1 Running head: Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Reflection Nasopharyngeal suctioning reflection Samantha Uhl Mount St. Joseph University Department of Health Sciences, Nursing Program This study source was downloaded by 100000833941467 from CourseHero.com on 03-23-2023 10:59:41 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/49357070/Nasopharyngeal-suctioning-reflectiondocx/ Uhl 2 Running head: Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Reflection Uhl Nasopharyngeal Suctioning is a very important skill that is done very often. It requires maintaining sterile while inserting a tube into the nose of the patient. One little touch of the glove something not sterile such as the patients nose then the gloves are no longer sterile, and the procedure is no longer sterile and needs to be restarted. This skill is very important for removing secretions from the patient’s airway that they are not able to get out on their own. Without performing this skill, they patient’s oxygen levels can drop which can lead to many things including death. This skill is not an easy skill and has many small steps that if over looked can put the patient in danger for infection or aspiration. In my opinion the hardest part of this skill is ensuring that the sterile gloves that come in the kit do not touch the face of the patient. I found during my practice of this skill that I must use a separate set of sterile gloves in order to do this skill to the best of my ability because the gloves that come in the sterile suctioning kit do not fit my hands appropriately. I found this added step as a challenge as well because it sets me up for a greater risk contaminating the sterile field. This was something that I had to work with and overcome to ensure safety for the patient. Another small step that must not be over looked is to ensure that you are not holding suctioning when inserting the tube into the patient’s nose. I personally really enjoyed this skill each time I completed it. I felt that each time I did it I got better and learned how to make it flow easier. I found this skill interesting to complete because while it is a more difficult skill it is an important skill to ensure the patient’s ability to breathe. I find this skill interesting because after completing it you can see an instant change in the patient’s ability to breathe. I also feel especially accomplished after performing suctioning This study source was downloaded by 100000833941467 from CourseHero.com on 03-23-2023 10:59:41 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/49357070/Nasopharyngeal-suctioning-reflectiondocx/ 3 Running head: Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Reflection Uhl because it is a very tedious skill and being able to complete this skill correctly ensures the patient’s breathing. If this skill is completed correctly the patient’s oxygen saturation will go up, and their overall breathing will be improved. The patient should be able to cough productively afterwards as well. These changes occur quickly. After completing the skill, the patient’s lungs should sound clear and without secretions. If the patient’s oxygen levels have been low for a while the patient might be experiencing cyanosis and by completing this skill correctly the patient’s oxygen saturation would be improved immediately, and the patient should return to a normal color. If this skill is performed correctly the patient should not experience infection following the procedure because it is a sterile procedure. The patient should feel and show an instant improvement during this procedure. Since this skill is very tedious and has many small steps there are many things that is forgotten or done incorrectly that could harm the patient. Suctioning should not be applied while inserting the catheter into the nose, if this is done it could cause trauma to the patient’s nose, trachea or lungs. The catheter should also be lubed before inserting it into the patient’s nose, if this is not completed it might not cause physical harm to the patient, but it could make the patient uncomfortable during the procedure. Sterile field is very important during this skill if it is broken then the patient could develop and infection. Sterile field can be broken by touching the nose of the patient while inserting the catheter, by dropping hands below the waist, or my contaminating the catheter by touching it with a non-sterile hand. One hand becomes non-sterile after connecting the suctioning to the catheter. An infection could cause further problems with the patient’s breathing, and an increase in secretions in the lungs. Another important step during this procedure is over oxygenating the patient, if this is not done the patient’s breathing and oxygen This study source was downloaded by 100000833941467 from CourseHero.com on 03-23-2023 10:59:41 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/49357070/Nasopharyngeal-suctioning-reflectiondocx/ 4 Running head: Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Reflection Uhl saturation could drop and would make it harder to suction the patient since they will be breathing deeper. The worst thing that could happen if the procedure is not completed correctly is the patient’s breathing is not improved which could lead the patient to aspirate or even death. With the extreme importance of this skill it has been a very important skill to work on diligently and practice it often. This skill if not performed correctly can lead to extreme harm or even death in a patient but if performed correctly can lead to the patient feeling a lot better and being able to breath better and feel more comfortable during their stay in the hospital. This skill is one that has many small steps and is very important to know exactly how to complete it without causing harm to the patient, while increasing their ability to breathe. This study source was downloaded by 100000833941467 from CourseHero.com on 03-23-2023 10:59:41 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/49357070/Nasopharyngeal-suctioning-reflectiondocx/ 5 Running head: Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Reflection Uhl Nursing 220 Spring 2016 Lab Assignment Grading Criteria Topic: NUR220 Skills Impact on the Patient. Name Samantha Cabe Criteria Points Complete three additional hours in the skills Lab practicing NUR220 skills. 20 Document lab skill time and notes on lab sign-in Sheet and sign in sheet provided. Submit The provided sign in sheet with reflection. 10 Briefly describe the skill chosen for this Assignment in one paragraph. 5 Clearly and in detail reflect on the impact this skill has on the patient when done as per policy. 20 Clearly and in detail reflect on the impact this skill has on the patient when not done as per policy. 20 Paper is written using correct APA Style according to : 15 Houghton, P. M., Houghton, T. J. & Pratt, M. M. (2009). APA: The Easy Way (Updated for APA 6th edition). Writing is clear, logical, organized and grammatically correct. This study source was downloaded by 100000833941467 from CourseHero.com on 03-23-2023 10:59:41 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/49357070/Nasopharyngeal-suctioning-reflectiondocx/ 10 6 Running head: Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Reflection Total Points Uhl 100 Lab Practice Sign in Sheet/Journal Name Samantha Cabe Date Skill Practiced Reflective Thoughts for paper Wound Dressing Change Checking for pain prior to the procedure is important because this would be very painful to have done without medication. Sterile Gloving (x4) Difficult but very important to know how to do well 20 min NG decompression Taping with gloves is the hard when trying to learn the skill at the same time. 35 min Catheterization (female) I need to make sure I have the chuck and the bottom layer of the sterile field down far enough in order to place container between legs A lot easier than female in my opinion. Easier with positioning and inserting the catheter. 30 min 1/23 1/23 2/3 2/3 Catherization (male) 2/3 Suctioning 2/3 Amount of time 30 min 20 min Need to use sterile gloves not in 20 min the kit. The gloves in the kit are too big and I broke sterile field This study source was downloaded by 100000833941467 from CourseHero.com on 03-23-2023 10:59:41 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/49357070/Nasopharyngeal-suctioning-reflectiondocx/ 7 Running head: Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Reflection Suctioning Had to troubleshoot opening two sterile fields without one contaminating the other. 20 min Suctioning I need to make sure I don’t apply suctioning when inserting the catheter into the nose. 20 min 2/3 NG decompression I need to make sure I tape slowly and not rush and it helps ensure I have control. Also extra tape is useful. 25 min 2/5 Suctioning Completed perfectly and felt very confident in talking to the patient and assessing everything during the procedure. 20 min 2/5 Catheterization Completed perfectly and felt very confident in talking to the patient and assessing everything during the procedure. 25 min 2/5 NG Decompression Completed perfectly and felt very confident in talking to the patient and assessing everything during the procedure, still struggled with taping 25 min 2/3 2/3 This study source was downloaded by 100000833941467 from CourseHero.com on 03-23-2023 10:59:41 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/49357070/Nasopharyngeal-suctioning-reflectiondocx/ Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Uhl