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Grade 12 History Exam Questions

Diamond Academy
Term Practical Exam Questions
Subject: History
Date: ______________
Grade: 12
Section: __C
Total Time Allotted: 5 Minutes for each student
Total point 10%
I. Choose the correct answer for the following questions & explain your choice
within a minutes. (2 pt. each)
1. What was the Mikrecho in the kingdom of Kaffa?
A. An elected parliament
B. A council of advisors to the king
C. A council of high military officers
D. A committee of provincial governors
2. Why was the year 1888 a crucial year in the reign of Emperor Yohannes?
A. Yohannes reached the height of his power both internally and
B. Yohannes secured a major victory over the Italians at the Battle of
C. Yohannes faced a complicated set of internal and external problems
D. Yohannes secured acceptance for his rule from Menelik and
3. The battle of Chelenqo (1887) was fought to seizure _____________.
A. Arsi
C. Kaffa
B. Wolayta
D. Harar
4. A central feature of the colonial policy known as "Indirect Rule" was
A. the assimilation of educated Africans into European society
B. the granting of citizenship rights to the colonized populations
C. the use of traditional African rulers in administering the "native"
D. the exclusion of white men from involving in the administration of the
5. Which of the following is true about the Zemene Mesafint?
A. Religious harmony prevailed
B. Total political collapse observed
C. Warfare and intense political competition existed
D. Presence of strong central government
6. What was the major external factor for the downfall of Aksum?
A. Destruction of Adulis.
B. The Beja people’s rebellion.
C. South Arabians rebellion against King Caleb
D. A & C.
7. What was the most important achievement of Zagwe period in the history of
A. Maintenance of peaceful relations with medieval Muslim states of
B. Construction of many monolithic churches that still attract many
C. Expansion of the territory of the kingdom to the south and south west
D. Initiation of diplomatic relations with the Christian states of Europe.
8. In the 5th C A.D the Nine Saints arrived in Aksum thus
A. Catholicism got a wide acceptance.
B. The people of Aksum felt uncomfortable.
C. Christianity spread to the ordinary ones.
D. The tradition of idolatry introduced to the Horn of Africa.
9. Which one of the following is considered as a timeless achievement of the
Zagwe Kingdom?
A. Expanding maritime trade.
B. Building monolithic rock hewn churches.
C. Sheltering Muslim refugees.
D. Preserving pre Christian cultures.
10. Which of the following development of the fourth century contributed both to
the diplomatic and ideological strength of Aksum?
A. The coming to power of Ezana
B. The introduction of Christianity
C. The attack on Meroe
D. The ere citron of the tall Obelisk
11. The sinking of the Lusitania ultimately played a role in prompting Germany
A. Abandon the Schlieffen Plan.
B. Halt unrestricted submarine warfare.
C. Declare war on the U.S.
D. Begin a widespread rationing program.
12. Which statement best describes the relationship between World War I and
the Russian Revolution?
A. World War I created conditions within Russia that helped trigger a
B. World War I postponed the Russian Revolution by restoring confidence
in the czar
C. The Russian Revolution inspired the Russian people to win World War
D. World War I gave the Czar’s army the needed experience to suppress
the Russian Revolution
13. A major cause of World War I was
A. A decline in the policy of imperialism.
B. The existence of opposing alliances.
C. An increase in acts of aggression by England.
D. The spread of communism throughout Europe.
14. Which goal did Joseph Stalin establish for the Soviet Union?
A. becoming an industrial power
B. creating a golden age of culture
C. instituting a parliamentary monarchy
D. easing tensions using détente
15. Battle strategy in which soldiers fought from deep pits dug in the
A. Schlieffen Plan
C. Triple Entente
B. Alliance System
D. Trench Warfare
16. The countries that formed the Balkan League were:
A. Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria.
B. Yugoslavia, Serbia, Poland and Greece.
C. Georgia, Serbia, Yugoslavia and Turkey.
D. Serbia, Macedonia, Yugoslavia and Georgia.
17. Which one the following pairs of countries were the main obstacles for the
unification of Italy?
