A Project Presentation on Blood Bank Management System Submitted To: Department of Computer Science, Ganpat University,384012 Submitted By: Rinku S. Patel (13084231181) Poonam K. Patel (13084231173) Internal Guide: Mr. Dhaval K. Raval PROJECT PROFILE Project Name Blood Bank Managemant System Objective The system provide online information of blood bank and administrators can also all information about blood bank,donor,patient request and blood requriments. Platform Web application Front End Asp . NET 4.0 with c# Back End Microsoft Sql Server 2008 Other Tools MS Office 2007 ,Visual studio Project Duration 50 days Internal Guide Mr. Dhaval K.Raval Submitted To Department of computer science,Ganpat University Develop By Rinku S.Patel Poonam K.patel EXISTING SYSTEM • Existing system is window Application. • So much time consuming this application also one machine and one by one record stored. • Single Blood bank information also no inquiry for directly Blood bank. NEED FOR NEW SYSTEM • User view all Blood bank information is location wise. • Donor easily donate the blood near Blood bank Location. • Patient easily request for blood near Blood bank location • In this system also supported inquiry form for user. FUNCTION SPECIFICATION 1.Admin 2.Blood bank 3.Donor 4.Patient ADMIN:• • • • • • Manage Registration for user Manage Blood bank information like (update, delete) Manage Donor Request for Donor Manage patient Request for needy people Manage Inquiry form for Appropriate Reply Manage feedback for Appropriate Reply BLOOD BANK:- • Blood bank information view/update • View Donor information • Manage Patient Blood Request. DONOR:• Manage Donor information(profile) • Add new Donation for Blood PATIENT:• Manage patient information(profile) • Give the Request for patient for blood HARDWARE & SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION Hardware Specification : Server Side: Processor 3.6 GHz RAM 2 GB Hard Disk 80 GB Client Side: Processor 2.40 GHz RAM 1 GB Hard Disk 20 GB Software Specification : • Server Side • Operating System Window Server 2008 Runtime Environment .Net Framework 4.0 Web Server IIS 7.0 Front End Microsoft Asp.Net 2010 with c# Back End SQL server 2008 Client Side Operating System Windows XP or any compatible OS Web Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 or any compatible web browser. System Flow Chart Start Is Registered user Yes No Registration Login Is Valid User Yes No No No Yes No Donor Blood bank Admin Yes Yes Manage bloodbank View request View profile Manage donor Add new blood bank Make new Blood Donation Manage request patient Manage city/location Manage patient blood request View feedback Manage inventory View profile Patient Request for blood Manage donor Manage inquiry A B C D A B Logout End C D TIMELINE CHART 50 Days Development Phase Duration (Day) 0 to 05 Day 06 to 10 Day 11 to 20 Day 21 to 30 Day 31 to 40 Day 41 to 50 Day Requirement Gathering and Analysis 10 Design 10 Coding 20 Testing 5 Implementation & Documentation 5 Total Time (Day) 50 E-R Diagram User password User id Admin 1 1 1 manage manage Patient id Patient name M patient M M Donor D_ name M D_id has has M Blood Bank 1 BB_Id BB_ name 1 UML Diagram Use case Diagram Admin: Blood Bank Management System Registration Login Manage Blood bank Manage Donor Manage Patient request Manage City/Location View Feedback Manage inquiry Blood bank: Blood Bank Management System Registration Login View request Add new blood bank Manage donor Manage patient blood request Manage stock Donor: Blood Bank Management System Registration Login View Profile Make new Blood Donation Patient : Blood Bank Management System Registration Login View Profile Patient Request for blood Activity Diagram Start Activity Diagram for Admin: No Reg ? Registration Yes login No Valid? Yes Manage blood bank Manage donor Manage patient req. Manage city/location logout End View feedback Manage inquiry Start Activity Diagram for blood bank: No Reg ? Registration Yes login No Valid? Yes View request Add new blood bank Manage donor logout End Manage patient blood request Manage stock Start Activity Diagram for Donor: No Reg ? Registration Yes login No Valid? Yes Make new Blood Donation View profile logout End Start Activity Diagram for patient: No Reg ? Registration Yes login No Valid? Yes Patient Request for blood View profile logout End Class diagram New Donor Request -DD :INT B ID :INT D NAME :STRING L_ID : INT ADMIN Blood bank -ID : STRING -Bloodbank_management() +Donor_management() +Patient_Request() +User_management() +Login() 1 * -B_ID : INT 1 <<Use> > Name: STRING S_ID : ID +Login() +Sign_up() +Request_management() +Donor_management() view_profile() 1 Patient Request Location <<Use>> -ID :INT B ID :INT -L_ID : INT S NAME: STRING V_ID : INT 1 * +Check service () +Request service () * USER STATE -ID: INT NAME BIRTH_DATE CONTACT_NO EMAIL_ID +Check Donore () +Request * new Donor () -S ID : INT STATE:STRING ma + Provide State() +Register() +Login() +Make_request() +View_services() +Feedback() CITY LOCATION 1 * * -C ID : INT SID : INT SNAME : STRING -LOC ID : INT CID : INT L NAME: STRING +Provide state wise city() +Provide City wise location () Sequence Diagram Admin: D:Database S:System Admin Registration Send Request Get interface Successfully registerated Send request Get interface Login(user name,passward) Successfully login Store blood bank details Acknowledgement Manage blood bank Manage successfully Manage donor Store donor details Acknowledgement Manage successfully Manage request patient Store request patient details Acknowledgement Manage successfully Manage city/location Store city/location details Acknowledgement Manage successfully view feedback Store feedback details Fetch feedback details Get reply Store inquiry details Acknowledgement Manage inquiry Manage successfully logout logout successfully X X X Blood bank : D:Database S:System Blood bank Registration Send Request Get interface Successfully registerated Login(user name,passward) Send request Get interface Successfully login View request Store request Fetch request Get reply Add new blood bank Store add new blood bank details Acknowledgement Successfully add new blood bank Manage donor Store donor details Acknowledgement Manage donor successfully Manage patient blood request Store patient blood request Acknowledgement Manage patient blood request successfully Manage stock Store stock details Acknowledgement Manage stock successfully logout logout successfully X X X Donor : D:Database S:System donor Registration Send Request Get interface Successfully registerated Login(user name,passward) Send request Get interface Successfully login View profile Store profile details Fetch profile details Get reply Make new Blood Donation Store new blood details Acknowledgement Successfully new blood donation logout logout successfully X X X Patient : D:Database S:System patient Registration Send Request Get interface Successfully registerated Login(user name,passward) Send request Get interface Successfully login View profile Store profile details Fetch profile details Get reply Patient Request for blood Search patient request for blood Fetch patient request for blood Give request for blood logout logout successfully X X X Collaboration Diagram Admin: Admin 1.3 successfully reg. 2.3 successfully login 3.3 manage successfully 4.3 manage successfully 5.3 manage successfully 6.3 manage successfully 7.3 get reply 8.3 manage successfully 9.1 successfully logout 1.0 Registration 2.0 login user/password 3.0 manage blood bank 4.0 manage donor 5.0 manage req.patient 6.0 manage city/location 7.0 view feedback 8.0 manage inquiry 9.0 logout 1.1 check user details 2.1 check user/password 3.1 store blood bank details 4.1 store donor details 5.1 store req.patient details 6.1 store city/location details 7.1 store feedback details 8.1 store inquiry details Blood Bank Management Data Base 1.2 fetch user details 2.2 fetch user/password 3.2 fetch blood bank details 4.2fetch donor details 5.2 fetch req.patient details 6.2 fetch city/location details 7.2 fetch feedback details 8.2 fetch inquiry details Blood bank: bloodbank 1.3 successfully reg. 2.3 successfully login 3.3 get reply 4.3 manage add new blood bank successfully 5.3 manage donor successfully 6.3 manage patient blood request successfully 7.3 manage stock 8.1 successfully logout 1.0 Registration 2.0 login user/password 3.0 view request 4.0 add new blood bank 5.0 manage donor 6.0 manage patient blood request 7.0 manage stock 8.0 logout 1.1 check user details 2.1 check user/password 3.1 store request 4.1 store add new blood bank details 5.1 store donor details 6.1 store patient blood request 7.1 store stock Blood Bank Management Data Base 1.2 fetch user details 2.2 fetch user/password 3.2 fetch request 4.2fetch new blood bank details 5.2 fetch donor details 6.2 fetch patient blood details 7.2 fetch stock Donor : Donor 1.3 successfully reg. 2.3 successfully login 3.3 get reply 4.3 successfully new blood donation 5.1 successfully logout 1.0 Registration 2.0 login user/password 3.0 view profile 4.0 make new Blood Donation 5.0 logout 1.1 check user details 2.1 check user/password 3.1 store profile details 4.1 store