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Hospital Information System (HIS) Overview

Health Information Technology
Topic: Hospital Information System
Hospital Information System
 Is fundamentally a computer
system that could manage all the
information to permit health care
providers to do their jobs
 Have been around since they
were first introduced in the 1960s
and have developed with time
and the modernization of
healthcare facilities.
 An effective HIS additionally
provides benefits, including
enhanced facts integrity, reduced
transcription errors, reduced
duplication of facts entries, and
optimized report turnaround
information and guide associated with a
company’s or institution’s products and
Scheduling: An employee scheduling
software could save time and make
employee scheduling less difficult.
Patient Registration: A patient
registration form needs to be filled up
whenever a patient visits a hospital or
clinic to avail of medical treatment.
Admission: Before a patient is admitted
to the health facility, an admission
counselor will call the patient or the
direct relative of the patient to gather
preliminary information, offer vital
information concerning hospital stay,
and answer some questions.
HIS for Different Departments
Nursing Information Systems
Physician Information Systems
Radiology Information Systems
Pharmacy Information System
Selecting a HIS
 Total cost of package
 Web-based system
 Implementation and support
HIS Providers in the Philippines
HIS Functions
Helpdesk: a useful resource meant to
offer the customer or end user with
Discharge: Before a patient is admitted
to the health facility, an admission
counselor will call the patient or the
direct relative of the patient to gather
preliminary information, offer vital
information concerning hospital stay,
and answer some questions.
Transfer: The term “transfer” means the
movement (along with the discharge) of
an individual outside a hospital’s
premises at the instruction of any person
employed by (or affiliated or related,
directly or indirectly) with the hospital.
Physician Practice: An advantage of
being an employed physician is that
much of the administrative burden of
running a practice is shifted to the
employing entity, allowing clinicians to
focus more on practicing medicine.
The downside of being an employed
physician is that physician autonomy
Health Information Technology
Topic: Hospital Information System
may be substantially diminished relative
to other practice models.
Billing statements: itemize all of a
purchaser’s invoices and payments and
maintain a rolling balance of how much
they owe. Statements are valuable for
customers that order from you on a
frequent basis.
Contract management: is the “process
of managing contract creation,
execution, and analysis to maximize
operational and financial performance at
an organization, all while reducing
financial risk. Organizations encounter
an ever-increasing amount of pressure
to reduce costs and improve company
Package Deal Designer: Posting
Diagnostic Medical Packages for
Inpatients, Outpatients and
Emergencies requires the same
process; the difference is that for
Emergencies this is called ‘PostDiagnostic Package Deal’.
Accounts Receivables: Investopedia
(2017) defines accounts receivables as
“the outstanding invoices a company
has or the money the company is owed
from its clients. The phrase refers to
accounts a business has a right to
receive because it has delivered a
product or service.
Consumption Entry: is duty entry for
the goods, which have been imported
from an international carrier and sent for
use in the commercial market directly.
is a platform for reporting and controlling
information valuable to the institution.
Apart from consumption entry, the
following entries are also used;
Transportation entry, Warehouse
entry, Foreign Trade Zone Entry,
Temporary in Bond Entry, and
Drawback entry
Laboratory Reporting
 Despite the differences in
presentation and form, all
laboratory reports must possess
common elements as required by
federal legislation or by company
policies. It may also contain
supplementary items not
specifically required, but which
the laboratory chooses to report
to aid in the interpretation of
results (American Association for
Clinical Chemistry, 2017).
 For identification and filing
purposes, some laboratory
reports display elements with
administrative or clerical
information: Patient name and
identification number or a unique
patient identifier and identification
number;, Name and address of
the laboratory location where the
test was performed; Date report
printed; Test report date; and
Name of doctor or legally
authorized person ordering the
Cardiology Reporting
 The purpose of cardiology reports
is that they should clearly provide
information about a patient for
medical records. The fact is that
doctors who need these reports
are busy and putting them
Health Information Technology
Topic: Hospital Information System
together takes a lot of time and
 Many physicians are now opting
for automation of vascular reports
and cardiology reports through
the use of software. Instead of
spending time handwriting reports
on findings, medical staff can use
forms that will allow to quickly
process a report in a system that
understands the tests and the
Discharge Summary
 is a clinical report arranged by
a health practitioner or a
different health expert at the
conclusion of a hospital stay
or series of treatments. It
outlines the patient’s main
complaint, the diagnostic
findings, the treatment
administered and the patient’s
response to it, and guidelines
on discharge.
Material Management System –
Pharmacy, Main Sotres, and
 Material management is
basically concerned with the
planning, identifying,
purchasing, storing, receiving,
and distribution of materials.
The purpose of material
management is to guarantee
that the right materials are in
the right location, in the right
quantities when needed.
 the automation of an inventory
or material management
system is a definite need for a
hectic health center to
streamline the hospital supply
chain. These computerized
stock management systems
include technologies for
tracking and tracing
inventories and devices used
each day in a healthcare
Management Reporting System
 Help in capturing data that is
needed by managers to run an
effective enterprise.
 A management reporting system
(MRS) provides business
information. Historically, MRS
structures simply used retrieved
data. Management reporting
systems help in capturing data
that is needed through managers
to run an effective enterprise.
 Kumar (2017) also enumerates
six reasons giving rise to the
need for a Management
Reporting System: Constant need
of reports for decision-making
and analysis of trends, Reports
being unavailable to the right
stakeholders at the right time,
Lack of visibility and a single
holistic view of the enterprise
performance, Data redundancy,
duplication of data leading to data
management, and quality issues
leading to error prone reports,
High value resources, Changing
a global report to fit local needs.
In-built Tally Interface
 Tally.ERP is a simplified solution
that encompasses accounting,
inventory management, tax
management, payroll, and
compliance, among many others.