Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Financial Accounting & Information System Spring 2023 – Session -1 | Main Campus | Saturday, 14th January, 2023 With: M. Hanif Idrees: Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Agenda الر ِح ِيم ِ س ِم ه ْ ِب َّ الرحْ مـَ ِن َّ ّللا 1. Welcome and introduction with students and sharing of instructor’s profile 2. Classroom rules 3. Spring 2023: Calendar 4. Counting to accounting 5. Accounting a tool of economics 6. Divisions of Accounting, InformationSystem Global Accounting Standards and 7. Maintaining Balance: Entity Concept and Accounting Equation FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 2 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Instructor’s profile NAME CONTACT EMAIL MUHAMMAD HANIF IDREES Cell: +923008224473 ACADEMICS QUALIFICATION INSTITUTE Bachelor of Commerce University of Karachi thru Government National College:1988 Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP):1992 Fellow member Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP):1996 Certified Director Accreditation under internationally acclaimed Institutional Shareholder Services from Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG): 2007 FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 3 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Instructor’s profile PROFESSIONAL PROFILE CURRENT DESIGNATION Director Finance Independent Director & Chairman Audit Committee Advisor Visiting faculty PAST Group Chief Financial Officer Chief Financial Officer Senior Director Finance (CFO) & Company Secretary Tax Manager for Pakistan – Global Role Senior Manager Finance (CFO) & Company Secretary General Manager Finance - Chemicals Division Accounting / Reporting/ Finance Manager/Financial Analyst Manager Accounts and Finance Audit Training ORGANISATION Dadex Eternit Limited Buxly Paints Limited NPO engaged in medical education and health services, Logistics Companies and Chemical manufacturing / Trading concern IBA Tufail Chemical Group International Industries Limited DHL Pakistan (Private) Limited Deutsche Post DHL (DP DHL) Sony Pakistan (Private) Limited Jaffer Brothers (Private) Limited ICI Pakistan Limited Hoechst Pakistan Limited (now Sanof-Aventis) A. F. Ferguson & Co. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) Visiting faculty Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP) KPMG FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 4 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Classroom rules 1.Class representative(CR): Name: M. Adeel Aslam Siddiqui;Cell:+923362715951; 1.Weightage: Assignments (two best) Quizzes (two best) Mid-term Final 20% 15% 25% 40% Class Participation • Every Saturday: 6:30 pm (after Maghreb) to 9:30 pm with short break for Isha prayers • Attendance & Punctuality: Punctuality is encouraged and is appreciated to ensure class starts and finishes on time. There will be no retake if you miss a quiz, an assignment or class. • The PDF versions of the presentations done in class will be uploaded on LMS after the session. Therefore, during the session focus on the topic being discussed rather than taking notes. Conduct You are requested to kindly raise your hand in the class and speak only when acknowledged. Your class participation will help you develop your communication skills, your critical thinking skills and build your self-confidence. Every class is a chance to polish your functional knowledge and leadership skills. Therefore, please take responsibility of your own development .It is extremely important for the benefit of everyone that instructions are followed with Team spirit. FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 5 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi SPRING 2023: CALENDAR SPRING 2023: CALENDAR YEAR 2023 Spring Semester Begins January 13, (Friday) Classes end April 15 (Saturday) Semester ends May 23, (Tuesday) Midterm Exams March 01(Wednesday) to March 07, (Tuesday) Mid-Semester Break March 08 (Wednesday) to March 14 (Tuesday) Faculty Evaluation April 17 (Monday) to May 04 (Tuesday), Final Exams May 12 (Friday) to May 23 (Tuesday), Last Date for Submission of Results June 07 (Wednesday) 1st of Ramadan (expected) March 23 (Tuesday) Jummatul Wida & Eid ul Fitar April 21 (Friday) & April 22 (Saturday) FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 6 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Counting to “Accounting” يم ِ س ِم ه ْ ِب ِ الر ِح َّ الرحْ مـ َ ِن َّ ّللا سورة الجن 72 28 صى ِ س َاَل َ ْت َر ِبه ِه ْم َوأ َ َحا َط ِب َما لَ َد ْي ِه ْم َوأَح َ ِليَ ْعلَ َم أَن قَ ْد أ َ ْبلَغُوا ِر ع َددًا َ ش ْي ٍء َ ُك َّل So that Allah may bring to light that surely they (the Messengers) have communicated the messages of their Lord, and Allah has (already) encompassed what they have (of Allah’s injunctions and the knowledge of the unseen) and He has kept count of everything (i.e. He knows the exact number of everything). ،تاکہ ہللا (اس بات کو) ظاہر فرما دے کہ بے شک ان (رسولوں) نے اپنے رب کے پیغامات پہنچا دئیے علوم غیبیہ میں سے) جو کچھ ان کے پاس ہے ہللا نے (پہلے ہی سے) اُس کا ت ا ِٰلہیہ اور ِ اور (اَحکاما ِ اور اُس نے ہر چیز کی گنتی شمار کر رکھی ہے،اِحاطہ فرما رکھا ہے Translation from: Irfan-ul-Quran by Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri Both currency and accounting began through ‘concrete counting’, which means counting being object-specific - five boats would be represented by a different word or object than five apples. FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 7 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Accounting a tool of economic 1. Economics is a branch of social sciences that is concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of resources. 