A. Britain & France
C. France & Austria
B. Spain & Portugal
D. Russia & France
18. What had done at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 concerning Italy?
A. Divided Italy in the hands of Austria, France and local princes.
B. Piedmont Sardinia recognized as the defender of Italian unification.
C. France was allowed to rule the whole Italy along with church.
D. Unity granted under the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.
19. What happened following the Council of Boru Meda?
A. The Jews community was forced to leave the country.
B. The Orthodox Church accepted Tewahdo faith as its official doctrine.
C. Catholics were allowed to practice their faith freely.
D. Sudan organized anti – Yohannis protest around Wollo.
20. In the process of political reunification/Empire building, Yohannis IV
preferred to follow
A. rigid approach.
C. power sharing approach.
B. centralized approach.
D. moderate approach.
21. The major impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany was that the treaty
led to
A. An era of peace and international good will in Germany
B. A stable Germany that was both democratic and strong
C. An increase in Germany’s desire to regain its power and prestige
D. A leadership position for Germany in the League of Nations
22. What event forced Britain to enter the war on the side of the Allied Powers?
A. Russia invaded Germany
B. Germany invaded Belgium
C. The Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated
D. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
23. Which ruler was overthrown by the Russian Revolution?
A. Kaiser Wilhelm II
C. Emperor Franz Joseph
B. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
D. Tsar Nicholas II
24. What document encouraged Mexico to reconquer three American states in
return for German help?
A. The Zimmermann Telegram
B. The White Album
C. The U.S. Declaration of War
D. Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points
25. How did imperialism lead to World War I?
A. European nations were eager to show their military might by fighting
with one another.
B. European nations all felt that their nation was superior to others.
C. European nations were eager to gain the colonial territories owned by
their rivals.
D. European nations were eager to take sides with other nations.
26. In 1917, Bolshevik leaders in Russia sought peace with Germany because the
new Russian government___________________.
A. Decided to join forces with Germany and the Central Powers
B. Needed to concentrate its troops and resources on its war with Turkey
C. Wanted to retain power and avoid German occupation
D. Needed to control the Baltic Sea and wanted a warm water port
27. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson argued at the Paris Peace conference most
strongly for
A. forgiving Germany.
B. restoration of Russia’s czar to end communism.
C. a League of Nations to prevent future wars.
D. the outright annexation of territories to the Allies.
28. What was the area in between the trenches called during World War I?
A. The Great soldier zone
C. The Dead zone
B. No Man’s Land
D. No tolerance Land
29. What was a major reason the Russian people engaged in the Revolution of
A. dissatisfaction with czarist rule
B. discontent with involvement in World War I
C. irritation over the banning of the Orthodox church
D. failure to emancipate the serfs
30. Which of these groups were the major supporters of 20th-century communist
A. priests and artisans
B. bourgeoisie and nobility
C. entrepreneurs and capitalists
D. workers and peasants
31. Why were tensions heightened among countries in Europe after 1900?
A. Socialists had seized power.
B. Some nations refused to trade with each other.
C. Nations began mobilizing for war.
D. People were joining the Black Hand.
32. One cause of World War I was the nations had aligned into two alliance
systems. Which of the following combination of nations comprised the Triple
A. France, Great Britain, and Russia
B. Germany, Great Britain, and Russia
C. Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy
D. Austria-Hungary, France and Italy
33. It was a rule that the kings of the medieval kingdom of Kaffa should belong
to the clan called
A. Maw.
B. Minjo.
C. Mikrecho.
D. Tato.
34. The main factor that facilitated the Italian Unification was
A. the development of Italian national feeling.
B. the presence of a French garrison in Rome.
C. the positive role played by the catholic pope.
D. the harsh domination by the Austrian state.
35. Which one the following Egyptian imperialism agent is different from the
A. Warner Munzinger
C. Colonel Arendrop
B. Mohammed Rauf pasha
D. General Loring
36. Which one of the following event happened first?
A. The Battle of Bereket
C. The Hewet/Adwa Treaty
B. The Borumeda Conference
D. The Great Famine/Kifu Qen
37. A lasting achievement of Emperor Tewodros attempt to restore a unified
central state was the
A. establishment of permanent alliance with Britain and France.
B. end of Egyptian expansion threat on Ethiopia.
C. end of regional oppositions to central authority.
D. reintegration of Shewa into the central Ethiopian state.
38. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia was caused in part by________.
