(9 rEsrcoDE 01219010 jAlw.qRY20i1 FORM TP 2011007 CARIBBEAN EXAM INATIO.NS COUNC.IL . --- SECONDARY EDUCATION EE:NUTTCIATS -. EXALm{ATION. .-. Paper B{GIJSBA 01- \ General proflciency d^ 90mkuta I 03 a JANUARY20I1 (p_m-) RECX TEE FOIIOWiNG MSIRUCTIONS CAREI'TILLY 1 This test consish of 60 items. you will have 90lgiurdes to aaswertlem- 2. Il 3. Fach ite,m in ftis t"ut has forr suggested arswers, Iettered (A), (B), (C), (D). f,s4t each irern you are abors to answer aad dccide which aaswer is best ' 4 ou yorp awwu sheer fild tf,c m'mher rhich concspoads to yorr item ad sbade fte space hdving fre same letter as fte'aswer you ha'vq chosgu roohat the sampr. it rn t.6w. . sheel - additicn to tlis tesFsookle! you shouldlave ao aoswer ' Smpleltem Clioose fre word tlat BEST completes somqobe who is srff'aing (A) (B) fri meaning of each sentence. frcE.itrffu*oo..t, tot. iiorated as fte disrucis SampleAmwcr Iasting serious (c) -eon{agious (D) destuctive @@@o -)Ibros 1- 5 :hsbructiong: Each senhlcs has ei',ier one.or fwo worfu nissilg. choose ftou. the four options tire word or pzir cr wortu wnio resi .noi.rro ttre answer sheet co;iil';;;'ffi , a Poogl .,he boy,s misdeeds vere well 4ow1,th_prr.otret"eatopffi A Some 'j'/ E wrse @) lenient @ @ (Ytfi\\ SEYCTE @v concemed il.'|I. childreq aiftrough heaith-consclous, are uarisuaily lls soL (w ,??i.l*,"r* _ to ioclined -- disiases. f^tA lEtrIII]DE :inturable sosceptible infectious inditrerenf conbgious L 5 2 a, To.conceal tris " ,presence thereqrlcHy aplausrlll excuse for his . he bad to _ @ 'ttreiwibtiou he remeorbqed ttre Pected to ey (9', aelahed dirC,p.d Ee as @.. diYulged @) fa fte plau rilibe aikea to cauy ou as possrble, and will bi ex_ fre poliry of costredudion qproved by fteloard- fibdcated @] The new owuers tue activities, the spy to freputywheo exmination for which _. accepted ......_.. invigilate refxed ....-.--. assist declined .........- prepare acknowledged .._*-. reseach adapt ' shte develop imple.mrnt I \ IEES 6- 10 ##ffi ii?.::['T::_i:T:,i:'#Hif;ff ;"?::].]:;tl?ffi #ffi HH yoEr arl.S;ser sheel n=..t< yoor choice on After tbe foobrll mrtch it"+ TriDtf fEEh SEo6l woo, thdre -was much.iubilatioa am6ug sr4iporters, t rt a a"i, Ars E" 5. Tlis books ae intezestiag aad grovoetive. E ,cf iEiued- e) A @ l--,/ dozfa Gnc were injuad drring the cel,ebrations afterTriniry Ifgh ScbOol won rlri football rrra+r..L Triniiy IEgh Schootwoa the football tn2rr.h brt' a tlozea &as were iajrred dlri:og ttre cb.aos that followedAtthough Trinity Ftigh Scbool won the football 'na+ch, iubilaat fias injued a dozea sr4rycrrters- @ @ 9 @ football match cauling jubil.ant sapporters to injure a dozen Gnc- . T'he govenment's new.-fountl wealttr, oil, becarle the salvatiou of tho cor.mto-5ds @ _.economy_ @ The West Tndiss could.fiavg woE fte tcst Eatch if L-a-a badra't frllen ill suddenly. @ T'rinity Itrgh School won the 7 . ,@ The cconomic benefits gaiDed fc@ lAc ncw oil discbvery .nrl'led 6e govErule, t 1o sai,e tle nq+i6a'5 r6s bgoks zle most €EcitiDE. El'i: books tend to rneLa fts 1e.a.ter anary. -'- ' Eis books "are appealing and stiEulate discossiolIIis books are .coucerned. w.ith cotroversial topic*. The West Indies lost the test match because Lara was suddeaty I If Ijrz h2,irr't suddenly filten I -there was a possib igr t},"t 15s W'est Ildies would b.ave won ite ft2f-h Lar.d carsed the.West I.n.dies to Iose tte test rnarch because he test suddenly became ill Ihere was no likelfrcod th-t tle ' '\P'gst Indi65 y/suld test rnir..h }ave won