new blood details Blood Bank Management Data Base 1.2 fetch user details 2.2 fetch user/password 3.2 fetch profile details 4.2fetch new blood details Patient : patient 1.3 successfully reg. 2.3 successfully login 3.3 get reply 4.3 give patient request for blood 5.1 successfully logout 1.0 Registration 2.0 login user/password 3.0 view profile 4.0 patient Request for blood 5.0 logout 1.1 check user details 2.1 check user/password 3.1 store profile details 4.1 Search patient request for blood Blood Bank Management Data Base 1.2 fetch user details 2.2 fetch user/password 3.2 fetch profile details 4.2fetch patient request for blood details Data Dictionary Table Name: Usertype_mst Primary key:-u_id Description:- This Table is store the user information Field Name Data Type Size Constraints Description U_id bigint 4 Primary key To store the user id U_type nvarchar 50 NOT NULL To store the user type Table Name: State_mst Primary key:-state id Description:- This Table is store the states information Field Name Data Type Size Constraints Description State_id bigint 4 Primary key To store the state id State name nvarchar 50 NOT NULL To store the state name Table Name: City_mst Primary key:-city id Foreign key:-state_id Description:- This Table is store cities information with states wise Field Name Data Type Size Constraints Description city_id bigint 4 Primary key To store the city_id state_id bigint 4 Foreign key References of the state id from state_mst city _name nvarchar 15 NOT NULL Reference of the city name form city_mst Table Name: Location_mst Primary key:-location id Foreign key:-city_id Description:- This Table is store location information cities wise Field Name Data Type Size Constraints Description location_id bigint 4 Primary key To store the location id City_id bigint 4 Foreign key Reference fo the city id from city_mst location _name nvarchar 50 NOT NULL To store the location name Table Name: Registration Primary key:-R_ id Foreign key:-u_id Description:- This Table is store user registration information Field Name Data Type Size Constraint Description Reg_id Numeric 4 Primary key To store the reg_id U_id Numeric 10 Foreign key References of the User_id from usertype_mst Name Nvarchar 50 NOT NULL To store the name Cont_no nvarchar 10 NOT NULL To store the cont no Address nvarchar 50 NOT NULL To store the address State nvarchar 15 NOT NULL To store the state City nvarchar 15 NOT NULL To store the city Location nvarchar 15 NOT NULL To store the location Pin-code nvarchar 10 NOT NULL To store the pin code Email nvarchar 30 NOT NULL To store the email Co t….. Co t….. Birth date datetime NOT NULL To store the birthdate Gender nvarchar 6 NOT NULL To store the gender User_name nvarchar 20 Unique key To store the user name Password nvarchar 20 NOT NULL To store the password Security_que nvarchar 30 NOT NULL To store the security que Answer nvarchar 15 NOT NULL To store the answer Flag Bit 1 NOT NULL To store the flag Table Name: Bloodbank_mst Primary key:-b_id Foreign key:-Reg_id,loc_id,city_id Description:- This Table is store blood bank information location and cities wise Field Name Data Type Size Constraint Description b_id bigint 4 Primary Key To store the blood bank _id reg_id bigint 4 Foreign key References of the regstration_id from regstration Bb_name nvarchar 10 NOT NULL To store the blood bank name Loc_id bigint 4 Foreign key References the location id from location_mst City id bigint 4 Foreign key References of the city id from city_mst Contact no Numeric 12 NOT NULL To store the contact no Status bit 1 NOT NULL To store the status ddate datetime NOT NULL To store the donated date Table Name: Donation_mst Primary key:-d_id Foreign key:-Reg_id,bb_id Description:- This Table is store donor information for blood bank wise Field Name Data Type Size Constraint Description D_id bigint 4 Primary Key To store the donation id Reg_id bigint 4 Foreign key References of the registration id from registration Name nvarchar 10 NOT NULL To store the name b_id bigint 4 Foreign key References of the blood bank id from bloodbank_mst bgroup nvarchar 10 NOT NULL To store the blood group Qty nvarchar 20 NOT NULL To store the qty ddate datetime NOT NULL To store donated date Table Name: Blood Request Primary key:-br_id Foreign key:-user_id,loc_id,city_id,b_id Description:- This Table is use to store blood request information Field Name Data Type Size Constraint Description br_id bigint 4 Primary Key To store the blood bank _id Reg_id Bigint 4 Foreign Key To store regtraction id for Patient B_id Bigint 4 Foreign key To fetch blood bank id Loc_id