page: 76 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are those specific conditions that GRADESBOOST.COM determine what evidence is retained and what evidence is discarded. Gray literature is the unpublished evidence that has not been included in commercial or academic databases, such as technical papers, statistical reports, and white papers. This is correct. Gray literature is the unpublished evidence that has not been included in commercial or academic databases, such as technical papers, statistical reports, and white papers. This is incorrect. Words used to connect or exclude keywords in a search are called Boolean operators. Gray literature is unpublished evidence that has not been included in commercial or academic databases, such as technical papers, statistical reports, and white papers. This is incorrect. Unpublished evidence that has not been included in commercial or academic databases, such as technical papers, statistical reports, and white papers, is termed gray literature. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 5 1-1 Chapter 5: Selecting and Defining a Problem G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. The statement of purpose in a research study should: 1. Identify the design of the study 2. Identify the intent or objective of the study 3. Specify the type of people to be recruited in the study 4. Describe the study ____ 2. Sources of researchable problems can include: 1. Researcher’s own experience 2. Practical issues that require solutions 3. Theory and past research 4. All of the above ____ 3. A statement that clearly describes the GRproblem, ADESBmakes OOSTa.case COfor M why it needs to be investigated, and often culminates by having the researcher articulate the problem in question form is found in what section of a research proposal? 1. Theoretical rationale 2. Definition of terms 3. Problem statement 4. Methods ____ 4. Which of the following statements best describes the problem statement, “To what extent do health practices influence the health of American citizens?” 1. Acceptable as stated 2. Not a research problem because it addresses a moral issue 3. Not acceptable as stated because it leads to an independent variable 4. Not acceptable because of the vagueness of concepts stated ____ 5. In developing a problem statement, a researcher speaks to each of the following except: 1. Variables 2. Population 3. Design 4. Focus of study Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 5 1-2 ____ 6. Computer database searches can be done: 1. At the library 2. Online at home 3. Using a CD-ROM 4. All of the above ____ 7. The feasibility of a study should be considered in light of: 1. Cost and time required to conduct the study 2. Skills required of the researcher 3. Potential ethical concerns 4. All of the above ____ 8. A good qualitative problem statement: 1. Defines the independent and dependent variables 2. Conveys a sense of emerging design 3. Specifies a research hypothesis to be tested 4. Specifies a relationship between or among variables ____ 9. Explanations of concepts or variables terms GRinAD ESBofOhow OSTthey .Care OMdefined in a particular study are referred to as: 1. Operational definitions 2. Primary sources 3. Secondary sources 4. Scientific literature ____ 10. Journals that determine acceptance of manuscripts based on peer review are referred to as: 1. Scientific journals 2. Theoretical journals 3. Refereed journals 4. Electronic journals ____ 11. A research article written by someone other than the person who conducted the study is referred to as: 1. An operational definition 2. A primary source 3. A secondary source 4. A piece of scientific literature ____ 12. What is the preferred mode for communicating the latest results of a research study? 1. Textbooks Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 5 1-3 2. Journals 3. White papers 4. Fact sheets G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. Which finding might indicate a literature review is of poor quality? 1. Mostly secondary sources are used. 2. The problem is introduced within the first few paragraphs. 3. Many of the relevant articles are easily identified. 4. Articles chosen to be included have recent publication dates. ____ 14. The health information maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an example of what type of literature source? 1. Print database 2. Electronic database 3. Citation index 4. Internet directory ____ 15. What is the advantage of using abstracts when performing a literature search? 1. Finding journal sources of data-based articles on various topics 2. Gaining access to all English-language foreign-language nursing journals GRADEand SBmany OOST .COM 3. Determining whether a reference is relevant before performing a full search 4. Identifying primary versus secondary sources Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 5 1-4 Chapter 5: Selecting and Defining a Problem Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 2 Page: 93 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The problem statement provides direction for the research design. This is correct. The statement of purpose in a research study should identify the intent or objective of the study. This is incorrect. The purpose statement identifies the intent or objective of the study. This is incorrect. The problem statement describes what is being studied, whereas the purpose statement describes the overall goal and intent of the research. 2. ANS: 4 Page: 94 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. Although a researcher’s own experience is one source of researchable problems, other sources include practical issues that require solutions, theory, and past research. This is incorrect. Although practical issues that require solutions is one source of researchable problems, other sources include the researcher’s own experience, theory, and past research. This is incorrect. Although theory and past research are sources of researchable problems, other sources include the researcher’s own experience and practical issues that require solutions. This is correct. A researcher’s own experience, practical issues that require solutions, theory, and past research are all sources of researchable problems. 3. ANS: 3 Page: 90 1 2 3 Feedback This is incorrect. The problem statement describes the problem and focus and justifies what is being studied. This is incorrect. Problem statements typically consist of several paragraphs that identify the research problem and cite literature sources to justify the research study. This is correct. A statement that clearly describes the problem, makes a case for why it needs to be investigated, and often culminates by having the researcher articulate the Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 5 4 1-5 problem in question form is found in the problem statement section of the research proposal. This is incorrect. A statement that identifies the problem and justifies the investigation is found in the problem statement section of the research proposal. 4. ANS: 4 Page: 92 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The problem statement must identify variables that are measurable. The statement “To what extent do health practices influence the health of American citizens?” is too broad to be measurable. This is incorrect. The statement “To what extent do health practices influence the health of American citizens?” does not contain a moral issue to be studied. This is incorrect. Problem statements must identify variables that can be measured. This is correct. The problem statement must identify variables that are measurable. The statement “To what extent do health practices influence the health of American citizens?” has concepts that are too vague to be measured. 5. ANS: 3 Page: 90 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. The problem statement describes the variables that are being studied. This is incorrect. The population to be studied is included in the problem statement. This is correct. The development of the problem statement leads to the other steps of the research process, including research design. This is incorrect. The opening sentences of the problem statement describe the focus of what is being studied. 6. ANS: 4 Page: 100 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Although computer database searches can be done at the library, they can also be done online at home or using a CD-ROM. This is incorrect. Although computer database searches can be done online at home, they can also be done at the library or using a CD-ROM. This is incorrect. Although computer database searches can be done using a CD-ROM, they can also be done at the library or online at home. This is correct. Computer database searches can be done at the library, online at home, or using a CD-ROM. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 5 1-6 7. ANS: 4 Page: 92 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The cost and time required to conduct the study is one consideration; however, skills required of the researcher and potential ethical concerns should also be considered when determining the feasibility of a study. This is incorrect. The skills required of the researcher is one consideration; however, cost and time required to conduct the study and potential ethical concerns should also be considered when determining the feasibility of a study. This is incorrect. Potential ethical concerns are a consideration; however, the skills required of the researcher and cost and time required to conduct the study should also be considered when determining the feasibility of a study. This is correct. The cost and time required to conduct the study, skills required of the researcher, and potential ethical concerns should all be considered when determining the feasibility of a study. 8. ANS: 2 Page: 92 1 2 3 4 Feedback GRADESBOOST.COM This is incorrect. A good quantitative problem statement defines the independent and dependent variables. This is correct. A good qualitative problem statement conveys a sense of emerging design. This is incorrect. A good quantitative problem statement specifies a research hypothesis to be tested. This is incorrect. A good quantitative problem statement specifies a relationship between or among variables. 9. ANS: 1 Page: 92 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Explanations of concepts or variables in terms of how they are defined in a particular study are referred to as operational definitions. This is incorrect. A primary source is literature written by the persons who developed the theory or conducted the research. Operational definitions are clear-cut statements of how variables are measured. This is incorrect. A secondary source is a brief description of a study written by someone other than the original author. Operational definitions are clear-cut statements of how variables are measured. This is incorrect. Scientific literature is data-based literature presenting reports of Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 5 1-7 completed research. Operational definitions are clear-cut statements of how variables are measured. 10. ANS: 3 Page: 99 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A refereed journal accepts manuscripts based on peer review, whereas scientific literature refers to data-based literature presenting reports of completed research. This is incorrect. A refereed journal accepts manuscripts based on peer review, whereas theoretical literature refers to conceptual articles that contain reports of theories. This is correct. A refereed journal accepts manuscripts based on peer review. This is incorrect. An electronic journal is a broad term for journals found online, whereas a refereed journal accepts manuscripts based on peer review. 11. ANS: 3 Page: 100 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Operational definitions are clear-cut statements of how variables are GRADESBOOST.COM measured. A secondary source is a brief description of a study written by someone other than the original author. This is incorrect. A primary source is literature written by the persons who developed the theory or conducted the research. A secondary source is a brief description of a study written by someone other than the original author. This is correct. A secondary source is a brief description of a study written by someone other than the original author. This is incorrect. Scientific literature is databased literature presenting reports of completed research. A secondary source is a brief description of a study written by someone other than the original author. 12. ANS: 2 Page: 99 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Because books usually take longer to publish, journals are the preferred method for communicating the latest results of a research study. This is correct. Journals are the preferred mode for communicating the results of a research study. This is incorrect. White papers are reports that inform readers about an issue. Journals are the preferred mode for communicating the results of a research study. This is incorrect. While the highlights of a study may be summarized on a fact sheet, the preferred mode of communicating the latest results of a research study is in a Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 5 1-8 journal. 13. ANS: 1 Page: 105 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Caution should be taken when the author uses mostly secondary sources because the description of a study may not be entirely accurate. This is incorrect. The problem should be introduced within the first couple of paragraphs. This is incorrect. The most relevant articles should be easily identified. This is incorrect. Articles chosen to be included should be relevant to the topic of interest. 14. ANS: 4 Page: 102 Feedback This is incorrect. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a health-related 1 Internet directory. This is incorrect. While it can be accessed electronically, the Centers for Disease 2 Control and Prevention is considered a health-related Internet directory. GRADESBOOST.COM This is incorrect. A centralized database contains a variety of journals. The Centers for 3 Disease Control and Prevention is considered a health-related Internet directory. This is correct. The health information maintained by the Centers for Disease Control 4 and Prevention is an example of a health-related Internet directory. 15. ANS: 3 Page: 103 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Indexes are used to find journal sources of databased articles on various topics. Abstracts are useful for determining whether a particular reference is relevant to an area of study. This is incorrect. Centralized databases are useful for gaining access to nursing journals. Abstracts are useful for determining whether a particular reference is relevant to an area of study before embarking on a full literature search. This is correct. The advantage of using abstracts is that they enable researchers to determine whether a reference is relevant before performing a full search. This is incorrect. Abstracts are summaries of articles that appear in other journals. The advantage of using abstracts is that they enable researchers to determine whether a reference is relevant before performing a full search. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 6 1-1 Chapter 6: Applying Appropriate Theories and Conceptual Models G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. One of the primary functions of theory is to: 1. Summarize existing knowledge 2. Summarize existing hypotheses 3. Suggest new relationships and make new predictions 4. Suggest new theories ____ 2. Which scientific approach moves from empirical observations to theories? 1. Inductive 2. Deductive 3. Scientific inquiry 4. Empirical model ____ 3. Which scientific method focuses on testing hypotheses developed from theory? 1. Inductive 2. Deductive 3. Scientific inquiry GRADESBOOST.COM 4. Empirical model ____ 4. Which of the following is characteristic of good theory or explanation? 1. The theoretical framework is clearly identified. 2. A sufficient amount of information is provided to demonstrate the problem. 3. Concepts are clearly and operationally defined. 4. All of the above ____ 5. Which of the following is not a central concept in conceptual models of nursing? 1. Person 2. Social support 3. Health 4. Environment ____ 6. Theories that are more specific than middle-range theories and identify specific guidelines for practice are called: 1. Grand theories 2. Nursing theories 3. Practice theories Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 6 1-2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4. Borrowed theories ____ 7. The nurse-theorist Sister Callista Roy is associated with what grand theory? 