INTRODUCTION The Internet is an integral part of everyone's life. The World Wide Web brings of information on different pages called web pages. A web page is generallyloa HTML document. It may include text, graphics, audios, videos and links.It a sinl can HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Hypertext meanstextWhich contains link to another text. It means that the web pages of a website arelink You can even browse from one page to another. Markup languageis the style of writing and presenting the information within the text document.HTML. example of markup language. It is used for designing web pages on theWorldIsan Tech Fact In 1990, Tim Berners Lee invented HTML. Its first version, HTML 1.0, was released in 1991. The differentversions of HTML: Version Year HTML 1991 HTML 2.0 1995 HTML 3.2 1997 HTML 4.01 1999 XHTML 2000 HTML 5 2014 Tim Berners-Lee The features of HTML that made it popular for creating web pages are as follows: Platform-independent language It is not a case-sensitivelanguage. Easy syntax, simple-to-understandand write programs Attributes are used to give additional information about a tag. Flexibility to design web pages using multimedia elements Embedding an audio or a video is as simple as inserting an image. Links on a web page can be added for easy browsing. Once the web pages are created, they are shared with the world. COMPONENTS OF HTML HTML consists of tags, elements and attributes. Read further to know aboutthem in detail. 82 HTMLTAGS Tagsare coded instructions that are referredto as source code. Markup tags are themostbasic elements necessary to create a web page. HTML tags are keywords enclosedin a pair of angular brackets (< and >). These tags mark the beginning and HTML instruction or an HTML element. endof an Thefirsttag is known as the opening tag or the ON tag. The end tag is known as the closingtag or the OFF tag. It is preceded by a slash (I) with angular brackets. The maincontentis placed between the opening and closing tags. Thereare two types of tags: Container and Empty (Table 6.1). Table 6.1 Types of tags Examples Description Typeof tags tags These tags have a beginning and an end <b>...</b>, <u>...</u>, /body> tag to an HTML element. Emptytags These tags only have an opening or a starttag. They do not have closing tags Container < img>, <br>, <hr>, < 1 i > to an HTML element. HTML ELEMENTS Theopeningtag, closing tag and the content in between the tags together form an HTMLelement.For example, <B> Terabytes</B> is an HTML element. HTMLATTRIBUTES Attributesare keywords that provide additional information about HTML tags. A tag mayhave several attributes.These are always written with the start tag. Attributes appearas an attribute name. Each attribute is followed by an — sign and the value. The attributevalue is enclosed within double quotes "). Different attribute in the same tag are separatedby a space. For example, <font color attributes "blue" > Terabytes </font>. Here, color is the attributeof the <font> tag andis enclosed within double quotes. STRUCTUREOF AN HTML DOCUMENT HTMLdocument is also known as HTML page. There are various components that forman HTML document (Table 6.2). 83 Table6.2 Componentsof HTML document Descri tion <html> <head> It identifies the document type as HTML document. It is also known the root element as all other tags are nested between the and < / html > ta s. It is a container ta It contains information that you do not want directly to be displayedonthe tag, the logo of the web page, web page. It contains the <title> tagline and metadata (the ke ords to be read b search en ines) of theweb It is a container tag. A title is written in between the tags. The titleis dis la ed on the title bar of the browser window. It defines the document body which includes text, images, links, etc. It contains all the information that you want to be displayed on theweb a e directl . The basic structureof an HTML document is: <html> <head> <title> (title of the web page) </title> < /head> < /bodY> < /html > Tech Help Remember the following points while writing the HTML code: 1. The tag name and attributesare not case sensitive. For example, <BODY> is the same as <bodp. 2. The values of the attributes can be case sensitive. </ 3. The space between the on and off tags has no relevance. For example, u> isthe same as <u> terabytes </u>. 4. There should be no space before, after or in between the tag names. For example, < i>, <u <bo are incorrect. 