Part 1: Lines 1-3 exist to make the rest of the coding easier for the user. Making it easier to remember which Arduino pin is connected to which pin on the sonar. i.e. Arduino pin 7 can now be called by echoPin. Lines 5-8 tells the computer that our measurement will be a number of the type ‘long’. Each duration1,2,3 relates to each measurement Lines 10-18 are required in order to later use ‘qsort’. It establishes what to do with the inputs that we will give it later. In the setup function, the serial monitor is initialised and sets the trigger pin to output and echo pin as an input. In the loop function; line 29 calls the function which tells the sonar to obtain a reading. duration1 is now equal to the time taken for the echo to return to the receiver in microseconds. Line 33 establishes ‘x’ as a local variable within the loop function which converts the time into distance in cm. per calculations given on the datasheet. Line 38 creates a 2 second gap before the next measurement is initiated. Line 40-50 and 52-58 repeats the above however stores the second and third measurements as different variables, y & z which will be used later. The lines with Serial.print, print to the serial monitor each of the three measured distances. Line 62, places the three measurements into an array. Line 63-66 sort the array into ascending order. Line 69 selects the second value in the array which is the middle number, a.k.a the median. Lines 75-100 are the functions I have created which emit the ultrasonic pulse from the transmitter. PART 2: Data measured at different distances: Precision: Clearly, in figure 2, as the distance increases, the precision decreases, highlighted by a larger standard deviation. Evidently, the most precise readings are made in the 2-15cm range. Whereas outside of this range; distances 1cm and 100-300cm create far less precise readings, see figure 1. True Standard Standard distance Deviation of Deviation of (cm) Single Median 1 0.060663 0.048477 2 0.004472 0.007071 3 0.048166 0.014142 4 0.051769 0.02881 5 0.067305 0.008367 10 15 20 25 0.062209 0.010954 0.25044 0.086718 0.017889 0.007071 0.129615 0.027928 100 2.816758776 200 4.01670636 300 0.2812117 0.205304652 0.256943574 0.1952434 Figure 1. Accuracy: Observing figure 3, it is clear that the most accurate readings are given at 2-3cm as on average, the Figure 2. sonars output varies by just .06 - .18 cm from the true value. Furthermore, the distances between 4cm – 10cm are incorrect by approximately 0.44 – 0.57 cm. Interestingly, measurements given between 15 and 25 cm become more accurate where they are usually out by 0.24 – 0.32. Finally, the most inaccurate readings are given around 1 and 100 – 300cm where measurements can differ by 2.18 - 4.58 cm. Limitations: All three figures indicate that measurements at a distance of 1cm from an object are highly inaccurate and unprecise, about 4 times greater than the true distance; thus, being unusable. Limitations in the data are also present, as no data is given between then 26-99cm range is given. Further, when the true distance becomes greater than 100, the accuracy becomes far less than the 2-25cm range. True value distance (cm) Mean of single measurements – true value (cm) Mean of Median measurements – true value (cm) 1 2 3 4 5 3.01 0.18 0.08 -0.57 -0.48 3.04 0.18 0.06 -0.5 -0.50 10 15 20 25 0.44 0.24 0.24 -0.30 0.46 0.26 0.26 -0.32 Median Median Median 100 200 300 3.33 4.58 3.19 2.18 2.62 3.28 Single Single Median Data measured at different angles: Which measurement type less accurate Median Same Single Single Median Precision: Highest precision between 0-28°, above 28° precision is dramatically lost. Evident in Figure 4 where the taller bars represent higher standard deviations resulting in the data spread further away from the mean [1]. As the graph pictured on the right applies a larger range on the y axis, it is clear that measurements made at these angles have low precision. Figure 4. Accuracy: The highest level of accuracy is obtained when the sonar is at an angle of 0-20°; reproducing error of up to .29cm, figure 5. Further, when placed at 28° the accuracy is not far behind, however increasing to an average error of .82cm. Finally, perspectives of 29° and above reproduce extremely inaccurate measurements, differing from the true distance by between 4.01-49.5 cm. Limit of different angles: Evidently, angles of 29° and greater between the object and the sonar result in greatly inaccurate distance measurements ranging from 2 5 times higher than the true recorded distance. For example, at 30°, the distance can be seen to mistakenly record a 10cm distance as 53.49 Figure 5. on average. Difference from true