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LiDAR Technology: Seminar Presentation

LiDAR Technology
Seminar Presentation
in partial fulfillment
for the award of Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Submitted toDr. Deepak Bhatia
Dr. Sapna Gupta
Dept. of Electronics Engineering
Submitted byRAHUL YADAV
Electronics and Communication
Submitted toDepartment of Electronics Engineering
University College of Engineering,
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
21 April, 2023
Introduction to LiDAR
BY Rahul Yadav
• Introduction
Components of LIDAR System
Basic Working Principle
LIDAR Platforms
• Types of LIDAR
• Applications
• Advantages/Disadvantages
• Conclusion
• Acronym for Light Detection And Ranging (sometimes Light Imaging, Detection,
And Ranging).
• The LASER system, employed for monitoring the nature of environment is called
• It is an active remote sensing technology that measures distance by illuminating a
target with a laser and analyzing the reflected light. Similar to RADAR, but uses
laser light pulses instead of radio waves.
• LIDAR uses ultraviolet rays, visible rays and near infrared rays to image object.
• By illuminating the target using laser beam a 3-D point cloud of the target and it's
surrounding can be generated.
Three types of information can be obtained:
I. Range to target (Topographic LIDAR, or Laser Altimetry)
II. Chemical properties of target (Differential Absorption
III. Velocity of target (Doppler LIDAR)
• It is used for generating precise and directly georeferenced spatial information.
• Lasers produce a coherent light source.
• It is Active sensor, do not require sunlight, they can be
used either during the day or at night.
• LIDAR is popularly used as a technology used to make
high resolution maps.
• In the 1930s first attempts were made to measure air density profiles in the upper
atmosphere by determining the scattering intensity from searchlight beams.
• LIDAR originated in the early 1960s, shortly after the invention of
the laser.
• combined laser-focused imaging with the ability to calculate distances by measuring the
time for a signal to return using appropriate sensors and data acquisition electronics.
• Its first applications came in meteorology, where the National Center for Atmospheric
Research used it to measure clouds.
• The general public became aware of the accuracy and usefulness of
LIDAR systems in 1971 during the Apollo 15 mission, when
astronauts used a laser altimeter to map the surface of the moon.
• 1995- First commercial airborne LIDAR systems developed.
Components of LIDAR System:
• Laser Frequency: 50,000 (50k) to 200,000 (200k) pulses per second
(Hz) (slower for bathymetry)
• Wavelength:
 Infrared (1500-2000 nm) for meteorology
 Near-infrared (1040-1060 nm) for terrestrial mapping
 Blue-green (500-600 nm) for bathymetry
LIDAR Transceiver- Generates laser beam and captures laser energy
scattered/reflected from target.
• Scanner- A laser scanner has three sub-components: the opto
mechanical scanner, the ranging unit, and the control processing unit
Components of LIDAR System:
• POS(IMU & GPS)- Measures "sensor" position and
orientation, Inertial measurement systems also contain
accelerometers to measure the velocity.
• Operator - Permits operator interaction (control/monitor) with
• Data storage - Captures all AIRBORNE system data required
for generation of x, y, z "target" coordinates.
• Computer-Integrates/controls interaction of all of the above.
Components of LIDAR System:
Working Principle
• Laser generates an optical pulse.
• Pulse is transmitted, reflected and returned to the receiver.
• This return beam/pulse is collected and processed to obtain
property of target.
• Receiver accurately measures the travel time.
• X,Y,Z coordinates can be computed from
– 1. Laser range
– 2. Laser scan angle
– 3. Absolute location of sensor
Working Principle
Calculate Distance:
Distance=(Speed of light * Time of Flight)/2
Working Principle
LIDAR Platforms
For highly detailed, local elevation data - Small area where high density
is needed
• SATELLITE(space borne)
covers large areas with less detail
• TERRESTRIAL(ground spaced)
• Used for topographic mapping
and engineering application.It
has 3 sub parts:
 Laser scanning
 Fixed wing platform
 Rotary wing platform
SATELLITE(space borne):
• Mapping of remote areas for
scientific purpose.
• It has 3 sub parts:
 Geostationary
 Polar
 Sun synchronous
TERRESTRIAL(ground spaced):
• Produce detailed 3D models of buildings, bridges, streetscapes,
factories and other man-made infrastructure.
• It has 3 sub types
 Short range
 Medium range
 Long range
Bathymetric Mapping System:
• Bathymetry is the study of
underwater depth of lake or ocean
floors. In other words,
bathymetry is the underwater
equivalent to hypsometry or
• It uses blue-green laser that can
penetrate water and provide
returns of underwater objects or
• Effective collection of near shore
Types of LIDAR:
-Elastic backscatter LIDAR
-Mie scattering
-Rayleigh scattering
-Raman LIDAR
-Differential absorption LIDAR(DIAL)
-Doppler LIDAR
• Agriculture: Create a Topographical map of the fields and reveals
the slopes and sun exposure of the farm land.
• Autonomous vehicles: Autonomous vehices obstacle detection and
avoidance use LIDAR for to navigate safely through environments.
• Geology and soil science: ICE Sat (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation
• Law enforcement: LIDAR speed guns
• Surveying, Transport, wind farm optimization and many more.
• Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Meteorology.
Present Technical Advancement in LIDAR:
LIDAR speed gunA LIDAR speed gun is a device used by the police for speed limit enforcement which uses
LIDAR to detect the speed of a vehicle. Unlike Radar speed guns, which rely on Doppler shifts
to measure the speed of a vehicle, these devices allow a police officer to measure the speed of
an individual vehicle within a stream of traffic.
Google driverless carGoogle's robotic cars have about $150,000 in equipment including a $70,000 LIDAR (light
radar) system. The range finder mounted on the top is a Velodyne 64-beam laser. This laser
allows the vehicle to generate a detailed 3D map of its environment. The car then takes these
generated maps and combines them with high resolution maps of the world, producing different
types of data models that allow it to drive itself.
Google Driverless Car
Advantages of LIDAR
• Higher accuracy
• Fast acquisition and processing
Acquisition of 1000 km2 in 12 hours.
DEM generation of 1000 km2 in 24 hours
Minimum human dependence
As most of the processes are automatic unlike photogrammetric, GPS or land surveying.
• Weather/Light independence
Data collection independent of sun inclination and at
night and slightly bad weather.
• Higher data density
Up to 167,000 pulses per second. More than 24 points per Square
meter can be measured.
Multiple returns to collect data in 3D.
• Inability to penetrate very dense canopy leads to elevation
model error.
• Ineffective during heavy rain.
• High operational cost.
Future Potential:
Despite its limitations, LiDAR has a significant potential for
growth in the future. The development of solid-state lasers and
other advances in technology have made LiDAR systems smaller,
lighter, and more affordable, making it more accessible to a
broader range of users. The integration of LiDAR with other
sensors, such as cameras and radar, has also increased its
usefulness in a range of applications.
• LIDAR mapping is a maturing technology in our country, and
applications are still being identified and developed as end-users
begin to work with the data. There are on-going initiatives to
identify areas where the technology allows value-added products
to be generated or where it offers significant cost reductions over
traditional survey methods.
• LIDAR is unobtrusive and environmentally friendly, Unlike
ground survey techniques. Airbome LIDAR can be flown over
areas where access is limited, impossible, or undesirable.