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RAPCO HSE Policy & Monthly Report Template

Health, Safety and Environmental
Through ensuring that employees’ tasks are safe, meaningful and conducive to the development of their personalities, RAPCO
seeks to create a work environment that fosters creativity as well as constructive and critical thinking. RAPCO seeks to
safeguard the health and well-being, and protect the employees against work-related illnesses and accidents
RAPCO strives to:
PROMOTE its conviction that all incidents can be avoided.
TRAIN its personnel in health, safety and protection of the environment, before and during all types of
ENSURE personal protective equipment is utilized.
DEVELOP, in association with the proper authorities, emergency and evacuation procedures to minimize
the consequences of incidents.
CONDUCT research to establish procedures which improve health, safety and protection of the
CHECKED and INSPECTED activity sites regularly by management and independent auditors.
MINIMIZE the IMPACT of our activity on the environment and the community.
INCORPORATE HSE principles into the responsibilities of its management.
The health, safety and environmental (HSE) work at RAPCO shall constitute continuous and systematic efforts that are
integrated into the primary activities.
Health, Safety and Environmental
RAPCO is dedicated to maintaining the environment in which it works and providing a safe and healthy workplace for
employees and contractors through the active implementation of comprehensive policies and programs. RAPCO defines safe
operating procedures by utilizing industry-wide "best operating practices" that are designed to meet, or exceed, all
appropriate legal requirements.
A high level of safety awareness is maintained by means of safety meetings, training, internal auditing, and general
communications. All employees are actively obligated to participate in the conduct and management of safety through
achieving defined objectives and standards, which are regularly reviewed and appraised. It is the responsibility of all line
managers to ensure that employees and sub-contractors are aware of, and have access to copies of, all legislative
requirements, company policies and procedures in addition to seeing that these are duly enforced. Line management ensures
that individuals are provided with proper and appropriate training along with sufficient and suitable means in order to comply
with these requirements.
All employees are required to become familiar with, adhere to and promote the company policies throughout all aspects of
their duties. In addition, each individual shall have the opportunity to suggest changes and improvements by means of internal
communications directly to a nominated company representative. Risks are minimized by investigating incidents to determine
their root causes and to determine corrective actions, which shall prevent recurrence. These investigations and root causes are
documented, circulated company-wide and followed up to ensure completion.
Trading, Contracting, and Industrial Constructions
P.O. BOX: 759, RAS TANURA 31941 – KSA
TEL. NO. (03) 668 1617/1514 – 667 2219
FAX NO. (03) 668 1564
WEBSITE: www.rapcogroups.com
Month ___________________________________
Number of Incidents
Total No. of Incidents
Total No. of Occupational Injury
Lost Time Incident
Material Fires & Explosion
Production loss
New cases of Occupational Illness
Lost Workdays due
Total working hours in construction
Trading, Contracting, and Industrial Constructions
P.O. BOX: 759, RAS TANURA 31941 – KSA
TEL. NO. (03) 668 1617/1514 – 667 2219
FAX NO. (03) 668 1564
WEBSITE: www.rapcogroups.com
RAPCO recognizes that day-to-day operations can impact both directly and indirectly on
the environment. We aim to protect and improve the environment through good
management and by adopting best practice wherever possible. RAPCO is committed to
minimize the impact of its activities on the environment; achieving environmental
excellence in both, it’s corporate operations and the services it renders to its clients.
The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:
Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as
Minimize toxic emissions through the selection and use of its fleet and the source
of its power requirement.
Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and
Source and promote a product range to minimize the environmental impact of
both production and distribution.
Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company.
Use an accredited program to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by
our activities.
Establish targets to measure the continuous improvement in our environmental
Involve customers, partners, clients, suppliers and subcontractors in the
implementation of our objectives.
Trading, Contracting, and Industrial Constructions
P.O. BOX: 759, RAS TANURA 31941 – KSA
TEL. NO. (03) 668 1617/1514 – 667 2219
FAX NO. (03) 668 1564
WEBSITE: www.rapcogroups.com
– Index –
Environmental Management System Manual
 Introduction and Core Elements
 Environmental Policy
 Structure and Responsibility
 Environmental Objectives and Targets and Associated
Management Program
 Training Strategy (Awareness and Competence)
 Internal EMS Audit Schedule
HSE Objectives and Targets
This standard applies to all RAPCO GROUP trading and services it renders to its
HSE Management Systems are designed to maintain HSE excellence and facilitate
continual improvement by creating a cycle of activities, including aspects
identification and prioritization, performance measurements, self-assessments and
audits. This cycle of activity will identify the current and most critical HSE issues for
an organization. The establishment of objectives and targets that address those
issues will effectively and continually reduce the organization's significant risks.
This standard provides the guidance and requirements to help set objectives and
targets that address the significant HSE issues facing an organization.
Any non-RAPCO employee doing work
for RAPCO, whether on or off RAPCO 's
property, and includes, but is not
limited to, subcontract workers,
consultants, individuals performing onsite contract services and individuals
performing off-site outsource services
Strategic, usually long term, HSE goals
that are designed to address the
organization's most significant and
prioritized HSE aspects. Objectives
should align with both the RAPCO HSE
policy and the organization's strategic
4.1 Documented HSE objectives and targets must be established and integrated into
the organization’s business planning process.
