CET 422: PORTS AND HARBORS Civil Engineering Department, COEA, Cagayan State University-Carig Campus Emer T. Quezon, Ph.D, C.Eng, M.ASCE Email: emer.quezon@csucarig.edu.ph Telegram: 09451631743 Course Outline 1. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE : PORTS AND HARBORS 2. COURSE CODE : CET-422 3. NO. OF UNIT / NO. HOUR/WEEK: 3 Units / 3-hours lecture/week 4. COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course gives emphasis on the planning, development, design, construction and operation of ports and harbors as modes of transportation. It gives a thorough discussion of the types and classification of ports and harbors; theory and principle of oceanographic information(tides, currents and waves); ports and harbors planning and development, hydraulics of rivers, its improvements and control. Chapter I. INTRODUCTION 1. Discussion of Course Syllabus, grading system and requirements. Face-to-face and Online orientation on the use and ethics. 2. Objective/Outcome 3. History of water transportation and its importance 4. Classification of water transport, disadvantage of water transport 5. Difference between Port & Harbor Chapter II. HARBOR PLANNING, ACCORDING TO USAGE AND SITE SELECTION 1. Harbor components, Classifications of Ports & Harbors 2. Harbor Planning 3. Size of harbor, ship characteristics 4. Kinds of harbors according to usage 5. Definition and Requisites 6. Location and Site Selection Chapter III. DESIGN AND REQUIREMENTS OF PORTS AND HARBORS 1. Types of Ports 2. Port Planning 3. Layout of Port and Design of Ports 4. Harbor Layout, Design Principles and Requirements of Harbors Chapter IV. BREAKWATER AND BERTHING 1. Design of Breakwater 2. Berm Breakwater 3. Types of Berthing 4. Design of Offshore Berthing 5. Berthing Structures and Loads Chapter V. PORT DEVELOPMENT 1. Criteria in Port Development 2. Classification & Characteristics of Waves 3. Tidal basins, Wet & Dry Docks 4. Lock Gates, Wharf and Quay wall References: 1. Duxbury, Alyn C., Fundamentals of Oceanography, 2000 CRC Press 2. Incised River Channels; processes, forms engineering and Management 1999 3. Philippine Ports Authority (PPA): Port Design Manual by JICA 1999 4. Philippine Ports Authority (PPA): Port Planning Manual by JICA 1999 Course Requirements/Grading System: 1. Attendance 2. Seatwork 3. Assignment 4. Project/Lab work 5. Major exam Total --------- 5% --------- 5% --------- 10% --------- 30% --------- 50% = 100% Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION Contents: 1. Objectives/Outcome 2. History of Water Transportation 3. Classification of Water Transportation 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Water Transport 5. Difference between Port and Harbor 1.1 Course Objective/ Outcome At the end of the course, the student will be able to: Show familiarity in the concept and importance of port operation in the economic development of a nation. Knowledgeably plan a ports and harbors. Knowledgeably discuss the developments and operations of ports and harbors. Investigate and Analyze areas of improvement in ports and harbors. 1.2 History of Water Transportation Waterways have great importance in developing civilization and in growth of a nations. Rivers and seas were utilized as first facility for mass transportation of goods Heavy loads such as timber, stone & grain could be carried in large quantities only through water transportation signifying its importance Civilization that learned to build & sail ships were proposed as centers of trade, culture and power Ancient mariners used sea to explore the world, trade and conquer other empires. 1.3 Importance of Water Transport Water transportation is concerned with conveyance of people and goods in vehicles that float upon water. Waterways have great historic importance in the development of civilizations and in the growth of nations. Rivers and seas provided primitive man with his first facility for mass transportation of goods. Waterways can be classified broadly as Oceanic waterways and inland waterways. 1.4 Classification of Water Transportation Waterways can be classified into two categories: 1) Inland Waterways: Consists of water transportation on rivers, lakes & canals within the mainland. Example: Pasig River -main body of inland navigable river that stretches approximately 25-27 kilometers from where it drains Laguna de Bay and Metro Manila to its mouth in Manila Bay. a major source of water, food and livelihood and offered an alternative mode of transportation. PASIG RIVER 2) Oceanic Waterways: Consists of conveyance of people & goods primarily across the ocean between continents or islands. In the international trade 90% of the traded goods are carried out by ships in oceans. More than 30% of global maritime crude oil trade moves through South China Sea, according to US energy agency. The busiest oceanic route is- The North-Atlantic Ocean route. The idea of its multi-channel routes can be taken from: South America to North America(Panama Canal), Africa to Europe, and Europe to Asia. How much trade goes through South China Sea? The Significance of South China Sea Trade For many of the world’s largest economies, the South China Sea is an essential maritime crossroads for trade. 1.5 Advantages of Water Transport Development of commercial & industrial trade. Development of agriculture Assistance at time of defense in the emergency of national security. Easy & cheap mode of communication High load carrying capacity Cheap power: i.e, manual or motive required Encourages consumption of domestic as well as foreign goods & various commodities via importexport 1.6 Disadvantages of Water Transport High amount of loss in life & materials may result due to frequent storms Requires more time due to slow speed Easy for foreign countries to attack on naval crafts. Potential risk of pollution due to oil spillage from vessels, noise pollution & air (due to smoke & fumes) pollution as well. Waterfalls may hinder transportation through water. Operations of loading & unloading might be severely affected at time of high range of tides. 1.8 Difference between Port and Harbor HARBOR- place on the coastline where vessels may find shelter protected from rough water by piers, jetties, and other artificial structures. PORT- a harbor where ships load or unload, especially one where customs officers are stationed. A port is usually located inside a harbor. All Ports are Harbors Whereas All Harbors are NOT Ports! ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE ??