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DPWH Standard Specifications for Public Works and Highways

DPWH Standard Specifications for Public Works and Highways and Construction
(Source: DPWH Blue Book-pdf – Compilation of Terms)
►Roadway embankment of earth material shall be
placed in horizontal layers - not exceeding 200 mm (8
► Compaction- Immediately after the mixture has been
spread, struck off and surface irregularities adjusted, it
shall be thoroughly and uniformly compacted by rollers
►All surface objects and all trees, stumps, roots and
other protruding obstructions, not designated to remain,
shall be cleared and/or grubbed, including mowing as
required–Clearing and Grubbing
► Coarse Aggregate- It shall consist of crushed stone,
gravel, blast furnace slag, or other approved inert
materials of similar characteristics, or combinations
thereof, having hard, strong, durable pieces and free from
any adherent coatings.
►When Bill of Quantities indicates measurement of trees
by individual unit basis, the units will be designated and
measured in accordance with the following schedule of
sizes: Diameter at height of 1.4 m Pay Item Designation
Over 150 mm to 900 mm Small Over 900 mm Large
►All concrete pavement, base course, sidewalks, curbs,
gutters, etc., designated for removal, shall be:
(1) Broken into pieces and used for riprap on the
project, or
(2) Broken into pieces, the size of which shall not
exceed 300 mm (12 inches) in any dimension and
stockpiled at designated locations on the project for
use by the Government, or 11
(3) Otherwise demolished and disposed of as directed
by the Engineer. When specified, ballast, gravel,
bituminous materials or other surfacing or pavement
materials shall be removed and stockpiled as
required in Subsection 101.2.1, otherwise such
materials shall be disposed of as directed.
► Borrow excavation shall consist of the excavation and
utilization of approved material required for the
construction of embankments or for other portions of the
► The excavation below grade shall be backfilled with
selected fine compressible material, such as silty clay or
loam, and lightly compacted in layers not over 150 mm
(6 inches) in uncompacted depth to form a uniform but
yielding foundation.
► Earth berms shall be constructed of well graded
materials with no rocks having a diameter greater than
0.25 the height of the berm
► A new control strip may also be ordered by the
Engineer or requested by the Contractor when:
1. A change in the material or job-mix formula, is
2. Ten days of production have been accepted
without construction of a new control strip.
3. There is reason to believe that a control strip
density is not representative of the material being
► The liquid bituminous material shall be sprayed by
means of a pressure distributor of not less than 1000
liters capacity, mounted on pneumatic tires of such width
and number that the load produced on the road surface
will not exceed 1 kN(100 kgf) per cm width of tire.
► The tack coat shall be sprayed only so far in advance
on the surface course as will permit it to dry to a “tacky”
►Control of Traffic shall be prohibited from traveling at
speeds in excess of 40 km/h until the asphaltic material
has set.
Nominal diameter,
d, mm
32 and greater
Pin diameter (D)
Sieve Designation
Standard, Alternate US
No. 200
► Each job-mix formula submitted shall propose definite
single values for:
1. The percentage of aggregate passing each
2. The percentage of bituminous material to be added.
3. The temperature of the mixture delivered on the
The kind and percentage of additive to be used.
5. The kind and percentage of mineral filler to be used.
► A Quality Control Plan detailing his production control
procedures and the type and frequency of sampling and
► Concrete Batcher. The person performing the
batching or mixing operation shall be capable of
accurately conducting aggregate surface moisture
determination and establishing correct scale weights for
concrete materials.
►Concrete Technician- The person responsible for
concrete production control and sampling and testing
►Quality Control Testing -The Contractor shall perform
all sampling, testing and inspection
► Documentation -The Contractor shall maintain
adequate records of all inspections and tests.
► Transverse Strip Contraction Joint - It shall be
formed by installing a parting strip to be left in place as
shown on the Plans.
► Hand Finishing Hand - finishing methods may only be
used under the following conditions:
a. In the event of breakdown of the mechanical
equipment, hand methods may be used to finish the
concrete already deposited on the grade.
b. In narrow widths or areas of irregular dimensions
where operations of the mechanical equipment is
impractical, hand methods may be used.
► Surface Test - As soon as the concrete has hardened
sufficiently, the pavement surface shall be tested with a
3-m straight-edge or other specified device.
► Curing - Immediately after the finishing operations
have been completed and the concrete has sufficiently
set, the entire surface of the newly placed concrete shall
be cured in accordance with either one of the methods
described herein.
► Removal of Forms - After forms for concrete shall
remain in place undisturbed for not less than twentyfour (24) hours after concrete pouring.
► Sealing Joints -Joints shall be sealed with asphalt
sealant soon after completion of the curing period and
before the pavement is opened
► Static Testing - Suitable approved apparatus for
determining accurately the load on pile and the settlement
of the pile under increment of load shall be supplied by
the Contractor.
► Timber Pile - Bents Piles for any one bent shall be
carefully selected as to size, to avoid undue bending or
distortion of the sway bracing.
► The minimum penetration of the preservative with the
surface of the timber shall be 20mm. The minimum
retention of preservative per cubic metre of timber shall
be as follows:
Class P – Prestressed concrete structures and
members. Seal – Concrete deposited in water
► Pretensioning -The prestressing elements shall be
accurately held in position and stressed by jacks
► Post-tensioning- Tensioning of the prestressing
reinforcement shall not be commenced until tests on
concrete cylinders, manufactured of the same concrete
and cured under the same conditions
► Concrete deposited in water shall be Class A concrete
with a minimum cement content of 400 kg/m3 of concrete.
The slump of the concrete shall be maintained between
10 and 20 cm.
►The concrete in walls, beams, columns and the like
shall be placed in horizontal layers not more than 30 cm
thick except as hereinafter provided.
► Surface finishing shall be classified as follows:
Class 1, Ordinary Finish
Class 2, Rubbed Finish
Class 3, Floated Finis
► The falsework - shall be constructed to conform to the
falsework drawings. The materials used in the falsework
construction shall be of the quantity and quality necessary
to withstand the stresses imposed.
For general use, 195 kg by empty cell process
For marine use, 320 kg by full cell process
► Pin holes may be flame cut at least 50.8 mm smaller
in diameter than the finished pin diameter. All eyebars
that are to be placed side by side in the structure shall be
securely fastened together
► Erection -The Contractor shall provide the falsework
and all tools, machinery and appliances, including
driftpins and fitting-up bolts, necessary for the expeditious
handling of the work
► “Steel Structures Painting Council Specifications”
(SSPC) meeting one of the following classes of surface
a. SSPC – SP – 5 White Metal Blast Cleaning
b. SSPC – SP – 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning
c. SSPC – SP – 8 Pickling
d. SSPC – SP – 10 Near White Blast Cleaning
► Shop painting - shall be done after fabrication and
before any damage to the surface occurs from weather or
other exposure. Shop contact surfaces shall not be
painted unless specified.
► Splices shall be staggered as far as possible and with
a minimum separation of not less than 40 bar
girders, beams frames
or arches
Floor slabs
Sides of beams and all
other vertical surfaces
14 days
14 days
1 day
2 days
1 day
► All personnel protective equipment shall conform to the
American Standard Association Code for such
► The maximum size of fillet weld that may be used along
the edge of material 6 mm or more in thickness shall
be 1.5 mm less than the thickness of the material.
► The minimum effective length of fillet weld shall be
four times its size and in no case less than 38 mm.
► Painting- This Item shall consist of furnishing and
applying all paint materials including vehicles, pigments,
pastes, driers, thinners and mixed paints for steel and
wooden structure.
► The classes of concrete will generally be used as
► Joint Mortar – Joint mortar for concrete pipes shall
consist of 1 part, by volume of Portland Cement and two
(2) parts of approved sand with water as necessary to
obtain the required consistency.
Class A – All superstructures and heavily reinforced
substructures. The important parts of the structure
included are slabs, beams, girders, columns, arch
ribs, box culverts, reinforced abutments, retaining
walls, and reinforced footings.
► Oakum – Oakum for joints in bell and spigot pipes shall
be made from hemp (Cannavis Sativa) line or Benares
Sunn fiber or from a combination of these fibers. The
oakum shall be thoroughly corded and finished and
practically free from lumps, dirt and extraneous matter.
Class B – Footings, pedestals, massive pier shafts,
pipe bedding, and gravity walls, unreinforced or with
only a small amount of reinforcement.
► Ties and struts shall be 300 mm in place until the
embankment is completed and compacted.