5. Attributesare always specified in the start tag. 6. Make sure that the element that is opened first is closed later. For example, i HTML EDITORS To create an HTML document, you need an HTML editor. An HTML editor is a software application that is required to create web pages. Two types of HTML edito are WYSIWYG and Text. 84 EDITOR standsfor What You See Is What You Get This type of editor allows tocreatea web page without the use of HTML tags. The content seen during editingphase closely resembles the final web page. For example: Microsoft tpage,Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft Expression Web etc. EDITOR editorsuse HTML tags to create a web page. For example: Notepad, CoffeeCup, on. Elfish and so AN HTML DOCUMENT CREATING creatingyour own web page, you need a text editor.You will use Notepad learningabout HTML. bhile follow these steps: ToopenNotepad, 1: Click the Start Step khtnl> buton. I •alearningHTk Windows Step2: Click Accessories and select <[body) </htnl> Notepad. appearson your Notepad Typethe HTML code screen. inthewindow (Fig. 6.1). Tin B Leewasthe prizar•yauthorof HTk. Fig. 6.1 Notepad window with the HTML code Step 3: To save the Notepad file, click File menu, select the Save As option. The Save As dialog box appears(Fig. 6.2). Step 4: Choose the location where you want to save x iStep 5 : the file. {Ste 6 Step 5: Type the file name with an extension .htm or .html in the File name text box. Step 6: Click the Save button. Ln1.Cd1 Fig. 6.2 Save As dialog box 85 F, BROWsER VIEWING HTML DOCUMENTS BY USING A WEB You can view an HTML document in any web browser. For example: Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Google w.d2tu Chrome etc. To open the web page in Google Chrome, open 2 the folder where you have saved the HTML file. Fig. 6.3 Opening a web page in a browser Right-click the file to view the output. A pop-up window will ask you to select the web browser (Fig. 6.3). Select Google Chrome and the output in the form of a web page appears(Fig.6.4), I'm learnirg HTML C e file:///C:/html/abc.htm Tim B Lee was the primary author of HTN'IL. Fig. 6.4 HTML We bpage as output 86 ACTIVITY 1 web page for Mrs. Sharma'sActivity Studio. createa simple Activity Studio Thereis plenty to do after school hours! Activity Club has a variety of after-school activities rangingfrom Art and Craft, Cooking, Dance, Music, Education, Languages, Sports and Adventure,and Theatre. Please read all the information below for details and specifications aboutour after-school activities. Artand Craft: Drawing, Painting, Calligraphy, Origami, Quilling, Clay Art, Flower Making, Candle Making, etc. cooking: Chocolate Making, Starters, Soups and Salads, Baking, Desserts, Snacks, etc. Dance:Ballet, Salsa, Indian Folk, Hip Hop, Ballroom, etc. Education:Academics, IT and Computer Science, Handwriting, Science and Robotics, etc. Languages:English, French, German, etc. Sportsand Adventure: Swimming, Skating, Football, Chess, Cricket, Basl<etball, etc. Speechand Drama If you want to enjoy the activity joy ride then contact the undersigned Contact: . (you can write your name here) Phone: ... (you can write any phone number here) Youwill get the output as shown: This kind of an output is difficult to read and understand.You need toadd different tags to formatthe look of the web page and make it attractive. htm C FiloJ O Thereis plentyto do after schoolhours' ActivityClubhas a varietyof after-schoolactivitiesranging fromArt md Craft. Cooking.Dance, Music,Education.Languages.Sportiand Adventure.and Theatre.Pleasereadall the informanoabelowfor detailsand specificauoasabout Ourafter-schoolactivsuesArt and Craft: Dramng. Punting. Calligraphy, Origami. Quilling. Clay Art. Flower Making. Candle Making. etc. Cooking' ChocolateMaking.Starlet', Soup' and Salad'.Baking.Desserts.Snacks,etc.Dance:Ballet.Salsa.Indian Folk, HIP Hop. Ballroom. etc. Education:Academu:s.IT and ComputerScience.Handwriting. Science and Robotics.etc-Language•: English. French. German. ete- Sportsand Adventure:Swimming.Skating.Football.Chess.Cricket.Basketball.etc. Speechand Drama If you "-ant to enjoythe 7107 ride then contactthe undersignedContact:Rahul VerrnaPhone.95990S joy HTML DOCUMENT HEADING Heading tags are used to display the text slightly bigger and bolder than the normal body text. It has six levels of headings, numbered from 1 to 6: <HI>, <H2>, and First Level Heading SecondLeveIHeading Third Level Heading (Fig. 6.7). Fourth LevelHeading The first heading in each document is suggestedas <HI>...