GRADE VI School: Teacher: Teaching Dates/Time: PROCEDURES I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies II. CONTENT III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 2. Learner’s Material pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from LRMDS B. Other Learning Resources IV.PROCEDURES A. Reviewing past lesson or presenting the new lesson PILI CENTRAL SCHOOL ANJANETTE D. CAPISTRANO DECEMBER 1, 2022 / 1:00 PM LEARNING ACTIVITIES Grade Level: Learning Area: Quarter: SIX SCIENCE 2ND QUARTER (ANNOTATIONS) -PPST INDICATORS/ KRA OBJECTIVES/RUBRIC INDICATORS TO BE OBSERVED DURING THE DEMONSTRATION The learners demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together to form organ systems The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the muscular system Explain how the organs of each organ system work together (S6LTIIa-b-1) THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM K to 12 MELC SCIENCE VI SCIENCE SCIENCE LAS Q2 W1 Projector, power point presentation, laptop, speakers, activity cards, manila paper, marker Introduction of classroom policies and the Safety Protocols while learning that pupils must follow. INDICATOR 3: - Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement INDICATOR 4: - Establish safe and secure learning environments to Interactive Powerpoint Presentation: Arrange the jumbled words (functions of skeletal system) Expected answers: enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures Before the classes begin, the teacher will introduce the classroom policies that the pupils must allow to establish a B. Establishing a purpose of the new lesson ( Motivation) -Protect the vital organs inside the body. ▪ Provide anchor or support to the muscles. ▪ Produce blood cells. safe and secure learning environment. Verbal and NonVerbal Communication will also be introduced before the lesson start to avoid misbehavior. The pupils will dance a Tiktok dance (PARO-PARO G) INDICATOR 6: - Maintain learning environments that nurture and Comprehension Check: 1. What body parts did you use to move/dance? 2. What did you feel in your chest after dancing? 3. Did it stop moving for a while? 4. What muscle/s is/are involved in the activity? C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson 1. Pre-laboratory Activity a. Setting of Standards - Introduction of the learning objectives b. Unlocking of Difficulties Using context clues 1. The glass contracts and become smaller as it cools. A. Becomes the same B. Crawl on the ground C. Decrease in size 2. We are cleaning the classroom voluntarily without asking for inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning** Pupils will be asked to do a tiktok dance to capture their attention to encourage participation and cooperation. INDICATOR 1: - Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas The teacher will introduce and use the topic “Context Clues” in the unlocking of difficulties part of the lesson. payment from our teacher. D. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) A. To move/act with your own control and decision B. To move uncontrolled C. To relax the muscle 3. The heart beats involuntarily even without asking it to beat. A. To move/act with your own control and decision B. To move uncontrolled C. To relax the muscle Discussion and Analysis (EXPLANATION) Muscle is a special kind of tissue that brings about movement. The kind of movement that muscles carry out depends on where the muscles are located. Without muscles your bones and joints will be useless. Bones cannot move by themselves. Moving, breathing and swallowing would be impossible without muscles. INDICATOR 2: - Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning During the discussion, the teacher will use the English language to facilitate learning. For pupils to understand more the topic, the teacher will translate the difficult words to Filipino and/or E. Finding Practical Application of concepts and skills in daily living. Types of Muscles There are three types of muscles: (1) Skeletal muscle, also known as striated or voluntary; (2) Smooth or involuntary muscles, which forms the muscle layers of the digestive tract and other internal organs; and (3) cardiac or heart muscles. Striped or striated muscles are used to make fast, precise movement. Mother Tongue. This technique, Grammar Translation strategy will further elaborate the lesson for pupils who have difficulty in understanding English language. RUBRICS: INDICATOR 3: - Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement INDICATOR 5: - Maintain learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning Group Activity: Group 1: Skeletal Muscles Role play: Demonstrate how the Skeletal system and Muscular system work together Group 2: Make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the muscular system Group 3: Compose a song or a poem about the importance of our muscle Verbal and Non-verbal classroom communication will be used during the group activity to prevent noise and unruly behavior of pupils from happening. This will be introduced before the start of the lesson. INDICATOR 8: - Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents Pupils will be grouped according to their capabilities to promote fairness and responsiveness to learners needs, strengths, and weaknesses. INDICATOR 7: - Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning** After the group activity, pupils will explain their work and understanding in front of the class. F. Making Generalization and abstraction about the lesson G. Evaluating learning What is Muscles? What are the 3 types of Muscles? What are the Voluntary Muscles? What are the Involuntary Muscles? How does the muscle works? How can we keep our muscles strong? EVALUATION: Direction: Answer the following questions. Encircle the letter of the best answer. 1. What system provides the body with movement? a. circulatory b. muscular c. digestive d. skeletal 2. Which of these muscles do not stop working? a. leg muscles b. arm muscles c. facial muscles d. heart muscles 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true about muscles? a. Muscles work alone to provide movement. b. Cardiac muscles are found only in the heart. c. When a muscle contracts it pulls one bone toward another bone. d. All muscles are connected to bones 4. What two muscles of the arms perform bending or extending actions? a. carpals and phalanges b. biceps and triceps c. tarsals and phalanges d. deltoid and brachialis 5. What type of muscles move when we want them to move? a. Cardiac b. Voluntary c. Involuntary d. Smooth H. Additional activities for application and remediation. IV. REMARKS Homework: 1. In 3 sentences, explain how the skeletal and muscular system work together to perform work or any activities and household chores that you do at home. Re-teaching Lack of Time No class Transfer of lesson to the following day Achieved V. REFLECTION PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: ANJANETTE D. CAPISTRANO Teacher I Checked by: MARGARITA YVONNIE N. MOIT Master Teacher II DENNIS P. CEDRON School Principal II