bigint 4 Foreign key References the location id from location_mst City id bigint 4 Foreign key References of the city id from city_mst Contact no Numeric 12 NOT NULL To store the contact no bgroup nvarchar 10 NOT NULL To store the blood group qty nvarchar 10 NOT NULL To store the qty Status bit 1 NOT NULL To store the blood request status for patient D_date datetime NOT NULL To store the donate date Table Name: inquiry _Form Primary key:- inq_id Description:- This Table to store inquiry information submitted for user and visitor Field Name Data Type Size Constraint Description Inq_Id bigint 4 Primary key To store the id Name nvarchar 20 NOT NULL To store the name Inquiry nvarchar Max NOT NULL To store the inquiry Address nvarchar 50 NOT NULL To store the address Phone no nvarchar 20 NOT NULL To store the phone no Email nvarchar 30 NOT NULL To store the email Date Datetime NOT NULL To store the date Flage bit NOT NULL To store the flage 1 Table Name: Feedback Primary key:- fid Description:- This Table to store feedback information Field Name Data Type Size Constraints Description fid bigint 4 Primary key To store the id Name nvarchar 50 NOT NULL To store the name Email nvarchar 50 NOT NULL To store the email Feed back nvarchar max NOT NULL To store the feed back INPUT DESIGN Home Page: Description: This page for show home page information About Us Page: Description: This page for show about us information page Registration Page: Description: This page for user registration page Registration validation page: Description: This page for registration validation Description: This page for fill the registration form Inquiry Page: Description: This page for store inquiry information Message Confirmation page: Description: This page for submit information message for inquire Feedback Page: Description: This page for feedback page show validation Description: This page submit feedback information Validation Page: Description: Validation for feedback form Admin Side Page: Description: This page for admin login Description: This page use for admin home Description: This page show user type wise information Description: This page show Donor user type wise information Description: This page show patient user type wise information Description: This page show blood bank user type wise information Description: This page show message delete confirmation page for patient Place Side Page: Description: This page show place information(state, city, location) Description:This page show place information(state) Description: This page show place information for selected state wise city information Description: This page show place information for selected city wise location information Description: This page submit information for selected city wise location information Description: This page show place information(select state & city) Description: This page use for manage for blood bank information Description: This page show blood bank information delete confirmation message Description: This page show for manage for blood bank information(update) Description: This page use for manage for blood bank information(edit/delete) Description: This page use for manage for patient blood request(edit/delete) Manage Blood Request: Description: This page show blood request for patient confirmation page(patient request delete) Description: This page use for blood request for patient confirmation page Description: This page for blood request for patient confirmation page(update successfully) Description: This page for Donor information Description: This page show feedback information Description: This page show inquiry information Description: This page for Blood bank information in blood stock Blood Bank side Page: Description: This page use for blood bank login Description: This page show blood bank home information Description: This page show blood bank profile Description: This page for show blood bank stock Description: This page for add the new blood bank Description: This page use for add the new blood bank Description: This page show patient blood request page Donor side page: Description: This page for donor login Description: This page show donor home Description: This page show donor profile Description: This page use for donor information page Description: This page use for donate blood information page Patient Login Page: Description: This page for patient login Description: This page show the for patient home Description: This page show for patient profile Description: This page show new patient blood request Description: This page use for show new patient