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Macbeth Vocabulary List by Act

Macbeth Vocabulary
Date:February 3, 2014
Definition (P.O.S)
Creative Sentence #1
Creative Sentence #2
March 17, 2014
Act IV & V
1. Apparitions-(n)a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, especially a ghost; a
specter or phantom
2. Resolute-(adj)firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion.
3. Vanquish-(v)to conquer or subdue by superior force, as in battle.
4. Pernicious-(adj)causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful:
5. Judicious-(adj)using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency;
6. Laudable-(adj)deserving praise; praiseworthy
7. Desolate-(adj)barren or laid waste; devastated
8. Redress-(v)the setting right of what is wrong
9. Avaricious-(adj) greedy; covetous
10. Perseverance-(n)steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc.,
especially in spite of difficulties,obstacles, or discouragement.
11. Integrity-(n)adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral
character; honesty.
12. Transposed-(v)to change the relative position, order, or sequence of; cause to change
13. Agitation-(n)the act or process of agitating; state of being agitated
14. Oblivious-(adj)forgetful; without remembrance or memory
15. Antidote-(n)a medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison,
16. Pristine-(adj)having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied.
17. Bane-(n)a person or thing that ruins or spoils
18. Arbitrate-(v)decide between opposing or contending parties or sides.
19. Abhor-(v)to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest utterly; loathe;
20. Vulnerable-(adj)open to moral attack, criticism, temptation
March 5, 2014
1. Posterity-(n)succeeding or future generations collectively
Ryans prosterity led him to great riches.
I believe to have prosterity have live a successful life.
2. Prosperous(adj)having or characterized by financial success or good fortune; flourishing
The man opened a fortune cookie saying good stuff will happen to him,he lived a
prosperous life.
Everybody wants to live a happy,prosperous life.
3. Dauntless-not to be daunted or intimidated; fearless
The cat was dauntless to cross the street.
The soldiers go to war dauntless.
4. Rebuked-(v)to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand.
The owner rebuked his dog by yelling at it because it had peed all over the carpet.
Parents rebuke toy because they care about you and your actions.
5. Rancor-(n)bitter, rankling resentment or ill will; hatred; malice.
The melon had a rancor taste.
The bully had a rancor feeling about the principal.
6. Predominant-(adj)having ascendancy, power, authority, or influence over others;
The president has predominant power of the military.
The teacher has predominant authority in her class.
7. Incensed-(n)an aromatic gum or other substance producing a sweet odor when burned, used
in religious ceremonies, to enhance a mood, etc.
The pink flower had an incensed taste.
Tree sap as a very bitter incensed taste.
8. Jovial-(adj)endowed with or characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of goodfellowship
The clown has jovial making the crowd laugh.
Best Friends have good jovial to their friend.
9. Assailed-(v)to attack vigorously or violently; assault.
The ant was assailed by the human.
The bird was assailed by a bigger bird.
10. Jocund-(adj)cheerful; merry; gay; blithe; glad:
I become very jocund when i recieve a good grade.
he fans became jocund when there team won.
11. Humble-(adj)not proud or arrogant; modest
The teenager was very humble to help the old man cross the street.
The old man was humble giving money to the homeless.
12. Mirth-(and)amusement or laughter
Clowns cause mirth in the crowd.
After the class heard the joke they mirth of how funny the joke was.
13. Infirmity-(n)a physical weakness or ailment:
After track i feel very infirmity.
After a long day everyone feels infirmity.
14. Blanched-(v)to whiten by removing color;
The red shirt has been blanched turned pink.
You can use a special celaning pen to blanch your teeth.
15. Tedious-(adj)marked by tedium; long and tiresome
The car ride feels tedious.
After a tedious day all i want to do is sleep.
16. Wrathful-(adj)very angry; ireful; full of wrath
The teacher felt wrathful when the students wouldn't listen to her.
I feel wrathful when i recieve a bad grade.
17. Tyrant-(n)any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or
A tyrant bosses his people putting many restrictions on them.
A tyrant could also be considered a dictator to his people.
18. Malevolence-(n)the quality, state, or feeling of being malevolent; ill will; malice; hatred.
If i get a bad grade i feel malevolence at myself.
Act II
1. Repose-(v) the state of reposing or being at rest; rest; sleep.
The man got home from work all he could think about was reposing in his bed.
All the dog did all day was repose in the warm sun.
2. Entreat-(v) to ask (a person) earnestly; beseech; implore; beg
The little boy entreated his mom to get the toy for him.
The dog entreated to the owner to play with him.
3. Proceed-(v) to move or go forward or onward, especially after stopping.
The police officer told the driver to proceed on his way.
You have to stop at the read light until it turns green that is when you can proceed
4. Palpable-(adj)readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived
The injured deer can be palpable in the middle of the road .
The small snail can hardly be palpable to the tall human.
5. Stealthy-(adj) caution,secrecy
The stealthy fox stole the food from the campsite.
The raccoon walked on the fence stealthily so he wouldn't be heard by the dog.
6. Quench-(v)to cool suddenly by plunging into a liquid, as in tempering steel by immersion in
All athletes have to quench themselves so they would get dehydrated.
It is important to quench yourself before, during , and after a workout.
7. Balm-(n)a plant or tree yielding such a substance.
The balm on the tree was very sticking if someone put there hand to it.
The balm of the tree can be used as medicine to cure the sick.
8. Equivocator-(v)misleading use of words, vague, using words that have two or more meanings
The suspect was a equivocator changing his story.
The boy was an equivocator saying he is going to the library but goes to the game store
9. Provoke-(v)to anger, enrage, exasperate
The little boys were provoking the bees nest by poking it with a stick.
The teenage boys were provoking the sleeping bear seeing if would wake up.
10. Unruly-(adj) not submissive or conforming to rule; ungovernable; turbulent; intractable;
refractory; lawless
11. Lament-(v)to feel or express sorrow or regret for
The driver felt very lament after he hit the squirrel
12. Combustion-(n) act or process of burning
If the engine get to overheated it could combust.
Most machines are powered by a combustion of another machine to start it up.
13. Obscure-(adj)not clear to the understanding; hard to perceive
The teachers teaching was very obscure and the students didn't understand a thing.
The student was obscure about the project the teacher assigned.
14. Clamor-(n)a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people
The crowd at the concert gave a very exciting clamor when the band came out.
The clamor of people shook the stadium
15. Malice-(n)desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile
impulse or out of deep-seated meanness
The bully was very malice to the younger student taking his lunch money.
The teacher tried to stop the malice behaviour of the bully before anyone gets hurt.
Act I
1. Plight- (n) a condition,state,or situation, especially an unfavorable or unfortunate one
The cow was in a plight when it fell down the well.
It was a plight when the stunt double missed the safety mat and landed 2 inches away
from it.
2. Disdain-(v) to look upon or treat with contempt, despise;scorn
The evil villain disdain the superhero.
Loki disdain Thor even though they were brothers.
3. Brandish- (v) to shake or wave, as a weapon
The warrior brandish his sword as he was charging.
The Native Americans brandish their spears in the air before battle.
4. Valiant-(adj) boldly courageous;brave
The prince was a valiant hero in the play.
In fairy tales the good guy is always valiant.
5. Dismay-(v) to break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble.
The cliff dismayed the family on their camping trip.
The dog was in dismay when the cat appeared out of nowhere.
6. Foe-(n) a person who feels enmity, hatred,or malice toward another
Batman had many foes in his life.
Every foe has a reason to despise the person that they want to kill.
7. Flout-(v) to treat with disdain,scorn,or contempt
The owner flout at his dog when it peed on the carpet
The farmer disdain the crows that were eating his crops.
8. Lavish-(adj) expended,bestowed,or occurring in profusion
The irish girl lavishes her money in just a day.
The prince lavish the princess with gifts
9. Deceive-(v) to mislead by a false appearance or statement delude
The hero deceived the enemy by disguising a mankin to look like him.
Many magicians deceive their audiences eyes.
10. Attire-(v) to dress,array, or adorn
The princess attire beautiful for the wedding.
Many mens attire is sloppy.
11. Inhabitant- (n) a person or animal that inhabits a place. especially as a permanent resident.
The bird is an inhabitant of the nest up in the tree.
Many animals inhabit the rainforest.
12. Corporal- (adj) of the human body
Many peoples corporal is sore after a workout.
It is important to take care of yourself and your corporal.
13. Prologue-(n) a preliminary discourse;a preface or introductory part of a discourse,poem or
Many plays have prologue to explain the scene
Prologue give information to the audience for a better understanding of what's happening
in the scene.
14. Solicit- (v) to seek for something by entreaty earnest or respectful request
The patient solicit aid from the doctor.
Injured people solicit aid from the paramedics.
15. Interim-(n) an intervening time;interval;meantime
People who exercise need to take a interim to hydrate and relax.
People who have long painstaking jobs they have to take an interim once in awhile.
16. Implore-(V) to beg urgently or piteously,as for aid or mercy
The injured soldier implored help from the medic.
The villain usually ask in the hro has any implores before he is going to die.
17. Recompense-(v) to repay;remunerate;reward;as for service
The owner of the lost dog gave recompense for finding her.
Many people try to lure other people in by saying they will recompense.
18. Chastise-(v) to discipline, especially by corporal punishment
Prisoners receive chastise by being sent to jail.
If you are bad parents would chastise you by not letting you play video games.
19. Impede-(v) to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or hindrances
In track many events challenge the runner to impede obstacles.
A hurdle is an example of an impede.
20. Mettle- (n) courage and fortitude
Soldiers have mettle to go to war.
It takes great mettle to kill a deadly snake.