ttre ifl-ala pas iIL economy. The discove5r ofo by the governnent added grea.tly to the profitable mineral resorrrces of @ fhe coEn.kJr. Thc-oil helped the goveoment to inqease its cconomic beoefib to ttrcoationThe now rich gove.mment en:abled the economy to prosper by sslling oil to noo-produiing L0.,1 /i So e.a.grossed was he in his task fi..'"r he did not hear his sister eater ftre room- @ @ (D nations- @ f.sL'Fas so .lifficlJt fh2f he did uot obsenre his sister's eatr5L IIe did not hear his sister e.nter the rocra beca:sei of the job he was doingIIis sister's eutqr did not afkact his ,llFntion becarse he vas eajoying wlat be was doing:. IIe was so preoco4ied witl wbat he was doing ttrat he pas r:l-zwzse ofhi< sister's entry. Flis 4 iiems 11 - i5 bstroctions: Choosettreworilorphrzsethatisclosestto.0?P9Slt'IEiumeaningtotherinderliaed worcl or pLrase auil nark you choice on yo-ur arsner sheef - 11. We found her apprcciatiye of 6e help that we }ad given her on this uhappy algt_ @ Al fte somd of the bel! the lower foms went relnctadiy back to their clzssrooms. 171 mafer miously - "riilffi-gly diryleasgd at @r' @ ungrtefirl for idoleratt of @) huuiedly pnoctrally a a i1 Whiie 6e employrs approved ofhis work babits, ftey objected b ($.) fuhionable informeri @ @ @ his ndical views. ' conservative 14. The guest spea.ker's address was devoid humour I @, c4ihlist tD} 15 fuli of indicative of with cont'olled by presented As a result of ttre available evidencc, fre ladlord was aoorehmded- released evicted caltioned $Errmoned ( of iir:os 1 5 -70 grrtmar, &ey s-hnd- No s!n'".o[ *o'oi* because of inaPProPriab ueees j5il##:T',"ffiJlHffi"*.i;*',,hT x 3iJ?1" *"'*P roPriate elernml ffue correspoading and doose part 'rhat you ir:el is lal35opria-te c.r"ct the ONE blilerlileil on t[e arswer sheel it tt'"at' choose D' Merk yoru choice letter' ffllr.T#;;tttpt'tit " 15. Ee divid4 fte (v e) yoE md ssees m. e. 19. One treakages? A not easily scaed- z0-/ some Ir is !ry EEeEE to cive rou concemiag ProPer No eror- P In "A Ilouse for lvlr Biswad', Naipaul shows Ndiljor of ttre of the ailmirable ,.Prg*w 18. fte estiades *'Gf*rydoYouiodrde e.gseE-. 17. 'When you are am?nBzy great odds to achieve v most desires. No,eror **ff tbat he ftfi ffiv -6Itaes ZL'-.3O : antl then InstrTstioas: Read tlte fotrowing poen carefully !s staEd or imPlied- -z-Bswer ite)Es 21 - 30 on tliLe basis of what ABadDaY -..not qr.ile todzgr norbe oleasaat todaY I do Eot ltrce-leoPle to(EI aDtl p artialdY bare children today todavl-ala sadtrlrlhv I aE Ead T 5 ,tGr"-ryu"Osl@d-erg&ilg IhrEltodtt/ I cd.'t love today abr see bea:fy 10 tDday I wish the wind awaY No..I can't be halPY todaY I lookeil dotu lhe fffie todaY anal begar to die todaY 15 CYtthia Wbota "A Bad DaY"' a 'P.64. Cynrkia Wlson, 2004, zl. Wlich tb'e of lhe following is NOT true of 24 @ (9) @ z?- s of whi"h of the following is ar exarylc aUlta:atiooZ poet? She camot t m c today" 0ine ,@, --arrnot -i:a't loie toda)z' Qine 9) @)" the izind away" Obe 12) @: 'wish 15) '.begaa to ilie todaf Qine -1) e tDday' She does uot love chEdren- She .