Drawing Conclusions Approaches to research Correlation & Causation Correlation establishes a mathematical likelihood of a significant relationship between two variables. • It shows the extent to which 2 factors are related. • It can not establish causation. • It does not show the direction of the relationship. • It can be used to describe and predict relationships but not explain them. Correlation can be used to explore causal relationship not by establishing causation but by ruling out other possible factors. Replication The results of a study would be comparable if the study were to be repeated by the same or different researcher at different times. Replication matters because through it, the psychologists knows that a particular conclusion has application beyond its own research, research settings and participants. If a study cannot be replicated Better research method is required Understanding of the phenomena is insufficient replicability factors that increase Studies with higher statistical power which is a function of sample size appears to be more replicable. Studies with more statistically significant results are more replicable. Requiring pre – registration of research designs to lock in hypothesis and hold researchers more accountable. Generalisation Results from a research on a sample are generalized to wider population. Statistical Generalisation: Many researchers test and re - test their strong and Analytic Generalisation: consistent results through replication. According to Robert Yin, 2012 – it depends on Each successful replication strengths the consistency using a study’s theoretical framework to establish of original study. a logic that might be applicable to other According to Trochin, 2006, generlisation situations. specifically involves statistics. It refers to the transfer of findings from a study to context or groups of people outside of the original study. A conclusion is transferable based on the following: • Sampling • Quality of study • Triangulation It is used in psychology to measure behavior and mental processes using multiple methods or multiple viewpoints. It helps validate the results or findings of a study. It is thought of as a way of compensating for the weakness and blind spots of any given research method. Checks the integrity of data from a given study by comparing it with other research. Data Triangulation Seeks different sources of data which which may vary with time, space and people involved. • It increases external validity. • It allows for reliability check. Investigator Triangulation It involves multiple investigators or researchers. • It eliminates the blind spots in the way a particular researcher collects the data. Theory Triangulation Methodologica l Triangulation It interprets and applies research conclusions using multiple theoretical viewpoints or approaches. It usually refers to collection of data on the same psychological phenomena using a variety of methods. It adds credibility to the research. It provides most obvious way of combining qualitative and quantitative Reductionism essentially takes a complex Holism accounts for a phenomena and boils it wider range of possible down to its simplest and factors of shaping a most primitive behaviour. explanation.