</HI>. It is a container tag. Syntax:<Hn> heading < /Hn> Here, 'n' refersto the number telling the size of the heading varying between 1 to 6. Fig. 6.5 Using heading tags TAG The tag is a container tag. It consists of the content and the layoutofa web page. Without additional formatting,the text will appear as a continuous paragraph The only breaks in text occur at the line wrap width of the browser and thespaces between words. The attributesof the tag are listed in Table 6.3. Table 6.3 Attribute bgcolor tag attributes Example Description It is used to set the background <body bgcolor colour of the document. The value isthe colour name <body "orange" > bgcolor or RGB hexadecimal code. background text It is used to set an image in the <body background of the document. It is used to set the colour of the text of the document. They are used to set the four leftmargin, margins on a web page or rightmargin, define the spacing between topmargin, the border and text on the bottommargin web page. The space here is defined in pixels. 88 \ desktop <body <body <body <body <body \ art .jpeg" > text = "black" > leftmargin rightmargin topmargin bottommargin one attribute for a tag by separating each attribute with a space. "black" bgcolor •body text than can use more example, has a made from three primary colours: red, green and blue. Each colour are All code. hexadecimal along vviththeir hexadecimal codes are listed below: colours Basic Colour HTML/CSSName Black Hex Code #RRGGBB #000000 White Red #FFOOOO Lime #OOFFOO Blue #OOOOFF Yellow Cyan / Aqua *OOFFFF Magenta / Fuchsia Silver scococo Grey #808080 Maroon #800000 01 ive #808000 Green #008000 Purple #800080 Teal Navy #008080 #000080 89 ACTIVITY 2 A. Open the Activity Studio file in text editor. Add tag heading to the title. •Acti*9 2 • Notepad Edi Fgrrnat Help <htnl > <tltle» Activity Studio</tltle» <body> Activity Studio There is plenty to do after <bOdybe color• "ØØØØFF" text• "*FFFFFF" leftnargln— school Activity Club has a variety Of after-school activities ranging froe Art and Craft, Cooking, t•kJsic,Education, Languages,Sports and Adventure,and Theatre. hiease read an the infor.atlon belowfor details and specifications aboutour after-school Quilling, Clay Art, Art andCraft: Drawing,Painting, Calligraphy, Making,Candi Cooking: ChocolateMaking,Starters, Soupsand Salads, Baking, Desserts, Snacks, etc. Dance:Ballet, Salsa, Indian Folk, Hip Hop, Ballrooa, etc. B. Use the tag and its attribute in the beginning of the text. Education: Academics, IT and Conputer Science, Handwriting, Science and Robotlcs, etc. Languages:English, French, German,etc. Sports and Adventure:Swinlng, Skating, Football, Chess, Cricket, Basketball, etc. /body> c/html> You will get the output as shown: Intl. Coil UTF-.t Activity (D File O @ Activity Studio •ntere is plenty to do after sehcxsthours!Activity Club has a vanety of after-schoolactivities fromAlt and Cook-mg,Dance. Music. Educauou.Lauguages.Sportsand Ach.uture, and nteatte- Please read all the mfotmatiouCraft. tklow for detatls and spectticattonsabout our after-schoolactivities.Art and Cran. I)tamng. Painting. Calligraphy, Qurllut& Clay Att. Making. Candle Making. etc. Cookxne Chocolate Making. Startets. Soups and Salads. Bakmg. Dessetts Snacks, ete Dance: Ballet. Salsa. Indian Folk, Hip Hop, Ballroom.etc. Educauon•Acadetntes, rr and CcynputerSciaee. Hand',witing.Scueneeand Roboues.etc. Languages: English. French. Goman. ete Spons Smmmu.te. Skating. Football.Chess. Cricket. Bash•tball, ete and Drama LINE BREAK TAG The browser does not recognise formatting or line breaks by using Enter key in the HTML code. Hence, the tag is used to insert line breaks. It is an empty tag does not have any attributes. Tech Help You may add as many 90 tags as required to have multiple line breaks on the web page• GRAPH TAG PARA tag marks the beginning of the new paragraph in a web page. It leaves a paragraph. It is a container tag. Thek line after the "value"> align (P syntax: attributes have been listed in Table 6.4. blan tag Table 6.4 Description Attribute align tag attributes Example align = "left" > align "right" > It aligns the text to left, right and centre. By default, the paragraph is left aligned. align align The values are left, right center and justify. — "center" > "justify" > TechHelp Use with align attribute for paragraph change and <br> tag for line break. ACTIVITY3 Open the Activity Studiofile in text editor.There is no breakin the text and,hence, it is difficultto read. Add line breaks andparagraph tags. x Activity 3 - Notepad Yiew Eile Edit <tltley Activity Studio</title» <body> cp align— "center"> Activity Studio text— "#FFFFFF" leftnargin— <body bgcolor— "#ØØØØFF" align —"justify"> ThereIs plentyto