distance Difference from true distance Compare single measurements vs median of three measurements. In the 1-25cm distance range, both measurements obtained from a single reading and a median of 3 returned data with very similar accuracy, figure 3. Typically, the average they were out by only varies by .02 cm. For example, the median measurements at a 15cm were wrong by an average of .46cm versus single measurements by .44cm. However, as the distance increases to 100-300cm away from the object, the median measurements become more accurate; for example, at 200cm, the single measurements on average are wrong by 4.58 but median measurements only by 2.62cm. Conversely, figure 5, reveals that measurements constructed from the median consistently present a more accurate output as the sonar is positioned at varying angles. In comparison, the right-hand column under the median readings heading reveals that measurements are off by smaller distances than the right hand column of single readings. Across all distances with the exception of at 2cm, the median measurement produced a lower S.D (Standard Deviation) consistently conveying that the measurements were closer to one another than those obtained through single readings, indicating higher precision, figure 2. Further, from figure 4, it is clear that this statement remains valid for measurements taken at different angles, where the median measurements consistently resulted in S.D lesser than that of single readings. For example, in the 0°28° range, the S.D of median measurements ranged from .04-.19 whereas in single measurements, the range increased to .17 - .71. PART 3: Accurate & consistent As previously discussed, the HC-SR04 sonar module is able to make accurate measurements between a range of 2-25cm with data varying by .06-.57cm on average from the true distance. Specifically, it was found that the most accurate data was recorded at a distance of 2-3cm, varying by only .06 - .18 cm; evident in figure 6, where the collection of vertical lines (measurements from the sonar) are far closer to the blue dot (true distance) than the rest of the measurements. When observing single readings, the most consistent measurements were made at the 2cm space, where the collection of vertical lines are the closest to each other in figure 6, only varying from each other by .01cm. Further, figure 2 indicates that at distances between 2-25cm, consistent measurements are also retained, where the maximum range between a set of data points is .22cm; with the exception of at 20cm. Figure 7. Re co rd ed Figure 6. Per figure 7, the sonar module returns the most accurate output when at an angle between 0°-30° from a subject. According to figure 5, the peak accuracy lies between 1 4 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 the range of 0-28°. Further, the most consistent results occur between 15-28°, from observing single measurements in figure 4. Whereas between 0-10° becomes slightly more inconsistent, where the standard deviation increases from around .2 to (.4-.7). Similarly, the orientation of the object in relation to the sonar will produce the same effect. 1,2,3… single measurements 1,2,3… median measurements Conversely, measurements at distances of 100 cm or greater become inaccurate, which on average are incorrect by 2.18 - 4.58 cm. Additionally, inconsistent results arise when at 20cm, see figure 2; also when above 100cm, see the last 3 rows in Figure 1… with the exception of at 300cm, precision is regained. Further, the sonar is incapable of measuring distances below 2cm or above 500cm according to the datasheet and figure 3. In addition, factors such as the material & size of the object in which the sonar is measuring against will affect the result. In that, soft surfaces provide inaccurate measurements. Vice versa, hard surfaces return more accurate results. On the other hand, small objects may avoid detection entirely or make it difficult to provide consistent measurements against. Whereas larger objects will allow for more consistent measurements. Environmental conditions such as extreme low/high temps, air pressure and humidity can affect the accuracy. However, this can be rectified by adjusting the speed = distance/time equations if these quantities are known. Also, the accuracy and precision of the measurements may be affected by interference from external disturbances i.e. fans and air conditioning. Why does the sonar have these limits? The transmitter in the HC-SR04 sonar module outputs 8 bursts of ultrasonic sound waves at a frequency of 40,000 Hz; in comparison, the human ear can only detect frequencies between 20-20,000 Hz [3]. Indeed, waves with higher frequencies