4.2 The prioritization process must include the following information:
4.2.1 Commitments and values of the RAPCO HSE Policy
4.2.2 Significant aspects analysis identified through the organization’s Aspects
and Impacts assessment
4.2.3 Available and feasible technological options
4.2.4 Financial, operational and business requirements of the organization
4.3 Organization HSE objectives must be established for all HSE issues determined
to be priorities through the prioritization process described in section 4.2 of this
4.4 Targets, roles, responsibilities and descriptions for carrying out HSE objectives
shall be documented and incorporated into the organization’s Management Plans
4.5 Time frames shall be assigned for all HSE objectives and targets.
4.6 HSE objectives and targets must be approved by the organization’s Senior
4.7 Performance toward achieving and continued appropriateness of HSE objectives
and targets must be reviewed and updated by Senior Leadership:
4.7.1 As part of the organization's normal performance review process and
Monitoring and Measurement & Self-Assessment
4.7.2 Following any regulatory or operational change that has the potential to
introduce new requirements, hazards or risks to the organization
4.7.3 As a minimum annually
4.8 Objectives and targets must be communicated to all those responsible for
achieving the objectives including employees, contractors and organization
4.9 Records
4.9.1 All objectives and targets shall be documented. At a minimum, the
documentation shall include:
4.9.2 Results of the organization's prioritization process
4.9.3 Names & titles of the team that developed the objectives and targets
4.9.4 Record(s) of the identified objectives and targets and the period over which
they apply
HSE Training
This standard applies to all RAPCO GROUP trading and services it renders to its
clients. The requirements of this standard are applicable to all HSE training.
The behavior of our employees and culture of our company are key factors in the
success of RAPCO’s HSE Management System and overall HSE performance. Training
is a fundamental and necessary method for shaping behaviors and developing our
employees. An effective training program can inform employees of the HSE hazards
and controls in the workplace, help them recognize and appropriately respond to
hazardous situations and drive compliance to HSE rules and procedures established
by the organization. Everyone with a role in RAPCO has a role in RAPCO’s HSE
Management System. Therefore, some form of HSE training will be applicable and
valuable to all. This standard assists RAPCO organizations in identifying those
training needs, selecting the right training methods and delivering training in an
effective and sustainable manner.
3.1 The organization shall conduct and document an HSE training needs assessment.
3.1.1 The training needs assessment shall be based on the organization's scope,
aspects and impacts assessment, legal and other requirements assessment
and training requirements derived from the organization's current or
anticipated operational controls.
3.1.2 The training needs assessment shall identify: Titles of the jobs or job classifications covered by the organization's
scope, including RAPCO employees and non-RAPCO employees
covered by the aspects and impacts assessment Training programs required for each job or job classification Training and testing frequency
3.1.3 The training needs assessment shall be reviewed at least annually and
updated to reflect changes to the workplace, activities, equipment,
processes, or procedures.
3.2 The organization shall ensure that training programs are established and
implemented to meet the training needs assessment.
3.2.1 Training programs shall be developed and delivered in such a way that they
result in desired performance, behaviors and comprehension by the
intended audience. Training programs shall be appropriate for the intended audience
and adequately address organizational levels, risks, ability, literacy
and language skills. Where necessary to achieve the desired performance, training
programs shall be specific to the workplace, activities or
operations. Where required by legal and other requirements or by RAPCO
HSER Standards, the organization shall identify expected
competency level and implement methods to assess competency as
a result of the training.
3.2.2 Training programs shall be reviewed and updated to reflect changes to the
workplace, activities, equipment, processes, or procedures.
3.3 The organization shall conduct training as identified in the training needs
assessment. As a minimum, the following requirements shall be met:
3.3.1 Training on the HSE Management System, employee roles and
responsibilities in the management system, and consequences for
deviations from the management system
3.3.2 Hazards, risks and controls applicable to each job or job classification
3.3.3 Emergency awareness training to all employees and contractors (e.g.
evacuation, relocation, shelter-in-place, etc.) and emergency response
training for individuals with assigned response duties.
3.3.4 The organization shall assure that employees receive appropriate training
prior to performing new tasks or beginning new work assignments.
3.3.5 Training programs shall include direction to resources capable of
answering questions related to the training.
3.4 Records
3.4.1 The results of the HSE training needs assessment shall be documented. In
addition to the items listed in section 3.1.2 of this standard, the
documentation shall include: The names of those that conducted the assessment The date of the assessment
3.4.2 Documented records shall be maintained for all HSE training programs in
accordance with Document and Records Management. As a minimum, the
documentation shall include: A description of the training subject, material and delivery
method If delivered by an individual, the name and qualifications of the
trainer Where required, the expected competency level necessary to
successfully complete the training
3.4.3 HSE training records shall be established and maintained for the
workforce: The name(s) and job title who received the training Name of the training program and the date the training was
received. Results of any competency assessments