do after school Art and Craft, Cooking, Dance, Club has a variety of after-school activities ranging the inforøation Education, Languages, Sports and Adventure, and Theatre. Please read belowfor details and specifications aboutour after-school activities. and Craft: Drawing,Painting, Calligraphy, Origani, Quilling, Clay Art, FlowerMaking,Candle Making, etc. Chocolate Making, Starters, Soups and Salads, Baking, Desserts, Snacks, etc. Academics, IT and Coaputer Science, Handwriting, Science and Robotics, etc. English, French, German,etc. etc. and Adventure:Swining, Skating, Football, Chess, Cricket, Basketball, Ballet, Salsa, Indian Folk, Hip Hop, Ballrooa, etc. If you want to enjoy the activity joy ride then contact the undersigned Contact: Mr. Rahul Verna align Phone: 9599ø57107 Ln 11, c0178 100% Windows (CRLF) UTF-8 91 You will get the output as shown: Stu" Activi9• O @ C O FileI Activity Studio There is plenty to do aner school hours! Dance, Music, Educatzcn Langua ranging from Art and Craft, Cooking, specifications ges. and about our after-school Activity Club has a variety of after-school activities details for below the information Sports and Adventure, and Theatre. Please read all activities. Candle Making, etc. Quillmg, Clay Art, Flower Making, Art and Craft: Drawing, Painting, Calligraphy, Origami, etcSnacks, Baking, Desserts, Cooking: Chocolate Making, Starters, Soups and Salads, etcBallroom, Hop, Hip Folk, Indian Ballet, Salsa, Dance: Science and Robotics, etc. Education: Academics, IT and Computer Science, HandwTiting, Languages: English, French. German, etcCricket, Basketball, etc. Sports and Adventure: Swimming, Skatmg, Football, Chess, If you want to enjoy the activityjoy ride then contact the undersigned Contact Mr. Rahul Verna Phone: 9599057107 HORIZONTAL RULE TAG The <HR> tag is used to insert a straight horizontal line across the web page. It is an empty tag. By default, the line appears shaded and the length is equal to the width of the browser window. The attributesof <HR> tags are listed in Table 6.5. Table 6.5 <HR> tag attributes Attribute size width 92 Description Example It sets the thickness of the horizontal line in pixels. <hr size The default value of the size attribute is 2 pixels. It sets the horizontal width of the line. <hr width The value can be given in pixels or in <hr width percentage. It sets the placement of the line on the web page. The values to be used are: <hr align — "left" > align right, centre. left, It sets the colour of line. <hr color = "yellow" > color It does not have a value. It displays a noshade solid grey colour stripe across the page. <hr noshade> the attributes: Usingall "12" align (hr size = "center" color=" orange" width ACTIVITY 4 write the code to describe main parts of a computer. Insert the following codes for using horizontalrule and observe the output. "5" color • <hr size • <hr size = " 12" color "orange" = width — "50%" align "center" > blue" > • <hr noshade> TAG The<font> tag is used to change the size, colour and typeface of the short segment oftexton an HTML page. The attributesof <font> tag are listed in Table 6.6. Table 6.6 <font> tag attributes Description Attribute Example It sets the font type. <font face — "Arial" > color It sets the colour of the text. <font color = "blue" > size It sets the size of the text. The value lies between 1 (smallest) and 7 <font size face (lar est). 93 ACTIVITY 5 A. Try the following code in the <html> code. < font — size color "red" > Font tag < / font > <font color Font <font color Font size = = "green" > tag < / font > size — — "orange " > tag < / font > B. Change the font face, colour and size. Be careful while choosing the font colour if you have a coloured background. The text should be readable. If not, change the background colour. 0 Activity Studio <font face • -Lucida Calligraphy- size cp align• -catter-» Activity Studio color— chr size -3- color• Milte—Yidth• —8T ahsn• leftærgin• text• bSCOIor• hours! cp align •justify-y Thereis plenty to do after schoolranging Art andCraft, Cooking,Dance, Activity Club has a variety of after-school activities Please read all the Theatre. and Educatim, Languages,Sports andEventure, after-school activities. for details and specificatims about infor•aation Clay Art, Candle <boArt and Craft: Dr—Ing, Painting. Calligraphy, Origami,V11ing, etc. Desserts, Baking, Snacks, etc. Salads, and Soups Starters, Chocolate Ballroæ, etc. Ballet, Salsa, Indian Folk, Hip Science and Robotics, etc. Science, Acadeaics, IT and ebr>Languages:English, French, Geren, etc. ard Eventure: Swining, Skating, Football, Chess, Cricket, Basketball, etc. If ymJwnt to enjoy the activity joy ride then contactthe undersigned RahulVena cp align •center—»Contact: Phone: 9599057187 Ln1.C011 100% You will get the output as shown: Activity Studio 'There isprenty to do after school hours! -Activity Club has a variety of after-schoolactivities ranging front Art and Craft, Cooking,Oånce; :Music,flucation, Languages, Sports and Adventure, and Theatre. Please read alt the infonpati0'! befowfor details andspecifications about our after-schooCactivities. Art and Craft: Drawing, 'Painting,Cafigrgyhy, Origami,QuiCing,cray Art, flower Naking. Candle 'Making, etc. ooking: Chocolate -Making, Starters, Soups and Safads, 'Baking, Desserts, Snacks, etc. 'Dance: 'BaCet, Sa6a, Indian folk, flip Mop, 'BaCroom, etc. f,fucation: Academics, If and Computer Science, Handwriting, Science and Robotics, etc. fanguages: 'English,frencfi, German, etc. Sports and Adventure: Swimming, Skating, footbaC, Chess, Cricket, 'BasketbaC, etc. you want to enjoy the activity joy ride then contact the undersigned Contact: 3Mr. RafiuCVenna Phone: 9599057107 C. Explore different font types, colour and sizes. 94 ZB>, ITALIC AND UNDERLINE TAGS tags are container tags. They are used to emphasise on the text. and BOL Ite tag makes the text appear bolder as compared to normal text. be true! </b> Esample: makes the text appear italicised. tag be compassionate </i> Example. underlines the text. tag sharing is caring </u> • Example. on the activity names. Emphasise Activity Studio ktlvlty color•• yidth• -center*' text• align Theo plentyto 40 after school Activity Club has a variety of after-school •ctlvltl•s ranging and Please read haking, etc. Dance, the Craft"/b»: for details Languages, •pacifications Painting, Calligraphy, Chocolate Clay Surtees, Swp• •ndSalads, Saiga, Indian Folk, Hip Acade.lcs, and C&pvter Science, Ma English, French,, etc. Skating, Football,Chess,Cricket, to •n'oy the activity FIMr• Snacks,•cc. •cc. thenCmt.act (Cnn Youwill get the output as shown: Jiiere is plenty to after st-hoot Fanginåfrogt•.3trt and CraftvC00king.Dance. .ActtVitvClubhas a varrety o,' Sports an,' •.-A.dvpn.twe. •yheatre.Tiease read am the information aoout Ottr,afte-øshoofacttvittes. ana specificat below'or Origatn(, Quilling, Cfay -art, y(ower *fakina. btrt and Craft: 'I)rawtng. •Painttng/,C •Maktng. etc. Taktng. Desserts Snacks, etc. Cooking•Chocolate 'Making, Starters. Soups $aarwm. etc• Dance: Bail.•t.Salsa. 'naiinn •Folk. •ruucatiorr you want to gnd'R060tics. amt ComputerScience. etc. Trench. Sports and .•Adventure: Swtmminy/. the activity Cricket, Basketball: etc. ru/r•then O'ttactthe touiersvied Contact:rMn'Rahul 95 ACTIVITY 7 A. What all formatting can you do on a web page? B. Which tag is used to show different levels of headings? C. Can you add colour to the text on a web page? How? RECAP Each HTML document you create is a single web page. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is used for designing web pages on the World Wide Web. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML. Heading tags are used to display the text slightly bigger and bolder than normal body text. It has six levels of headings. HTML tags are keywords enclosed in a pair of angular brackets, that is < and The tag name and attributesare not case sensitive. The tag consists of the content and the layout of a web page. Different attributesare: bgcolor, background, text, leftmargin, rightmargin, topmargin, bottommargin. The <br> tag is used to insert line breaks. It is an empty tag and does not haveany attributes. The tag marks the beginning of the new paragraph in a web page. The <hr> tag is used to insert a straight horizontal line across the web page. CHECKLIST Put a to show whether you have understood the terms or need help. Term Tags •Attribute •Container tags Empty tags 96 I got it! I need help! —l ASSESS fill in the blanks with 1, the help of the given words. Container the text d cument. Attributes <font> <html> Markup language is the style of writing and presenting the information within tags have a beginning and an end tag to an HTML element. 2. are keywords that provide additional information about the HTML tags. . tag is also known as root element. 3. 4. 5. The ........C.. an HTML pa tag is used to change the size, colour and typeface of the text on fick (V) the correct answer. 