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The Market: Definition, Types, and Functions

Year :one Licence
groupe: 02
Module : ENGLISH
The market
Reserch members:
Bengherabi Mohamed
Bengherabi zakaria
Yahiaoui mustapha
Saadi youcef
college year.2023/2022
The market is the place that makes the buyers and dealers meets
in a specific time and area to make a business trade. And that s The
old Definition of The market and There is a new one that have been
made because of The modern life and tech development so it makes
the market in every place (websites social media like facebook or
instagram) and the new system of delivery makes everything easy so
in a click of website button you can buy a product and wait few days
and that product will be in your door steps.
Types of the market
There is three types of markets:
1. Markets are divided according to geographical
 Local marke: it impose the producer to produce certain products
that will be consumed in that area and the rise transport fees help
the product to stay local like fruits .
 Regional markets: and that’s a market have few countries who
have things in common like climate.
International markets: it’s a market that can produce a product
that the complete world can consume
2.The nature of the product :² there are few types of markets
that depend on the product :
1mohamed Taqa and others, Fundamentals of Micro and Macroeconomics, first
edition, zahran for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan, 2008, p. 192
2Touiti Mostafa, Lectures in Microeconomics, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Bouira,
2013/2014, pg. 24
A. Products market: there are two types of markets here the first is
products like clothes and foods and also furniture’s extra… and the
second one is about services like transport or postal services
B. Money markets: it’s the core of finance system and the economy
of the country.
C. Primary materials Market: this market contain primary resourses
like lands work skills and plastic or iron
3. Types of market according to the economy system :
A. the full competition market: it’s a market that have three rules
that makes it special:
 The freedom of entering and leaving.
 No law or economic borders that reveals who buys and sells a
 The full knowledge about the market information.
B: the monopoly and The competition market:
It’s the most common market it contain few condition:
 Have a lot of both sellers and buyers to similar product.
 Also have the freedom of entering and leaving.
C: Oligopoly Market: It is a market that includes a small number of
sellers or producers of a commodity and it is generally characterized
by the following characteristics: The existence of a small number of
sellers or producers with a significant contribution to production.
Goods are similar or substitutes for each other.
D: Complete monopoly market: The monopolist is the producer who
acquires and controls all the outputs of a specific industry alone,
regardless of the number of buyers in the market, with the conditions
- There is one producer of the commodity or service, and this product
sells a commodity that has no equal in the market.
market functions 3
The functions of the market are as follows:
 Determines the value of goods and services.
 It organizes the production process through the factors of
production market, which determines the costs of production for
the producer, as well as the consumption market, which
determines the prices and quantities of commodities for the
 He carries out the process of distributing the produced
commodities, that is, the producer distributes the commodity
according to market demand, and this is determined by the human
density and market prices.
 Performs the process of future projections and predictions that
come through sales movements.
 It identifies future trends and patterns of saving and investment in
specific areas.
Mohamed Jassas, Lectures in Microeconomics 1, Faculty of Commercial Economics and Management
Sciences, Abdel Hamid Mehri University, Constantine 2, 2016/2017, p. 79.