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Activity-Template -Escalation-Email

opsdirector@officegreen.com; productdirector@officegreen.com;
hrspecialist@officegreen.com; srvphr@officegreen.com
Increasing the delivery pace
Dear Team,
Hope you all are doing well! As you may know, I am the project manager for the Plant Pals
project while also leading efforts to make this project a success.
I would like to raise awareness of the issue that we are having, we do not have enough
delivery drivers to fulfill all the orders on time. As a result, we have seen a mere 80% of the
orders delivered on time. Satisfaction from customers has hit rock bottom and some of our
dear customers have already cancelled their orders.
We need to improve the on-time delivery to at least 90% otherwise we face delays in the
project timeline, decreases in product quality, drastic loss of revenue, and getting uninvited to
the company luncheon next week.
To solve this issue, we propose that we provide the HR manager with ownership to oversee
the delivery driver hiring to mitigate the issue. Additionally, we could grant overtime requests
to the current drivers and reward them with bonus gift cards to some local restaurants while
the hiring process is taking place. If possible, you all could help with this process by informing
the HR Manager as well as purchasing the gift cards.
Thank you for your time and effort and I sure hope to see you at the luncheon.