1. Patient-centered approaches to nursing 2. Theory of human becoming 3. Health as expanding consciousness 4. Adaptation model ____ 8. The theory of chronic sorrow is an example of what type of theory? 1. Grand 2. Borrowed 3. Middle-range 4. Practice ____ 9. What form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of premises? 1. Rationalism 2. Deductive 3. Inductive 4. Probabilistic GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 10. Higher-level concepts derived from theories that represent nonobservable behaviors are called: 1. Metaparadigms 2. Grand theories 3. Borrowed theories 4. Constructs ____ 11. The primary phenomena that are of interest to a particular discipline are termed: 1. Metaparadigms 2. Grand theories 3. Concepts 4. Constructs ____ 12. Which type of theory is not grounded in empirical data? 1. Nursing 2. Grand 3. Middle-range 4. Practice Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 6 1-3 ____ 13. An example of an abstract concept is: 1. Pain 2. Grief 3. Temperature 4. Blood pressure G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 14. Which of the following is not an example of a construct? 1. Grief 2. Anxiety 3. Intelligence 4. Achievement ____ 15. When critiquing a theoretical framework, which statement might indicate problems with the study? 1. Concepts are clear and operationally defined. 2. A middle-range theory was discussed. 3. The theoretical framework is vague and ambiguous. 4. Findings are discussed in terms of how they contradict the theoretical framework. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 6 1-4 Chapter 6: Applying Appropriate Theories and Conceptual Models Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 3 Page: 111 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The function of theory is focused more on relationships between variables than on a summary of existing knowledge. This is incorrect. The function of theory is focused more on relationships between variables than on a summary of existing hypotheses. This is correct. One of the primary functions of theory is to suggest new relationships and make new predictions. This is incorrect. The function of theory is focused more on relationships between variables than on suggesting new theories. 2. ANS: 1 Page: 111 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is correct. The inductive approach moves from specific observations to general statements that can be tested through research. This is incorrect. The deductive approach focuses on hypothesis developed from theory, whereas the inductive approach moves from specific observations to general statements that can be tested through research (theory). This is incorrect. The inductive approach is a type of scientific inquiry that moves from specific observations to general statements that can be tested through research. This is incorrect. The inductive approach moves from specific observations (empirical data) to general statements that can be tested through research. 3. ANS: 2 Page: 111 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The deductive approach focuses on hypothesis developed from theory, whereas the inductive approach moves from specific observations to general statements that can be tested through research (theory). This is correct. The deductive approach focuses on hypothesis developed from theory. This is incorrect. The deductive approach is a type of scientific inquiry that focuses on hypothesis developed from theory. This is incorrect. The deductive approach focuses on hypothesis developed from theory. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 6 1-5 4. ANS: 4 Page: 120 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Characteristics of good theory or explanation include that the theoretical framework is clearly identified, a sufficient amount of information is provided to demonstrate the problem, and concepts are clearly and operationally defined. This is incorrect. Characteristics of good theory or explanation include that a sufficient amount of information is provided to demonstrate the problem, the theoretical framework is clearly identified, and concepts are clearly and operationally defined. This is incorrect. Characteristics of good theory or explanation include that concepts are clearly and operationally defined, a sufficient amount of information is provided to demonstrate the problem, and the theoretical framework is clearly identified. This is correct. Characteristics of good theory or explanation include that the theoretical framework is clearly identified, a sufficient amount of information is provided to demonstrate the problem, and concepts are clearly and operationally defined. 5. ANS: 2 Page: 119 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. Person is a central concept in conceptual models of nursing. This is correct. Central concepts in conceptual models of nursing include person, environment, health, and nursing. This is incorrect. Health is a central concept in conceptual models of nursing. This is incorrect. Environment is a central concept in conceptual models of nursing. 6. ANS: 3 Page: 115 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Grand theories are complex and broad in scope. This is incorrect. A practice theory is a classification of nursing theory that is more specific than middle-range theories and identifies specific guidelines. This is correct. Practice theories are more specific than middle-range theories and identify specific guidelines for practice. This is incorrect. Borrowed theories are theories that are taken from other disciplines and applied to nursing questions and research problems. 7. ANS: 4 Page: 114 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 6 1 2 3 4 1-6 Feedback This is incorrect. Faye G. Abdellah is associated with patient-centered approaches to nursing. This is incorrect. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse is associated with the theory of human becoming. This is incorrect. Margaret Newman is associated with health as expanding consciousness. This is correct. Sister Callista Roy is associated with the Roy adaptation model. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 8. ANS: 3 Page: 115 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. An example of a middle-range theory is the theory of chronic sorrow. This is incorrect. The theory of chronic sorrow is an example of a middle-range theory. This is correct. The theory of chronic sorrow is an example of a middle-range theory. This is incorrect. The theory of chronic sorrow is an example of a middle-range theory. 9. ANS: 2 Page: 111 GRADESBOOST.COM 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The deductive approach generates theory by beginning with known facts and moving from the general to the specific. This is correct. Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of premises. This is incorrect. Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of premises, whereas inductive reasoning method is an approach that moves from empirical observations to theory. This is incorrect. An approach that generates theory by beginning with known facts and moving from the general to the specific is known as deductive reasoning. 10. ANS: 4 Page: 118 1 2 3 Feedback This is incorrect. Metaparadigm refers to the primary or central phenomena that are of interest to a particular discipline. Higher-level concepts derived from theories that represent nonobservable behaviors are called constructs. This is incorrect. Grand theories are complex and broad theories. Higher-level concepts derived from theories that represent nonobservable behaviors are called constructs. This is incorrect. Borrowed theories are theories adapted from other disciplines and applied to nursing. Higher-level concepts derived from theories that represent Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 6 4 1-7 nonobservable behaviors are called constructs. This is correct. Higher-level concepts derived from theories that represent nonobservable behaviors are called constructs. 11. ANS: 1 Page: 112 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Metaparadigm refers to the primary or central phenomena that are of interest to a particular discipline. This is incorrect. Grand theories are complex and broad theories. Metaparadigm refers to the primary or central phenomena that are of interest to a particular discipline. This is incorrect. Concepts are symbolic statements describing a phenomenon. Metaparadigm refers to the primary or central phenomena that are of interest to a particular discipline. This is incorrect. Constructs are higher-level concepts derived from theories that represent nonobservable behaviors. Metaparadigm refers to the primary or central phenomena that are of interest to a particular discipline. 12. ANS: 2 Page: 113 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. For theory to be of use to nursing, it should be grounded in empirical data. This is correct. Grand theories are complex and broad theories that are not grounded in empirical data. This is incorrect. Middle-range theories are more specific than grand theories and utilize empirical data. This is incorrect. Practice theories are specific and focused and are grounded in empirical data. 13. ANS: 2 Page: 117 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Pain is an example of a relatively concrete concept. This is correct. Grief is an abstract concept. This is incorrect. Temperature is easily measured, making it a concrete concept. This is incorrect. Blood pressure is easily measured, making it a concrete concept. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 6 1-8 14. ANS: 1 Page: 117 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Higher-level concepts that have nonobservable behaviors are called constructs. Grief has observable behaviors; therefore, it is not a construct. This is incorrect. Anxiety is a construct. This is incorrect. Intelligence is a construct. This is incorrect. Achievement is a construct. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 15. ANS: 3 Page: 117 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Concepts should be clear and operationally defined. This is incorrect. The reader should be able to determine which type of theory was discussed. This is correct. The theoretical framework should be clearly identified. This is incorrect. Findings should be discussed in terms of how they illustrate, support, challenge, or contradict the theoretical framework. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 7 1-1 Chapter 7: Formulating Hypotheses and Research Questions G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. A research hypothesis always: 1. Is based on research data 2. Predicts a relationship 3. Asks a question 4. None of the above ____ 2. Which of the following statements is in the form of a null hypothesis? 1. The child has a learning disability. 2. There is a correlation between smoking and lung function. 3. There is no difference between males and females on the variable quality of life. 4. There is a positive relationship between grades and time spent studying. ____ 3. As a general rule, researchers tend G toRuse AD____ ESBlevel OOSofTsignificance. .COM 1. 99% 2. 95% 3. 50% 4. None of the above ____ 4. Hypotheses in descriptive studies are usually: 1. Very specific and stated prior to beginning the study 2. Often generalized as data are collected, interpreted, and analyzed 3. Never used 4. Always stated after the research has been completed ____ 5. Hypotheses that do not specify a particular direction in relation to variables under study are called: 1. Nondirectional hypotheses 2. Directional hypotheses 3. Extraneous hypotheses 4. Null hypotheses ____ 6. Research hypotheses are sometimes referred to as: 1. Null Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 7 1-2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2. Extraneous 3. Alternative 4. Directional ____ 7. Hypotheses can be classified as: 1. Simple or complex 2. Nondirectional versus directional 3. Research versus statistical 4. All of the above ____ 8. Identify the dependent variable in the following hypothesis: “Exercisers exhibit higher self-efficacy scores compared to nonexercisers.” 1. Exercisers 2. Nonexercisers 3. Self-efficacy 4. None of the above ____ 9. Identify the independent variable in the following hypothesis: “Adults in an overweight group will have lower health responsibility scores compared to those in a normal weight group.” 1. Health responsibility GRADESBOOST.COM 2. Adults 3. Overweight group versus normal weight group 4. None of the above ____ 10. Which statement about a hypothesis is false? 1. A hypothesis predicts the relationship between two or more variables. 2. Hypotheses guide scientific inquiry. 3. Data collected must support the hypothesis. 4. Some research studies do not require a hypothesis. ____ 11. A null hypothesis is also referred to as a(n): 1. Statistical hypothesis 2. Research hypothesis 3. Alternative hypothesis 4. Scientific hypothesis ____ 12. A concise interrogative statement written in the present tense that includes one or more variables is called a: 1. Null hypothesis 2. Scientific hypothesis Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 7 1-3 3. Research question 4. Declarative statement G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. “On what sources of information do women at risk for cervical cancer rely?” is an example of a: 1. Research question 2. Scientific hypothesis 3. Null hypothesis 4. Declarative statement ____ 14. A variable that is relevant to a study but is not under investigation is called a(n): 1. Dependent variable 2. Extraneous variable 3. Independent variable 4. Outcome variable True/False Indicate whether the statement is true (T) or false (F). GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 15. A null hypothesis is rejected when a study demonstrates a significant relationship between two variables. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 7 1-4 Chapter 7: Formulating Hypotheses and Research Questions Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1. ANS: 2 Page: 124 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Research data supports or disproves the hypothesis. This is correct. A hypothesis predicts the relationship between two or more variables. This is incorrect. A hypothesis can be phrased as a statement or in the form of a question. This is incorrect. A hypothesis predicts the relationship between two or more variables. 2. ANS: 3 Page: 129 1 2 3 4 Feedback GRADstates ESBno OOdifferences ST.COMexist between variables. “The This is incorrect. A null hypothesis child has a learning disability” does not address a relationship between variables. This is incorrect. A null hypothesis states no differences exist between variables. The hypothesis “There is a correlation between smoking and lung function” does not state there is no difference between smoking and lung function. This is correct. “There is no difference between males and females on the variable quality of life” is a null hypothesis. This is incorrect. A null hypothesis states no differences exist between variables. “There is a positive relationship between grades and time spent studying” states a positive relationship between variables. 3. ANS: 4 Page: 132 1 2 3 Feedback This is incorrect. Although 99% may be appropriate for some studies, the choice of a statistical measure varies depending on the nature of the data and the level of measurement appropriate for the data. This is incorrect. Although 95% may be appropriate for many studies, the appropriate statistical measure is chosen on the basis of the type of data and the level of measurement appropriate for the data. This is incorrect. Although 50% may be appropriate for some studies, the choice of a statistical measure varies depending on the nature of the data and the level of Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 7 4 1-5 measurement appropriate for the data. This is correct. The choice of a statistical measure varies depending on the nature of the data and the level of measurement appropriate for the data. 4. ANS: 3 Page: 125 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. All good hypotheses are specific and stated prior to the study; however, descriptive research doesn’t include a hypothesis. This is incorrect. Hypotheses guide the researcher in what data is collected; however, hypotheses are not needed for descriptive research. This is correct. Hypotheses are not needed for research that is classified as descriptive. This is incorrect. Hypotheses are not needed for descriptive research. 