Class C – Thin reinforced sections, railings, precast
R.C. piles and cribbing and for filler in steel grid
► Granular Backfill Filter Material – Granular backfill
filter material shall be permeable and shall meet the
requirements of AASHTO M 6, except that soundness
tests will not be required and minor variation in grading
and content of deleterious substances
► A sufficient number of cylinders shall be cast from the
concrete for each unit permit compression tests at 7, 14
and 28 days, and to allow for at least 3 cylinders for each
test. If the strength requirement is met at 7 or 14 days, the
units shall be certified for use 14 days from the date of
casting. If the strength is not met at 28 days, all units
made from that batch or load will be rejected.
► Mortar for grouted riprap shall consist of sand,
cement and water conforming to the requirements given
under Item 405, Structural Concrete
► Beds for face stones may vary from 20 mm to 50 mm
in thickness
► Embankment construction - shall consist of
preparation of the areas upon which they are to be placed;
the construction of dikes within or adjacent to the roadway
► Clearance between stones shall not be less than 21/2 inches or the maximum size of concrete aggregate
for Class “B”.
► Sheet Piles- This shall consist of furnishing, driving
and cutting off of sheet piling
► Rock used in the gabions and mattresses shall consist
of hard, durable rock pieces that will not deteriorate when
submerged in water or exposed to severe weather
► Filter cloth shall consist of 70% polypropylene and
30% polyethylene.
► The precast curb shall not be more than 20cm in
width at the top portion and not be more than 25cm at
the base.
► Posts shall be set vertically in the position shown on
the Plans and, where embedded in a concrete foundation
block, shall remain undisturbed for a minimum of 48
► Rail elements shall be erected in a manner resulting
in a smooth continuous installation.
► Road signs are designated in the Manual, namely,
danger warning signs, regulatory signs and informative
signs, or guide signs
► Sign panels for warning, regulatory, and informatory
signs shall be manufactured from aluminum sheeting at
least 3 mm thick.
► The reflective sheeting used on the road signs shall
consist of spherical lens elements embedded within a
transparent plastic having a smooth, flat surface
► Pavement Markings- This item shall consist of placing
markings on the finished pavement
► The “Flush Surface” reflector shall be the short base
type having a maximum base area of 180 mm x 140 mm
► The “Raised Profile” reflectors shall consist of an
acrylic plastic shell filled with an adherent epoxy
compound molded from methyl methacrylate dim.
► Topsoil furnished shall consist of fertile friable soil of
loamy character without admixture of undesirable subsoil,
refuse or foreign materials.
► Mulching material shall consist of approved wood
chips, ground or crushed corn cobs, wood shavings,
sawdust or peat moss.
► The center-to-center spacing between trees shall be
10- 20 meters (m) on national road.
► Laying – Center lines, lane lines and edges lines shall
be applied by approved mechanical means and shall be
laid in regular alignment.
► Plasticity The putty made from Type S, special
hydrate, or type SA, special airentraining hydrate, shall
have plasticity figure of not less than 200 when tested
within 30 minutes after mixing with water.
► Mineral filler shall consist of finely divided mineral
matter such as rock dust, slag dust, hydrated lime,
hydraulic cement, fly ash or other suitable mineral matter.
► Admixtures - A material, other than water, aggregates
and hydraulic cement (including blended cement) that is
used as an ingredient of concrete
► Marking
Each container shall be marked with the following
a. Name, form and type of the product;
b. Net mass or volume;
c. Name and address of manufacturer and recognized
trademark, if any;
d. Manufacturer’s batch number and date of
e. Made in the Philippines and,
f. Required handling procedures
► Proportion for Mixing - It is the intent of these
Specifications to provide a paint of proper brushing
consistency, which will not run, streak or sag and which
will have satisfactory drying qualities.
► High-Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy
Steel Plate
It shall conform to:
a. High-Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered
Alloy Steel Plate, suitable for welding,
b. High-Strength Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and
Tempered for pressure vessels,
c. Quenched and tempered alloy steel structural
shapes and seamless mechanical tubing meeting all
the mechanical and chemical requirements of a steel.
► Tensile properties as determined by tests of bar stock
after drawing or of finished studs shall conform to the
following requirements:
Yield strength* (minimum)
Elongation (minimum)
413.4 MPa (60,000 psi)
344.5 MPs (50,000 psi)
20 percent in 50 mm
(2 in)
► Timber -It shall be free from loose knots, splits, worn
holes, decay, warp, ring separation or any defects which
will impair its strength or render it unfit for its intended use.