LEEREENHEID 4 A ____ is defined as a desired future state that the organization attempts to realize. ____ are important because they define the purpose of an organization. GOAL A ____ is a blueprint for goal achievement and specifies the necessary resource allocations, schedules, tasks, and other actions. Goals specify future ends; ____ specify today's means. PLAN The word _______ means determining the organization's goals and defining the means for achieving them. PLANNING _____ is the organization's reason for existence that describes the organization's values, aspirations, and reason for being. MISSION The formal ____ _______ is a broadly stated definition of purpose that distinguishes the organization from others of a smiliar type MISSION STATEMENT ______ _____ are broad statements describing where ht eorganizaiton wants to be in the future. They pertain to the entire organization rather than to specific divisions/departments STRATEGIC GOALS ______ ____ define the action steps by which the company intends to attain strategic goals. A ______ ____ is a blueprint that defines organizational activities and resource allocattions, tends to be long–term. STRATEGIC PLANS _______ ____ are the results that major devisions and departments within the organization intend to achieve. ______ ____ apply to middle management and describe what major subunits must do in order for the organization to achieve strategic goals. TACTICAL GOALS ________ ____ define what major departmnets and organizational subunits will do to implement the organization's strategic plan––shorter period. TACTICAL PLANS _________ ____ are the specific results expected from departments, work groups, and individuals. OPERATIONAL GOALS ________ ____ are developed at the lower levels of the organization to specify action plans toward achieving operation goals and to support tactical plans. OPERATION PLANS _____–___ ____ are developed to achieve objectives that are not likely to be repeated in the future. SINGLE–USE PLANS _____ ___ are used to provide guidance for tasks performed repeatedly within the organization. The primary _____ ___ are organizational policies, rules, and procedures. STANDING PLANS __________ ____, often referred to as scenarios, define company responses to be taken in case of emergencies or setbacks. CONTINGENCY PLANS ____________ ______ means that planning experts work with managers in major divisions or departments to develop their own goals and plans. DECENTRALIZED PLANNING LEEREENHEID 5