Job Sheet REFRTGERATION COMPOTVE TTS (PART l0 AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM OBJECTIVE In this job, you will learn how to observe the system temperatures and pressures over lime at various points of the system, using the Trend Recorder of the LVHVAC software. You willthen use an enthalpytable to determine the values required to plot the refrigeration cycle ofthe system. You will then observe the refrigeration cycle of the system and measure the coefficient of performance, using a Pressure/Enthalpy diagram. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Lab-Volt Refrigeration Training System, Model 3431 PROCEDURE Observing the System Temperatures and Pressures Over Time ! of the Refrigeration Training System, make sure the main POWER switch is set to OFF (O). 1. On the control panel Connect the Refrigeration Training System to the computer used to run the LVHVAC software, via a USB cable. Turn on the computer and then run the LVHVAC software. ! 2. Activate the Trend Recorder of the LVHVAC softlvare: in the menu bar of this software, select the Iools menu, and then select the Trend Recorder option. This will bring up the Trend Recorder, as Figure 4-1 '1 shows (without the signals displayed in this figure, since the recorder has not been started vet): - Locate the section General of the Settings panel in the right section of the Trend Recorder. Set the Sca/e (min) field of this section to 30. This sets the displaytime (range ofobservation ofthe variables)ofthe Trend Recorder to 30 minutes. REFRIGERATTON COMPOTVEMS PART I0 AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM Locate the section Data of lhe Settings panel in the right section of the Trend Recorder. Select the following variables only (deselect the other variables if they are selected): . . . . . Pressure 1; Pressure 2; Temperature 3; Temperature 7; Compressor Current. ln the menu bar of the Trend Recorder, select Acquisition, and then Start to start the display of the selected variables. FL VH Acqj'$o > ll r g€ H.lp psrg .F TN l$ e,o- NO 130 8,0 - 210 u0 ?,0 - A POIUER fo- a-l la- E-l FEl/) UrP E NORTAL HEAT LOAD C0rient Tim (min) Cursor Po5ition lg, m 6,0 - t.x) 70 5,0 ta 50 d0- m n 3'0 ctur - "' 2,0- d) l0 n .10 1,0 0 .I} o,o' _ -I i /"y'n J V1,/---------------.- --1r--t-B ] 46,!8 l* (min) f--- Descrhtion VaIrc Unit I 107,5 pJiS Pr6we 2 I 8, 56 prll -- 3 I lflpr.turc 2 Presrue Tompa.hJo pstg - l Tof,psahrr.3 30,:4 i Tcmpaafurc 4 CURRENT Tempryatui8 I __4 -.--.-=-----------lZ 33 Time (nir) 5 oF oF ot: oF Iemp*Eture 6 ? {1,?5 eF Curfft 2,3 A \t vdtag€ - w Elfectiva Feor Tempdoturc a Figure 4-'t'1. Trend Recorder of the LVHVAC software displaying the selected variables as a function of time. tr 3. On the Refrigeration Training System, make the following settings: Note: Do not tum on the Refrigeration Training Sysfem for now. COMPRESSORSwitch ... OFF(O) EVAPORATOR-FANSPEEDcontrolknob. ... HtcH CONDENSER-FAN SPEEDcontrolknob. ..... Hatf of H|GH HEAT LOAD switch . OFF (O) Thermostatsetpoint .....5"C(41.F) Manually-operated valves V1 . . . . . . . . Open (handleturnedfullycounterclockwise) V2... V3... ....Closed(handleturnedfullyclockwise) ....Closed(handleturnedfullyclockwise) REFRTGERATTON COMPONENTS PART t0 AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM tr4. !5. Turn on the Refrigeration Training System, then turn on the compressor. Let the system run for about 20 minutes. On the Trend Recorder, examine the signal of Temperature 3 (temperature at the evaporator outlet), and fill in the following sentences. lmmediately after power up, the temperature sensed by the thermal bulb of the TEV at the evaporator outlet is (higher/lower) than the thermostat setpoint of 5"C (41'F). This causes the opening of the thermostatic expansion valve (TEV) to be maximum to allow the full refrigerant flow to enter the evaporator. As a result, Temperature 3 (increases/decreases). As the evaporator cools down, the TEV opening is reduced to decrease the flow of refrigerant entering the evaporator, causing Temperature 3 to (increase/decrease). As more refrigerant is allowed into the evaporator, the superheat sensed by the TEV sensing bulb (increases/decreases). This causes the TEV opening to (increase/decrease), causing the superheat to increase. This phenomena can repeat, cyclically or not, untilthermal equilibrium is reached. n 6. (Refer to the recorded signals). While Temperature 3 varies, does Temperature 7 (temperature in the cooling chamber) slowly