in turn have shorter wavelengths, thus reducing the distance it can travel. Consequently, this limits the range in which the sonar can obtain accurate and consistent measurements, i.e. if the object is too far away, the emitted sound wave may be unable to reach it and travel back to the receiver. Further, if the object is too close, it may enter a blind zone, where the sound is reflected back too quickly for the sonar to register. The sound waves emitted from the device must be reflected back to the receiver in order to calculate the distance. Therefore, the orientation of the object with respect to the sonar as well as the angle between the sonar and the object must be within the 0-28° range to provide accurate measurements. Angles that exceed this range may deflect the waves away, see figure 8. As discussed, smaller angles between 0-10° reduce the consistency of the results, this is result of the sound waves bouncing directly back to transmitter rather than the receiver [2]. 3 Figure 8. Furthermore, softer materials like carpet or fabric will absorb sound waves more than hard surfaces and hence will not reflect it back to the receiver as required. Also, smaller objects may not reflect enough sound waves back to the receiver due to their reduced surface area, whereas larger objects can reflect more sound waves. Finally, sound travels at different speeds through air as factors such as temperature, pressure and humidity vary, affected by the increase or reduction of interfering molecules in the air. PART 4: Implications for rover: The HC-SR04 sonar module will be utilised on the rovers to measure the distance between them and the physical borders of both known and unknown mazes they attempt to navigate. Due to the physical nature of this modules, potential errors in estimating this distance must be taken into consideration. Indeed, if the rover becomes less than 2cm away from the walls, it will calculate the wall to be further away than it truly is and as result continue moving forward and collide. For example, it has been shown that at a distance of 1cm away the sonar module estimates the object to be 4.04cm away, 4 times greater than the true distance. To combat this potential error, the rover shall be made to drive no further if the measurement is returned to be 2cm, also the rovers’ future movements shall be determined when the rover is at a position of over 2cm away, i.e, as it approaches the wall. Conversely, measurements when the rover is further than 100cm away from the obstacle will be inaccurate, in turn, if the rovers’ movements were to be determined by this initial measurement, the rover will move forward the incorrect distance. This distance will likely be too short, the rover will not drive forward enough, turn early and proceed into a wall, not yet reaching the desired gap. Therefore, at this further distance, the rover will be instructed to continue driving forward receiving additional measurements increasing in accuracy and precise, then, once in the 2-3cm range future actions will be determined such as rotating. Furthermore, during the maze the rover must measure distances from walls from a perspective of 0°, see A in figure 9. Single measurements taken at this angleBhave been proven to be inconsistent; the rover may hit a wall if its actions were to be determined by one of these inaccurate measurements. However, this problem can be overcome by constantly using the median of 3 measurements instead of solely single measurements, increasing precision greatly. If wall is at angle above 28°, for example at 45 ° in A the known maze, B in figure 9, the wall cannot be detected. To overcome this error, after every 5cm the rover drives, it will stop, rotate the sonar which is mounted to a servo motor 45° and obtain a Figure 9. measurement. When the rover is moving through the straights, the sonar does not detect any walls on the side as they are at 45° to the sonar and hence keep moving. However, when the walls are placed at 45°, the sonar (after it has been made to rotate) will face it at 0° to the wall, detect it and modify the future movements as a result. If just single measurements were being used when at varying distances and angles, the wall could be observed to be closer/ further than it really is, due to the inconsistent nature of the results. Instead, greater precision and hence accuracy is obtained if the median of 3 measurements is utilised to determine the rovers’ actions. References [1] Dillard, J. 2021, 5 Most Important Methods For Statistical Data Analysis, accessed 22 April 2021, <>. [2] element14 presents 2021, accessed 22 April 2021, <>. [3] Anon, 2021, accessed 22 April 2021, <>. 6