<nr.ot see beautY in aaYfring' She camot be sad todaY' Wtich of dre followiag words BEST de- @ 25 scrrAes the Poefs --aood? Iffelacholic lovial \ Rtfl""tirt The poet repats the R ffi {q '-@ word "todayl for coDsistmcY baimce eEha.!.csme[t empbasis A.nxioos 23 The word ?artisu1adl" EST in mea:ring to sincereiy trnfnfrlly eqrciaily rarely (liDe 4) is NEAR- 75. a boked down fre fue aaex@6of personificalron simile onomatoPoeia todzf Qine 1$ is . rl I (iine10)meal -begao ?9 Thg pgeJ ThewordsSorsecbearff 71. to did fine 15) pqhably because tlatttre Poetmnnot i. n , ) . F. I U 6) ,pPtni'i'iif' G seelsimeno ifl,^ visithqho$e U) seenatue @ theweafierwas gioouy futire evenfu did not iook pmn$ing ffi @ she couid ..t nol conhoi her aryu ' t[ere were too maly pmpje aromd ! .l l,r l htr 71. IletneofttrepenmuBEsTbedqmfred as 30. ThcPoefsint*ionisto oEpress]ng , peaffiful a sacastic t @r 0 apprehensive infomus ofhubadday oErosshmlahdofpoplt show rrs ffi tell us of hu dislfo ha of cLildreu uubappy condition Items 3l - 39 Ilstructions: . Read fhe f,otrowiag ex6.act careiully and then xhat is s'.a'.ed or iu.piied- a-Esver i-Lens 31 - 39 on the basis of The morDerf Aldrick stEryed ouiside, Camiv.al hit l,im And his hearl gew big, i sofuess 96sl 6vgr hirn, md on ttre skee( the stee.Iband aird '.'" squeraders were assembling. The of months of practising and sewing and painting and buil.dirig were flowilg togeiher in the stilluess hurdrcSsed ttre momirg ulder fre eyes of womea a.nd cfrildren who had awakened froD sleep ald. -aod cheer ttrem ald to riedlv to come out a''d Eatch_eer-Egg+ to sec their people, to adrnite fhem of ac€oInPal]y themr to t?"rrJi the pavemen! w'hile lhe Yn"cqotraders occupied the shee! as i sort goard, right into Port aad he 5 It hit hi'n, tie ttre colorrs a:rtl and with &at felt ald tre ,nd the ls frce aad the little fellars s,,ith-saflatr€ps of greas e a.nd ffre 1o the wholb wodtl had f:r.i real eyes to sec the alone is as they on; and what revereoce aad wbal awe godsreal thing, to see heroes, to see danls, to see 10 15 so 3L that thc *Yes! recor]zlEg f i.", said offlrc Hi Tte vords '.-. Iit him" Qines I aod 8) are rcpeatcd to enaphasise ile iq>act of -'.1. of the excitemenf of Carnival objecB being llrowa ffe noise aotl fhe smells coujsioDs r,Ling place 37. 'And his heart grew big --." Qine rha+ tr1fti6( 1) meaas wanted to crjr felt a great pride wai rrged to j oin fhe baad felt a skong anger Lioes 2 and 3 of the e$ract snggest rh'+ prEparations for Carnival enta a grwit asl B B 34 PasE tension exciteEetrl barrl wodc The reoetition bf extract is intenaea @ @, /a-\ \7 -/=-\/<@J) *aaa" in lhe 3 of the t56w the sliecinc activities involved in c.sstmg rnrkirlg tte'boring E ature of ttre maaY . activfies bofore Camival fuelf" fte condt:o'os -,-ra.',re of 'fie ac'ur"..ties involwed in.grryahg how iryortaut each ofthe activities is to the ba-ad ] t u children" dressed soflar-ald that -"','1" 6o.s +' S) srggesb 35. 38. hu- The last seutence of the etract'(lines 1i-19) gives fre ilop'ression trdAl&icHs dalce is .r(t rieewasPassingEicklY %) no onerahdto nissfteryecEcle *" PeoPle had oversiePt that ff)' '\/ EOtrtrg ,6}, \/ amusing smprising cheedul s9. JO. (line (4 a W w @ 37 - li) reveretrce ano wxal Cmival, frcwrittrmalas use 'the si# ' Srnell flraing c4timted people to AlddcHs wqrise andfear la:gltcrad cheus, aod aPProml recopitiou ald fear . one oi&e folowing NOT used in this efr-dct? Iasb a 3pPrehensive recopiton dEscobing se,tses is rerals 6at fte ryecbbr w.ue Ihe reaction of dancc was one of h :' offtl senses':ffiiich afe,..- bcwildEd. engmsil be fii*tsning peopledidnothoemucfclofting to ptron ,... what iltndedto a -'10 - Iems 4i-45 hsktidions: Read the thea znsw et illBs ioll orirg exhact careiollS ald 40 ' basis oi whai 43 on "he stated or imPlied- Celestial lslaod is not pIng ovs to Celestial became peogleknow 5 10 scenei of easing sights, souuCs aad thc Pl e4eriene to ways There are so Baoy engagpg Jn n* *a dYo'mic wain of by fir ooe thoug!,is this islaod Paradise' Siglrecng, offPr Celestial islaad hasto leaming abod ali6d or,t f* A 15 nice altmativeto the times ry1fi: IIt1;: I travel itinerary with scheduled typicz atlookoutpoiils ovu ;ril ;ffi *";ryry:rf#"TH;Huffi'l#;*-*'#'; e,"*E -.- rnnr for and ttst-stops m' eaf and a v't.t'Lrs offulcrest Tb" .qtt d"*loP"d areas tmdY modeq wifr' romerons of Celestial Islmd ae rclativelY in addition to the cao be inodest guestiouses hotels, a few resgts and scatered internatisn al airPcBL 70 a seoniEgly infuite &eCaoabean coastthere is is 6e vftraut $a ftvor:rite witntowisr. Bliss Towq hub ofall the island's ictiviti"s. ffi:HfffiJtr; is ' 40: q661i5 tlevrlcr'sVrAlNPrPose? E mlch ad -fiffito To inform readers abord &lestial IslaEd GT @ To encouage visitors to visit U To @ ,-w' Cele$ial islaud the location ghlight 6e nriter's lack of words to dessft; theisland island ofCelestial"he state hi imporhut featres To descnbe ofCelestii 6 Islad emphasise therariety of athactions on&e isiaid suuirsarise fte list of activities for visitors 'convey the writer's excitemeut abort tre yaiely 6f things.to do Wiichofftcfollowingdoesftewriteruse in the atte@ to persuade? a @ Facb g Opini.rs gT I 42. Therepetitio-n qJttrewo.r{s "so "somauf inparagnphs I @ 4:r- 43. 4 Which ofthe following crprusiors BEST sums up the epaiences on Celestial Is- a :__-_lad'/ Staii$ical data @ 6] Stmng language & The advertiserneut is iutradedfor ]ou doices ue cndiesf Qines 8-e) "engaging wa1n" Qlne t0) hice alern:tive" gne 13) Hat comes uaimlf Qine la) holiday-uakcis brsinessmcu escaoed penons cultml , 45. Which of the folloyiug is the MOST suitabig desuiption of 6c ishud? adistes ^6 @ g ,@ 'tscimting orltne" fline Q "isLaad paradise" 0*g 1l) "infuite st'etch of wtrite sandy beachet''0rur20) \cedc capiuil (line2l) Items 46 - 50 2'Eerer items 46 - 5o on the basis of Inst-EctiqEs: Read tle fotrowilg passage carefi:.Ily and tlen wh;t is stateil or implietl beiog circulagl abont It has come to ihe atteution of '.he Mlistrv that certail i::fon:oationfollowirg the ABC Laad orog.asioc. We iherefore ;irink it ueces ,ffiopib6Ee 5 gifore beilg. glvsa acar4 Persons over tle ofS ocial Dev ccrryIe'.ed, is Aftef, ftis process forthe their oeCtfuec moqtbs to in lle grogi"rioe wfll be aotifled wto are intqested in Iow- or or at its sub-offices- The via lbe medi4 to coEtact theABC Setrehriat at 800 -ABCD (2r?i relevmt addresies aud nr:mbers rr l be published The--..Ffrst phase of ttre ABC Lard progrdmme is i[ Droress wilI be subjectcd to roeeI's testine administercd Ev lle 10 15 this time for'firfrer hfomation abord fue programme The ABC Secrebriat czl be contacted at those persons which oaY arise wirh the usc of lbc-czrd. The Mnistry.ftah or tq and asks for yo]JL@deI]ttEEIIwho have ing ald 46 Before boing givea al i{BC card' bave to @ @ ,@ (D)) be persons 4a" (@ wo*iug atihe lvfinisaY of Social Developmmt rpait for ifuee montbs v'ut tL office J the M-niskY Sgcial DwcloPmeut @ @ @ of uEdergo a means test . Membas of fre public yho neeil infrrmation about ttr.e progr@roe may corbct 49. the oedia a govemment social worker ' the ABC Secletaiat the IrfaistrY of Social Derelc'Pmec The passage is MOST likelY a report 47. People ilo are eligftle to appiy for the press rclease shod story letter to the ediior cacd are (6 /(B) B all citizens social rrorkers parents of frmilies low- or no-iacome Persons 50 It is MOST probable tiat the writer of this passage i5 @ (ffi) @ @ a press rePorter citizen the secretary oftheABC Secretariat m official of the MinistrY of Social DeveloProent a concemeil - LJ- ltems 51- 60 Hffi ffiffir-u*",1i'**1:"#HTf stz.fed or ImPlleo- Tbe purpoe of 6cfrst sedtDce i! paragraph I is to saggest tirattle vriier's poini of view is one that is 52. ff; of what is DarllI: 5 T-oPer- sbared logical I snongly believe that our school should organise a girls'-soccer 1gam, and I alr in this belief. A-fter coEducting a survey aaong the jrmior aod se,aiol eids atoc sohool, I found 6at fifty girls would be intercsted i[ tyitrg or:t for a soccer team- rrnanirnous beyond riiryue not alone ' - 53. flIat did 6e write,t do iu order to dscovet o-T:i* *worted od at diftred To discoverhow similatas bave worled schoors? o ;;;,h"a*h."r"J;;,fi;;G 10 Yormg, the giris' soccer coach at Fajfrx Eg!- When I asked her how the te"m has benefted the girls and the school *Thc girls oD'mY tsa.m haYe she sai& becomq closc fiiends. They hclp each othet with ewerlrthing L5 c @ homeworl Person'l problems-" She adde4 'Their gndes have improved - ttreylvs becode better a-11mrmd strdenb and thafs atrays good fur a ZO - @ school"' 54 A soccer teao would be of egual benefit to ali the eids atom school }ust Iike the'gids af Fait'a+ Eany sids here bav.e touble m;kilg fiieods A 5s6ger +ezm might [elP them adjust to school lif,e. x6r to @ .D\ L} meaas the sa.oe as ,61 P @ -,+-i-- The question of vtele to Practise isa't a poblem eitherSheiswillingto k ontheresponsribility of coaching ihe tear. I formd tbat finy giis wouitl be 'futerested ia trying out for a soccer teaE- Which of the following is NOT cited as a benefit of a qoccer te:m? Teawo* fttilg.ou uaiforms being a part of seeking selection f^- ^ -*- A soccer team would be of eqoal benefit to all thc girls at our school s5. "Tryttg, oufl Qine Q schools Spoke with al official at anolher school Visited a umber of schools wift eids' tcaas Which of Fe following is'a sbloent of cpinion? @ Moreover, it would be simple to. start a .25 ioccer team- Ive already talked to my . fellow glm. tEacher, IvIs Jordat She is wiiling to take ou ttre responsibility of coaching the team- The question of where to practise isu't a problem eitheq sinc€ the 30 playing fieldisn't used after tbree o'clock on Tuesdays aad Thursdays. AII we need 51- Conducted sqrve5's in ofler schools Observed practie sessions d other Frie,ndships Imgnoved grades . Keen competition -14 36.' ' *Mrlopef', to #oo1 tle leiier is a& a dressed' is MOST lftely The <0 @ sfrrd€Et ,'tg); \-./ Eroteacher school MAN o6cial ' newspaPer editor ''he Pr:rPose of would -wi! sryPort for the esublish:neqt ,,i a giris' soccsr te@' all girls roaybe sliled offi ietu @ c /+. {9) ,i"Ji"" to @ ,@ 58. " ,lo*t tt* *" lifiIedifierence betwestr t$/o schools a itnoolbavidg at FairEx rior team to that ,.*it;o*h. "All+ould strdents' Qinesl6 shdents who - \1 Ciiingevidence \[ Qootefrion nil. of oqeils Sbowing the advmbges .. I onlY I audII onlY sqe- lmdIIIodY I,trzodIll 17) aro' uc examiulions hig!. aLhievers il auems eicellent in sPorb od "^""4 "good for #;;'-rfl[eragmect \ fomftiendshiP Pra'ctice "acilities soccer tearo fre te"tmirines does Wbich of the follordng 60 school allowslnrienEto gptuedlo liie.moie easilY aml* it was for gitis of sP,ts for gids the eids' :ilffi:lHxffi'.#'rHH beaeit prom€te the "g,r."ihrt d socca € re) fl leter'is to it il rU thlit *a*it ' ottll"o co'cmca+demics md ular activities miou rnusn BmoRr cfficKYouR]{oRK TIIIE Is cil,[ED' oN Ttrs TEST'