decrease in a steady way until it becomes close to the thermostat setpoint of 5'C (41 'F), causing the compressor to stop? nYes trNo n 7. (Refer to the recorded signals). When Temperatures 3 and 7 both start to the compressor stops, (increase/decrease) in a a certain amount, the steady way. Once Temperature 7 has risen by compressor restarts to begin a new cycle. tr 8. Leave the Trend Recorder open for the rest of the exercise, but minimize this window. You should now see the Refrigeration Diagram of the LVHVAC software. Determining Refrigerant Enthalpy at Different Pressures and Temperatures tr 9. Figure 4-12 shows an example of the temperatures and pressures that can be read at the various test points of the Refrigeration Diagram, under the current operating cond itions. RE F RI G ERAT I O N TRAI N I NG S YSTEM REFRTGERATION COMPONEVTS AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM ?ART t0 Using the temperatures and pressures indicated in Figure 4-12, fill in Table 4-1-once complete, this table contains all the data required to plot the refrigeration cycle of the system. - ln the first (leftmost) column, record the gauge pressures indicated at PS1 and PS2 of Figure 4-12. Conved these pressures into absolute pressures and record your results in the second column. ln the third column, record the temperatures indicated at T1 through T5 of Figure 4-'12. ln the fourth and fifth columns, record the enthalpy corresponding lo each recorded temperature (T1 through T5), according to the enthalpy table for the R134-a in Appendix D of this manual. GAUGE PRESSURE ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE PRESSURE ('c/'F) (barg/psig) (ba. abs./psia) HP side (PS1): HP side: ENTHALPY (kJ/kg or Btu/lbm) Ltouto T1: T4: T5: LP side (PS2): LP side: T2. T3; * To be completed later Table 4-1. Pressu.e, temperature, and enthalpy data required to plot the refrigeration cycle. VAPOR REFRTGERATTON COMPOTVENTS PART il) AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM @ 0.9 barg H ail -1..7 0C 14 psig 28.7 0F \, {,t_r _-z - @oC 12.3 e3"F , PI I 46.4 J. i ta "F ; , .-I @ 0.9 barg 14 Dsiq ^ (r) GI rg 6.8 ba o""'n eil 37.A 99.3 aC 0F -il 21.3 .C 70.0 "F o@o r23V 2.3A 185 W "c -L2s,6 78.0'F Figure 4.12. Example ofthe temperatures and pressures that can be read atthe various test points ot the system. n 10. According to the data recorded in Table 4-'1, the temperature of the highpressure liquid refrigerant is at a minimum at test point (T1lT4lT5). At that point, the enthalpy of the refrigerant is (minimum/maximum), the refrigerant being (superheated/subcooled) when it reaches the inlet of the expansion device. \ REFRIGERATTON COM?OTVE VTS AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM ?ART t0 Conversely, the temperature of the low-pressure vapor refrigerant is maximum at test point (T2lT3). At that point, the enthalpy of the refrigerant is (minimum/maximum), the refrigerant being (superheated/subcooled) at the evaporator outlet. Observing the Refrigeration Cycte and Measuring the Coefficient of Performance n 11. ln the LVHVAC software, locate the Refrigeration Training System panel to the right of the Refrigeration Diagram. The System lnformation section of this panelallows you to enterthe current settings of the system. Enterthe current temperature controller setpoint, and the settings of the fan speeds and heat load. Now locate the Temperature Test Points section of the Refrigeration Training System panel, as Figure 4-13 shows. This section indicates the current temperature, absolute pressure, and enthalpy at test points Tl through T5 of the Refrigeration Diagram. This data is continuously refreshed. $qq 6e g ooooo s e.rng-mua'-l R.,*Fffi Trhg Srtm E ",'j'l ill r* s L "rrr=, f nronrmot tritpd rE t#..effi04.. -pea G-e) Try&@robr *rd.({) GD [o 'il Sg.Gd =t rp,rl f- sr..d lr I E il r2 t:, Ir 15 B .b 2J l.( o@o r2l! llA r lsii! r ('.) :':t l. : : -: iir. rr.a P (b.r) tj: tt! a) H(tl/tq) l : ii al. ::- s$'lEd(t) (mpr6tloR*h uR.IriC.renffet(lJ/tq) ldcd wnk dcrytu GJ/kq) dfl R*. o, RcliiFd (tg./r) (lw) R.fdF*bo tryt, aarfi(EilortEr'm(e RdcdHREiGtu*rh.Cdd;ns(H) v& Floi R*. ot th. fryE.or (m!/mh) Vol, dot r*! olRdri$ * thc [ve. O(lGt (mr,/dn) RGfrIg. trRt torr ry wd d th. lU, rt! (l!rtg) :irr I ffmp. ;{:: ! resr li:l J eonns 7,. 4.23 lS.