5. ANS: 1 Page: 128 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Hypotheses that do not specify a particular direction in relation to variables under study are called nondirectional hypotheses. GRADESBOOST.COM This is incorrect. A directional hypothesis states the direction of the relationship between variables, while a nondirectional hypothesis does not specify a particular direction. This is incorrect. A nondirectional hypothesis does not specify a particular direction in relation to variables under study. This is incorrect. A null hypotheses states no differences exist between variables, while a nondirectional hypothesis does not specify a particular direction in relation to variables under study. 6. ANS: 3 Page: 130 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Alternative hypothesis is another term for a research hypothesis. This is incorrect. Another term for research hypothesis is alternative hypothesis. This is correct. A research hypothesis may also be called an alternative hypothesis. This is incorrect. Alternative hypothesis is another term for research hypothesis. 7. ANS: 4 Page: 127 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 7 1 2 3 4 1-6 Feedback This is incorrect. Hypotheses can be classified as simple or complex as well as nondirectional versus directional or research versus statistical. This is incorrect. Hypotheses can be classified as nondirectional versus directional as well as simple or complex or research versus statistical. This is incorrect. Hypotheses can be classified as research versus statistical as well as nondirectional versus directional or simple or complex. This is correct. Hypotheses can be classified as simple or complex, nondirectional versus directional, or research versus statistical. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 8. ANS: 3 Page: 134 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Exercisers is the independent variable. This is incorrect. Nonexercisers is an independent variable. This is correct. Self-efficacy is the dependent variable. This is incorrect. The dependent variable is self-efficacy. 9. ANS: 3 Page: 134 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. Health responsibility scores is the dependent variable. This is incorrect. Adults is not a variable. This is correct. Overweight group versus normal weight group is the independent variable. This is incorrect. The independent variable is overweight group versus normal weight group. 10. ANS: 3 Page: 132 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A hypothesis predicts the relationship between two or more variables. This is incorrect. Hypotheses guide scientific inquiry. This is correct. Data collected may support or refute the hypothesis. This is incorrect. Some research studies do not require a hypothesis. 11. ANS: 1 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 7 1-7 Page: 129 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. A null hypothesis is also referred to as a statistical hypothesis. This is incorrect. Research hypotheses are also called alternative, declarative, or scientific hypotheses. This is incorrect. Alternative hypothesis is another term for research hypothesis. This is incorrect. Scientific hypothesis is another term for research hypothesis. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 12. ANS: 3 Page: 132 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A null hypothesis states that no relationship exists between variables. This is incorrect. A scientific hypothesis states a relationship between two variables. This is correct. A research question is a concise, interrogative statement written in the present tense that includes one or more variables. This is incorrect. Research statements are written in the form of interrogative statements. 13. ANS: 1 Page: 132 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is correct. “On what sources of information do women at risk for cervical cancer rely?” is an example of a research question. This is incorrect. A scientific hypothesis states a relationship between two variables. This is incorrect. A null hypothesis states that no relationship exists between variables. This is incorrect. “On what sources of information do women at risk for cervical cancer rely?” is an example of a research question. 14. ANS: 2 Page: 135 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The dependent variable is the variable that is observed for changes or reaction after the treatment is applied. This is correct. A variable that is relevant to a study but is not under investigation is called an extraneous variable. This is incorrect. The independent variable is the variable that is manipulated and controlled by the researcher. This is incorrect. The outcome variable, also called the dependent variable, is the variable that is observed for change or reaction after the treatment is applied. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 7 1-8 TRUE/FALSE 15. ANS: T Page: 132 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Feedback: Rejection of a null hypothesis indicates the possibility that a relationship exists. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 8 1-1 Chapter 8: Selecting the Sample and Setting G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. All members of a population have an equal chance of being selected as subjects in a research project. This is called: 1. Randomization 2. Random assignment 3. Random sample 4. Random quota ____ 2. You decide to select a sample of 100 subjects of whom 10% will be African American, 10% Hispanic, and 80% white. Identify the appropriate sampling design. 1. Simple random sampling 2. Cluster sampling 3. Systematic sampling 4. Quota sampling GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 3. You put all the names of the students in a class into a jar, mix them up, and draw out names of your subjects. Identify the appropriate sampling design. 1. Simple random sampling 2. Cluster sampling 3. Systematic sampling 4. Quota sampling ____ 4. The selection of a sample for a research study affects the study’s: 1. Replicability 2. Interaction effects 3. Internal validity 4. External validity ____ 5. Which of the following techniques yields a simple random sample? 1. Choosing volunteers from an introductory nursing class to participate 2. Listing individuals by ethnic group and choosing a proportion from within each group at random 3. Numbering all elements of a sampling frame and using a random number table to pick individuals 4. Randomly selecting schools, and then sampling everyone within each school Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 8 1-2 ____ 6. Which of the following is not a form of nonrandom sampling? 1. Snowball sampling 2. Convenience sampling 3. Purposive sampling 4. All of the above ____ 7. Individuals who are available and volunteer as subjects in a research study are used in the sampling method called: 1. Convenience 2. Cluster 3. Random 4. Stratified ____ 8. Which sampling method is the best way to select a group of subjects if you are interested in making statements about the larger population? 1. Convenience 2. Cluster 3. Random 4. Stratified GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 9. Determining the sample interval (represented by k), randomly selecting a number between 1 and k, and including each kth element in your sample are steps for which type of sampling method? 1. Simple random 2. Stratified 3. Cluster 4. Systematic ____ 10. The entire set of subjects being studied is termed the: 1. Sample 2. Population 3. Variables 4. Framework ____ 11. Which of the following is an example of probability sampling? 1. Cluster 2. Snowball 3. Quota 4. Purposive Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 8 1-3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 12. A researcher randomly assigned individuals to the experimental group or the control group. This process is called: 1. Stratified random sampling 2. Simple random sampling 3. Random selection 4. Random assignment ____ 13. A type of sampling in which the researcher handpicks cases to be included in the study is termed: 1. Quota 2. Network 3. Purposive 4. Convenience ____ 14. Nonprobability sampling is: 1. Determined by chance 2. Used when there is difficulty obtaining random access to populations 3. Usually a good representation of the larger population 4. Harder to achieve than probability samples GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 15. The sample population for a study on immigrants in the United States was taken from Dallas and Miami. This type of sampling is called: 1. Systematic 2. Quota 3. Snowball 4. Cluster Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 8 1-4 Chapter 8: Selecting the Sample and Setting Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 3 Page: 142 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. When every subject has an equal and independent chance of being chosen, it is called random sampling. This is incorrect. Random assignment is the allocation of subjects to either an experimental or a control group. This is correct. In simple random sampling, every subject has an equal and independent chance of being chosen. This is incorrect. In simple random sampling, every subject has an equal and independent chance of being chosen. 2. ANS: 4 Page: 151 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. In simple random sampling, every subject has an equal and independent chance of being chosen, whereas in quota sampling, quotas are filled. This is incorrect. In cluster sampling, the researcher selects groups of subjects rather than individual subjects, whereas in quota sampling, quotas are filled. This is incorrect. In systematic sampling, individuals are selected at specified sampling intervals. This is correct. Quota sampling is the type of sampling in which quotas are filled. 3. ANS: 1 Page: 142 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. In simple random sampling, every subject has an equal and independent chance of being chosen. This is incorrect. In cluster sampling, the researcher selects groups of subjects rather than individual subjects. This is incorrect. In systematic sampling, individuals are selected at specified sampling intervals. This is incorrect. Quota sampling is the type of sampling in which quotas are filled. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 8 1-5 4. ANS: 4 Page: 155 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The selection of the sample does not affect whether a study can be replicated. This is incorrect. The selection of the sample does not affect the interactions of a study. This is incorrect. The selection of the sample does not affect the internal validity. This is correct. Selection of the sample can affect the external validity in terms of study design. 5. ANS: 3 Page: 142 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Choosing volunteers from an introductory nursing class to participate is an example of a convenience sample. This is incorrect. Choosing a predetermined proportion of subjects from different groups is quota sampling. This is correct. Simple random sampling occurs when all subjects have an equal chance of being chosen. GRADESBOOST.COM This is incorrect. Randomly selecting schools and then sampling everyone within each school is an example of stratified random sampling. 6. ANS: 4 Page: 149 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Snowball sampling is a form of nonrandom sampling. This is incorrect. Convenience sampling is another term for nonrandom sampling. This is incorrect. Purposive sampling is a form of nonrandom sampling. This is correct. Snowball sampling, convenience sampling, and purposive sampling are all forms of nonrandom sampling. 7. ANS: 1 Page: 149 1 2 Feedback This is correct. Convenience sampling does not use random selection. The researcher collects data from whoever is available and meets the study criteria. This is incorrect. In cluster sampling, the researcher selects groups of subjects rather Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 8 3 4 1-6 than individuals. This is incorrect. In random sampling, every subject has an equal chance of being chosen. This is incorrect. In stratified random sampling, the population is divided into subpopulations and a random sample is drawn from each. 8. ANS: 3 Page: 142 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A convenience sample is limited to only the subjects the researcher selects or who volunteer for the study. It is not likely representative of the larger population. This is incorrect. In cluster sampling, the researcher selects groups of subjects. It may not be representative of the larger population. This is correct. In random sampling, each subject has an equal chance of being selected. Random sampling has the best chance of being representative of the larger population. This is incorrect. In stratified random sampling, the population is divided into subpopulations based on one or more variables. A random sample is then drawn from the subpopulations. This type of sampling may not be representative of the larger population. GRADESBOOST.COM 9. ANS: 4 Page: 147 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. In simple random sampling, every subject has an equal chance of being chosen. This is incorrect. In stratified sampling, the researcher randomly selects subjects from subgroups of the population. This is incorrect. In cluster sampling, the researcher selects groups of subjects rather than individuals. This is correct. In systematic sampling, every kth (where k is some convenient number) member of the population is selected into the sample. 10. ANS: 2 Page: 140 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The sample is the subset of the population being studied. This is correct. The population is the entire set of subjects being studied. This is incorrect. A variable is what is being measured or observed in a research study. This is incorrect. The framework is the conceptual underpinnings of a study. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 8 1-7 11. ANS: 1 Page: 147 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. A cluster sample is a type of probability sampling. This is incorrect. A snowball sample is a type of nonprobability sampling. This is incorrect. A quota sample is a type of nonprobability sampling. This is incorrect. A purposeful sample is a type of nonprobability sampling. 12. ANS: 4 Page: 145 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Stratified random sampling is dividing a population into subpopulations and taking a random sample of each. This is incorrect. Simple random sampling is a method of selecting subjects for a sample in which every subject has an equal chance of being selected. This is incorrect. In random selection, each subject has an equal chance of being selected. This is correct. In random assignment, the researcher randomly assigns subjects being GRADESBOOST.COM studied to the experimental group or the control group. 13. ANS: 3 Page: 153 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Quota sampling is a type of sampling in which quotas are filled. This is incorrect. Network sampling is a type of nonprobability sampling that takes advantage of social networks. This is correct. A type of sampling in which the researcher handpicks cases to be included in the study is purposive sampling. This is incorrect. In convenience sampling, the researcher selects subjects or elements readily available. 14. ANS: 2 Page: 149 1 Feedback This is incorrect. In nonprobability sampling, chance plays no role in determination of the sample. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 8 2 3 4 1-8 This is correct. Nonprobability sampling is used when there is difficulty obtaining random access to populations. This is incorrect. Nonprobability samples may not represent the larger population. This is incorrect. Nonprobability samples are more feasible to obtain than probability samples. 15. ANS: 4 Page: 147 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. In systematic sampling, every kth (where k is some convenient number) member of the population is selected into the sample. This is incorrect. Quota sampling is the type of sampling in which quotas are filled. This is incorrect. Snowball sampling relies on subjects identifying other subjects with similar characteristics. This is correct. In cluster sampling, groups, not individuals, are randomly selected. Selection of individuals from within those groups may be random. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 9 1-1 Chapter 9: Selecting a Quantitative Research Design G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. In an experimental research study, the primary goal is to isolate and identify the effect produced by the: 1. Dependent variable 2. Extraneous variable 3. Confounding variable 4. Independent variable ____ 2. The group that receives the experimental treatment condition is called the: 1. Experimental group 2. Control group 3. Participant group 4. Independent group ____ 3. Which of the following is not a word category GRused ADEtoSdescribe BOOSTa . COM (or type) of nonexperimental research? 