Uploaded by Ashley Kaburu

Psychodynamic View on Psychological Disturbance

Diploma in Counselling Psychology.
ADC 407: Introduction to Psychology.
According to the Psychodynamic view how do individuals acquire disturbance?
Personality theory is a set of related assumptions that allow scientists to use logical reductive
reasoning to formulate testable hypotheses. Among the many theories of personality one of the
main ones is the psychodynamic theory. The psychodynamic theory according to (Wikipedia
contributors, 2023) is referred as the interrelationship of various parts of the mind, personality,
or psyche as they relate to the mental, emotional, or motivational forces mainly at the
unconscious level. Among the contents of the psychodynamic theory, there are several ways in
which one can acquire psychological disturbances and below are some.
(The Structure and Levels of the Mind According to Freud, 2020) noted that Sigmund Freud
referred the mental life of a human as an ice berg whereby the conscious mind is at the tip of the
iceberg followed by the preconscious which is slightly submerged and lastly the unconscious
which is unseen and the largest part. Psychoanalysis works towards moving a person’s thoughts
and experiences from the unconscious to the conscious mind. One of the ways one is said to be
disturbed psychologically is if the unconscious is larger than the conscious. The unconscious is
filled with repressed childhood memories, unpleasant experiences and urges which can affect our
feeling, expressions and actions on a long term basis unless they are brought to the conscious
mind and fully worked on.
Secondly an individual is unable to resolve psyche conflicts between the Id, Ego and Super ego
personalities. As it is known the Id works on a pleasure principle. Although these urges need to
be under control, if not satisfied can sometimes lead to a state of anxiety or tension on an
individual (Id, Ego, and Superego Are Part of a Structural Model of Personality, 2022). The ego
and super ego’s function is to control and regulate id impulses and when one is disturbed they
will not be able to control their urges to please the id. One will be making immature, irrational
and illogical decisions as opposed to when the ego and super ego are in control.
Thirdly is when a person depends frequently on ego defense mechanisms to cope with their
stress and anxiety. Defense mechanisms according to (Common Defense Mechanisms People
Use to Cope with Anxiety, 2022) are unconscious psychological responses that protect people
from feeling of anxiety, threats to self-esteem, and things that they don’t want to think about or
deal with. Although the defense mechanisms are used to resolve conflict between id and super
ego, when overused it can mean they are trying to avoid facing reality. For example in a work
setting, when an employee is frustrated by their employer’s actions they take out their frustration
on a lesser target. This may affect the relation of the two parties.
Lastly is in a case where someone shows signs of fixation on certain psychosexual stages of
development. Fixation according to (How Do Psychological Fixations Form?, 2022) is referred
to as the persistent focus of the id’s pleasure-seeking energies at an early stage of psychosexual
development. Throughout the psychosexual stages of development, when a person is either over
or under stimulated, they become fixated at that stage. Fixations occur when a conflict in the
psychosexual stage remains unsolved. This leaves one focused on that stage and is unable to
move to the next stages. An example of this is when a fixated at the oral stage of development,
either over or under stimulated, they will become talkative or dependent on alcohol and sarcastic
or argumentative if under stimulated.
In conclusion there are ways in which one shows psychological disturbance according to the
psychoanalytic theory. There are also therapeutic techniques that can be used on an individual to
make them better. Some of these include use of hypnosis whereby one is put in a sleep-like state
but in reality are in a state of hyper awareness. There is also use of interpretation through
transference and counter transference. Transference is where the client projects their feelings
from a significant other to their therapist while counter transference is where the therapist
projects their emotions and feelings to their client. There is also dream analysis. Dreams are
believed to be manifestations of the unconscious that are surfacing to the conscious mind. When
a person analyses their dreams it’s a way of finding out the needs and desires of the unconscious
Reference List.
Common Defense Mechanisms People Use to Cope with Anxiety. (2022, November 1). Verywell
Mind. Accessed February 1, 2023. < https://www.verywellmind.com/defensemechanisms-2795960>
How Do Psychological Fixations Form? (2022, November 14). Verywell Mind. Accessed February 1,
2023. < https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-fixation-2795188>
Id, Ego, and Superego Are Part of a Structural Model of Personality. (2022, September 13).
Verywell Mind. Accessed February 1, 2023. < https://www.verywellmind.com/the-idego-and-superego-2795951>
The Structure and Levels of the Mind According to Freud. (2020, December 10). Verywell
Mind. Accessed February 1, 2023. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-conscious-andunconscious-mind-2795946
Wikipedia contributors. (2023, January 18). Psychodynamics. Wikipedia. Accessed February
1,2023.< https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychodynamics>