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Sensors & Signal Conditioning Errata

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Sensors and signal conditioning, Second Edition
Book · January 2001
2 authors:
Ramon Pallas-Areny
John G Webster
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
University of Wisconsin–Madison
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Sensors and Signal Conditioning, 2nd Ed.
Ramon Pallàs-Areny and John G. Webster
John Wiley & Sons, 2001, ISBN 0-471-33232
First-printing errata
(Updated December 6, 2019)
13, last paragraph: Some sensors have an error (uncertainty) specified as…
20, eq. (1.6): change ( xi2 − xˆn ) to ( xi − xˆn ) .
22, table=
1.3: φ arctan ( −ωτ ) .
25, first line after eq. (1.16): change τ to τ -1.
29, last paragraph: …the frequency of resonance is not the same as the damped natural frequency,
ωr ωn 1 − 2ς 2 (1.27)
and the amplitude of that resonance at ω = ω r is M r :
Mr =
2ζ 1 − ζ 2
32, Table 1.6: after Temperature cycling add Atmospheric pressure.
37, figure 1.13, upper right: it should be T 2 > T 1 .
38, 3rd. par., line 5: change ambient temperature to atmospheric pressure.
60, Example 1.5, a minus sign is missing: - 3 = 20lg a.
69, Problem 1.8, last line: …for the minimal damping ratio.
88, Fig. 2.11a, b, and c: t should be italic.
91, last paragraph, line 7: ...tolerances at 0 °C introduce ±0.15 °C and ±0.30 °C uncertainty.
( 0.1 °C )( 0.1 W/K )
= 10 mA
100 Ω
94, Fig. 2.14a and b: t should be italic.
96, equation 2.24 should be (1/T 2 – 1/T 1 ) in denominator
101, first line after (2.37) should read: where T is in Celsius degrees.
127, eq. (2.55): Delete “=” before 1/V.
129, Problem 2.5, it should be δ = 18 mW/K.
140, Example 3.2:
Rr > =
Ω 6.25 kΩ
4 Pmax 4 × 10−3
90, first equation
should be: I
= 60 kΩ
typical, and 12 kΩ minimum. Therefore, we can select R r = 10 kΩ.
153, Fig. 3.17b, R w1 and R w2 should be a single wire, and the unlabelled wire next to R w3 should be R w2
157, missing absolute values in the numerators of the second equation. They should read: |v o – v i |, |-αT|
166, Fig. 3.29: the unlabelled resistor is R.
170, 3rd. par., line 5: change Me lexis to Melexis.
202, Fig. P3.15, R 2 is the 500 Ω potentiometer.
209, first paragraph: change to The gap width w needed to achieve a relative error lower than a is w =
-(d lna)/π [5].
281, eq. (5.5): change Z(1 – x) to Z 0 (1 – x).
303, first equation: change v o (t)x(t)/2 to v e (t)x(t)/2.
308, Fig. E5.6 legend: Amplifier.
310, Fig. 5.24: in switch S4 there should be a single arrow like that in S3.
314, two lines before eq. (5.50) it should read C x << C s .
326, references [11] and [12] should interchange their places.
333, first line after eq. (6.7): the respective absolute temperatures.
354, in eq. (6.30) it should be: dT +
367, first line before (6.50), it should be: From (6.48) we obtain
377, first and second lines after (7.6), it should be: …for high input impedance (R 1 large).
390, R 2 = 99 kΩ (98.8 kΩ is the closest standard value)
391, second line, it should be. (Section 3.4.1 in [1])
423, caption Fig. 7.23: hot spot temperature (T m ),
453, The Doppler effect was discovered in 1842, not 1843.
462, Fig. 8.30a: the line connecting the flip-flop output to the FET gate should be solid.
474, first equation: N 2 + 1.
493, Fig. 8.44: Address.
516, (9.23): R 2 instead of R 1 .
517, Fig. 9.8: there should be an arrow for i D pointing downwards (that for i p is OK).
540, (9.34) denominator: 2ρ(1 + ν).
543, Fig. 9.22a and b: the pipe’s diameter is D.
553, 1.6 t = 0.52 ms should be τ = 0.52 ms
553, 1.8: M p = 0.45 g for ζ = 0.7, M p = 2.5 g for ζ = 0.4, t p = 0.4 ms for ζ = 0.4.
554, 1.11: sensitivity = 1/2ρg,
555, 2.5, it should be: maximal resistance, 37.4 kΩ. I < 366 µA
556, 3.4: R r = 3320 Ω, D(0) = 1233, D(600) = 4083, and ∆T = 0.27 °C (at 600 °C).
558, line 3: R 2 = 926 Ω.
568-9, 8.11a. The design conditions obtained are right, but their application is not. At the end of line 5 it
should read: Therefore, 1.5 µs/pF < k/k 1 < 71 µs/pF, which is equivalent to 1.5 µs/pF < k/(f 0 C 0 ) <
71 µs/pF. If we select f 0 = 10 kHz, which suits the available range for those oscillators, we obtain 1.8 < k
< 86.6. The large k is, the better the resolution, but the measurement lengthens. Since the maximal
reading for a 16 bit counter is 65536, k is quite small and the counter will not overflow, neither will the
counting last more than 10 ms.
586, Thermopile, 341
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