1. Descriptive research 2. Correlational study 3. Intervention study 4. Retrospective research ____ 4. Control groups in experiments are used to: 1. Provide a comparison for the effect of the independent variable 2. Test for an alternative causal connection 3. Eliminate bias 4. Provide external validity ____ 5. Investigators interested in the effects of nutrition on wound healing randomly assigned patients recovering from burn injuries to two groups. One group received protein supplements, and the second group did not. The random assignment was used to: 1. Eliminate the systematic influence of any other variable 2. Provide a control for earlier nutritional status 3. Make the groups equal in terms of the dependent variable 4. Obtain groups equal in number Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 9 1-2 ____ 6. In the example from question 5, the investigators measured the amount of wound granulation, the number of wound infections, and the extent of the burn injury area. What finding would be most important to the researchers in relation to successful random assignment? 1. The supplement groups had greater granulation than the control group. 2. Both groups had equal granulation. 3. Both groups had equal extent of burn injury. 4. The supplemental group had fewer wound infections. ____ 7. The supplemental protein in the example from question 5 is a(n): 1. Dependent variable 2. Independent variable 3. Extraneous variable 4. Intervening variable ____ 8. Research that uses numbers to represent reality is termed: 1. Quantitative 2. Experimental 3. Qualitative 4. Nonexperimental ____ 9. Which of the following describes a quantitative research design? 1. Strong philosophical perspective 2. Subjective approach 3. Description of phenomena 4. Measurement of variables GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 10. Which of the following describes a qualitative research design? 1. Strong theoretical base 2. Understanding of human action 3. Precision in measurement 4. Explanation among variables ____ 11. Which is false about research design? 1. May be defined from a broad or narrow perspective 2. Connects theoretical perspective with data collection and analysis 3. Provides methodical direction 4. Is a specific approach to a particular study or problem ____ 12. What is considered the most important aspect of a good research design? Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 1-3 Suggests approaches for observation and analysis Connects problem identification with data collection and analysis Directs how sample selection is determined Guides the researcher’s plan G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. An experimental design in which a single group of participants is pretested on a dependent variable and then posttested after the treatment has been administered is called: 1. Nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group 2. One-group pretest-posttest 3. Randomized posttest-only control group 4. Before-and-after ____ 14. Which is not an essential feature of clinical trials? 1. Both experimental and control groups are used. 2. Treatment groups are determined on the basis of health-care provider preference. 3. Sufficient sample sizes are used. 4. Principles of experimental design are strictly adhered to. ____ 15. Which threat to internal validity refers to subjects dropping out of a study before it is completed? 1. History GRADESBOOST.COM 2. Maturation 3. Mortality 4. Statistical regression Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 9 1-4 Chapter 9: Selecting a Quantitative Research Design Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 4 Page: 164 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. In an experimental research study, the primary goal is to isolate and identify the effect produced by the independent variable. This is incorrect. Extraneous variables must be controlled so that they don’t influence the independent variable; however, in an experimental research study, the primary goal is to isolate and identify the effect produced by the independent variable. This is incorrect. The essence of an experimental research design is the ability to control the various components by isolating the independent variable. This is correct. In an experimental research study, the primary goal is to isolate and identify the effect produced by the independent variable. 2. ANS: 1 Page: 169 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is correct. The experimental group receives the intervention/treatment. This is incorrect. The control group usually receives the standard, customary care. This is incorrect. In experimental studies, the experimental group receives the intervention/treatment, and the control group usually receives the standard/customary care. This is incorrect. In experimental studies, the control group usually receives the standard/customary care, and the experimental group receives the intervention/treatment. 3. ANS: 3 Page: 174 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Descriptive research is a type of nonexperimental research. This is incorrect. A correlational study is a type of nonexperimental research. This is correct. An interventional study is not a type of nonexperimental research. This is incorrect. Retrospective research is a category of nonexperimental research. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 9 1-5 4. ANS: 1 Page: 164 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is correct. Control groups allow a researcher to have a comparison for the effect of the independent variable. This is incorrect. Control groups allow a researcher to have a comparison for the effect of the independent variable. This is incorrect. The researcher compares the experimental group with the control group to determine the effects of the independent variable. This is incorrect. Control groups are used to compare the effects of the independent variable with the experimental group. 5. ANS: 1 Page: 164 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. The researcher randomly assigns subjects to control and experimental groups to eliminate the systematic influence of any other variable. This is incorrect. Randomly assigning subjects to control and experimental groups is done to eliminate the systemic influence of other variables, such as prior nutritional status. GRADESBOOST.COM This is incorrect. Randomly assigning subjects to control and experimental groups will not equalize the dependent variable. This is incorrect. While the groups may be equal in number, the purpose of randomly assigning subjects to control and experimental groups is to eliminate the systematic influence of any other variable. 6. ANS: 3 Page: 165 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Granulation is an effect of the treatment that is not related to the random assignment. This is incorrect. Granulation is an effect of the treatment that is not related to the random assignment This is correct. The size of the burn injury is an extraneous variable that may affect the healing process (the dependent variable). A successful random assignment would have similar burn injuries in both groups. This is incorrect. Wound infection may be a result of the treatment that is not related to the random assignment. 7. ANS: 2 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 9 1-6 Page: 164 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The dependent variable is what is being measured, whereas the independent variable is the treatment applied. In this case, the independent variable is the supplemental protein. This is correct. The supplemental protein is the independent variable. This is incorrect. Extraneous variables are variables not directly related to the purpose of the study. The independent variable is the treatment applied—the protein supplement in this scenario. This is incorrect. The independent variable is the treatment applied. In this scenario, the protein supplement is the independent variable. 8. ANS: 1 Page: 161 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Researchers often define quantitative research as that which uses numbers to define reality. This is incorrect. Researchers often define quantitative research as that which uses numbers to define reality. Quantitative research can be experimental or nonexperimental. This is incorrect. Qualitative research is directed at the discovery of meaning, which is GRADESBOOST.COM difficult to quantify with numbers. This is incorrect. Researchers often define quantitative research as that which uses numbers to define reality. Qualitative research can be experimental or nonexperimental. 9. ANS: 4 Page: 163 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A strong philosophical perspective is a characteristic of a qualitative research design. This is incorrect. A subjective approach is a characteristic of a qualitative research design. This is incorrect. Description of phenomena is a characteristic of a qualitative research design. This is correct. Measurement of variables is a characteristic of a quantitative research design. 10. ANS: 2 Page: 163 Feedback Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 9 1 2 3 4 1-7 This is incorrect. A strong theoretical base is a characteristic of a quantitative research design. This is correct. Understanding of human action is a characteristic of a qualitative research design. This is incorrect. Precision in measurement is a characteristic of a quantitative research design. This is incorrect. Explanation among variables is a characteristic of a quantitative research design. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 11. ANS: 4 Page: 164 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Research designs may be defined from a broad or narrow perspective. This is incorrect. Research designs connect theoretical perspective with data collection and analysis. This is incorrect. Research designs provide methodical direction, such as sampling and random assignment. This is correct. A research design is a general, nonspecific approach to a particular study or precise question. 12. ANS: 3 Page: 163 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. A broad research design suggests approaches for observation and analysis; however, this is not the most important aspect. This is incorrect. Research design connects problem identification with data collection and analysis; however, this is not the most important aspect. This is correct. How one selects or arrives at sample selection is probably the single most important aspect of a good research design. This is incorrect. A research design guides the researcher’s plan; however, this is not the most important aspect. 13. ANS: 2 Page: 166 1 2 Feedback This is incorrect. The nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group is a quasiexperimental design, not an experimental design. This is correct. In one-group pretest-posttest design, a group of participants are pretested on a dependent variable and then posttested after the treatment condition has been administered. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 9 3 4 1-8 This is incorrect. The randomized posttest-only control group excludes the use of a pretest. This is incorrect. The before-and-after design is similar to the one-group pretest-posttest design; however, a control group and an experimental group are tested. 14. ANS: 2 Page: 169 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Both experimental and control groups are used in clinical trials. This is correct. Treatment group assignment is based on probability alone and not on the health-care provider’s preference. This is incorrect. Use of sufficient sample sizes is an essential feature of clinical trials. This is incorrect. Principles of experimental design are strictly adhered to in clinical trials. 15. ANS: 3 Page: 174 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. History refers to the confounding effects of specific events other than GRADESBOOST.COM the experimental treatment that occurs after the introduction of the independent variable or between the pretest and posttest. This is incorrect. Maturation refers to the biological or psychological processes that can occur with the passage of time and are independent of any external events. This is correct. Mortality, or attrition, refers to the loss of subjects from both experimental and control groups for various reasons. This is incorrect. Statistical regression refers to unreliable measures. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 10 1-1 Chapter 10: Selecting a Qualitative Research Design G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Phenomenology has its disciplinary origin in: 1. Philosophy 2. Sociology 3. Anthropology 4. Women’s studies ____ 2. The term used to describe preconceptions and feelings about a phenomenon is: 1. Coding 2. Ethnography 3. Bracketing 4. Lived experience ____ 3. In which qualitative research approach goal GRAisDthe ESprimary BOOST .CtoOgain M access to individuals’ inner world of experience? 1. Phenomenology 2. Ethnography 3. Grounded theory 4. Fieldwork ____ 4. Which of the following does not apply to qualitative research? 1. Displays findings as words and pictures 2. Uses inductive methods 3. Ends with statistical report 4. Involves direct and personal contact with subjects ____ 5. Which of the following terms is used to describe cultural characteristics of a group of people? 1. Phenomenology 2. Ethnography 3. Grounded theory 4. Fieldwork ____ 6. Ethnography has its disciplinary origin in: Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 10 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1. 2. 3. 4. 1-2 Philosophy Sociology Anthropology Women’s studies ____ 7. Grounded theory has its disciplinary origin in: 1. Philosophy 2. Sociology 3. Anthropology 4. Women’s studies ____ 8. A research approach that involves prolonged residence with members of a culture being studied is often referred to as: 1. Fieldwork 2. Participant observation 3. Field notes 4. Event analysis ____ 9. Directly observing subjects in their natural settings is often referred to as: 1. Fieldwork GRADESBOOST.COM 2. Participant observation 3. Field notes 4. Event analysis ____ 10. A form of qualitative statistical analysis that categorizes unit of meaning through a process of comparing incident to incident is termed: 1. Basic social process 2. Substantive coding 3. Symbolic interaction 4. Constant comparative method ____ 11. When judging grounded theory, the reader should look for all the following criteria except: 1. Fit 2. Work 3. Saturation 4. Modifiability ____ 12. Which step comes first in a grounded theory study? 1. Literature review Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 10 1-3 2. Data collection 3. Hypothesis development 4. Memo write-up G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. A researcher doing fieldwork for an ethnographic study is working with informants and identifying major themes. Which phase of fieldwork is the researcher in? 1. I 2. II 3. III 4. IV ____ 14. The element of confirmability concerned with faithful descriptions of the lived experience is: 1. Credibility 2. Auditability 3. Modifiability 4. Fittingness ____ 15. In which type of study does the researcher ask questions to elicit the essence of experiences? 1. Grounded theory 2. Ethnography GRADESBOOST.COM 3. Phenomenological 4. Participant observation Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 10 1-4 Chapter 10: Selecting a Qualitative Research Design Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1. ANS: 1 Page: 187 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Phenomenology has its disciplinary origin in philosophy. This is incorrect. Grounded theory has its disciplinary origins in sociology. This is incorrect. Ethnography participant observation has its disciplinary origin in anthropology. This is incorrect. Philosophy is the disciplinary origin of phenomenology. 2. ANS: 3 Page: 193 1 2 3 4 Feedback GR ADESbyBO OSTdata .CO Mconceptualized. This is incorrect. Coding is the process which are This is incorrect. Ethnography is the study and description of a culture in the natural setting. This is correct. Bracketing is the term used to describe preconceptions and feelings about a phenomenon. This is incorrect. The phenomenology approach to research that provides the researcher with the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the meaning of everyday experiences is termed the lived experience. 