A. a forced famine in Ukraine.
B. the failure of Czar Nicholas II to come to Serbia’s aid.
C. a shortage of military supplies and food during World War I.
D. the establishment of Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP).
39. What single event triggered the start of World War I?
A. The death of the Tsar of Russia
B. The alliance formed between Germany and Austria
C. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
D. Germany invaded Poland
40. What major nation entered the war on the side of the Allied Powers almost
three years after the war began?
A. France
B. Russia
C. United States
41. Which goals are most closely associated with the Russian Revolution of 1917?
A. peace, land, and bread
B. liberty, equality, and fraternity
C. science, technology, and agriculture
D. nationalism, democracy, and livelihood
42. Who was the first Greek historian nicknamed "Father of History''?
A. Homer
C. Herodotus
B. Thucydides
D. Hippocrates
43. Which one of the following term is used to call early states ruled by priests?
A. Democratic
C. Bureaucratic
B. Autocratic
D. Theocratic
44. Which of the following is correct about units of chronology in history?
A. A period of one hundred years is known as millennium.
B. The year from 2000 2099 is similar to the 20th century.
C. Historical calendars count dates both backward & forward.
D. Very recent events are mostly referred to as B.P.
45. Which of the following is correct statement about the human evolution?
A. Charles Darwin advocated the creationist theory.
B. Australopithecines had small brains in large faces.
C. Homo habilis was an upright walking human being.
D. Lucy’s fossil is the oldest of Australopithecine fossils.
46. Which statement best describes limitations in Ethiopian historiography?
A. Because of an imbalance of sources many writers were attracted to the
study of the northern parts of the country.
B. Most studies focus on political, economic, social & cultural histories of
the country’s past.
C. Scholar’s sufficient knowledge on various aspects of the country led to
the availability of reliable historical sources.
47. The balance of sources in different parts of the country enabled scholars to
present the facts of the country. Who was the Emperor of Germany during
World War I?
A. Emperor Franz Josef
C. Archduke Ferdinand
B. Ferdinand I
D. Kaiser Wilhelm II
48. What date did the fighting in World War I come to an end?
A. December 7, 1917
B. November 1, 1917
C. November 11, 1918
D. February 12, 1919
49. Which action contributed to the success of Lenin’s communist revolution in
A. Peasants were promised land reform.
B. Businessmen were encouraged to form monopolies.
C. Landowners were offered tax relief.
D. Factory workers were required to start small businesses.
50. Why Ethiopian rulers show growing interest to receive Europeans at the
beginning of the 19th C? Because they
A. needed the spread of European culture in their regions.
B. believed that Europeans would be happy to visit their regions.
C. no longer saw European as a threat to stability.
D. wanted to acquire firearms to consolidate their power.
51. Kassa Mircha of Tigray was best remembered for his______.
A. plot with the British against Tewodros II
B. opposition to French colonial interest over Ethiopia
C. bilateral deal with Spaniards over the issue of port Masswa
D. secret deal with the Italians to overthrow Menelik
52. The main objective of Emperor Menelik’s territorial expansion while he was
king of Shewa was to_____________.
A. create buffer zone between Ethiopia and European colonies
B. control areas that are rich in natural resource
C. strengthen his military power in relation to Europeans
D. reincorporate the Medieval Ethiopian territories
53. Emperor Yohannes IV exchanged one weak enemy with two fresh enemies
owing to the Hewett Treaty. These two new enemies were________.
A. Britain and France
C. Italy and Sudan
B. Egypt and Sudan
D. Britain and Italy
54. The Liche Treaty of 1878 was very important in Ethiopian history since it
avoided a major war between______________& __________________.
