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Concept Review Day 2 answers

Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
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Passing arguments: Arguments are passed in Java by copy.
a) Primitive data types: like x=5, the value that is copied if x is sent as an actual parameter is 5
public static void myMethod(int a)
// any changes you do here to the variable a does not affect the value of x
// since a is a copy of x
a=10; // the x is not affected and is still 5
//… somewhere in main for example
int x = 5;
System.out.println(x); // The output is
b) Complex (object) data types: like p = new Point(2,5), the value that is copied is the
actual address of p (So for example if the formal parameter is q then p and q point to the same
object, so p==q is true)
public static void myMethod(Point q)
//any changes I do to the content of q are seen by p
//since p and q point to the same memory address
q.setX(3); //now p.x is also 3
q = new Point(10,15); //this will make q point to a different place in memory
// than p so now this change is not seen by p anymore
//this changes the x of q after q points to a different object
// than p so that p doesn’t see this change either
//… somewhere in main for example
Point p = new Point(2,5);
myMethod(p); // p has (3, 5): 3 because q was pointing to p.
5 because p.y was in the old p, unchanged.
Practice 1) What is the output of the following code?
Makes a copy Directly changes
public static void main(String[] args){
int, double,
Objects, arrays,
int index = 2;
int[] array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
all the data structures
mystery(array, index);
System.out.println(array[index]+" is at "+ index);
public static void mystery(int[] list, int index){
list[index] = -1;
index += 1;
array is an Object, passed by reference. Any changes made in the
method are persistent.
list[index] = -1;
-1 is at 2
More MC on this?
int is a primitive type, passed by copy. Changes made in the
method are not persistent.
index += 1;
Exception: Strings are Objects, but they are immutable, so they
act as if they were passed by copy.
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
public interface Shape
public abstract double findArea();
public abstract class Polygon implements Shape
private int numOfSides;
public Polygon()
numOfSides = 0;
public Polygon(int sides)
numOfSides = sides;
public int getSides()
return numOfSides;
public abstract int findPerimeter();
public String toString()
return "Number of sides = "
+ numOfSides;
// Client class
public class PolygonDriver{
public static void main(String[] args){
Rectangle rect_1 = new Rectangle(5, 10);
Polygon rect_2 = new Rectangle(5, 10);
Shape rect_3 = new Rectangle(5, 10);
System.out.println("rect_1 == rect_2: "
+ rect_1.equals(rect_2));
sides =
sides =
sides =
4, length = 5 and width = 10
4, length = 5 and width = 10
4, length = 5 and width = 10
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public class Rectangle extends Polygon
private int myLength, myWidth;
public Rectangle(int length, int width)
myLength = length;
myWidth = width;
public int getLength()
return myLength;
public int getWidth()
return myWidth;
public void setLength(int length)
myLength = length;
public void setWidth(int width)
myWidth = width;
public boolean equals(Object other)
if(other instanceof Rectangle){
Rectangle oth = (Rectangle)other;
return myLength == oth.myLength
&& myWidth == oth.getWidth();
return false;
public int findPerimeter()
return myLength * 2 + myWidth * 2;
public double findArea()
return myLength * myWidth;
public String toString()
return super.toString()
+ ", length = " + myLength
+ " and width = " + myWidth;
What is the purpose of an interface?
What is the purpose of an abstract class?
Why does Polygon have to be marked “abstract”?
Polygon has two abstract methods: findArea(inherited) and findPerimeter
Rectangle is-a Polygon and is-a Shape: See blue highlight in driver -- polymorphism
Rectangle inherits all public methods, but not the private instance variables, from Polygon.
What does Square inherit from Rectangle?
toString() is overridden in Polygon and in Rectangle (see super.toString()). The
driver sees and uses the overridden version.
equals() is overridden in Rectangle so that rect_1 equals rect_2 in driver
Casting happens in the equals(Object other) method. First you cast, then you
check the fields to see if they are equal.
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
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Practice 2) Write Rectangle’s subclass Square. Square class has one argument
constructor which passes the side length. It also has one accessor and one modifier methods.
Note that Square does not need any additional instance variable.
Note: Square’s data is stored in the Rectangle class!
public class Square extends Rectangle
public Square(int sideLength)
super(sideLength, sideLength);
public int getSide()
return getLength();
public void setSide(int sideLength)
// NO!:
myLength = sideLength;
//does Square have direct access to myLength and myWidth? – NO!
A UML diagram of the class hierarchy:
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
Concrete class
Regular class which has no abstract
Has only concrete (implemented)
Abstract class
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Is used to define a class that will be
used only to build new classes.
Not a class. No abstract keyword in
interface header.
Is used when you know quite a bit
about an object and what you want
the object to do, but yet there are
still a few unknowns.
a list of what methods are available.
Has at least one abstract method.
Has only abstract methods.
Any concrete subclass that
extends a super abstract class
must implement all methods
defined as abstract in the super
T / F: Possible to instantiate an
object from a concrete class
Subclass extends Superclass
Ex) Point, Rectangle
T / F: Possible to instantiate an
object from an abstract class
T / F: Possible to instantiate an
object from an interface
Subclass extends Superclass
Subclass implements interface
Subinterface extends Superinterface
Ex) Polygon
Ex) Comparable, Shape
Inheritance: One object acquires all properties (public instance variables and methods) of its parent
object. Constructors are not inherited.
Polymorphism: A superclass declaration can refer to a subclass object. When the
program actually runs, it will run according to the directions in the subclass.