2. Accounting deals with measuring, recording, reporting and analysis of financial and non-financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. 3. Measuring, recording and reporting falls within Financial Accounting and analysis part falls within the domain of Management Accounting. 4. Accounting is a tool of economics. FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 8 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Divisions of Accounting & Standards 1. Accounting: A set of concepts and techniques that are used to measure, record report and analyze financial and non-financial information about an economic unit. Information is reported to external and internal users which include business managers, owners, creditors, governmental units, financial analysts, employees, etc. 2. Accounting is broadly divided into following branches: • Financial Accounting • Managerial Accounting 3. Financial Accounting: • Financial accounting is targeted toward external users. • Standardization is needed to facilitate global business evaluations. International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are global accounting standards. • Unit of measurement is the functional currency i.e., the main currency in which an economic entity conducts its business. Where an entity transacts in many currencies but report their financial statements in functional currency, the foreign currencies have to be translated into the functional currency. FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 9 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Managerial accounting ❖ Managerial accounting is: ➢ Targeted toward specific needs of management. ➢ Used for business planning, controlling, decision making, etc. ➢ Does not need to follow any specific set of mandatory guidelines ❖ Following is the example to understand the difference between Financial accounting and Managerial accounting. PKR in million Total Regions Products EU AP 22,000 2,000 20,000 A 30,000 15,000 15,000 B Ma nag eria l ac nting ccou cial a Finan cou ntin g PKR in million 100,000 REVENUE C D Total 11,690 12,250 58,940 16,500 7,560 41,060 28,190 19,810 100,000 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 10 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Information systems ▪ A strong information system is needed to reliably capture and summarize business transaction data ▪ Information technology has reshaped accounting ▪ However, any information technology system must adopt the underlying principles / system of processing the accounting information. ▪ Thus, underlying accounting information system remains valid and important. ▪ Information technology has integrated the business processes with accounting information system to bring timeliness and efficiency in producing the accounting output. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems such as SAP, Oracle etc. have evolved. ▪ Now, accounting is more of a: ✓ dynamic discipline ✓ decision-making discipline ✓ rather than a bookkeeping task which has been mostly taken over by information technology FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 11 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi Maintaining Balance: Entity Concept & Accounting Equation يم ِ س ِم ه ْ ِب ِ الر ِح َّ الرحْ مـ َ ِن َّ ّللا َض َع ْال ِمیزَ ان َّ َوال.7 َ س َما َء َرفَعَ َھا َو َو And He is the One Who has maintained the sky raised high and (He is the One) Who has set up the balance (for justice), (ar-Rahmān, 55:7) ان ِ َ أ َ ََّّل ت َْطغ َْوا فِي ْال ِمیز.8 So that you violate not the balance whilst weighing. (ar-Rahmān, 55:8) َْط َو ََّل ت ُ ْخ ِس ُروا ْال ِمیزَ ان ِ وأَقِی ُموا ْال َو ْزنَ ِب ْال ِقس. َ 9 And keep weighing justly and do not make the balance fall short. (ar-Rahmān, 55:9) Translation from: Irfan-ul-Quran by Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri Entity concept: A business or an organization or an economic unit and its owners are two separately identifiable parties. e.g. utility bill of a business run by an individual in a house of three rooms out of which one room is used for business. Assets = Liabilities Assets: The economic resources of the entity • Include cash, accounts receivable, inventories, land, buildings, equipment, and intangible assets (patents and other legal rights and claims) • Presumed to entail probable future economic benefits to the owner Liabilities: Amounts owed to others relating to loans, extensions of credit, and other obligations. FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 12 Institute of Business Administration, Karachi THANK YOU FAIS – Session -1 | IBA Main Campus | Saturday 14th January, 2023: M. Hanif Idrees: Page 13