A. Tewodros II & Yohannis IV
B. Yohannis IV & Menelik of Shewa
C. Menelik of Shewa & Kassa Mircha of Tigray
D. Kassa Hailu of Qura & Adal Tessema of Gojjam
55. The famous mortar Sebastopol was made by_________.
A. local craftsmen recruited from different regions.
B. European missionaries who originally came to teach Gospel.
C. professional craftsmen who came from India.
D. artisans formerly involved in the construction of the Suez Canal.
56. Which of the following was the feature of the Zemana Mesafint?
A. Presence of strong monarchs.
C. Economic stability.
B. Continuous wars among regional lords.
D. Political
57. Which one of the following statement describes the purpose of Napier's
expedition? It:
A. exploited internal divisions and discontents.
B. was made to free European prisoners detained by Tewodros II.
C. had a plan of colonizing Ethiopia.
D. intended to conquer the sources of the Blue Nile.
58. Which of the following is true about ancient China?
A. The Great Wall of China was constructed to keep out invaders from
central Asia.
B. The Chinse system of writing is called Cuneiform.
C. They developed a religion called Zoroastrianism.
D. It was an ancient civilization emerged along Ganges river valley.
59. Which best describes conditions in Russia on the eve of World War I?
A. Russian nobles wanted to overthrow the czar and claim Russia for
B. Russia was a troubled country, with a worsening economy and an
ineffective ruler.
C. Russia had a strong economy, and a recent revolution had put an
effective leadership into government.
D. The provisional government that was put into place after the
revolution resisted entering the war.
60. The Communist system of organizing the State and society was based on the
ideas of__________________.
A. Joseph Stalin
C. Karl Marx
B. Antonio Gramsci
D. Mao Zedong
61. Germany had to receive all of the following punishment after losing World
War I, Except
A. They had to pay reparations
B. They had to give up land to France
C. They had to give up land to Britain
D. Germany did not receive any punishment
62. What organization of countries was formed after World War I to try and
prevent future wars?
A. Peace Corps
C. League of Nations
D. United Nations
63. One of the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles was
A. Germany must adhere to all of the Fourteen Points.
B. Austria-Hungary must pay reparations to the United States.
C. Germany must admit its guilt in causing World War I.
D. Austria-Hungary must reduce the size of its military.
64. Joseph Stalin’s policies in Ukraine during the 1930s directly resulted
A. widespread starvation
B. agricultural self-sufficiency
C. the development of cottage industries
D. the use of subsistence farming techniques
65. Which one of the following is less important among the uses of history?
A. Impacting the present
B. Providing amusement
C. Impacting the future
D. Analyzing the past
66. Which development changed the old pattern of the study of Ethiopian history
that fixed on the northern part of the country?
A. The invasion of Italy
B. The establishment of UNESCO
C. The establishment of IES
D. The opening of Goethe institute
67. Which of the following historical source is odd from the other three?
A. Diary
B. Autobiography (self-written)
C. Photograph taken during actual event
D. Oral tradition
68. Which one of the following is the first step in the process of historical
A. Identifying a research topic
B. Data collection
C. Data synthesis
D. Writing the history
69. Which of the following is true about the Liche Agreement?
A. Menelik refused to pay tribute to Yohannes.
B. Yohannes gave recognition for Menelik’s relation with the Italians.
C. Menelik agreed to drop the title “king of kings”.
D. Yohannes won the absolute loyalty of Menelik.
70. Which one of the following is not true about Egyptian invasion on Ethiopia in
A. It was conducted with extensive use of foreign mercenaries.
B. It was intended to control sources of the Blue Nile.
C. It was part of the plan of creating greater Egypt.
D. It was directly sponsored & financed by Europeans.
71. Maqdala was to Tewodros II as_________ was to Yohannes IV.
A. Eroge
B. Matamma
C. Qura
D. Gondar
72. What was the cause of popular migration out of Wollo in the mid-1870s?
A. Search for fertile land.
C. Religious persecution.
B. Population pressure.
D. Famine caused by drought.
73. In 1894 one of the following regions was submitted after great bloodshed to
Menlik, Which one?
A. Kingdom of Wolayita
C. Gibe Oromo State
B. Kingdom of Kaffa
D. Arsi
74. Which of the following age is an age in which human beings began the use
of fire?
A. Paleolithic
C. Mesolithic
B. Neolithic
D. Middle Stone Age
75. What is the event used by the Islamic Calendar to count time forwards and
A. Jihad
B. Hijira
C. Kabba
D. Intifada
76. What was the core of the conflict between Ethiopia and Egypt in the 2nd half
of the 19th century?
