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DRRR Grade 11 Exam: Disaster Readiness & Risk Reduction

Mendez Christian Academy Inc.
Asis III, Mendez, Cavite
2nd Periodical Test
Grade 11
Name: ________________________________
Score: _____________
Date: ______________
A. Read each item carefully then choose which among the choices best corresponds to the
given phrase/statement. Shade the circle of the letter that you choose.
1. Geological hazard which refer to the downward sliding of huge quantities of land
mass when part of a natural slope is unable to support its own weight is called:
A. Erosion
B. Landslide
C. Sinkhole
D. Slope
2) All the factors below can cause landslide EXCEPT:
A. Gravity
C. Waves
B. Oxygen
D. Heavy Rain Fall
3) Which of the following is a sign of an impending landslide?
A. Tension Cracks
C. Cause property damage
B. Cause injury/death
D. High cost of rehabilitation
4) Which of the following should be done when lightning strikes?
A. Find shelter under a tree
B. Call parent using cellphone
C. Go inside a home or large building
D. Watch the amazing lightning volt
5) Which of the following conditions shows a disaster?
A. Ammunitions used during war
B. Cleaning materials in the kitchen
C. Canning factories in the locality
D. Occurrence of strong earthquake
6) Which of the following DOES NOT belong to Technological Hazard?
A. Dam failures
C. Toxic wastes
B. Cold spells
D. Factory explosion
7) Which of the following can be done to lessen the impact of disasters?
A. Assess the victims on their health
B. Protect the persons and properties
C. Provide accurate information regarding disasters
D. Counsel those who have suffered trauma and bereavement
8) What are the risk factors underlying disasters?
A. Risk and hazard
B. Exposure and risk
C. Risk and vulnerability
D. Hazards and vulnerability
9) Which of the following can be done to lessen the impact of disasters?
A. Assess the victims on their health
B. Protect the persons and properties
C. Provide accurate information regarding disasters
D. Counsel those who have suffered trauma and bereavement
10) What are the risk factors underlying disasters?
A. Risk and hazard
C. Risk and vulnerability
B. Exposure and risk
D. Hazards and vulnerability
11) Which of the following DOES NOT belong to Hydrometeorological Hazard?
A. Tropical cyclones
C. blizzards
B. heat waves
D. chemical spills
12) Which of the following belongs to Biological Hazard?
A. Rockslides
B. Animal plaque
C. Snowfall
D. nuclear radiation
13) The Philippines is said to be a disaster prone because:
A. We are near the Atlantic Ocean and Marianas Trench
B. We are near the equatorial plate
C. We are located near the Pacific Ring of Fire
D. We are an archipelago
14) A long term effect of a hazard is called_____________.
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Quaternary
15) Top of For 15) The point where movement occurred which triggered the earthquake is the:
A. Dip
B. Epicenter
C. Focus
D. Strike
16) Which of the following sequences correctly lists the different arrivals from firs
to last?
A. P waves ... S waves .... Surface waves
B. Surface waves ... P waves .... S waves
C. P waves ... Surface waves ... S waves
D. S waves ... P waves .... Surface waves
17) An instrument used to measure and record ground movements during an
earthquake is called a(n)
A. seismograph.
C. Creep meter
B. laser-ranging device.
D. moment magnitude scale
18) Once magma reaches the surface, it is called
A. silica.
B. Rock
C. Lava
D. Pyroclast
19) How would you portray a disaster?
A. A burning house with five family members who are all at work during the
incident. B. A community flooded because of typhoon and the citizens are
staying in an evacuation center.
C. A grade one student who got food poison from the spoiled food he ate.
D. A couple who got involved in a vehicular accident on their way home and
suffered minor injuries.
20) How would you describe the psychological impact of a disaster?
A. The presence of grief and psychological trauma in the aftermath of a
B. The death of the people in a community.
C. The widespread loss of housing.
D. The loss of cultural identity among the community.
21) All of the following are impending signs of a volcanic eruption, EXCEPT
A. Steam-blast eruption
B. Magmatic Eruptions
C. Changes in heat flow at a volcano.
D. Volcanic dormancy
22) Which can’t be prevented but can be anticipated generally?
A. Human-made hazards
C. Natural Hazards
B. Disasters
D. Socio-cultural Hazards
23) What do you call the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human
A. Food poisoning
C. Red Tide
B. Water Pollution
D. Chemical Spill
24) Which of the following situation best demonstrate hazard?
A. A trained senior high school student to provide first aid.
B. A room with furniture’s well arrange for disaster.
C. A house near a beach.
D. A slippery pathway in a school.
25) This type of volcano has violent eruptions with alternating layers of lava flow
and volcanic particles
A. Cinder cone
C. Shield cone
B. Composite
D. All of the above
B. Identification. Identify what is being asked. Write your answers in the spaces provided
before each number.
___________________ 26. The most prominent part of a volcano.
___________________ 27. A cylindrical channel that connects the crater or mouth to the magma
___________________ 28. These are craters that exceeds about 1km in dm and formed due to
collapsing of a volcano’s summit during a violent eruption.
___________________ 29. These are volcanic vents through which lava erupts without
explosive activity.
___________________30. A type of volcano characterized by its wide base with gently sloping
sides and a nearly circular base.
___________________ 31. The largest known volcano in the solar system.
___________________ 32. A type of volcano built almost entirely of loose fragments called
___________________ 33. Refers to the atmospheric condition in a specific area an time.
___________________34. Forms when hot ashes, very fine rock fragments and lava mix
with water from nearby or river or heavy rain occur.
___________________ 35. Another name for a cloud of ashes, lava fragments.
36-38. 3 Types of volcano according to
39-41. 3 types of volcano according to
44-45. 2 kinds of Seismic waves
46-48. 3 Natural Hazards
49-50. 2 Man-made hazards
42-43. 2 Kinds of Earthquake
Prepared by:
Checked by:
T. Annie M. Novicio
Subject Teacher
SHS Principal