Introduction: As an alternative to the traditional Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Stephen Ross presented the arbitrage pricing theory (APT) in 1976. The APT model makes the supposition that the anticipated return on an asset is inversely proportional to that asset's exposure to multiple risk factors, such as firm-specific components, macroeconomic circumstances, and financial variables. Investors who are prudent and averse to risk want recompense for the risks they take on, and they hold the view that keeping riskier assets should provide better returns than holding less risky ones. The performance of competing assets in the market as well as inflation, interest rates, and currency rates are important risk variables that might impact asset returns. We can determine the main risk variables that have an impact on a company's performance, like Microsoft, using regression analysis, and we may estimate the coefficients for each element. The APT model also makes the assumption that investors are logical and capable of spotting market mispricing’s that they may take advantage of through arbitrage. Because of their susceptibility to various risk variables, assets that are mispriced in comparison to projected returns will be promptly acquired or sold by investors looking to profit from the mismatch. This makes it more likely that asset prices will represent their genuine underlying values and the market will continue to function effectively. In comparison to the CAPM, the APT model provides a more dynamic and adaptable system of threat evaluation. The APT allows for colorful sources of threat that are specific to individual means or asset classes, whereas the CAPM considers that there's only one source of methodical threat in the request, videlicet the request portfolio. This implies that the APT can help investors produce further different portfolios and make further accurate threat assessments since it can more represent the complex and constantly changing character of the investing world. Question No #1 a) Solution The results of our F-test indicate that at least one independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable. This means that there is a 10% probability that our null hypothesis can be rejected. In this case, we can conclude that at least one independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable. b) Solution Restrictions are used in regression analysis to limit or restrict the values that can be used in the model. Restrictions can be used to test the significance of coefficients, or to test whether the value of a coefficient is significant. Four restrictions are commonly used in regression analysis: the restrictions on DPROD, DCREDIT, DMONEY, and DSPREAD. These restrictions correspond to coefficients of DPROD, DCREDIT, DMONEY, and DSPREAD being jointly zero. To express these restrictions in EViews, we can use the following syntax in the command window: restrict DPROD=0; restrict DCREDIT=0 restrict DMONEY=0; restrict DSPREAD=0 Restrictions are linear in coefficients. c) Solution In this case, R-squared is the proportion of variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variables in the regression model. In other words, it provides an indication of how well the model fits the data. In this case, the R-squared value is 0.344910, which means that the independent variables in the model explain 34.49% of the variation in the dependent variable ERMSOFT. Adjusted R-squared shows that there are some factors that do not fully explain why people use ERMSOFT or why they leave it when they leave their job at work place (such as age). It penalizes the addition of irrelevant variables to the model and rewards the addition of relevant variables. Adjusted R-squared is always lower than R-squared if more than one independent variable is used in the model. In this case, adjusted R-squared is slightly lower than R-squared with a value of 0.334456, which means that there are some factors that do not fully explain why people use ERMSOFT or why they leave it when they leave their job at work place (such as age). d) Solution The R-squared value for this particular model is 0.017166, indicating a relatively weak association between the variables. It is noteworthy that the adjusted R-squared value is also low, standing at 0.017166. Thus, excluding DPROD from the model does not enhance its accuracy and should be included in the regression. . e) Solutions The Durbin-Watson test is a statistical procedure used to test the null hypothesis that there is no first-order autocorrelation in the residuals of a regression. The null hypothesis is that the residuals are independently and identically distributed. The test statistic is reported in the output as 1.998055. The lower and upper critical values for the Durbin-Watson test with 383 observations and 8 regressors (including the constant) at the 5% significance level are approximately 1.417 and 1.579, respectively. The null hypothesis of the Durbin-Watson test is that there is no first-order autocorrelation in the residuals (i.e., the errors are independently and identically distributed). The Durbin-Watson test statistic is close to 2, which suggests that there is no strong evidence of first-order autocorrelation in the residuals. Therefore, we cannot reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level but we also cannot accept it at this time because we have not ruled out any other possible explanations for our findings. However, note that the Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation also suggests that there is no serial f) Solutions In step a), we applied the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method to estimate the regression coefficients. However, the OLS method assumes that the errors are homoscedastic, which means that the error variance is constant for all observations. If this assumption is violated, OLS estimates can be biased and inefficient. To detect heteroscedasticity, we can use the BreuschPagan-Godfrey test, which tests the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity against the alternative hypothesis of heteroscedasticity. In our case, the test statistic is 0.445770 with a p-value of 0.8729, indicating that we cannot reject the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity at the 5% significance level. Therefore, we do not have sufficient evidence to conclude that the errors are heteroscedastic. However, even if we fail to reject the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity, we can still use a more robust estimator, such as the Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC) estimator. The HAC estimator adjusts for both heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation in the errors, making it more appropriate for our data. The HAC estimator results are presented in the second table. Although the coefficients of the variables are different from those obtained in step a), the signs and statistical significance of the coefficients remain the same. However, the standard errors are larger in the