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Philosophy & Education Module Activities

1. Having read these definitions and concepts of philosophy, state your own view of
In my own view, philosophy is a comprehensive matter of thinking which attempts to
deeply understand the purpose and essence of life existence. In addition, it seeks to
understand how fundamental beliefs and theories would be applied to explain the nature of
2. Explain your answer to this question, Why is it important to know these definitions
and concepts of philosophy?
Definitions and concepts are the most important aspect in philosophy for it will serve
as a guide in seeking the facts and reality. Knowing the different definitions and concepts of
philosophy is important to be enlightened of the certain and uncertain things around us.
Moreover, it will direct us into a deeper understanding of philosophy which could impact and
affect our thinking and perception.
3. You may read more definitions and concepts of philosophy from other sources. Try
surfing in the internet reading other materials. Do you find any difference from those
given? Please provide your best chosen definition that you got from other sources.
I have read more definitions and concepts of philosophy from different reading
materials from the internet. Those definitions and concepts are somehow alike and pertaining
about the comprehensive matter of thinking. The best defintion that I have chosen is from the
book of Philosophical Foundation of Education published in 2015 by Shri Nikunja Ranjan
Dash. He addressed and featured the definition stated by Raymant, a scholar and thinker.
Raymant defined philosophy as an unceasing effort to discover the general truth that lies
behind the particular facts, to discern also the reality that lies behind the appearance.
1. Do you believe that philosophy plays an important role in the educational process?
Explain your answer.
Nowadays, education is under the lens as we enter the new normal way of teaching
and learning process. Everyone is seeking for solutions to cater the different problems that we
are currently facing. Based on the reading, the purpose of philosophy is to identify problems
and suggest ways of handling these problems that is why philosophy, for me, plays an
important role in the educational process. Moreover, it is highly visible even up to now as we
continue in addressing difficulties and arriving to different solutions.
Furthermore, educational philosophy will also serve as a guide in order to follow an
educational practice that is suitable for every institution. Educational philosophy would help
the teachers in understanding the behaviors of their students in perceiving their actions. On
the other hand, it would help the students to improve their thinking skills in terms of reasoning
and analyzing.
In school, one of the common goals of educators is to produce holistic and wellrounded individuals. The importance of educational philosophy is evident in this aspect as it
molds a person and develops his skills in making right decisions, controlling his thoughts,
acting intelligently, being socially active and responsible member of the society.
2. Illustrate by giving a school activity or scenario for your answer in Question #1.
In addressing difficulties and arriving to different solutions, the educators are doing
their annual action research to cater the needs of the learners. Last school year, I proposed
and performed an action research entitled “Performance Enrichment in Mathematics through
Drills and Application for Stabilization of fundamental arithmetic (PEMDAS) among Grade 10
students of Pangil National High School SY 2019-2020”. In this action research, I noticed that
even though our curriculum is now following the spiral progression, I lot of competencies are
left unmastered by the learners during their previous grade levels.
This scenario, for me, is an application of educational philosophy wherein I
implemented an intervention program for my learners to possess the enabling competencies
that is required for them in dealing with higher concepts in mathematics. After addressing their
difficulties by giving them a pre test, intervention program is utilized in order to solve the
existing problems that our learners are facing.
In terms of producing holistic and well-rounded individuals in school, our Supreme
Student Government has their monthly activity which develops our learners to be MakaDiyos,
MakaTao, MakaKalikasan, and MakaBansa. Through those activities mandated by our school
government, we are helping and molding our learners to be responsible members of the
society. One of the activities that we have implemented last school year was the “Schoolbased Leadership Training with the theme, Servant Leadership”. The goals of this leadership
training is to enhance the leadership skills of the students that will assist them in facing
different challenges in the near future, provide an educational experience and opportunity for
young students to build their self-confidence and socialization skills, develop their moral and
spiritual well-being to be purpose-driven individuals, and promote cooperation, collaboration,
and teamwork that will be a great help in building one mission, one vision, and one goal for
one nation.
This activity, for me, is an application of educational philosophy wherein we are
producing complete social beings ready on their responsibility in this rapidly changing world
and well rounded learners who are worthy members of the society.
3. How do you explain to students like you the relationship of philosophy and
Philosophy and education are both important as chance and choice. For instance, a
student is dreaming to have a brand new car. Because he is enrolled in school, he has now
the chance to be succesful someday. But during their vacant time, his classmate invited him
to cut class. Now, he has two choices. He must choose between spending his vacant time in
studying to achieve his goals or cutting classes for the sake of enjoyment. In the end, the
student chose to study hard that’s why he is now a successful man who owned a brand new
car. So from that chance or oportunity that he encountered, he decided to take the choice of
studying well to achieve his goals in life. That scenario pictures out the relationship of
philosophy and education wherein their connection is very powerful to result with an impact.
Philosophy serves as a guide to educational practices that is being applied to schools to be
able to achieve the goals of the institution.
Making the best choice out of the given chances is like applying the best educational
practices out of the given philosophical judgments, they go hand-in-hand.
Bonus Activity
Explain why the three philosophers are depicted that way. How they are depicted
in the painting also explain the philosophy that they believe.
The painting shows the three philosophers depicting in three different ways. The ways
that they have depicted in the painting are actually the explanation of the philosophy that they
have believed in.
First is Socrates. In the painting, Socrates is talking to someone about something. He
goes along and discusses everything with all the people that he meets. He did not write down
any of his philosophies therefore, his teachings are mostly recorded by Plato. He believed that
talking to other people and being wise will not help us to be aware of the things that we did
not know. He calls this as “ignorant to ignorance”. This explains his philosophy about “The
unexamined life is not worth living” and “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know
nothing”. Moreover, Socratic method which is a pedagogy that has been applied even up to
now, stimulates critical thinking because asking questions and answering those questions with
more questions will enhance our thinking skills.
Second is Plato. In the painting, Plato is pointing up into the air/above. This proves his
claims that he is an idealist. His philosophy is about the truth could be grasp by means of
understanding the ideas. For him, the only thing that is real is the idea itself. He pointed out
that the world of ideas is the only constant and those which perceived the world through the
senses is deceptive and changeable. Aside from that, his famous writing about the Allegory of
the Cave simply denotes that everyone must be enlightened for us to build a great and perfect
society. He believed that people must ask big questions and seek for answers to be able to
get closer to the truth, which he thought would be the best way to guide society.
Third is Aristotle. In the painting, Aristotle is standing next to Plato and pointing out the
earth. This explains his philosophy about logic as the basic means of reasoning. He is a realist
who believed that the only thing that is real is the physical world. His realism was a rejection
of Plato’s idealism that’s why in the painting, they are depicting in two different ways. In
addition, Aristotle formulates the study of logic which help people perceive the world and play
a major part in influencing modern psychology. His philosophy is more scientific based and he
is looking at the emprirical data and the observable things.
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are students of one another. Though they may have
different views about philosophy, they are all giving us the inspiration to keep on seeking the