1. Which of the following is an example of WYSIWYG editor? a. Notepad •X Adobe Dreamweaver c. CoffeeCup d. BlueFish 2. Which of the following is an example of text editor? Notepad Y b. Microsoft Expression Web c. Adobe Dreamweaver d. MicrosoftFrontpage 3. Which tag is used to display the text slightly bigger and bolder than the normal body text and has six levels of headings? a. <hn> 4. Which tag is used to colour of the text of the document? a. <text> 5. This tag marks the beginning of the new paragraphin a web page. c. <head> a. <html> @ < font > d. <br> StateTrue or False. 1. WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get. 2. The tag name and attributesare case sensitive 3. is used to enter line breaks. 4. <i> and <u> tags are emptytags. 5. <fontcolor = "blue" > will change the colour of the background to blue. 97 @ Name the HTML tag. 2. 3. 4. 5. starts the text from a new line. It is an empty tag that inserts line break and in a web page. It marks the beginning of the new paragraph colour of text on an HTML page. This tag helps to change the typeface, size and the web page. It is an empty tag. It is used to insert a straight horizontal line across to normal text. It makes the text appear bolder as compared Answer the following questions. for a page? 1. Which tag is used to enclose the entire HTML code used in HTML. 2. Differentiate between container and empty tags 3. What is <BR> tag? How do you use it? page? 4. How can you change the background colour of a web attribute. 5. List the attributes of <HR> tag. Describe the use of each APPLY A. Create a web page on 'My Friends'. Follow the instructions: (3 Background colour = pink; text colour = red (3 Heading Level 1: My Friends (3 Centre align the heading. Describe their qualities and how you spend quality time with (3 Bold: Name of your friends. Insert break lines where required. B. Create a web page on 'My Hobbies'. Follow the instructions: Change the colour of the background. them. Heading Level 1: My Hobbies. (3 Centre align the heading. Inserta horizontal rule of green colour, size 6 and width 45%. Describe your hobbies, change the font colour and size. # Italicise your hobbies. (3) Insert break lines wherever required. C. Design a web page on 'Games I like to play'. Write a paragraph about each game in different Ofthe colours. Mention the rules and number of players in each game. Emphasise on the names game. Add breaks and horizontal lines wherever required. 98 1 advertise the web page to travel agency. a pesign of an upcoming P. not get the second Nimisha whydid rule? Help her find with horizontal will show the rule. that tilecode various tags that are used the find screenshot and mark inthegivenwrite about their uses. them.Also, add images to a web page? you Can B. be used? Discuss. Whichtag will HR code-htm e C @ FileI DIHTMUHR%20code.htm Horizontal Rule The HR tag is used to insert a straight horizontal line across the webpage. It is an empty tag. By default, the line appears shaded and the length is equal to the width of the browser window. It has the following attributes: size sets the thickness of the horizontal line in pixels. x 'Brainstorm - Notepad Eile Edit Fnrmat Yiew Help <tltle» Earth </tltle» align— "center"> Whatmakesup the Earth <hr size— "12" align— "center" color— "red" width—"35%"> (font face—"Arial" size— "14" color— <bry The Earth Is one of the eight planets that movearound the Sun. tThreequarters of the Earth' surface Is coveredwith water. Onequarterof the Earth's surface is coveredwith land. by a layer of air called the atmosphere. The Earth Is surrounded Ln 14 Col 1 100% Windows (CRLF) UTF-8 EXTEND and Dreamweaver,a versatile web editing tool, helps you create web pages in a simple Adobe Adobe 1997. in quickway.Dreamweaver was originally developed and published by Macromedia versions Macromedia in 2005 and continued the development of the program. The various purchased CC Dreamweaver that have been released are CS3, CS5, CS6. The latestversion is OfDreamweaver (apartoftheAdobe Creative Cloud suite of applications). You Dreamweaver supports many markup languages, including HTML, XML, CSS and JavaScript. to interface WYSIWYG a need nottypetags as in HTML and code a web page. The program provides create andedit web pages. The design is separate from the code. Adobe DreamweaverCC is a visual development tool used to create, publish and manage websites. Ithasin-builtsupport for HTML 5, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and JavaScript. Therefore, you can incorporate a number of HTML tags while designing your website. Ithasa Fluid Grid Layout feature. It helps to create responsive designs that automatically resize to the resolution of the viewing device. Thus, it is also helpful in creating content for mobiles. 99