Causes of WW1 Word Bank Nationalism Austria Hungary Ferdinand Imperialism Serbia Schlieffen Arms Race Russia Belgium Alliance Germany Mobilize Great Britain, France, Italy and Russia joined together to fight in this war. Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire formed their own ___________. Both sides tried to build as many weapons as they could in this ___________. When a country tries to take over other countries or lands, it is called ___________. __________ is the belief that your country is best and loving your country. World War One began when ____________ was killed in Sarajevo. Countries began to move their armies and ________________ their troops. ___________ attacked Serbia to start the war. Russia promised to help __________ in war. The most powerful country in the Central Powers was _____________. They had the _______________ plan that stated ‘when at war with ______________ attack France’. Great Britain was dragged into this war when Germany attacked ________________.