Superclass ways to instantiate an object:
Shape one = new Rectangle(4, 5);
Rectangle two = new Square(5);
Shape three = new Square(7);
Practice 3) Choose legal or illegal for each statement below:
Polygon rect_2 = new Rectangle(5, 10);
//superclass reference to a subclass object
Legal / illegal: Rectangle abcd = new Polygon(4);
Legal / illegal: rect_2.setWidth(3);
“thinks it is a polygon”
Legal / illegal: int num = rect_2.getSides(); “polygon has getSides().
Rectangle inherits polygon’s version.”
Legal / illegal: Polygon[] shapes3 = {new Rectangle(5, 3),
new Square(4), new Polygon(4)};
Legal: an array of abstract references
illegal: new Polygon()
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
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Practice 4) Consider the following incomplete classes:
public abstract class Animal
public Animal()
{ /* implementation not shown
public abstract void eat();
public class Bear extends Animal
public Bear()
{ /* implementation not shown */ }
public void eat() { /* implementation not shown */
Which of the following statements will compile without errors?
Animal joe = new Animal();
II. Animal smokey = new Bear();
III. Bear Teddy = new Animal();
I only
(no, because you can’t instantiate an abstract class Animal)
II only
(yes, because it is a superclass reference to a subclass object)
I and II
II and III
I, II, and III
Practice 5) If class C implements interface I and has a no-arg constructor, which of the following
statements results in a syntax error?
C x = new C();
I x = new C();
C[] x = new C[10];
I[] x = new I[10];
//makes an array for 10 references. You
instantiate the actual objects later. That’s okay.
(E) All of the above compile with no errors.
Practice 6) Which of the following statements about constructors is NOT true?
All constructors must have the same name as the class they are in.
Constructor’s return types must be declared void.
A class may have a constructor that takes no arguments.
A constructor is invoked when a program creates an object with the new operator.
A constructor of a subclass can call a constructor of its superclass using the Java reserved word
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
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Practice 7) Consider the following classes:
public class A
private int myNum;
public A (int x)
myNum = x ;
public int getNumber()
return myNum;
public String getLetters()
return "A";
public String getMessage()
return getLetters() + "-" + getNumber();
public class AB extends A
public AB (int x)
super(x + 1);
public int getNumber()
return super.getNumber() + 1;
public String getLetters()
return "AB";
What is the output of the following code segment?
A test = new AB(0);
// “thinks it is an A, but A’s methods all do AB stuff”
System.out.print( test.getMessage() );
AB’s constructor calls A’s constructor, passing 0+1. Therefore A’s myNum = 1
A’s getMessage() calls getLetters(), which has been overridden. That getLetters() returns  ABA’s getMessage() then calls getNumbers(), which has been overridden, but that calls the super’s
getNumbers() + 1, which returns 2
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
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Practice 8)
public abstract class House implements Comparable<House>
private int mySize;
public House(int size) {
mySize = size; }
public int getSize()
{ return mySize; }
public void setSize(int size) { mySize = size;
public int compareTo(House other)
return getSize() - other.getSize();
public abstract int getPrice();
public class HouseForSale extends House
private int myPrice;
public HouseForSale( int size, int price)
// < missing statement >
myPrice = price;
public int getPrice()
return myPrice;
public int compareTo(House other)
return getPrice() - ((HouseForSale)other).getPrice();
//. . . other constructors, methods, and fields not shown
Which of the following is the most appropriate replacement for < missing statement > in
HouseForSale's constructor?
mySize = size;
super = new House(size);
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
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Practice 9) Consider the following classes:
public class A extends Object //every class automatically extends Object
//how else do get equals, toString, hashCode?
public A()
//hidden automatic super is here, too
public void methodOne()
public class B extends A
public B()
//hidden automatic super
public void methodOne()
What is the output when the following code statement is executed?
A obj = new B();
If there is no explicit super(), then Java puts in a hidden, automatic call to
super() which is called before anything else.
B’s constructor therefore calls A’s constructor, which calls methodOne, which is
overridden, so that it prints B
Then B’s constructor prints *
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
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Practice 10) Consider the following interface TV and class myTV:
public interface TV
abstract void tuneTo(String channel);
public class MyTV implements TV
private ArrayList<String> myFavoriteChannels;
public MyTV(ArrayList<String> channels)
{ /* implementation not shown */ }
public void tuneTo(int k)
{ /* implementation not shown
public void tuneTo(int k, String name)
{ /* implementation not shown */ }
Which of the following best describes the compiler errors reported for the statements that are shown?
In the TV interface, the tuneTo declaration is missing the keyword public.
MyTV should be declared abstract because it does not define tuneTo(String).
tuneTo is defined more than once in MyTV.
Cannot convert int to String in the tuneTo method in MyTV.
Two errors: (1) tuneTo is defined more than once and (2) cannot convert int to String in
the tuneTo(int) method in MyTV.
Practice 11) Consider the hierarchy of classes shown in the following diagram.
Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
public class Cat extends Pet
public Cat(String name)
public String speak()
return "meow";
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Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
public class LoudDog extends Dog
public LoudDog(String name)
public String speak()
return super.speak() + " " + super.speak();
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Concept Review Day 2: abstract class, interface, inheritance, and polymorphism
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// Assume that petList is for the Pet type: private ArrayList<Pet> petList;
//Question: if the Pet is a Dog, Cat, or LoudDog, do you need to cast? -- NO!
public void allSpeak()
for(int i = 0; i < petList.size(); i++)
Pet p = petList.get(i);
System.out.println(p.getName() + " " + p.speak());
using for-each loop:
public void allSpeak()
for( Pet p : petList )
System.out.println(p.getName() + " " + p.speak());