$ s.Zr0.61r s r: S.:39 tlzji ?.gffi :.sU s2.67 t-__--. @ 27.2 "C Figure 4-13. Sysfem lnformation and Temperature Test Poinfs sections of the Refrigeration Training System panel. REFRTGERATTON COMPONE VTS qART il) AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM tr 12. While the compressor is running, make the following observations in the Temperature lest Polnfs section of the Refrigeration Training System panel. . . tr13 The pressures at T1, T4, and T5 are equal. They correspond to the absolute pressure on the HP side of the system. The pressures at T2 and T3 are approximately equal. They correspond to the absolute pressure on the LP side of the system. ln the menu bar of the LVHVAC software, select the lools menu, and then click on Options..., which will bring up the Opfions dialog box. Make sure the Display the Cycle /cons check box is selected, and then click OK to close the Opfions dialog box. ! 14. Activate the Pressure/Enthalpy Diagram of the LVHVAC software. To do this, click on this window's tab, as Figure 4-14 shows. The Pressure/Enthalpy Diagram shows the refrigeration cycle of the system, plotted by using the temperatures and absolute pressures at T'1 through T5 of the system (as displayed in the Temperature Iesf Pornfs section of the Refrigeration Training System panel). The display of the refrigeration cycle is continuously refreshed to reflect any changes that may occur in the measured temperatures and pressures. R E F RI G ERAT I O N T RAI N I NG S YSIEM REFRIGERATTON COM?O,wE VTS AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM qART r0 TAB TO CUCK r.*6rr|,ipru.9-l Pressure/Enthalpy Diagram - R-1 34a R.ffgpr* TrD. l*Rry. Cryto&. R-!3t To, s.tD.f* G*g) Tc.iF&rc Co.tola ('f) l-s Evry&i tr sF.d I'D Cqdcrs Fn so..d llqt 10.0 TI G t2 T3 b o l'@-_l Load l*-- Pc HP€IDE f4 LP€IDE T5 -l I ("C) 2i,i3 -11 84 -5.11 60,1{ 12,19 P (bar) a.0: l.8t 1,89 8,0? Lm H (kJ,/ks) 2x1.Ba 237.88 395.57 426,11 42!.16 sup€rhc.t('{) Compr6ri0 Ratlo 0,60::J Ratc ofHedt 109,90 Refrige.ntion Er.(t Reifttion.t thc ffidenrer (klv) Yol. Flo* R.t. ofth. Compre!.s (mr/'riln) VoL Hoe nate o[ Refrb, at thd Evap. &*lct (m,/ntn) Rcfrig. trh(t tor. by wrk of thc EsF D.vke (k],/kq) lm t25 lro t?5 N n5 lu I I I n5 3(I, w EIflmlpy ftJ/kg) 350 rr5 l(I} eJ 1fi I I 05 I I I HEAT OF COHPRESS!ON FI Figure 4-14. Pressure/Enthalpy Diagram with normal heat load when the TEV is used. ! 15. Allow the compressor to stop, then wait until it restarts to begin a new cycle. 3 minutes later, print the Pressure/Enthalpy Diagram and Refrigeration Training System panel. REF RI G ERATI O N T RAI N I NG S YS TE'T' 6,J 4.Il (kJ,/kg) td.C wdk of Cnlprcr.lon (kllkg) flo, Rate of Rehi{rd.ot (IO/t) R.frigeratio, C.paity (krv) (@lncic.* ofPdfo] il.t 157.69 3 L 1 i 94 97 5.(159 3 0102 3.0 102 52,93 REFRTGERATTON COMPOTENrS PART il) AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM n 16. Determine the net refrigeration effect (N.E.R.) graphically on your printed diagram. To do so, draw vertical lines downward from points I and @ until they cross the enthalpy (horizontal) axis, as shown in Figure 4-14. The difference on the enthalpy axis where the lines cross this axis is equal to the N.R.E. Record your result below. Compare your result to the value displayed in the field Net Refrigeration Effect of the System Pertormance section on your printed Refrigeration Training System panel. Are these values approximately equal? EYes tr trNo 17. Determine the heat of compression graphically on your printed diagram. To do so, draw vertical lines downward from points 0 and @ untilthey cross the enthalpy (horizontal) axis, as shown in Figure 4-14. The difference on the enthalpy axis where the lines cross this axis is equal to the heat of compression. Record your result below. Compare your result to the value displayed in the field ldeal Work of Compression of the Sysfem Performance section on your printed Refrigeration Training System panel. Are these values approximately equal? E Yes tr trNo 18. Based on the N.E.R. and heat of compression obtained in the previous steps, calculate the coefficient of performance of the system. Record your result. Coefficient of performance Net refrigeration effect,*r/ks = Heat of compression REF RI G ERATIO N TRAI N I NG or Bru/tbm) (kJ/ks or Bru/tbm) S YS TEM R E F RtG ERATT O N COM POTVENTS qART t t) AND ENTHALPY DIAGRAM Compare your result Peiormance to the value displayed in the field Coefficient of Performance section on your printed of the System Refrigeration Training System panel. Are these values approximately equal? !Yes tr nNo 19. Turn off the trainer and clos6the LVHVAC software. Date: lnstructor's approval: