See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Sensors and signal conditioning, Second Edition Book · January 2001 CITATIONS READS 163 13,247 2 authors: Ramon Pallas-Areny John G Webster Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya University of Wisconsin–Madison 392 PUBLICATIONS 5,041 CITATIONS 303 PUBLICATIONS 16,738 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Cardiovascular scale View project Electrocardiogram View project All content following this page was uploaded by Ramon Pallas-Areny on 10 December 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Sensors and Signal Conditioning, 2nd Ed. Ramon Pallàs-Areny and John G. Webster John Wiley & Sons, 2001, ISBN 0-471-33232 First-printing errata (Updated December 6, 2019) Page 13, last paragraph: Some sensors have an error (uncertainty) specified as… 20, eq. (1.6): change ( xi2 − xˆn ) to ( xi − xˆn ) . 2 2 22, table= 1.3: φ arctan ( −ωτ ) . 25, first line after eq. (1.16): change τ to τ -1. 29, last paragraph: …the frequency of resonance is not the same as the damped natural frequency, = ωr ωn 1 − 2ς 2 (1.27) and the amplitude of that resonance at ω = ω r is M r : Mr = k 2ζ 1 − ζ 2 (1.28) 32, Table 1.6: after Temperature cycling add Atmospheric pressure. 37, figure 1.13, upper right: it should be T 2 > T 1 . 38, 3rd. par., line 5: change ambient temperature to atmospheric pressure. 60, Example 1.5, a minus sign is missing: - 3 = 20lg a. 69, Problem 1.8, last line: …for the minimal damping ratio. 88, Fig. 2.11a, b, and c: t should be italic. 91, last paragraph, line 7: ...tolerances at 0 °C introduce ±0.15 °C and ±0.30 °C uncertainty. ( 0.1 °C )( 0.1 W/K ) = 10 mA 100 Ω 94, Fig. 2.14a and b: t should be italic. 96, equation 2.24 should be (1/T 2 – 1/T 1 ) in denominator 101, first line after (2.37) should read: where T is in Celsius degrees. 127, eq. (2.55): Delete “=” before 1/V. 129, Problem 2.5, it should be δ = 18 mW/K. 140, Example 3.2: Vr2 25 Rr > = = Ω 6.25 kΩ 4 Pmax 4 × 10−3 90, first equation should be: I = R60 = 60 kΩ 2.5 typical, and 12 kΩ minimum. Therefore, we can select R r = 10 kΩ. 153, Fig. 3.17b, R w1 and R w2 should be a single wire, and the unlabelled wire next to R w3 should be R w2 157, missing absolute values in the numerators of the second equation. They should read: |v o – v i |, |-αT| 166, Fig. 3.29: the unlabelled resistor is R. 170, 3rd. par., line 5: change Me lexis to Melexis. 202, Fig. P3.15, R 2 is the 500 Ω potentiometer. 209, first paragraph: change to The gap width w needed to achieve a relative error lower than a is w = -(d lna)/π [5]. 281, eq. (5.5): change Z(1 – x) to Z 0 (1 – x). 303, first equation: change v o (t)x(t)/2 to v e (t)x(t)/2. 308, Fig. E5.6 legend: Amplifier. 310, Fig. 5.24: in switch S4 there should be a single arrow like that in S3. 314, two lines before eq. (5.50) it should read C x << C s . 326, references [11] and [12] should interchange their places. 333, first line after eq. (6.7): the respective absolute temperatures. 354, in eq. (6.30) it should be: dT + 367, first line before (6.50), it should be: From (6.48) we obtain R= 400 377, first and second lines after (7.6), it should be: …for high input impedance (R 1 large). 390, R 2 = 99 kΩ (98.8 kΩ is the closest standard value) 391, second line, it should be. (Section 3.4.1 in [1]) 423, caption Fig. 7.23: hot spot temperature (T m ), 453, The Doppler effect was discovered in 1842, not 1843. 462, Fig. 8.30a: the line connecting the flip-flop output to the FET gate should be solid. 474, first equation: N 2 + 1. 493, Fig. 8.44: Address. 516, (9.23): R 2 instead of R 1 . 517, Fig. 9.8: there should be an arrow for i D pointing downwards (that for i p is OK). 540, (9.34) denominator: 2ρ(1 + ν). 541, 543, Fig. 9.22a and b: the pipe’s diameter is D. 553, 1.6 t = 0.52 ms should be τ = 0.52 ms 553, 1.8: M p = 0.45 g for ζ = 0.7, M p = 2.5 g for ζ = 0.4, t p = 0.4 ms for ζ = 0.4. 554, 1.11: sensitivity = 1/2ρg, 555, 2.5, it should be: maximal resistance, 37.4 kΩ. I < 366 µA 556, 3.4: R r = 3320 Ω, D(0) = 1233, D(600) = 4083, and ∆T = 0.27 °C (at 600 °C). 558, line 3: R 2 = 926 Ω. 568-9, 8.11a. The design conditions obtained are right, but their application is not. At the end of line 5 it should read: Therefore, 1.5 µs/pF < k/k 1 < 71 µs/pF, which is equivalent to 1.5 µs/pF < k/(f 0 C 0 ) < 71 µs/pF. If we select f 0 = 10 kHz, which suits the available range for those oscillators, we obtain 1.8 < k < 86.6. The large k is, the better the resolution, but the measurement lengthens. Since the maximal reading for a 16 bit counter is 65536, k is quite small and the counter will not overflow, neither will the counting last more than 10 ms. 586, Thermopile, 341 View publication stats