blood request Description: This page use for check blood availability Output Design Blood bank list: Description: This page for blood bank list Blood bank list: Description: This page show user list information Donor list: Description: This page show donor list information Patient list: Description: This page show patient list information Testing Name :- User login module No Test condition Expected Result Actual output Status (pass, fail) Test 1 Click on submit button without user name and password. System does not allow user to login. System displays message and resume to the same page. pass Test 2 Click on submit button with invalid user name and or password. Message "please fill up the username or password As expected. pass Test 3 Click on submit button with correct user name add password. System allow user to login. System allow user to access application based on rights given to him. pass Name :-User Registration No Test condition Expected Result Actual output Status (pass, fail) Click on submit button without user name and password. System does not allow user to login. System displays message and resume to the same page. pass Test 1 Test 2 Click on submit button without correct password & repassword. Message please fill up the correct password & re password System displays message and resume to the same page. pass Test 3 Select on user type with correct user registration System allow user to login. System allow user to access application based on right given to him. pass Name :- Blood bank No Test condition Expected Result Actual output Status (pass, fail) Test 1 Click on update button without add new information of blood bank name. System does not allow admin to save data without add blood bank information. System displays message to the same page. pass Test 2 Click on edit button all blood bank location information. Message update successfully . System allow admin to add new category information into the system. pass Name :- Blood request No Test condition Expected Result Actual output Status (pass, fail) Test 1 Click on update button without add new information of request for blood bank name System does not allow admin to save data without add blood bank name System displays message to the same page. pass Name :- Donor request No Test condition Expected Result Actual output Status (pass, fail) Test 1 Click on update button without add new information of donor request for blood bank name. System does not allow admin to save data without add blood bank name System displays message to the same page. pass Name :- Feed back No Test condition Expected Result Actual output Status (pass, fail) Test 1 Click on submit button without name. System does not allow user name System displays message and resume to the same page. pass Test 2 Click on submit button with invalid email id Message "please fill up their e ail id As expected. pass Test 3 Click on submit button with require Feedback message System allow user to feedback. System allow user to access application based on rights given to him. pass Name :- Inquiry No Test condition Expected Result Actual output Status (pass, fail) Test 1 Click on submit button without name. System does not allow user to login. System displays message and resume to the same page. pass Test 2 Click on submit button with invalid email id Message "please fill up the username or password As expected. pass Test 3 Click on submit button with correct contact no System allow user to login. System allow user to access application based on rights given to him. pass Post Implementation Review • The important point that to keep during post implementation review is determining whether the application has met its objective that is, analysts want to know if the performance level of users has improved. • It contain all information about the blood bank and also show the user can search by their blood requirement. • Reviews are taken until Application fulfills users requirement. After implementation it is easy to manage the application and is easy to solve the difficulties. In this requirement are fulfill. • And also it display blood bank list and all information. FEATURE ENHANCEMENTS • Through online directory user can search any blood bank data by location. • User can also message module. • User can see this website and search blood bank. • This website can manage and create their own information. BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference Books and journal • Asp.net4.0 • Asp.net 3.5 complete reference Referring online manual from website •www.codeproject.com •www.tutorialpoints.com •www.w3school.com