Assignment 1 Question one A branching blood vessel can be considered as a splitting vane which divides the flow into 𝑚̇ two streams. Find the mass flow rate ratio 𝑚̇2, required to produce zero force in the y3 direction. Determine the horizontal force under these conditions. Assume no energy loss due to branching and that diameters remain the same. 2 , = 900 m V = 35cm / s d = 2.5cm m 3 , = 25 0 Question two When a patient experiences high blood pressure, discuss what happens to the vascular flow rate. What changes must occur to allow the vascular flow rate to return to normal conditions? Assume that the peak systolic blood pressure for the hypertensive patient is 190 mmHg. Question three Calculate the wave propagation speed for a 100m thick blood vessel with a radius of 10mm. This blood vessel has a pressure of 85mmHg and a Young's Modulus of 12.5kPa. Under disease conditions the vascular wall can stiffen so that the Young's Modulus approaches 30kPa. Calculate the change in the wave speed under these conditions. What blood vessel property is likely to change in response to the increase in stiffness and why? Question four Calculate the radius of the parent branch knowing that the radii of the two daughter branches are 400m and 435m. Determine the bifurcation angles and draw an accurate figure of this branch.