HAC estimator, indicating that the OLS standard errors may have underestimated the true standard errors due to heteroscedasticity. Therefore, we can conclude that the stock market index (ERSANDP) and the long-term interest rate (RTERM) have a positive and statistically significant effect on the real estate prices, while the other variables do not have a statistically significant effect. While the Breusch-PaganGodfrey test does not provide enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity, it is still advisable to use the HAC estimator to obtain more reliable standard errors. g) Solutions The regression model used in this study contains some variables that are highly correlated with each other, with a correlation coefficient of 0.80 used as a threshold. For example, ERMSOFT and ERSANDP have a correlation coefficient of 0.568, which is above the threshold. Likewise, DCREDIT and DMONEY have a correlation coefficient of 0.150, which is relatively high but still below the threshold. These correlations suggest that including both ERMSOFT and ERSANDP, or both DCREDIT and DMONEY in the same model may lead to issues of multicollinearity. Multicollinearity can affect the estimation and interpretation of coefficients, and hence needs to be addressed. This can be done by dropping one of the highly correlated variables, or by employing methods such as principal component analysis or ridge regression. h) Solutions 70 Series: Residuals Sample 1986M05 2018M03 Observations 383 60 50 40 30 20 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis -4.24e-16 -0.403413 24.47989 -36.07535 7.772638 -0.005613 4.994826 Jarque-Bera Probability 63.50547 0.000000 10 0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 Simply examining the shape of the histogram of residuals may not be enough to determine if they follow a normal distribution. Therefore, other methods, such as examining skewness and kurtosis values or conducting a formal normality test, may be required. 70 Series: Residuals Sample 1986M05 2018M03 Observations 383 60 50 40 30 20 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis -3.15e-16 -0.367238 24.59304 -36.03588 7.704458 -0.129649 5.124355 Jarque-Bera Probability 73.09109 0.000000 10 0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 Based on the shape of the histogram, it appears that the residuals may not be normally distributed. There seems to be a slight skewness to the left and a thicker tail on the left side. However, further statistical tests, such as the Shapiro-Wilk or Anderson-Darling tests, are needed to make a definitive conclusion. i) Solution The p-value being larger than the significance level of 0.05 indicates that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, as suggested by the F-statistic. Question No: 2 a) Solution To compute the logarithms of share prices in EViews, you can navigate to the "Generate Series" tab and use the "LOG ()" function. For instance, if you want to calculate the logarithm of the "CLOSE01" series for SSE Plc and save it in a new series named "LSSE," you can use the equation: LSSE = LOG(CLOSE). b) Solution LSSE 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 LUKXX 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 13 14 15 16 17 18 c) Solution According to the Engle-Granger cointegration test, the coefficient on LUKXX is -0.756, with a corresponding p-value of 0.45. Since the p-value is greater than 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis that there is no cointegration between the two-time series, LSSE and LUKXX. Therefore, we cannot conclude that there is a long-run relationship between the two based on this test. d) Solution The ADF test is a statistical tool used to determine whether a time series dataset has a unit root. In this instance, the dependent variable is D(ECT), which is the first difference of the ECT variable. The ADF test equation utilized in this case involves the lagged value of the ECT variable, a constant term, and an error term. The coefficient for ECT (-1) is negative, indicating an inverse relationship between the current value of D(ECT) and its lagged value. However, this coefficient is not statistically significant at the 5% level (p-value = 0.0675), suggesting that we cannot dismiss the null hypothesis of the presence of a unit root in the dataset. Furthermore, the constant term (C) is positive, but it is also not statistically significant (p-value = 0.8832). Taken together, the ADF test results suggest that the D(ECT) series might have a unit root, indicating that it is not stationary and may exhibit a trend or be non-stationary. Additional analysis may be necessary to confirm this and identify the appropriate modeling approach for the data. Conclusion: Retrogression analysis is a statistical system constantly used in numerous disciplines to assay the connection between a dependent variable and one or further independent variables. This assignment gives a thorough review of retrogression analysis. The retrogression equation, measure estimates, and statistical tests are only a many of the core ideas and language covered in this assignment. The composition starts by introducing the retrogression equation and explaining how it's used to estimate the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables. The composition also describes how the measure estimates are calculated using the Ordinary Least Places (OLS) system, which is the most generally used system for estimating the parameters of the retrogression equation. The composition also explains how to interpret the measure estimates and the statistical significance of the variables. The assignment also includes a number of statistical tests, including the F- test, Durbin- Watson test, Breusch- Godfrey test, and Breusch- Pagan- Godfrey test, that are used to gauge the retrogression model's quality of fit. The composition offers a step- by- step tutorial on how to carry out these tests using the well- known econometric software programmed EViews. The problem of multicollinearity, which occurs when two or further independent variables are nearly linked, is one of the biggest obstacles in retrogression analysis. The assignment goes on the goods of multicollinearity as well as ways like top element analysis and crest retrogression that are used to are nearly task also emphasizes how pivotal it's to check for heteroscedasticity, which happens when the friction of the error element isn’t harmonious across all data. The Breusch- Pagan- Godfrey test and the Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation harmonious (HAC) estimator are used in the assignment to demonstrate how to test for heteroscedasticity’s significance of precisely interpreting the retrogression findings and the necessity of taking the retrogression hypotheticals into consideration are emphasized in the composition's conclusion. The study also makes several recommendations for implicit unborn exploration areas, similar to expanding retrogression analysis to time series data or probing the use of further sophisticated retrogression algorithms.