3. ANS: 1 Page: 188 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. The goal of phenomenological research is to develop rich, full, insightful descriptions of the lived experience. This is incorrect. The goal of ethnography is to describe and understand a specific culture. This is incorrect. Grounded theory is the discovery of a theory from data that have been systematically obtained through research. This is incorrect. Fieldwork is a research approach that involves prolonged residence with members of the culture that is being studied. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 10 1-5 4. ANS: 3 Page: 198 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Data is often presented in words and pictures with qualitative research. This is incorrect. Qualitative research uses inductive methods. This is correct. Qualitative research ends with a literary description of an experience and its meaning. This is incorrect. Qualitative research involves direct and personal contact with subjects. 5. ANS: 2 Page: 199 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Phenomenology is a research method that explores and describes everyday experiences. This is correct. Ethnography is used to describe cultural characteristics of a group of people. This is incorrect. Grounded theory is discovery of theory from data that have been systematically obtained through research. GRADESBOOST.COM This is incorrect. Fieldwork, which is used in ethnography, is prolonged residence with members of a culture that is being studied. 6. ANS: 3 Page: 199 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Phenomenology has its disciplinary origin in philosophy. This is incorrect. Grounded theory has its disciplinary origins in sociology. This is correct. Ethnography has its disciplinary origin in anthropology. This is incorrect. The disciplinary origin of ethnography is anthropology. 7. ANS: 2 Page: 205 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Phenomenology has its disciplinary origin in philosophy. This is correct. Grounded theory has its disciplinary origins in sociology. This is incorrect. Ethnography has its disciplinary origin in anthropology. This is incorrect. Grounded theory has its disciplinary origins in sociology. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 10 1-6 8. ANS: 1 Page: 199 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is correct. A research approach that involves prolonged residence with members of a culture being studied is often referred to as fieldwork. This is incorrect. Participant observation is a fieldwork technique that involves direct observation of everyday life in the study of participants’ natural settings and participation in their lifestyle and activities to the greatest extent possible. This is incorrect. Fieldwork is a research approach that involves prolonged residence with members of a culture being studied. This is incorrect. A research approach that involves prolonged residence with members of a culture being studied is often referred to as fieldwork. 9. ANS: 2 Page: 202 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A research approach that involves prolonged residence with members of a culture being studied is often referred to as fieldwork. GRADESisBaOfieldwork OST.Ctechnique OM This is correct. Participant observation that involves direct observation of everyday life in the study of participants’ natural settings and participation in their lifestyle and activities to the greatest extent possible. This is incorrect. A fieldwork technique that involves direct observation of everyday life in the study of participants’ natural settings and participation in their lifestyle and activities to the greatest extent possible is termed participant observation. This is incorrect. Direct observation of everyday life in the study of participants’ natural settings and participation in their lifestyle and activities to the greatest extent possible is termed participant observation. 10. ANS: 4 Page: 208 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Constant comparative method is a form of qualitative statistical analysis that categorizes unit of meaning through a process of comparing incident to incident. This is incorrect. Coding is the process by which data are conceptualized. This is incorrect. Symbolic interaction is theoretical orientation to qualitative research; focus is on the nature of social interaction among individuals. This is correct. A form of qualitative statistical analysis that categorizes unit of meaning through a process of comparing incident to incident is termed constant comparative method. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 10 1-7 11. ANS: 3 Page: 208 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Fit, categories identified by the emerging theory corresponding to the data collected, is one of the four criteria for judging grounded theory. This is incorrect. Work, which involves indicating that the grounded theory explains what happens, predicting what will occur, and interpreting an area of inquiry, is one of the four criteria for judging grounded theory. This is correct. Saturation is not one of the four criteria for judging grounded theory. This is incorrect. Modifiability is one of the four criteria for judging grounded theory. 12. ANS: 2 Page: 207 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. In grounded theory study, the literature review occurs after data has been collected. This is correct. Grounded theory study begins with data collection. This is incorrect. In a grounded theory study, the hypothesis is discovered on the basis GRADESBOOST.COM of the data collected. This is incorrect. Memos are written up as the grounded theorist is coding, comparing, and analyzing the data that has been collected. 13. ANS: 2 Page: 201 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. In fieldwork phase I, the researcher is making contacts, settling in, and beginning to gather information about the culture. This is correct. In fieldwork phase II, the researcher is working with informants and identifying major themes. This is incorrect. In fieldwork phase III, the researcher is continuing with participant observation but raising more sensitive questions and double-checking the data already gathered. This is incorrect. In the fourth phase of fieldwork (post-fieldwork), the researcher is finalizing the analysis and findings and writing up the study. 14. ANS: 1 Page: 197 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 10 1 2 3 4 1-8 Feedback This is correct. Credibility requires that findings are faithful descriptions or interpretations of the lived experience. This is incorrect. Auditability requires readers to be able to follow the decision path of the researcher and arrive at the same or comparable findings. This is incorrect. Modifiability is not an element of confirmability. This is incorrect. Fittingness is the extent to which study findings fit the data. 15. ANS: 3 Page: 187 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The grounded theorist asks process and core concept questions to determine experiences over time or change with stages and phases. This is incorrect. The ethnographer asks questions of values, beliefs, and practices of cultural groups. This is correct. Meaningful questions eliciting the essence of experiences are asked by the phenomenological researcher. This is incorrect. The ethnographer is a participant observer who asks questions of values, beliefs, and practices of cultural groups. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 11 1-1 Chapter 11: Data Collection Methods G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which of the following is not a method of data collection? 1. Questionnaires 2. Interviews 3. Experiments 4. Observations ____ 2. The tendency for participants to respond to an item on a questionnaire in a way that does not reflect the real situation is called a: 1. Response set bias 2. Probe 3. Semantic differential 4. Contingency question ____ 3. Likert scales are sometimes referred to as: 1. Semantic differential scales 2. Visual analogue scales 3. Summative scales 4. Guttman scales ____ 4. You wish to construct a tool that will measure a subject’s perception of a concept using pairs of adjectives reflecting opposite feelings. A good choice would be: 1. Guttman 2. Likert 3. Thurstone 4. Semantic differential ____ 5. What is an advantage of using qualitative data? 1. It does not require prior knowledge of the subject. 2. It can be analyzed without extreme effort. 3. Comparisons can be easily made. 4. Hypotheses can be tested with statistical techniques. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 11 1-2 ____ 6. The question “What is your opinion on the legalization of marijuana?” elicits what type of response? 1. Open-ended 2. Categorical 3. Continuous 4. Ordering ____ 7. The question “What is your sex: male, female, or intersex?” elicits what type of response? 1. Open-ended 2. Categorical 3. Continuous 4. Ordering ____ 8. The question “What is your current weight in pounds?” elicits what type of response? 1. Open-ended 2. Categorical 3. Continuous 4. Ordering ____ 9. Which statement about ordering the questions on a questionnaire is false? 1. The first topic should be the one respondent GRa A DESBOOwill STconsider .COM most important. 2. Questions that are similar in content should be grouped together. 3. Questions about sensitive topics should be placed near the beginning of the questionnaire. 4. Demographic questions should be placed at the end of the questionnaire. ____ 10. “On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being not painful and 5 being painful, how would you rate your venipuncture experience?” is an example of what type of scale? 1. Likert 2. Semantic differential 3. Visual analog 4. Guttman ____ 11. What scale asks users to place an x on a line indicating the level of intensity of a subjective phenomena? 1. Likert 2. Semantic differential 3. Visual analog 4. Guttman ____ 12. A sorting technique used to characterize opinions, attitudes, or judgments of individuals through comparative rank ordering is termed: Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 1-3 Summative Semantic differential Visual analog Q methodology G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. Which qualitative data collection method is used for ethnographic research? 1. Interviews 2. Participant observations 3. Focus groups 4. Questionnaires ____ 14. Observing interactions and detecting attitudes, opinions, and solutions to specific topics posed by a facilitator is the goal of which type of data collection method? 1. Interviews 2. Participant observation 3. Focus groups 4. Questionnaires ____ 15. A list of topics administered to subjects by a skilled interviewer is termed: 1. Interview schedule GRADESBOOST.COM 2. Closed-ended questionnaire 3. Open-ended questionnaire 4. Survey Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 11 1-4 Chapter 11: Data Collection Methods Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1. ANS: 3 Page: 223 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Questionnaires are a method of data collection. This is incorrect. Interviews are a method of data collection. This is correct. Experimentation is not a method of data collection. This is incorrect. Observations are a method of data collection. 2. ANS: 1 Page: 232 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Response set bias is the tendency for subjects to respond to items based GRADESBOOST.COM on irrelevant criteria. This is incorrect. Probe is another term for question, usually to explore an answer further. This is incorrect. A semantic differential scale is a set of scales that uses pairs of adjectives that reflect opposite feelings. This is incorrect. A contingency question directs participants to different follow-up questions depending on their response. 3. ANS: 3 Page: 230 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Likert scales are sometimes referred to as summative scales. This is incorrect. Summative scale is another term for Likert scale. This is correct. Likert scales are also called summative scales. This is incorrect. Likert scales are also known as summative scales. 4. ANS: 4 Page: 234 Feedback Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 11 1 2 3 4 1-5 This is incorrect. A Guttman scale asks responders to agree or disagree with an item. This is incorrect. Likert scales require subjects to respond to a series of statements and select an appropriately ranked response. This is incorrect. A Thurstone scale measures attitude. This is correct. Semantic differential scales use pairs of adjectives that reflect opposite feelings. 5. ANS: 1 Page: 222 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. An advantage to using qualitative data is that it does not require prior knowledge of the subject. This is incorrect. Quantitative data can be analyzed without extreme effort. This is incorrect. Comparisons can be easily made with quantitative data. This is incorrect. With quantitative data, hypotheses can be tested with well-developed statistical techniques. 6. ANS: 1 Page: 229 GRADESBOOST.COM 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. An open-ended question elicits an answer consisting of a free-form statement or essay in which the respondent chooses what to say. This is incorrect. A categorical response is a type of closed answer that respondents are asked to choose from a limited number of alternatives. This is incorrect. Continuous responses represent a large range of values, such as age, weight, height, and so forth, that can be entered directly. This is incorrect. An answer consisting of a free-form statement or essay in which the respondent chooses what to say is termed an open-ended response. 7. ANS: 2 Page: 229 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. An open-ended question elicits an answer consisting of a free-form statement or essay in which the respondent chooses what to say. This is correct. A categorical response is a type of closed answer that respondents are asked to choose from a limited number of alternatives. This is incorrect. Continuous responses represent a large range of values, such as age, weight, height, and so forth, that can be entered directly. This is incorrect. An answer consisting of a free-form statement or essay in which the respondent chooses what to say is termed an open-ended response. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 11 1-6 8. ANS: 3 Page: 229 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is incorrect. An open-ended question elicits an answer consisting of a free-form statement or essay in which the respondent chooses what to say. This is incorrect. A categorical response is a type of closed answer that respondents are asked to choose from a limited number of alternatives. This is correct. Continuous responses represent a large range of values, such as age, weight, height, and so forth, that can be entered directly. This is incorrect. An answer consisting of a free-form statement or essay in which the respondent chooses what to say is termed an open-ended response. 9. ANS: 3 Page: 230 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The first topic should be the one the respondent will consider most important. This is incorrect. Questions that are similar in content should be grouped together. GRADESBOOST.COM This is correct. Questions about sensitive topics should be placed about two-thirds of the way into the questionnaire. This is incorrect. Demographic questions should be placed at the end of the questionnaire. 10. ANS: 2 Page: 234 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Likert scales require subjects to respond to a series of statements and select an appropriately ranked response. This is correct. The semantic differential scale is composed of scales that use a pair of adjectives that reflect opposite feelings. This is incorrect. The visual analog scale measures subjective phenomena (e.g., pain, fatigue, anxiety). Subjects are asked to mark a point on a line indicating the amount of the phenomena experienced at the time. This is incorrect. A Guttman scale asks responders to agree or disagree with an item. 11. ANS: 3 Page: 236 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 11 1 2 3 4 1-7 Feedback This is incorrect. Likert scales require subjects to respond to a series of statements and select an appropriately ranked response. This is incorrect. The semantic differential scale is composed of scales that use a pair of adjectives that reflect opposite feelings. This is correct. The visual analog scale measures subjective phenomena (e.g., pain, fatigue, anxiety). Subjects are asked to mark a point on a line indicating the amount of the phenomena experienced at the time. This is incorrect. A Guttman scale asks responders to agree or disagree with an item. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 12. ANS: 4 Page: 237 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Summative scales require subjects to respond to a series of statements and select an appropriately ranked response. This is incorrect. The semantic differential scale is composed of scales that use a pair of adjectives that reflect opposite feelings. This is incorrect. Visual analog scales measure subjective phenomena (e.g., pain, fatigue, anxiety). Subjects are asked to mark a point on a line indicating the amount of the phenomena experienced at the time. This is correct. Q methodology is a sorting technique used to characterize opinions, attitudes, or judgments of individuals through comparative rank ordering. GRADESBOOST.COM 13. ANS: 2 Page: 241 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Interviews are used to elicit meaningful data in qualitative studies; however, they are not the primary method for ethnographic research. This is correct. Participant observation involves direct observation through involvement with subjects in their natural setting, which makes it useful in ethnographic research. This is incorrect. Focus groups are acceptable for in-depth interviews; however, they are not the primary method for ethnographic research. This is incorrect. Questionnaires are useful for both qualitative and quantitative research; however, they are not the most useful method for ethnographic research. 14. ANS: 3 Page: 242 1 Feedback This is incorrect. Interviews are used to elicit meaningful data in qualitative studies; however, the goal is not to observe interactions and detect attitudes, opinions, and Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 11 2 3 4 1-8 solutions to specific topics posed by a facilitator. This is incorrect. Participant observation involves direct observation through involvement with subjects in their natural setting, participating in their lifestyle activities. This is correct. The goal of a focus group is to observe interactions and detect attitudes, opinions, and solutions to specific topics posed by a facilitator. This is incorrect. Questionnaires are useful for both qualitative and quantitative research; however, they are not designed for observation. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 15. ANS: 1 Page: 241 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. An interview schedule is a list of topics administered to subjects by a skilled interviewer. This is incorrect. A closed-ended questionnaire is a format in which subjects are asked to select an answer from several choices. This is incorrect. An open-ended questionnaire is a format in which subjects are asked to provide specific answers. This is incorrect. A survey is a method of collecting data to describe, compare, or explain knowledge, behaviors, or attitudes. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 12 1-1 Chapter 12: Principles of Measurement G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. An estimate of reliability based on the average correlation among items within a test is called: 1. Internal consistency reliability 2. Alternate forms reliability 3. Test-retest reliability 4. Split-half reliability ____ 2. A high level of reliability: 1. Ensures high validity 2. Has no effect on validity 3. Is necessary, but not sufficient for validity 4. Has a slight effect on validity ____ 3. Cronbach’s alpha is used to determine which the following GRA DESofBO OS T.COMinstrument attributes? 1. Stability 2. Internal consistency 3. Construct validity 4. Sensitivity ____ 4. Test-retest reliability focuses on the _____ of an instrument. 1. Stability 2. Accuracy 3. Truth 4. Correctness ____ 5. As a nurse, you rate a patient’s pain on a scale from severe to low. This results in which type of scale? 1. Interval 2. Ratio 3. Ordinal 4. Nominal ____ 6. Which of the following is not a type of reliability? 1. Test-retest Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 12 1-2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2. Interrater 3. Content 4. Internal consistency ____ 7. Which of the following is a type of criterion-related validity evidence? 1. Concurrent validity 2. Predictive validity 3. Internal consistency 4. Both a and b ____ 8. Which of the following is not an assumption underlying testing and measurement? 1. Various approaches to measuring aspects of the same thing can be useful. 2. Error is rarely present in the measurement process. 3. Present behavior predicts future behavior. 4. Testing and assessment benefit society. ____ 9. Which of the following statements accurately describes test-retest reliability? 1. Measure of consistency of scores over time 2. Measure of consistency of scores obtained from two equivalent halves of the same examination GRADESBOOST.COM 3. Measure of consistency with which a test measures a single construct/concept 4. Measure of degree of agreement between two or more scores ____ 10. _______ refers to how well the particular sample of behaviors used to measure a characteristic reflects the entire domain of behaviors that constitutes that characteristic. 1. Construct validity 2. Criterion-related validity 3. Content validity 4. Face validity ____ 11. Which type of reliability is most common in observational studies, including those used for nursing research? 1. Test-retest 2. Interrater 3. Content 4. Internal consistency ____ 12. A statistical procedure used in interrater reliability that quantifies the degree of consistency among raters is: 1. Cohen’s kappa 2. coefficient of stability Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 12 1-3 3. Cronbach’s alpha 4. Coefficient alpha G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. Assessing the quality of an instrument by evaluating the properties of reliability and validity in relation to the instrument being used is termed: 1. Cohen’s kappa 2. Coefficient of stability 3. Psychometric evaluation 4. Interval level of measurement ____ 14. Which statement about validity is false? 1. Validity is the extent to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure. 2. The validity of an instrument is independent of the instrument’s reliability. 3. An instrument that is not reliable cannot be valid. 4. An instrument can be reliable without being valid. ____ 15. When is concurrent validity usually assessed? 1. During the process of validating a construct 2. When there is a need to predict future events, behaviors, or outcomes 3. During the development of questionnaires, interview guides, or GRADESBinterview OOST.schedules, COM instruments 4. When a new instrument is administered at the same time that data are collected Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 12 1-4 Chapter 12: Principles of Measurement Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 1 Page: 255 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. An estimate of reliability based on the average correlation among items within a test is called internal consistency reliability. This is incorrect. When the average correlation among items within a test is measured, it is called internal consistency reliability. This is incorrect. Test-retest reliability is measured when a researcher assesses a group of individuals twice, separated by a period of time. This is incorrect. An estimate of reliability based on the average correlation among items within a test is called internal consistency reliability. 2. ANS: 3 Page: 257 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. A high level of reliability does not ensure high validity. This is incorrect. An instruments data must be reliable if they are to be valid; however, high reliability is an insufficient condition for high validity. This is correct. A high level of reliability is necessary, but not sufficient for high validity. This is incorrect. A high level of reliability has a significant effect on validity. 3. ANS: 2 Page: 255 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Cronbach’s alpha measures internal consistency. This is correct. Cronbach’s alpha is used to determine internal consistency. This is incorrect. Internal consistency is determined by using Cronbach’s alpha. This is incorrect. Cronbach’s alpha is a statistical procedure used to assess internal consistency. 4. ANS: 1 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 12 1-5 Page: 253 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Test-retest reliability focuses on the stability of an instrument. This is incorrect. Validity is the accuracy of an instrument, whereas test-retest reliability focuses on the stability of an instrument. This is incorrect. Test-retest reliability focuses on the stability of an instrument. This is incorrect. The stability of an instrument is determined by the test-retest reliability. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 5. ANS: 3 Page: 249 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. In addition to having all the characteristics of nominal and ordinal scales, interval levels of measurement have an equal interval size based on an actual unit of measurement. This is incorrect. Categories in ratio scales are different, ordered, and separated by a constant unit of measurement, and ratio scales have an absolute zero. This is correct. A rating scale from severe to low is an ordinal level of measurement. It specifies the order of items without specifying how far apart they are. This is incorrect. Nominal measurements classify subjects into two or more categories, such as more or less. Data simply shows the frequency of the subject. GRADESBOOST.COM 6. ANS: 3 Page: 253 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Test-retest is a type of reliability that tests the consistency of measurements. This is incorrect. Interrater reliability is measured by the degree of agreement among raters. This is correct. Content is not a type of reliability. This is incorrect. Internal consistency is a type of reliability that measures the consistency of the instruments. 7. ANS: 4 Page: 261 1 2 Feedback This is incorrect. Concurrent validity and predictive validity are types of criterionrelated validity evidence. This is incorrect. Predictive validity and concurrent validity are types of criterion- Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 12 3 4 1-6 related validity evidence. This is incorrect. Internal consistency is a type of reliability measurement. This is correct. Both concurrent validity and predictive validity are types of criterionrelated validity evidence. 8. ANS: 2 Page: 252 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Various approaches to measuring aspects of the same thing can be useful. This is correct. Whenever data are collected, some amount of error is always encountered. This is incorrect. Present day behavior predicts future behavior. This is incorrect. Testing and assessment benefit society. 9. ANS: 1 Page: 253 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Test-retest reliability is S determined measuring consistency of scores GRADE BOOST.byCO M over time. This is incorrect. Split-half reliability is determined by measuring the consistency of scores obtained from two equivalent halves of the same examination. This is incorrect. Internal consistency reliability is measured by the degree of consistency with which a test measures a single construct/concept. This is incorrect. Interrater reliability is determined by the measure of degree of agreement between two or more scores. 10. ANS: 3 Page: 258 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Construct validity refers to how well an instrument measures an intended hypothetical concept. This is incorrect. Criterion-related validity refers to how well an instrument measuring a particular concept compares with a criterion, providing more quantitative evidence on the accuracy of the instrument. This is correct. Content validity refers to how well the particular sample of behaviors used to measure a characteristic reflects the entire domain of behaviors that constitutes that characteristic. This is incorrect. Face validity refers to how well a test is subjectively viewed as covering the content it measures. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 12 1-7 11. ANS: 2 Page: 257 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The type of reliability most common in observational studies, including those used for nursing research, is interrater reliability. This is correct. Determining interrater reliability is very common in nursing research and is used in many observational studies. This is incorrect. Interrater reliability is the type of reliability most common in observational studies, including those used for nursing research. This is incorrect. Interrater reliability is commonly used in observational studies, including those used for nursing research. 12. ANS: 1 Page: 257 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Cohen’s kappa is a statistical procedure that quantifies the degree of consistency among raters. This is incorrect. Coefficient of stability is the extent to which scores are consistent GRADESBOOST.COM over time. This is incorrect. Cronbach’s alpha is a statistical procedure used to assess internal consistency. This is incorrect. Coefficient alpha, another name for Cronbach’s alpha, is a statistical procedure used to assess internal consistency. 13. ANS: 3 Page: 257 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Cohen’s kappa is a statistical procedure that quantifies the degree of consistency among raters. This is incorrect. Coefficient of stability is the extent to which scores are consistent over time. This is correct. Psychometric evaluation is assessing the quality of an instrument by evaluating the properties of reliability and validity in relation to the instrument being used. This is incorrect. An interval level of measurement is a level of measurement characterized by a constant unit of measurement or equal distances between points on a scale. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 12 1-8 14. ANS: 2 Page: 263 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Validity is the extent to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure. This is correct. Although validity is an important characteristic of an instrument, reliability is necessary before validity can be considered. This is incorrect. An instrument that is not reliable cannot be valid. This is incorrect. An instrument can be reliable without being valid. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 15. ANS: 4 Page: 261 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Construct validity is the extent to which an instrument measures an intended hypothetical concept or construct. This is incorrect. Predictive validity is assessed when there is a need to predict future events, behaviors, or outcomes. This is incorrect. Content validity is usually used in the development of questionnaires, interview schedules, interview guides, or instruments. This is correct. Concurrent validity is assessed when a new instrument is administered at the same time that data are collected. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 13 1-1 Chapter 13: Analyzing Data G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. What is the median for the following set of scores: 18, 6, 12, 10, 14? 1. 10 2. 14 3. 18 4. 12 ____ 2. The standard deviation is: 1. The square root of the variance 2. A measure of variability 3. An approximate indicator how numbers vary from the mean 4. All of the above ____ 3. If a distribution is skewed to the left, is:BOOST.COM GRthen ADitES 1. Negatively skewed 2. Positively skewed 3. Symmetrically skewed 4. Symmetrical ____ 4. Which of the following represents the 50th percentile, or midpoint of a distribution? 1. Mean 2. Median 3. Mode 4. Variance ____ 5. The purpose of ________ is to summarize and explain a specific set of data. 1. Descriptive statistics 2. Inferential statistics 3. Parametric procedures 4. Nonparametric procedures ____ 6. The _____ is the value you calculate when you want the arithmetic average. 1. Mean Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 13 1-2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2. Median 3. Mode 4. All of the above ____ 7. A statistical test used to compare two or more groups is called: 1. A simple regression 2. A post hoc test 3. A t-test for regression 4. A one-way ANOVA ____ 8. Chi-square _____ is the set of procedures used to assess whether a relationship exists between two categorical variables. 1. Analysis 2. Coefficient 3. Equation 4. Line ____ 9. How many independent variables are referred to in a simple ANOVA? 1. One 2. Two GRADESBOOST.COM 3. Two or more 4. Three ____ 10. A parametric procedure that determines whether there is a significant difference between two group means is called: 1. A simple ANOVA 2. A two-way ANOVA 3. A t-test 4. A Pearson correlation ____ 11. An example of a nonparametric procedure is: 1. A chi-square 2. The Pearson correlation 3. An ANOVA 4. A t-test ____ 12. The purpose of ________ is to determine how likely it is that results based on a sample can be generalized to the population. 1. Descriptive statistics Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 13 1-3 2. Inferential statistics 3. Parametric procedures 4. Nonparametric procedures G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. What is the mean of 3, 6, 8, 12, and 16? 1. 5 2. 8 3. 9 4. 12 ____ 14. What is the mode of 3, 3, 6, 8, 8, 8, 12, 12, 16? 1. 3 2. 8 3. 12 4. 16 ____ 15. Calculate the range in the following dispersion: 2, 4, 7, 12, 15. 1. 7 2. 8 3. 12 GRADESBOOST.COM 4. 13 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 13 1-4 Chapter 13: Analyzing Data Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 4 Page: 274 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The median is the midpoint of distribution, calculated by first arranging the scores in rank order and then determining the middle score. In the numbers 6, 10, 12, 14, and 18, the number 12 falls in the middle; thus, it is the median. This is incorrect. The median is the midpoint of distribution, calculated by first arranging the numbers in rank order and then determining which number falls in the middle. In the numbers 6, 10, 12, 14, and 18, the number 12 falls in the middle; thus, it is the median. This is incorrect. The median is the midpoint of distribution. It is calculated by arranging the scores in rank order and then determining which number falls in the middle. In the numbers 6, 10, 12, 14, and 18, the number 12 falls in the middle; thus, it is the median. This is correct. The median is the midpoint of distribution, calculated by first arranging GRA DESBOOthe STmiddle .COMscore. the scores in rank order and then determining 2. ANS: 4 Page: 280 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance; however, it also measures variability and is an approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the mean. This is incorrect. The standard deviation measures variability. It is also the square root of the variance and is an approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the mean. This is incorrect. The standard deviation is an approximate indicator how numbers vary from the mean. It is the square root of the variance, and it measures variability. This is correct. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance, measures variability, and is an approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the mean. 3. ANS: 1 Page: 275 1 Feedback This is correct. A distribution skewed to the left is considered negatively skewed. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 13 2 3 4 1-5 This is incorrect. A distribution skewed to the right is considered positively skewed. This is incorrect. A symmetrical distribution is not skewed to the left or the right. This is incorrect. A distribution skewed to the left is considered negatively skewed. 4. ANS: 2 Page: 274 Feedback G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 This is incorrect. The mean represents the average in a set of scores. This is correct. The median represents the 50th percentile, or midpoint of a distribution. This is incorrect. The mode is the score that occurs most frequently in a distribution. This is incorrect. A variance is the average squared deviation from the mean. 5. ANS: 1 Page: 272 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. The purpose of descriptive statistics is to summarize and explain a specific set of data. This is incorrect. The purposeGof inferential RA DESBOstatistics OST.CisOto M generalize findings from a sample to a population. This is incorrect. Parametric procedure is a type of differential statistical test. This is incorrect. Nonparametric procedure is a type of differential statistical test. 6. ANS: 1 Page: 273 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. The mean is the value you calculate when you want the arithmetic average. This is incorrect. The median represents the 50th percentile of a distribution of scores. This is incorrect. The mode represents the value that occurs most frequently in a distribution. This is incorrect. The mean is the value you calculate when you want the arithmetic average. 7. ANS: 4 Page: 289 Feedback Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 13 1 2 3 4 1-6 This is incorrect. A statistical test used to compare two or more groups is termed a oneway ANOVA. This is incorrect. A one-way ANOVA is a statistical test used to compare two or more groups. This is incorrect. A t-test assesses whether two group means are significantly different from one another. This is correct. A one-way ANOVA is a statistical test used to compare two or more groups. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 8. ANS: 1 Page: 291 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Chi-square analysis is a nonparametric procedure used to assess whether a relationship exists between two nominal-level variables. This is incorrect. A nonparametric procedure used to assess whether a relationship exists between two nominal-level variables is termed chi-square analysis. This is incorrect. Chi-square analysis is a nonparametric procedure used to assess whether a relationship exists between two nominal-level variables. This is incorrect. Chi-square analysis is a nonparametric procedure used to determine whether a relationship exists between two variables. GRADESBOOST.COM 9. ANS: 1 Page: 289 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. A simple ANOVA refers to one independent variable with several levels. This is incorrect. A two-way ANOVA represents two independent variables with several levels. This is incorrect. A simple, or one-way, ANOVA refers to one independent variable with several levels. This is incorrect. A simple, or one-way, ANOVA represents one independent variable with several levels. 10. ANS: 3 Page: 286 1 2 Feedback This is incorrect. ANOVA is a parametric procedure used to test whether there is a difference among three group means. Simple ANOVA refers to one independent variable. This is incorrect. ANOVA is a parametric procedure used to test whether there is a Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 13 3 4 1-7 difference among three group means. Two-way ANOVA refers to two independent variables. This is correct. The t-test is a parametric procedure that determines whether there is a significant difference between two group means. This is incorrect. The Pearson correlation is a correlational technique used to examine the relationship between two variables. 11. ANS: 1 Page: 292 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. A chi-square is a nonparametric statistical procedure. This is incorrect. The Pearson correlation is an example of a parametric statistical procedure. This is incorrect. An ANOVA is an example of a parametric statistical procedure. This is incorrect. A t-test is an example of a parametric statistical procedure. 12. ANS: 2 Page: 281 Feedback This is incorrect. The purposeGof differential is M to summarize and explain a 1 RA DESBOOstatistics ST.CO specific set of data. This is correct. The purpose of inferential statistics is to generalize findings from a 2 sample to the population. This is incorrect. Parametric procedure is a type of differential statistical test. 3 This is incorrect. Nonparametric procedure is a type of differential statistical test. 4 13. ANS: 3 Page: 273 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The mean, or average, is calculated by adding all the scores in a distribution and dividing the total by the number of scores. This is incorrect. The mean is calculated by adding all the scores in a distribution and dividing the total by the number of scores. The median score of this set of numbers is 8. This is correct. The mean is calculated by adding all the scores in a distribution and dividing the total by the number of scores. This is incorrect. The mean is calculated by summing the set of scores and dividing the sum by the total number of scores. 14. ANS: 2 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 13 1-8 Page: 275 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The mode is the score that occurs most frequently in a distribution. This is correct. The mode is 8 because that number occurs most frequently in the distribution of scores. This is incorrect. The mode is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution. This is incorrect. The mode represents the score that occurs most frequently in a distribution. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 15. ANS: 4 Page: 279 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The range is calculated by subtracting the lowest score in the distribution from the highest score. The mean is 7 because it is the middle score. This is incorrect. The range is calculated by subtracting the lowest score in the distribution from the highest score. The median, or average score, is 8. This is incorrect. The range is calculated by subtracting the lowest score in the distribution from the highest score. This is correct. The range is calculated by subtracting the lowest score in the distribution from the highest score. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 14 1-1 Chapter 14: Interpreting and Reporting Research Findings G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which of the following is not one of the major sections of a research report? 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Footnotes 4. Discussion ____ 2. In what section of a research report are results of a study explained and interpreted? 1. Introduction 2. Methods 3. Results 4. Discussion ____ 3. In which section of a research report GRdoAyou DESfind BOaOstep-by-step ST.COM description of what subjects actually did in the study? 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Research design 4. Methods ____ 4. The extent to which research findings can be generalized beyond the given research situation is referred to as: 1. Statistical significance 2. Generalizability 3. Clinical significance 4. Refereed process ____ 5. A brief summary of a research study is often referred to as a(n): 1. Abstract 2. Statement of purpose 3. Abridged report 4. Hypothesis Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 14 1-2 ____ 6. Evidence for the reliability of measuring instruments used in a study appears in which section of a research report? 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Methods 4. Results ____ 7. Indicate where in the research report the following statement is likely to be found: “The sample consisted of 88 individuals with cancer, assessed as being at risk for nutritional problems, as indicated by weight loss of more than 5% over a 2-month period or persistent changes in patterns of eating.” 1. Introduction 2. Methods 3. Results 4. Discussion ____ ____ 8. Indicate where in the research report the following statement is likely to be found: “The correlation of r = 0.4, found in the present study, is consistent with the work of Jones (1983), who reported similar results in her study of college-age adults.” 1. Introduction 2. Methods 3. Results 4. Discussion GRADESBOOST.COM 9. Authors refer to ____________ when determining an editor’s level of interest regarding the publishing of a research report. 1. Manuscript guidelines 2. A query letter 3. The review process 4. Publication guidelines ____ 10. A way of communicating findings associated with a research report, other than publication, would be through: 1. Query letters 2. The research process 3. Oral presentations 4. Refereed journals ____ 11. What is an example of a study limitation? 1. Sample deficiency 2. Strong data collection procedure 3. Reliable measures 4. Use of refereed journals Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 14 1-3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 12. Where in a research report are the limitations discussed? 1. Abstract 2. Methods 3. Results 4. Discussion ____ 13. Which section of a research study provides the reader with additional literature related to the particular topic? 1. Abstract 2. References 3. Bibliography 4. Discussion ____ 14. The final stage of the research process is: 1. Critique 2. Replication 3. Communication 4. Publication GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 15. Which of the following is not found in manuscript guidelines? 1. Journal’s mission statement 2. Types of articles accepted 3. Manuscript format 4. Honorarium Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 14 1-4 Chapter 14: Interpreting and Reporting Research Findings Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1. ANS: 3 Page: 303 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. An abstract is part of a research report. This is incorrect. An introduction is part of a research report. This is correct. A research report does not contain footnotes. This is incorrect. A research report contains a discussion. 2. ANS: 4 Page: 309 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The introduction describes the purpose of the study. RADEinforms SBOOSthe T.reader COMof the research design, This is incorrect. The methodsGsection sample, setting, data collection procedures, outcome measures, and data collection instruments. This is incorrect. The results section focuses on pertinent findings and answers the research question or tests hypotheses. This is correct. The results of the research study are explained and interpreted in the discussion. 3. ANS: 4 Page: 308 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The abstract is a brief summary of the research study that describes the content and scope of the project in one paragraph. This is incorrect. The introduction describes the purpose of the study. This is incorrect. Research design is the framework for how the study is to be performed. This is correct. The methods section informs the reader of the research design, sample, setting, data collection procedures, outcome measures, and data collection instruments. 4. ANS: 2 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 14 1-5 Page: 302 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Statistical significance is the extent to which the results of an analysis are unlikely to be the effect of chance. This is correct. Generalizability is the extent to which research findings can be generalized beyond the given research situation. This is incorrect. Clinical significance is determined from findings that have meaning for patient care in the absence or presence of statistical significance. This is incorrect. Refereed means that expert peers review material. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 5. ANS: 1 Page: 304 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. An abstract is a brief summary of the research study. This is incorrect. The introduction states the purpose of the study. This is incorrect. An abridged report is a condensed report. Research studies do not contain abridged reports. This is incorrect. The hypothesis is the prediction of the study results. 6. ANS: 3 Page: 308 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. An abstract is a brief summary of the research study that concisely describes the content and scope of the study. This is incorrect. The introduction includes the purpose of the study and literature review. This is correct. The methods section informs the reader about the research design, sample, setting, data collection procedures, outcome measures, and data collection instruments. This is incorrect. The results section focuses on pertinent findings and answers the research question or tests hypotheses. 7. ANS: 3 Page: 308 1 2 Feedback This is incorrect. The introduction includes the purpose of the study and a literature review. This is incorrect. The methods section informs the reader about the research design, sample, setting, data collection procedures, outcome measures, and data collection Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 14 3 4 1-6 instruments. This is correct. The results section focuses on pertinent findings and answers the research question or tests hypotheses. This is incorrect. The results of the research study are explained and interpreted in the discussion. 8. ANS: 4 Page: 309 1 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The introduction includes the purpose of the study and literature review. This is incorrect. The methods section informs the reader about the research design, sample, setting, data collection procedures, outcome measures, and data collection instruments. This is incorrect. The results section focuses on pertinent findings and answers the research question or tests hypotheses. This is correct. Researchers use the discussion section to tell readers what the results mean and why they think the results turned out as they did. 9. ANS: 2 Page: 312 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. When sending a research study to a journal for publication, researchers use manuscript guidelines to determine the format the study should be submitted in. This is correct. A query letter is written to an editor to determine the level of interest the editor has in publishing a research report. This is incorrect. The researcher sends a query letter to an editor to determine the level of interest the editor has in publishing a research report. This is incorrect. A query letter is written to an editor to determine the level of interest the editor has in publishing a research report. 