Uploaded by Danielle Adams

Urinalysis Training Checklist - Estes Park Health

Urinalysis Training Checklist
Clinical Laboratory- Estes Park Health
System Overview
initial/date initial/date
Normal Operating Procedure
Measures bilirubin, blood, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein,
specific gravity, urobilinogen
Power supply adaptor and AC power cord
Test table with calibration bar
Test table insert
Paper roll- loading
Printer- printer settings
Interactive display
 Run screen
 Main screen
 Options and set up screen
On/Off button
Test compartment
Barcode scanning
Quality Control and Maintenance
Two levels of quality control
 Quantimetrix level 1
 Quantimetrix level 2
o New lots need to verify expected analyte range
o Define QC values with new lots
 Performed with each new bottle of strips
 First of each month
 New lot of strips
 Recall of quality control results
 Automatic internal calibration
Macroscopic quality control
 Qc material
 Check expiration
 Check analyte range
 Internal system check
 Operator name
 Enter new patient
o QC1 or QC2
 Drip qc material onto strip
 Blot strip
 Reagent strip in the channel with test pads facing up
 Strip automatically pulled into analyzer
initial/date initial/date
Urinalysis Training Checklist
Clinical Laboratory- Estes Park Health
 Color and clarity- yellow & clear for QC
 Results print
 Rinse tray with H2O
 Record qc results
Microscopic quality control
 Review urine sediments I and II charts
 Interlab consistency study annually
Daily maintenance
 Remove insert
 Rinse both sides of table under running water
 Dry with kimwipe and replace insert
Periodic maintenance
 Remove test table
 Clean test table with DI H2O, do not touch calibration bar
 Dry test table with kimwipe
 Replace test table insert
Disinfecting test table and test table insert
 5% bleach
 Wipe clean but not calibration bar
 Soak for 10 minutes
 Rinse with H2O
 Dry with kimwipe
Cleaning white calibration bar
 Remove insert from table
 If dirty or discolored, wipe with cotton tipped swab and DI H2O
 Do not scratch
 Replace test table insert
Cleaning outside of Clinitek Status+
 Turn off analyzer
 Wipe outside with damp clamp and mild detergent
Urinalysis Process
 Test urine within 30 minutes-2 hours
 If past 2 hours, store in fridge
 Operator name
 Patient identifier
 Strip test
 Urine color and clarity
 Results cross to LIS
 Clean tray after each use
 Auto reflex for abnormal results on macroscopic
initial/date initial/date
Urinalysis Training Checklist
Clinical Laboratory- Estes Park Health
Formed elements: cells, crystals, casts, bacteria, yeast, artifact,
 Test urine within 30 minutes – 2 hours
 If past two hours, store in fridge
o Refrigeration may cause precipitation of amoprphous
urates or phosphates
o Return to room temp before testing
 Stat spin – pour off supernatant
 Microscopic review under microscope- 10 fields
 Elements viewed 10x- epithelial cells, casts, crystals, mucous,
 Elements viewed 40x- wbc, rbc, bacteria, yeast, parasites
o Sperm- report present on male, do not report on female
>18yrs, if female <18yrs have second tech confirm and
notify physician
 Culture reflex
Wet Prep
 Specimen collected by physician
 Tested within 20 minutes of collection
 Saline smear preparation onto slide
 Examine on 40x magnification
 Microscopic examination- trichomonas, clue cells
 Specimen collected by physician
 Potassium hydroxide preparation onto slide
 Examine on 40x magnification
 Microscopic examination- yeast
Epic documentation and resulting guidelines
initial/date initial/date
 Results cross over to LIS
 Change method if necessary- Clinitek vs. Manual dipstick
 Documented on form
 Enter into LIS
Wet prep
 Report trichomonas and clue cells
 Report yeast
Trainee Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: __________
Trainer Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: __________
Urinalysis Training Checklist
Clinical Laboratory- Estes Park Health
Review Signature: _____________________________________________