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Nutrition Education Presentation: Guidelines & Balanced Meals

Objective of the study
• By end of the session learners should be able to;
Define nutrition education
Know the aims/goals of nutrition education
Recognize and Explain the importance of nutrition education
Understand the methods used in nutrition education
Definition of Nutrition Education
It is the science of teaching the individuals how to practice proper and
correct nutrition in terms of:
Knowing the proper nutrition rules.
Knowing benefit of each nutrient in food taken in.
More attention to quality and quantity of foods consumed.
• Nutrition: The process by which the human intakes food for growth,
energy, and replacement of tissues; its successive stages include
digestion, absorption, metabolism, and excretion
• Food: Any substance taken into the body that will help to meet the body
needs for energy, maintenance and growth.
• Nutrition requirements: The quantities of each nutrient which met the
human body needs to prevent nutrients deficiency diseases.
Objectives of nutritional education
• To create positive attitudes toward good nutrition and physical activity and provide
motivation for improved nutrition and lifestyle practices conducive to promoting
and maintaining the best attainable level of wellness for an individual.
• To provide adequate knowledge and skills necessary for critical thinking regarding
diet and health so the individual can make healthy food choices from an increasingly
complex food supply.
• To assist the individual to identify resources for continuing access to sound food and
nutrition information.
• Increased diversification in the food they eat, and enjoy its taste.
• Changing people‘s behavior removes some of the blocks to the food paths.
• Planning and preparing of meals rich in nutrients.
• Know the natural resources of food in our living evenronment.
• Assessment of their nutritional behaviors and beliefs of people.
• It is important to note that a healthy diet throughout life promotes healthy
pregnancy outcomes, supports normal growth, development and ageing.
• Helps to maintain a healthy body weight, and reduces the risk of chronic disease
leading to overall health and well-being.
• Hence acquired knowledge and attitudes changes behavior of individuals towards
right choices of good dieting that enhances life processes.
• Nutritional education is both individual and health workers responsibility to
prevent malnutrition.
• The healthy habits that can help children improve their nutrition;
Be a role model in training children to eat what is right
Start them young and focus on overall proper diet
Know what they should be eating and don't force them to eat what they don’t like
Set snack boundaries and limits
Nutrition Education Dietary Guidelines
• The Dietary Guidelines, according to WHO include;
Maintenance of a healthy weight
Daily physical activity
Food safety
Moderation of alcohol intake should serve as the framework for all nutrition education activities.
Some of the major contributing factors to malnutrition are;
Rule of nutrition: Follow the 90/10 principle for diet success
Nutrition education strategy
Encouraging the targeted categories to consume Balanced diets according to
Utilize available resources
Renew the dishes/rechauffes
Local food and improved eating habits
The presentation of food ways
The best preparing Methods
Suitable food for age/ health status
To Meet the health needs of individual
Consumption variation for a balanced meal
• Vegetable sources are naturally low in fat and calories and provide dietary
fiber, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C
• Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients including: potassium;
dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate.
• Whole grain are sources of Dietary fiber, B vitamins and Minerals; iron,
magnesium and selenium.
• Protein source foods are sources of B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, zinc, and
magnesium and Omega-3 fatty acids which are found in seafood.
• Oils foods are sources of energy and improve brain function like olive oil,
corn oil
Eat half of grains whole with varied vegetables, more fruits with
added calcium sources food and use lean proteins
Balanced meal cont...
A Healthier Diet is
• Adequate: provides enough energy, nutrients, fiber, and vitamins to support
a person’s health.
• Varied: to eat many different types of foods each day.
• Balanced: contains the right combinations of foods to provide the proper
balance of nutrients.
• Moderate: contains the right amounts of foods for maintaining proper
weight – neither too much nor too little food.
• The THREE RULES of nutrition: Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of getting out of
bed. Pack in more protein at least three times per day and Eat frequently at every two
to three hours, including healthy snack choices
Nutrition Education key areas
A nutrition education program makes available information and guidance
pertaining to:
• Food secure, including the kinds and amounts of food that are required to
meet one's daily nutritional needs.
• Nutrition, including the combination of processes by which the body receives
substances necessary for maintenance of its functions and for growth and
renewal of its components.
• Behavioral practices, including the factors which influence one's eating and
food preparation habits.
• Consumer issues, including the management of food purchasing power to
obtain maximum food value for the money spent.
• Information on physical activity.
• Information on the roles of nutrition and physical activity in maintaining health
and independence, and preventing or managing chronic diseases such as
diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and arthritis.