10. ANS: 3 Page: 313 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A query letter is written to an editor to determine the level of interest the editor has in publishing a research report. This is incorrect. The research process is used to conduct the research study. This is correct. Oral presentation is another way to disseminate research findings. This is incorrect. Refereed journals are publications that contain research studies. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 14 1-7 11. ANS: 1 Page: 303 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Limitations, such as sample deficiency, are potentially confounding to main study variables. This is incorrect. Strong data collection procedures are essential for a good research study. This is incorrect. Reliable measures are essential for a good research study. This is incorrect. Refereed journals are publications that contain research studies. Use of refereed journals is essential to a literature search. 12. ANS: 4 Page: 303 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The abstract is a brief summary of the research study that describes the content and scope of the project in one paragraph. This is incorrect. The methods section informs the reader of the research design, sample, setting, data collection procedures, outcome measures, and data collection GRADESBOOST.COM instruments. This is incorrect. The results section of a research study focuses on pertinent findings and answers the research question or tests hypotheses. Data is presented objectively with little discussion. This is correct. Limitations are discussed in the discussion section of a research study. 13. ANS: 2 Page: 309 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The abstract is a brief summary of the research study that describes the content and scope of the project in one paragraph. This is correct. The reference section provides the reader with additional literature related to the particular topic. This is incorrect. There is no bibliography in a research study. The reference section provides the reader with additional literature related to the particular topic. This is incorrect. The discussion section focuses on a nontechnical interpretation of the results. 14. ANS: 3 Page: 310 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 14 1-8 Feedback 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 This is incorrect. Communication of research findings is the final stage in the research process. Communication promotes the critique of studies. This is incorrect. Communication of research findings is the final stage in the research process. Communication promotes the replication of studies. This is correct. Communication of research findings is the final stage in the research process. This is incorrect. Communication of research findings is the final stage in the research process. Publication is one method of communicating research findings. 15. ANS: 4 Page: 312 Feedback 1 2 3 4 This is incorrect. Manuscript guidelines include the journal’s mission statement. This is incorrect. Manuscript guidelines contain the types of articles accepted. This is incorrect. Manuscript guidelines contain the manuscript format. This is correct. The honorarium, or how much the author is paid for publication, is not contained in the manuscript guidelines. GRADESBOOST.COM Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 1 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 15 1-1 Chapter 15: Critiquing Research Reports G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which of the following is the correct order of sections associated with a research report? 1. Discussion, methods, problem statement, results 2. Methods, problem statement, discussion, results 3. Problem statement, methods, results, discussion 4. Results, discussion, problem statement, methods ____ 2. Which is not a question to ask when evaluating a research report? 1. Were the instruments used valid? 2. Was the sample representative? 3. Were the procedures clearly stated to be reproducible? 4. Were the results published in an important journal? ____ 3. In critiquing a research report, where the researcher GRwould ADES BO OST.Cmake OM clear why a particular study is important to investigate? 1. Research question 2. Definitions of terms 3. Problem statement 4. Purpose of the study ____ 4. In critiquing a research report, where does the researcher state the particular question(s) to be investigated? 1. Introduction 2. Definitions of terms 3. Justification of the study 4. Purpose statement ____ 5. In critiquing a research report, where would recommendations made by the researcher for nursing practice be found? 1. Methods 2. Results 3. Implications 4. Data analysis Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 15 1-2 ____ 6. In critiquing a research report, where would the researcher find information on possible sources of sampling error and sample size? 1. Methods 2. Results 3. Implications 4. Data analysis ____ 7. In critiquing a research report, where would the researcher find a discussion related to findings associated with the conceptual basis of the study? 1. Methods 2. Results 3. Discussion 4. Data analysis ____ 8. In critiquing a research report, include all of the following except: 1. Supportive and encouraging comments 2. Suggestions that are not overly unrealistic 3. Clear, concise statements in communicating with authors 4. Flattery with comments to boost a researcher’s self-esteem ____ 9. When critiquing a research report, avoid all of the following except: 1. Nitpicking or finding fault on trivial details associated with the report 2. Providing explanations that justify your comments 3. Forgetting that your purpose is to advise the researcher and improve the clarity of the report 4. Writing the critique in a condescending manner GRADESBOOST.COM ____ 10. Which statement about critiquing research reports is false? 1. The evaluator makes objective judgments about the study. 2. Grammar and writing style are corrected by the evaluator. 3. A good critique is two or three pages long. 4. Inadequate organization is a common presentation flaw in research reports. ____ 11. When an evaluator gives a synopsis and points out major characteristics of a study, it is called a research: 1. Critique 2. Appraisal 3. Review 4. Summary Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 3 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 15 1-3 ____ 12. What is the purpose of a research appraisal checklist? 1. Facilitate evaluation of aspects of research reports. 2. Provide criteria with which to judge a research report. 3. Give prescriptive guidelines for students learning the skill. 4. Focus the reviewer on major aspects of the study. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M ____ 13. When an evaluator gives a critical appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of a research report it is called a(n): 1. Critique 2. Appraisal 3. Review 4. Summary ____ 14. Which statement is appropriate for a research critique? 1. The study contained a good review of the literature. 2. The data analysis had a nice summary. 3. The research design was bad. 4. The literature review identified the major related studies. ____ 15. In what section of a research studyG are RApertinent DESBOterms OSTidentified? .COM 1. Abstract 2. Problem statement 3. Literature review 4. Methodology Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 4 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 15 1-4 Chapter 15: Critiquing Research Reports Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: 3 Page: 319 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The problem statement is addressed first, followed by methods of data collection, results, and discussion. This is incorrect. The problem statement is addressed first, followed by methods, results, and discussion. This is correct. The problem statement is first, followed by methods, results, and discussion. This is incorrect. The problem statement is first, followed by methods of data collection, results of the study, and finally the discussion. 2. ANS: 4 Page: 322 1 2 3 4 GRADESBOOST.COM Feedback This is incorrect. The person evaluating the research report should question whether the instruments used were valid. This is incorrect. The person evaluating the research report should question whether the sample is representative. This is incorrect. The person evaluating the research report should question whether the procedures were clearly stated to be reproducible. This is correct. Publishing the results of the study is not relevant to the strengths and weaknesses of a research report. 3. ANS: 3 Page: 319 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The research question tells the reader what the researcher wants to study. This is incorrect. The definitions of terms tells the reader the meaning of certain terms used in the study report. This is correct. The problem statement should contain information about why the study is important to investigate. This is incorrect. The purpose of the study contains the question to be investigated. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 5 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 15 1-5 4. ANS: 4 Page: 320 1 2 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The study is introduced in the title and problem statement. This is incorrect. The definitions of terms tells the reader the meaning of certain terms used in the study report. This is incorrect. The justification of the study is discussed in the problem statement. This is correct. The researcher states the particular question(s) to be investigated in the purpose statement. 5. ANS: 3 Page: 320 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The methods section describes the data collection procedure. This is incorrect. The results section describes characteristics of the sample and whether the research question was answered. This is correct. The implications and recommendations section contains discussion about generalizations and recommendations for nursing practice, education, and/or GRADESBOOST.COM further research. This is incorrect. The data analysis section discusses whether the choice of statistical procedures was appropriate for the methodology proposed. 6. ANS: 1 Page: 323 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. Information on possible sources of sampling error and sample size can be found in the methods section. This is incorrect. The results section describes characteristics of the sample and whether the research question was answered. This is incorrect. The implications and recommendations section contains discussion about generalizations and recommendations for nursing practice, education, and/or further research. This is incorrect. The data analysis section discusses whether the choice of statistical procedures was appropriate for the methodology proposed. 7. ANS: 3 Page: 325 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 6 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 15 1 2 3 4 1-6 Feedback This is incorrect. Information on possible sources of sampling error and sample size can be found in the methods section. This is incorrect. The results section describes characteristics of the sample and whether the research question was answered. This is correct. Findings associated with the conceptual basis of the study are found in the discussion section. This is incorrect. The data analysis section discusses whether the choice of statistical procedures was appropriate for the methodology proposed. G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 8. ANS: 4 Page: 318 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Supportive and encouraging comments should be included when critiquing a research paper. This is incorrect. Suggestions that are not overly unrealistic should be included when critiquing a research paper. This is incorrect. Choose clear, concise statements to communicate observations. This is correct. Don’t try to include flattery that is designed merely to boost a researcher’s self-esteem. GRADESBOOST.COM 9. ANS: 2 Page: 319 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Avoid nitpicking or finding fault on trivial details associated with the report. This is correct. Provide explanations that justify your comments. This is incorrect. Remember that your purpose is to advise the researcher and improve the clarity of the report. This is incorrect. Avoid writing the critique in a condescending manner. 10. ANS: 2 Page: 318 1 2 3 Feedback This is incorrect. The evaluator makes precise and objective judgments about the research study. This is correct. Critiquing research reports does not mean correcting grammar and writing style. This is incorrect. A good critique is two or three pages long and evaluates major aspects of the research study. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 7 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 15 4 1-7 This is incorrect. Inadequate organization is perhaps the most common presentation flaw in research reports. 11. ANS: 3 Page: 318 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is incorrect. A critique evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a research report. This is incorrect. An evaluator gives a synopsis and points out major characteristics of a study in a research review. This is correct. In a research review the study is described by focusing on major aspects of the study and summarizing the most important points. This is incorrect. When the study is described by focusing on major aspects of the study and summarizing the most important points, it is called a research review. 12. ANS: 1 Page: 322 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. The purpose of a research appraisal checklist is to facilitate evaluation of aspects of research reports.GRADESBOOST.COM This is incorrect. A research appraisal checklist does not provide criteria with which to judge a research report. This is incorrect. Rather than prescriptive guidelines, a research appraisal checklist offers general suggestions. This is incorrect. A research review focuses on major aspects of a study and summarizes the most important points. 13. ANS: 1 Page: 317 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is correct. A critique evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a research report. This is incorrect. An evaluator gives a synopsis and points out major characteristics of a study in a research review. This is incorrect. In a research review, the study is described by focusing on major aspects of the study and summarizing the most important points. This is incorrect. When the strengths and weaknesses of a study are evaluated, it is called a critique. 14. ANS: 4 Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Want to earn $103 per month? GRADESBOOST.COM Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material www.nursylab.com 8 Fain 6e, Test Bank, Chapter 15 1-8 Page: 318 1 2 3 G R A D E S B O O S T . C O M 4 Feedback This is incorrect. Terms such as “good” should be avoided because they do not communicate specific information. This is incorrect. Terms such as “nice” do not communicate specific information and should be avoided. This is incorrect. Positive and specific terms should be used whenever possible. The term “bad” is not positive or specific enough to be useful. This is correct. “The literature review identified the major related studies” is positive and specific. 15. ANS: 2 Page: 323 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is incorrect. The abstract states the problem and hypothesis, identifies methodology, and summarizes the results of the study. This is correct. Pertinent terms are identified in the problem statement. This is incorrect. Cited studies and their relationship to the research problem are contained in the literature review section. This is incorrect. Subjects, instruments, and study design are presented in the GRADESBOOST.COM methodology section. Copyright © 2021 F. A. Davis Company www.nursylab.com WWW.NURSYLAB.COM GRADESBOOST.COM #1 TEST BANKS WEBSITE Downloaded by: kmonetr | kmonetr@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Want to earn $103 per month?