A. Egyptian jealousy of European influence in Ethiopia
B. Ethiopia’s effort to support Mahdist against Egypt
C. Egyptian effort to defend Muslim persecution in Ethiopia
D. Egyptian ambition to realize the idea of Great Egypt
77. The battle of Eroghe (1868) was fought between____ &_______.
A. Emperor Tekle-Giyorgis and Kasa Mircha
B. Emperor Tewodros and the British
C. Emperor Yohannes IV and the Mahdists
D. King Tekal-Haymanot and King Menelik
78. Zemene Mesafint was characterized by all of the following, except?
A. Regionalism
C. Ransacking
B. Vandalism
D. Integrity
79. What was the consequence of the Battle of Embabo for Negus Menelik?
A. It marked the end of Menelik’s expansion to the Gibe region
B. It re-directed his expansion from the east to the west
C. It marked the end of the use of force to conquer territories in the south
D. It opened up the door for his expansion to the southwest
80. The Eastern Question in the Balkan region was caused by
A. the occupation of the Danube & Bosporus by Russia.
B. the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War of 1854-1856.
C. the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into the Balkan.
D. the decline in power of Ottoman Turkey in the Balkans.
81. What event caused Great Britain to enter WWI
A. the sinking of the Lusitania .
B. the sinking of the Sussex.
C. the invasion of Belgium.
D. the invasion of Bosnia.
82. What two new forms of warfare were introduced during World War I?
A. aerial combat and gas attacks
B. rocket launchers and cannons
C. machine guns and trench warfare
D. submarines and warships
83. Bolshevik opponents came to be called
A. the Red Army.
C. Marxists.
B. Soviets.
D. the White Army.
84. Which of the following was the most important responsibility of district
governors of the Zagw period?
A. Doing pubic services like road construction in their districts.
B. Assessing and collecting taxes in the whole kingdom.
C. Ensuring the safety of trade, trade routes and the peasants.
D. Attending the court of the king daily to show their loyalty.
85. What does the word Renaissance refer to?
A. A period of renewed interest in the arts, based on the Classical period
B. A series of wars between competing Italian city-states
C. A breakout of infectious diseases that wiped out millions of people
D. The migration of Italians to the New World
86. Martin Luther initially criticized the Roman Catholic church on the grounds
that it
A. supported priests as religious teachers.
B. sponsored translations of the Bible into vernacular languages.
C. reduced the number of sacraments.
D. used indulgences as a fund-raising device.
87. The issues of the sale of indulgence and of the worldly lives of the clergy were
addressed by
A. Miguel de Cervantes in his, Don Quixote
B. Boccaccio in has the Decameron
C. Martin Luther in his, Ninety-Five Theses
D. Sir Thomas More in his, Utopia
88. Which action was taken by the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Vladimir
A. supporting a traditional economy
B. eliminating political opposition
C. surrendering to the Provisional Government
D. extending the war against Austria-Hungary
89. What was Humanism?
A. a march of masses of people with the intent to visit the birthplace of
Jesus Christ
B. a way of thinking that balances religious faith with the individuality of
humans, an interest in nature, and the power of the human mind to
C. the practice of humans devoting all of their time to the practice of their
religion, at the expense of all other activities
D. a worldwide movement to improve people’s physical fitness during the
15th and 16th Centuries
90. Which series of events led to World War I?
A. Austria took over Bosnia, Serbia declared war on Austria, and
Germany declared war on Serbia.
B. Germany declared war on Serbia, Russia moved to support Serbia, and
Great Britain declared war on Russia.
C. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia moved to support
Serbia, and Germany declared war on Russia.
D. An Austrian-Hungarian nobleman was assassinated, Germany moved
to support Austria, and Great Britain declared war on Germany.
91. What was the Zimmermann Note?
A. the German policy of attacking all ships entering or leaving Great
B. Wilson’s speech detailing reasons why the United States should
remain neutral
C. a note left behind by a suicide bomber in Serbia
D. a proposal by a German official that Mexico attack the United States
in return for territory
92. A primary objective of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in the Soviet Union
was to_____________.
A. promote private ownership of heavy industry
B. organize support for educational reforms to improve literacy
C. coordinate efforts to end World War I
D. gain stability by increasing production
93. Why Rome & Carthage did fought the Punic wars?
A. To monopolize the Red Sea trade
B. So as to maintain the Greek legacy
C. For mastery of the Mediterranean Sea
D. To dominate the trade route that leads to the Fareast
94. Why were tombs filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures in ancient
A. The tombs served as museums.
B. The tombs were the private storage rooms of the pharaoh.
C. Egyptians believed tombs to be the safest places in the kingdom.
D. Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife.
95. In the year 476 A.D, the West Roman Empire was come to an end because of?
A. Division of the empire in to West and East
B. The empire came under the control of Germanic tribes4
C. The expansion of Christianity to the empire.
D. The civil war with in the Roman Empire
96. In 350 A.D the ancient kingdom of Kush brought to an end, mainly because
A. the rise & strength of the Aksumite kingdom
B. the Egyptian invasion came from the north
C. natural disaster caused by bad weather
D. problem of succession within the ruling class
97. On which two fronts did Germany fight during World War I?
A. Russia to the east and Italy to the south.
B. France to the west and Belgium to the north.
C. Russia to the east and France to the west.
D. Switzerland to the south and Russia to the east.
98. What was the immediate result of trench warfare?
A. an easy victory for the Allied Powers
B. fewer casualties on both sides
C. massive deadlock
D. an easy victory for the Central Powers
99. What effect did the Russian Revolution have on WWI?
A. It forced Russia to withdrawal from WWI.
B. It left Germany with no allies.
C. It led to the defeat of Austria-Hungary.
D. It forced France into WWI.
Which one of the following is best describes history? It
is the study of events before the beginning of writing.
is the study of societies with writing.
studies & interprets what people did in the past.
the study of human culture prior to written records.
What was the contribution of the German historian, Job Ludolf, to the
study of Ethiopia?
A. He was writer and publisher of the first modern history of Ethiopia.
B. He was the first Chairman of the Department of History at AAU.
C. He was the founder of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies.
D. He was the first Director of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies.
Which one of the following comes first in human history?
A. The use of metal tools
B. The establishment of the nuclear family
C. The formation of the state
D. Domestication of plants and animals
The closest living relatives of humans are
A. Home sapiens & Hominids
B. Home sapiens & Homo Habilies
C. Gorillas and Chimpanzees
D. Pongidae & Hominids
Which one of the following institution was the largest land holder in
Western Europe in the middle ages?
A. Manorial lords
C. The Knights
B. The association of popes D. Roman Catholic Church
105. Which two land features gave Mesopotamia its name?
A. The Fertile Crescent and the Mediterranean Sea.
B. The Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea.
C. The northern plateau and the southern plateau.
D. The Tigris River and the Euphrates River.
106. One way in which the civilizations of the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, and
the Egyptian were similar is that each________.
A. developed extensive writing systems
B. emphasized equality in education
C. established monotheistic religions
D. encouraged democratic participation in Government
107. Identify the wrong statement about the Crusaders. They_______.
A. failed to accomplish their main goals
B. recaptured the Holy Land forever
C. stimulated economic growth
D. thought West Europeans how to build better ships
108. Which one of the following was not among the achievements of the
Byzantine Emperor Justinian I?
A. Called the first crusade to save the Holy Land from Muslim
B. Expanded the Empire’s size
C. Collected the ancient Roman laws
D. Built a shrine like Hagia Sophia (St. Sophia)
109. Which one of the following is incorrect about the Byzantine Empire?
A. It was centered at Constantinople and Greek was its official language.
B. Byzantine artists also developed Mosaics.
C. The empire preserved the Greek, Roman and Persian achievements.
D. It was centered at Rome and Latin was its official language.
110. Which incident has been regarded as a passport to the expansion of Menelik
to the south west?
A. Battle of Embabo
C. Liche Treaty
B. Borumeda Council
D. Battle of Bereket
111. Which one of the following country sent her man to negotiate on behalf of
Egypt, in 1884?
A. France
B. Italy
C. Britain D. Russia
112. One of the following was not a major purpose of Emperor Menelik’s
expansion to the south?
A. Expanding Christianity.
B. Curtailing the expansion of Islam.
C. Securing land and tribute.
D. Control of trade routes.
113. What was the fundamental factor that led to the downfall of Tewodros II?
A. The defection of the most of his able men to the side of his opponents
B. Failure to gain support for his policies from Europeans
C. The attempt to highly centralize power in the hands of the monarchy
D. The revenue shortfall that resulted from recurrent wars & epidemics
114. Which of the following laid the ground for Egyptian expansion into
A. Political stability in Ethiopia
B. European material support to Egypt
C. Ethiopia’s diplomatic antagonism with Europe
D. The Egyptian occupation of the Sudan
115. How did long distance traders in 19th century Ethiopia reduce the risks they
faced during their travels?
A. By adopting local clothes and religions.
B. By regularly changing their trade routes.
C. By organizing themselves in large caravans.
D. By carrying letters of protection from local rulers.
116. Which of the following strategies worked to bring about the Unification of
Italy in l870?
A. Unification under Piedmont
B. Unification under the Papacy
C. Unification through foreign aid
D. Unification through expulsion of foreigners
117. Which one of the following regions was incorporated into Menelik’s empire
through peaceful means?
A. The Muslim Gurage
C. The Gibe States
B. Silte
D. Wolayita
118. Which of the following events took place during the reign of Tewodros II?
A. All foreigners found in the country were put in prison in Tegray
B. A workshop to produce arms and ammunition was established
C. A proclamation was issued to abolish slavery and the slave trade
D. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church broke away from the Coptic Church of
119. In which of the following does a date correctly corresponds with a century?
A. 1999→21st C.
C. 1517→16th C.
B. 302BC→2nd century BC
D. 630 A.H→6th century AD
120. Which of the following species of Homo was the first to use its hand?
A. Homo erectus
C. Homo sapien
B. Homo habilis
D. Homo africanus
121. Which sub-field of history is the least studied in Ethiopian historiography?
A. Political history
B. Environmental history
C. Social history
D. Economic history
122. Which of the following is not true about the study of the past by professional
A. It is carried out on the basis of critical examination of the sources.
B. It has to work with important types of sources.
C. It produces accounts of the past that are acceptable to everybody.
D. It focuses on the unifying treats of a given society.
123. Which of the following laid the ground for Egyptian expansion into Ethiopia?
A. Political stability in Ethiopia
B. European material support to Egypt
C. Ethiopia’s diplomatic antagonism with Europe
D. The Egyptian occupation of the Sudan
124. The American declaration of independence was based on the political
philosophy of
A. Thomas Hobbes
C. John Locke
B. Thomas Jefferson
D. Edmund Burke
125. Which one of the following was NOT the effect of America war of
A. It liberated American from British rule
B. It abolished slave and slavery system from America
C. It inspired Latin America liberation struggle
D. It became immediate cause of French Revolution
126. The British response to the American claim of “no taxation without
representation” was that
A. Members of Parliament represented the interests of all people in the
British Empire
B. colonial assemblies would be permitted to vote on all new taxes
C. American approval was necessary for internal taxes
D. monies raised through taxes would be used for internal improvements in
the colonies
127. The Stamp Act Congress was significant because it
A. demonstrated that the colonies were loyal to Parliament
B. led directly to the First Continental Congress
C. failed to persuade Parliament of colonial discontent
D. marked an important step toward the unity of the colonies
128. As a result of the American War of Independence, the British agreed to
A. Recognize the United States as a British colony.
B. Recognize the United States as a free and independent nation.
C. Allow Americans to have representative in parliament.
D. Seek new alliance against the United States.
129. What was the outcome of the American war of independence?
A. Liberation of the slaves who worked on plantations
B. Restoration of the constitutional monarchy in the country
C. End of French occupation rule of America
D. Collapse of British colonial rule of America
130. The main cause for the conflict between Tewedros II and the regional lords
A. The emperor’s policy of centralization.
B. Disagreement over religious issues.
C. The emperor’s reduction of the land holding of the church.
D. The emperor’s alliance with European missionaries.